πŸ”‰ Alien Riddles And Mystery Puzzles That'll Blow Your Mind 🀯

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[Music] welcome to the team the men with backpacks we're a special agency that controls aliens on earth and other planets it's a sort of police but we only deal with alien paint and now you're one of us I'm your new partner and don't worry I'll teach you everything let's start with the basics who's - first of all you have to learn to spot aliens on the street oh yeah they're walking around the city in broad daylight hey guys no one notices them but take a closer look let's get on this bus and check how many aliens can you see have you ever seen a man with four arms no of course not this guy's an alien what's wrong with her head nothing special all aliens from IQ 150 can do that did you see that picture I so there are three aliens here and here's our stuff now let's take a walk in the park there's always a lot to see how many aliens can you spot [Music] let's count did you see that extra eye the two pairs of eyes the hands instead of feet strange legs and the Frog with teeth there are five well done [Music] and now let's get on this elevator how many aliens are there [Music] can I in her hair weird snakeskin all right it's our floor let's stop by a clothing store how many aliens can you spot webbing on the hand little Hellion on the crossbar two pairs of ears and it goes through the mirror weird okay Sherlock good work so far time to solve some real cases here's our first call let's go attack on the street Sara was found unconscious on the street someone sucked out almost all her energy and left her there but luckily someone called 911 this looks like the working aliens from planet Semin ribs let's check her phone the last three calls are from 7:00 rid a lien let's question all of them I'm agent D here's my badge feel free to be who you are who you really are so what did you say to Sarah on the phone our class reunion is tonight I was hoping she'd come but in the afternoon Sarah called me she said she didn't want to go her boss had just fired her in front of all her colleagues we were planning to meet in the afternoon Sarah wanted to tell me about her problems at work she mentioned her boss mr. said or mr. Zed I don't quite remember I haven't seen Sarah for days I called her up to ask what happened to her who's lying which alien is lying any guesses partner mr. Zed he fired Sarah today so actually he has seen her robbery [Music] next call the alarm went off in the 7sr block that's our turf man let's go let's get in there now the alarm just went off in that house look did you notice anything strange apart from yourself no I live there I just left for work it must be some kind of system error so partner should we arrest that guy or not what do you think should they arrest him or not [Music] of course we should why didn't you lock the door the owners of the house are clearly out of town he's the robber we gotta take him straight to the intergalactic jail we're done here let's get back to her kidnapping aliens from Planet teaser girl have kidnapped one of our agents they've locked him in a box we managed to take a picture of it your spaceship is the nearest to the planet [Music] get over there and save our agent you don't wanna mess with those guys we'll rescue the agent secretly here's the base where they keep their victims we only have one chance before they spot us which bug should we teleport into our spaceship number six awesome let's bust out of here oh look it's morning already we've been flying around in space all night one more case man and we're done it's really important boss's car somebody stole our boss's car from a car service last night he bought it on the planet Mercedes and yesterday he brought the car to Mercedes car service for maintenance in the morning it was gone let's question the employees I went home at midnight all the cars were there eatle and I were late he finished his work earlier than I did and laughed I was fixing a car on the street in front of the service all night long I went home early in the morning I [Music] was at a birthday party we partied all night long my shift was in the morning I went to work right from the party the brothers was finishing his work when I came we chatted a bit then I went in I opened the door to service and so that the car was gone what do you say who is lying aren't you did those alien voices who's lying it's cross kick if somebody else told the car that night he'd have seen it he was working in front of the entrance it was a long and busy day dude and now it's time to go to bed we didn't sleep last night remember one last thing I have two drinks for you if you want to keep working in our agency drink the green one before bed you'll remember everything when you wake up if you want to quit have the red drink you'll wake up thinking it was all a dream make your choice red or green which drink would you choose write to us in the comments [Applause] you
Channel: 7-Second Riddles
Views: 608,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7-second riddles, brain teasers with answers, puzzles, riddles with answers, riddles, brain teasers, riddles and brain teasers, alien riddles, alien puzzles, mystery riddles, difficult riddles, increase your iq score, brain workout, cool puzzles, improve your logical skills, boost your brain activity, test your attentiveness, visual puzzles, test your critical thinking, hard puzzles, tricky brain teasers, test your detective skills, blow your mind, difficult puzzles
Id: oPZ51sPlVhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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