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a huge blast hit the local chemical plant the chemicals got into the water and even the air wait what was some B test can you survive zombie fest twenty twenty count how many of these eighteen puzzles you can solve and learn your destiny it all started here at the cemetery the chemical seeped into the soil and well how many newborns on these can you see you can use one two three the morgue wasn't the safest place either how many zombies are here [Music] do you guys think it's three it's not it's four don't forget the morgue worker I like was a tasty you know how people can be right a little bit what's the opposite of smart so who has the better chance of survival [Music] the zombie and fall into the manhole this girl's got a chance who has the better chance of survival this time the woman leaving town or the guy making a break for it wrong passenger lady but the guys still got a chance who has the better chance of survival this time the looter with a hippie hair the cop or the prisoner that cops running right into a trap and the looters in for a surprise - that guy can escape he can drive away even in handcuffs hungry zombies overtook the town no humans left well almost none how many can you see [Music] one two three a Groucho luckily you're still alive whoo whoo but that zombie mob is after you by a dead end two doors in front of you which one should you hide behind okay Sherlock look at the hinges door opens inward hmm the mod can push it open no problem outward and you know it'll be harder for the zombies on account of their neck right hide now you're hiding in a dressing room of a big store great oh no a bunch of people come in hide people or zombies what do you think maybe one of them's a lady their legs are switched gross zombies better wait till they're gone three doors lead out of the store but what's behind them hmm better look through the keyholes first some blinding light and oh that's hot maybe it's Shrek hmm strange Red Cross which door should you open fire 12:12 and the skin is great green that's a somber that's just an exit plate and your freedom basement or roof both well fortified which one's safer [Music] choose the roof you can look out see if they're coming are they coming are they coming zone burbs better wait till they're gone all right next door you gotta arm yourself gonna need some girls but you only have time to grab one item what should you grab does a Taser there's an axe there's a gun hmm how many zombie movies you've seen the gun needs ammo boom boom boom six shots and you're out the Taser needs to be charged hey like will it even work boom grab the axe hey at least you'll be able to bust through a doorway with it that zombie looks kind of like a hick right well that's just me a pair of eyes zombie eyes hmm they look familiar oh yeah it's your good friends or it was what should you do defend yourself with the ax or give up and let the friend bite you I hope you notice the ladder to the roof boom up to safety escape and save your friend's life or afterlife you got hold of a car nice time to get out of town but first get some food at the gas station what food should you take frozen pizza pasta canned beans what you like frozen pizza is gonna turn nasty without a freezer and you need a pot fire and time to cook pasta no thank you tied up in the tree and eat some beans they got protein and carbs to stay alive time to find some place to make a final stand hey zombies hate water whoo could be useful which is best a summer house in the middle of a lake for a tent in the middle of a wild river that lake looks pretty calm the zombies might make it across but the river current will keep them away it's gonna wash them away that tent was a wise choice my friend the epic zombie fest it just winds down humans and zombies eventually become friends factories even make soy flesh mmm so who's the zombie here oh it's so trippy here alright let's check it out that's not a zombie just a fashion trend and that is just got a tat world of zombies best game ever that's just his zombie friend on the phone anyway just don't make a big deal out of it but he's got yellow eyes no ear he's a zombie like it's totally cool [Music] who's the zombie here [Music] Starbucks Tom me that drink super hot and she's like totally okay with that feels no pain zombie alright guys three to go okay so like my neighbor just adopted a baby zombie she's that red nail polish looks awesome hey which customers is on babe my money's on cucumber eyes no her own nails are earth-toned oh she's a zombie alright guys last chance some humans are even jealous of zombies a human girl is in love with a zombie she's pretending to be one hmm which lady is a zombie and which one is a human yeah some bees don't eat hotdogs guys that's a human zombie test results are in 0 to 6 answers you don't stand a chance I mean it's a good thing zombies don't exist right 7 to 12 answers you'd probably get bitten on the first day train your brain solve 7 second riddles daily and 13 to 18 you're awesome you'll survive and thrive
Channel: 7-Second Riddles
Views: 653,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7-second riddles, brain teasers with answers, puzzles, riddles with answers, riddles, brain teasers, riddles and brain teasers, mystery riddles, zombie riddles, short riddles, easy riddles, zombie riddles with answers, improve your logic, improve your memory, brain warm-up, test your vision, test math skills, boost your brain, brainy puzzles, speed up your brain, test critical thinking, survival riddles, test your brain, test your attentiveness
Id: FKk27LEmoYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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