HONOR X9b 5G 评测: 除了耐砸,还有什么亮点?续航大提升!
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Channel: Mint
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Keywords: Mint, 薄荷, 马来西亚, MintTech, Mint科技, honor, honor malaysia, Honor Phone, 荣耀手机, HONOR X9b 5G, honor x9b 5g 评测, honor x9b 5g 开箱, 手机评测, honor x9b 上手体验, 荣耀x9b, #honorx50, honor x9b, honor x9b 5g, honor x9b开箱, honor x9b评测, honor x9b测评, 开箱honor x9b, 评测honor x9b, 测评honor x9b, 开箱评测honor x9b, honor x9b开箱评测, 荣耀x9b开箱, 荣耀x9b评测, 荣耀x9b测评, 开箱荣耀x9b, 评测荣耀x9b, 开箱评测荣耀x9b, 荣耀x9b开箱评测, honor x9b review, 坚固耐摔, 最强防摔手机, honor x9b配置, honor x9b 规格, honor x9b详细配置, honor x9a vs honor x9b, honor x9b 续航测试
Id: uBJcVJN4hkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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