📣 The Power of Proclamation - Derek Prince

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ruth and i when i'm ministering we always begin this way god has taught us this and we've discovered that proclaiming the word just in faith at the beginning of a meeting makes a tremendous difference to the atmosphere in the meeting and to the anointing on the speaker we're going to proclaim isaiah 55 verses 10 and 11 which is one of our favorite proclamations we use it frequently in connection with our radio ministry and its outreach through the earth so here we are for as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven and do not return there but water the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me void yes it shall accomplish what i please and it shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it amen now let me say a little bit about the word proclamation or the verb to proclaim it comes actually from aladdin word which means to shout forth it's a strong word there are two related words in the language of the new testament confession or to confess and proclamation or to proclaim now confess or confession means to say the same as and for us as believers in the bible confession means that we say the same with our mouths as god has already said in his word we make the words of our mouth agree with the word of god and in that way we line ourselves up to receive the full backing and authority of jesus in hebrews 3 verse 1 the writer says that jesus is the high priest of our confession that's a very important statement if you have no confession you have no high priest he's our high priest in respect of what we confess in other words whenever we say with our mouth whatever the bible says about us as believers in jesus then we have jesus as our high priest in heaven releasing his authority and his blessing but if we remain silent in a certain sense we shut off his ministry as i please high priest and if we make a wrong confession we do even worse in a certain sense we invite negative forces to surround us and move upon us now proclamation is as it were confession made aggressive proclamation is a is in a sense a word of spiritual warfare it's releasing the authority of god's word into a situation into our own lives into the life of the church into a political situation whatever it may be there are countless different situations that need the power of god released into them and there is no more effective way to than to release the part of god into a situation whether it's your own life your family your church your nation whatever it may be than proclamation proclaiming is really the activity of a herald a herald is a it's a word we don't use very much today but a herald was a person with authority from a king or a duke or some nobleman who went to the particular area concerned and he made a proclamation of the will and the decision of god of the ruler in that particular place in the old days i don't know whether you've heard this they used to say oh yay or yay and then make the proclamation and when they said oh yeah oh yeah everybody sort of stood to attention and knew this is the voice of authority speaking to us and in the new testament although it doesn't come out in most translations the word for to preach is the word of a herald it's a word that means to proclaim one of our favorite scriptures is matthew 24 14 this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached but we prefer to say shall be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end shall come i've been a bible teacher for just about 50 years and i always felt my duty was to interpret the bible and explain it and help people to understand it but about 12 years ago the lord began to impress upon me the word proclaim and i felt somehow that he was challenging me to go beyond teaching and do proclaiming and the result was my radio bible teaching ministry which started on eight stations in the united states in 1979 and is now in 10 languages and really covers most of the globe and that is really a ministry of proclamation i think the key verse that stirred me was matthew 24 14 this gospel of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end shall come i came to see that the age cannot close until we have done our job as the church of jesus christ his witnesses on earth which is to proclaim this gospel in all the world as a witness to all the nations and i have learned by experience the tremendous power of the word of god simply proclaimed in faith it just accomplishes the most marvelous things uh there was a a woman in the united states who was everything that a woman ought not to be by christian standards she was a marxist she was a lesbian she was a feminist and she was she took it seriously i mean she was buying revolvers to shoot men with and somehow or another she found herself in a small ship in the china sea with some of her nefarious companions and they were going somewhere to do something bad and it seemed that a storm was coming up and so the other people said go down in the hole turn on the radio and see what you can find about the weather well she turned on the radio and happened to get my bible teaching on my proclaiming program from manila in the philippines and got saved in the hold of the ship i mean it couldn't have taken more than 50 minutes that the program isn't is only that long she's now as totally different and radical the other way as she was the bad way so that's just an example that was not teaching i didn't do a lot of explaining the word proclaimed did its work i want to take an example now from moses when god called him to go back and be the deliverer of israel out of egypt you remember god appeared to him in the burning bush and then god said to him in exodus chapter four now i'm sending you back to deliver israel and moses had lost all his self-confidence which he had at the age of 40 at the age of 80 he had no confidence in himself he said why me lord i can't do it i've got nothing what could i do it with and the lord said to him as he always says so practical what have you got in your hand and moses looked down and said well it's a rod just like every shepherd in the middle east carries he didn't think there was anything particularly important about his rod but the lord said throw it on the ground and when he did it became a snake and moses ran from his own rod in other words there was a potential in that rod he had in his hand which he had never anticipated or imagined then the lord said pick it up by the tail and everybody who deals with snakes knows you never pick a snake up by the tail but moses did i think he was trembling as he did it and became a rod in his hand and god said to him in effect now go with your rod that's all you'll need you can do the whole job with that one rod and if you analyze the rest of that part of the book of exodus the entire deliverance of israel out of egypt was achieved by that rod every time moses wanted god to intervene he stretched out his rod and god intervened and the result was in a sense that moses rested the rulership of egypt out of pharaoh and had it in his hand in his rod and the last scene was the passing through the waters of the red sea when the waters needed to be divided moses stretched out his rod the waters were divided when the egyptians were in the water pursuing them moses stretched out his rod the waters returned and destroyed the egyptians so the only instrument he needed for the entire task that which had god had called him to was that one shepherd's rod which he didn't think had any significance when he first held it in his hand now what i want to suggest to you if you're a bible-believing committed christian you have a rod you know what it is it's your bible if you've got a bible here i'd like you to hold it up and i'd like you to say this is my rod will you say that my bible is my rod with it i can do everything god tells me to do all right you may put your bible down now the first thing that we need to realize from the scriptures is the power of god's word we need to realize that this is a supernatural book just like moses rod it contains power which isn't obvious when you first look at it but when you begin to understand it its power actually is limitless just give you a few scriptures revealing the power of the word of god psalm 33 verse 6 by the word of the lord where the heavens made and all the hosts of them by the breath of his mouth but the hebrew word translated breath is the normal word for spirit ruach so all creation took place through two agents the word of god and the spirit of god everything that exists or has ever existed or will ever exist owes its origin to just two forces the word the spirit of god working together you see the word must work with the spirit i think that's maybe why the psalmist translated it breath and not spirit because i don't know whether you've ever studied this but i had to learn elementary phonetics when i was teaching english as a second language to african students and i discovered some interesting things about words if you think the tremendous power of words and yet how simple they are how do you speak you release word a breath out of your lungs it passes through your mouth or maybe through your nose and the various things that it's subjected to in your mouth and those determine the word that comes out but the basic truth is you cannot speak without breathing you have to breathe to speak and this is a picture of god every time god speaks his breath goes with his word his breath is his spirit so the word and the spirit of god always go together the word and the spirit of god brought the universe into being and they sustained the universe in being there's a very powerful scripture in second peter chapter three which tells us three things that the word creates the word maintains and the word abolishes second peter chapter three beginning in verse five by the word of god the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of water and in the water by which word the world that then existed perished being flooded with water but the heavens and the earth which now exist are kept in store by the same word resi reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men so by the word of god the heavens the earth were brought into being by the word of god they are maintained in being and by the word of god when god's time comes they will pass away so the word of god creates maintains and abolishes i think sometimes when i look at the mess that man is making of this planet i'm glad that the word of god can abolish that mess one day the word of god brought it into being the word of god keeps it into being and the word of god will cause it to pass out of being all that god does by his word now a scripture that ruth and i quoted at the beginning we might as well quote it again isaiah 55 10 and 11 points this out which i've just explained that the word must come out of god's mouth otherwise it's not effective so there we are how do we begin for the rain that's right thank you if i'm in the middle of preaching i always find it hard to remember what version for as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven and do not return there but water the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me void but it shall accomplish what i please and it shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it amen now notice god says my word out of my mouth in other words my word when it's propelled by my breath now in second corinthians 3 verse 6 paul says the letter kills in other words the bare word without the breath doesn't bring life it has to be the word and the spirit together so you can get some dry sermon which is all scripture but has no breath in it and it doesn't give life it gives death see the two must operate together the word and the spirit now i want to parallel with moses experience the way that we can make the word of god effective by proclaiming it proclaiming it is releasing it into a situation it takes confidence it takes boldness it's not for the timid you have to you have to make up your mind i believe this it's god's word and when i say it if i say it with a believing heart and through believing lips it's just as effective as if god himself said it when his spirit says it through me can you believe that can you believe that it doesn't have to be god speaking if the spirit of god propels the word of god through your mouth it's as effective as it was when god spoke the universe into being now the first thing that happened to moses was he got frightened he threw his rod down on the ground and he became a snake and he ran from it and i want to say to you that before we can be effective in proclaiming we have to learn to be afraid of the word of god we have to learn to tremble at the word of god isaiah says this or god says it through isaiah in isaiah chapter 66 the last chapter of isaiah the first two verses of isaiah 66 thus says the lord heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool where is the house that you will build me and where is the place of my rest for all those things my hand has made and all those things exist says the lord in other words the lord says you can't build me any temple or building that will impress me because i built the whole universe but he says there's one thing that does attract my favor just one thing he says but to this one will i look another translation says will i have respect whom will god respect whom will he take into account him who is poor and of a contrite spirit and who trembles at my word so you see like moses our first reaction has to be fear and or at the word of god there is far too little fear of the word of god in the church today we are too familiar with it we bandy it about and we quote it but we don't show real reverence for it and we have to change that attitude now let me give you two reasons found in the gospel of john why we should tremble before the word of god the first is in john chapter 12 verses 47 and 48 jesus is speaking he says if anyone hears my words and does not receive them or keep them i do not judge him for i did not come to judge the world but to save the world he who rejects me and does not receive my words has that which judges him the word that i have spoken will judge him in the last day so jesus says i'm not going to be your judge you're going to be judged by the word of god imagine yourself standing before almighty god i mean to give an account of your life which i believe all of us will have to do one day you would tremble you would be very concerned what jesus says is you should have the same attitude toward the word of god for it's the word of god that will be your judge every time we open the pages of this word and read it if we can understand it we're looking at the thing that will judge us one day no wonder we should tremble at it and then further on in john 14 verse 23 jesus makes another amazing statement he says if anyone loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him it's one of the very few places in the bible where the plural noun is used about god we father and son will come to him how will we come through what through his word in other words when we open up to the word of god if we can believe it god himself the father and the son is coming into our lives willing to make his home with us if it should ever be that somehow even in a vision you were to see the lord jesus maybe coming into your home you would be overwhelmed you would have a sense of awe you'd want to fall at his feet jesus says not only will i come but the father will come we will come through what through what through the word of god you see i have to say that most of us today in the contemporary church have got to change our attitude towards god's word we need to show a reverence an awe and a fear and it won't be effective in our lives in the way that i'm speaking about until we've learned to reverence the word of god now that's trembling at the word that's the first thing that happened moses he suddenly realized the power that it was in his rod and he ran from it he was over owned the second thing that he did was to take hold of the rod by faith he gripped it became a wrong gang in his hand so when we've trembled then we need to take hold of god's word we need to take a firm grasp on the word of god and there's a scripture in near the end of the book of psalms which to me is really impressive psalm 149 the last few verses psalm 149 beginning at verse 5 let the saints be joyful in glory let them sing aloud on their beds the saints i believe is all true dedicated believers the word saint hebrew word hasid how many of you have heard of hasidic judaism very ultra orthodox it means somebody who trembles at the word of god who's totally committed to it let the saints be joyful in glory let them sing aloud on their beds let the high praises of god be in their mouth and a two-edged sword in their hand to execute vengeance on the nations and punishments on the peoples to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron to execute on them the written judgment this honor have all his saints it's an amazing series of statements if you can identify yourself as belonging to the saints it says that we have to have the two-edged sword which is the word of god in our hands the high praises of god in our mouth and with it we can execute vengeance on the nations punishment on the peoples are you seeing yourself in this scenario do you realize that this is something god has for you to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with feathers of iron i do believe that means in part the satanic principalities that rule the nations but not exclusively and then it says in the closing verse to execute on the nations the judgment written and it says this honor or this privilege have all his saints have you ever pondered on that god has given us the privilege of executing judgment on the nations you see the prayer life of many of us would be different if we began to see ourselves in that line now it says to execute the judgment written or the written judgment where is the judgment written where do we find the written judgment that's right hold it up that's right it's in here we are not the ones to make the judgments god has made the judgments but we have the privilege of executing the judgments on the nations on their rulers in other words we have a unique and decisive part to play in history see how important this is and how i'd have to say how far away many many christians are from even beginning to understand all that god has made available to us and all that god expects from us but i want to emphasize we don't make the judgments we find the judgments in the written word of god but we execute them how do we execute god's judgments by what one word proclaiming that's right we release the judgments of god that are already written in the scripture we proclaim them we are the heralds we stand in the marketplace of the world and we say oh yea or yay and then we announce the decree of god now i think i'm going to try to be very practical and down to earth we come to the next stage after he grasped the rod what did he know next when he got back to egypt he stretched it out he exercised the authority that was in the wrong now i want to suggest to you that we need to do the same we need to take the written word of god and we need to stretch it out in any situation where the authority of god is needed and one of the ways i'm not saying it's the only way but i think in many ways the most effective way to release the authority of god into a situation is by proclaiming in faith and under the anointing of the holy spirit because remember the word must go with the breath but when there were two go together when the breath of god the spirit of god propels the word of god out of our mouths we can release it into a situation and it has all the authority of almighty god in that situation see god didn't step down off the throne take the rod out of moses hand and say moses i'll do it that's what most of us think i think expect to happen god says you've got the wrong you do it but it is called the rod of god in the book of exodus it was god's rod but moses held it moses stretched it out moses and aaron together it didn't make any difference whether it was moses or aaron it was the rod that did the job so i'm going to take now a whole number of potential situations beginning with those that are purely personal and going on to those that are national and international and i'm simply going to show you different ways that we can stretch out the rod now i'm going to ask ruth to come again stand beside me and all the proclamations that we're going to make now are proclamations that we regularly make in our personal devotions i tell you our personal devotions are not always quiet times sometimes we shout after all to proclaim is to shout out i don't say there's more power in shouting it just depends how the holy spirit prompts you we probably have somewhere between one and 200 proclamations that we make regularly and when ruth was fighting for her life this was our number one weapon and we would do it some of these proclamations we have made thousands of times you see if you've got a lot of negative thinking in your background and a lot of negative influences just saying it once doesn't change much maybe you've got to go on saying it until you think it until when any situation arises that's the way you react now i am british by background as most of you know and i tell my british people so i'm not afraid to say it americans british people tend to be extremely negative uh they're pessimists by nature and i was a pessimist of the pessimists god has been gradually revolutionizing me it's taken him a long while but i that one of my strange mental habits i think it must go back to childhood when i'm in a situation i automatically begin to think of all the trouble that could happen all the problems that could arise am i getting a car to drive i think now if there was an accident etc etc maybe some of you had the same problem and uh i've i've been using the weapon of the word many different ways but there's a scripture i don't even get i can't give you the exact reference it's in jeremiah 29 and the lord is speaking to israel and he says i know the plans that i have for you plans of good and not of evil another translation says plans of prosperity and not a calamity to give you a future and a hope so every time i find myself beginning to entertain some negative picture of some disaster i say lord i thank you that i know the plans you have for me plans of good and not of evil plans of prosperity and not of calamity to give me a future and a hope and i may have to say it several times but at the end of that the negative has been dissipated and i have a strong confident positive attitude and ruth i don't think has learned this one have you no so i'll say it i mean it's not one of our repertoire but it probably will be but anyhow the lord says i know the plans that i have for you plans of good and not of evil plans of prosperity and not of calamity to give you a future and a hope you start to say that every time you step into your car you're going to have a good journey you're going to accomplish the things that you set out to do your attitude makes a lot of difference it makes a difference the way people treat you you walk into a store and you walk in with a positive attitude and they'll they'll do something for you if you walk in expecting trouble or bad service or discourtesy and that's probably what you'll get see okay that's just by the way but as i say to people there's no extra charge for that now we're going to take i'll take some patent propagation proclamations but first of all remember it must be the breath with the word in other words it has to be the holy spirit and secondly what we do and i think it's a very good thing to do is we personalize it so where the bible says you we say we in other words we're saying this applies to us here and now now we're going to start with self-defense what happens when we're attacked and i could go on on this all the rest of this period but i am tired of moving in the area of need so many christians never get beyond their own needs so i'm going to go briefly through this area and go on to what i call the area of aggression where you're not defending yourself but you're attacking so suppose that you have a lot of dark negative forebodings and you're continually thinking about what would happen if i were to die and i mean there are lots of people with this attitude and some of them are here tonight and you've been told by the doctor like ruth was well we can't guarantee that you'll come through this we'll do our best here's a scripture we must have used several thousand times i mean ruth at certain times just lay in bed and said that that's all she said psalm 118 verse 17 i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord would you like to say that that doesn't take much memorizing does it alright i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord again i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord now but one thing you can do to make sure you're really bold is to turn and face somebody look them right in the face and say to them i shall not die but live it takes a certain amount of extra what the jews call hutzpah or nerve i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord amen and you feel better now don't you now suppose it should happen to you as it happens i mean preachers are particularly a target for this a lot of people are criticizing you and speaking against you and some are praying against you so what do you do well our remedy is isaiah 54 17 if you want to find it in your bible we'll just say now we say in our own particular way but it's based on this no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper and every tongue which rises against us in judgment we do condemn this is our heritage as servants of the lord and our righteousness is from you o lord of hosts you found it there you see how we personalize it we'll do that once more i mean we actually i'll tell you secret which is no longer a secret but everybody's going to know it all around the world sooner or later we say this every night before we go to sleep all right no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper and every tongue which rises against us in judgment we do condemn this is our heritage as servants of the lord and our righteousness is from you o lord of hosts that's why we can condemn the tongues that accuse us because they're accusing god's righteousness you see and that's always losing now i'd like to say just to clear the record after that we say if there are those who've been speaking or praying against us or seeking harm or evil to us we forgive them and having forgiven them we bless them in the name of the lord you see we replace the negative with the positive because the bible says if people curse you don't curse them back bless them paul said don't be overcome by evil overcome evil with good the only power strong enough to overcome evil is good so you have to learn to to meet the negative and overcome it with the positive but it has to be based on this word all right now suppose let's say our ministry is a sale or it could be our home or our family we have one that we're quite famous for in deuteronomy chapter 33 verses 25 through 27 we do this in the niv which makes it very powerful deuteronomy 33 25 to 27. the bolts of our gates will be iron and bronze and our strength will equal our days there is no one like the god of jeshua who rides on the heavens to help us and on the clouds in his majesty the eternal god is our refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms he will drive out our enemy before us saying destroy him amen that really frightens satan i'll tell you that and we have learned you have to destroy him god will drive him out you have to destroy him you have to put your foot on the enemy's neck we won't go into the details of that they're too bloodthirsty now let's point out we're not talking about human beings we're talking about spiritual forces in the heavenlies when we talk about our enemies our enemies are not flesh and blood your pastor is not your enemy your husband is not your enemy you might think so at times but that's not the way it is you have to learn that we're not fighting human beings these weapons are very powerful but they have to be used in the right context all right now suppose you should have any kind of need none of you do i'm sure but suppose it should happen financial or physical or healing we've got one proclamation for each first of all financial second corinthians 9 8 and we just changed the words a little but then basically the king james god is able to make all grace abound toward us that we always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work see it starts with three simple words god is able do you believe he's able it's important all right then it says what he's able to do and that is such a tremendous verse the word all occurs five times and the word abound or abundance occurs twice it wouldn't be possible to get more abundance into one verse than paul got into that and its grace notice that how is grace received by what by faith by grace you are saved through faith that's right it's not something we earn doesn't depend on our salary although that may be related but we receive it by faith in god's grace we'll do it once more this is i would say the financial basis of our ministry whenever we are praying for finance we start on this basis see we begin then we have a positive attitude so we'll do it again god is able to make all grace a bond toward us that we always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work and then suppose that you're challenged with something that you can't do it's too much you're just not capable you don't have the education you don't have the physical strength depends what it is and yet god has challenged you with it well we resort to philippians 4 13 but this is the prince version i happen to know greek and i think the lord gave me a really good rendering of the greek that brings out the meaning better than any other version i've ever heard but let me say it's not in print i've got people coming up to me and saying where can we buy it you can't i can do all things through the one who empowers me within i'll say that again i can do all things through the one who empowers me within i use the word empowered because the greek word is from dunamis which is normally translated power so there's a source of power within you that is released by your proclamation i can do all things through the one who empowers me within i don't have the education i don't have the strength but when it's the will of god when it's a task assigned by god there's one in me who empowers me from within and then suppose the problem is sickness one of our favorites is first peter 2 24. jesus himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree that we having died to sins might live for righteousness by whose wounds we were healed see puts it in the past tense if you notice when it speaks about healing in the atonement it never uses the future seven hundred years before jesus came isaiah said through his stripes we are healed after the atonement looking back peter said by whose wounds you what were he'll see that gives you a totally different perspective doesn't mean you automatically cease to be sick but it gives you a different basis on which to encounter and challenge sickness and sometimes you have to keep saying it a long while you just have to decide which is more reliable god's word or your symptoms now we're coming into a more aggressive area i'm going to talk about intervention in national and international affairs and ruth and i spend a lot of time praying outside our own needs praying for various situations the destiny of nations here are some scriptures that will encourage you and help you now one of our favorites we almost always end up with is daniel chapter 2 verses 20-22 and 4 34-35 first words were spoken by daniel the second by nebuchadnezzar but the message is the same i'll say that reference again daniel 2 20-22 and daniel 4 34 and 35 blessed be the name of god forever and ever for wisdom and might are his and he changes the times and the seasons he removes kings and raises up kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding he reveals deep and secret things he knows what is in the darkness and the light dwells with him for his dominion is an everlasting dominion and his kingdom from generation to generation all the inhabitants of the earth are refuted as nothing he does according to his will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth no one can restrain his hand or say to him what have you done consider that those words came from an unbelieving emperor never you could know i think he was a believer by that time but just think of the of the tremendous work of god in nebuchadnezzar's life that should encourage us that god can change ungodly and evil rulers if we learn how to pray and then we have two passages from second chronicles each of them is just one verse we take them from the niv and they are both prayers so if we're going to pray for say the situation in the middle east or whatever it might be before we pray the particular prayer we tend to pray these prayers because they get us going all right uh where are we um second chronicles 14 11. lord there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty help us o lord our god for we rely on you and in your name we have come against this vast army oh lord you are our god that's right that's i'm just going to get the russians again that's okay um now we've done that now it is there's no man prevail against you oh i didn't do that sorry i missed the last part out let's do that one again that was my booboo um lord there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty help us o lord our god for we rely on your new and in your name we have come against this vast army o lord you are our god do not let man prevail against you and then second chronicles 26 20 6 o lord god of our fathers are you not the god who is in heaven you rule over all the kingdoms of the earth power and might are in your hand and no one can resist you amen right this ruth is right and i'm wrong but anyhow i'm just doing the prince version you got the message now we'll do psalm 33 verses 8 through 12. we got to go rather quickly now this is a tremendously powerful affirmation when you're dealing with the world situation let all the earth fear the lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him for he spoke and it was done he commanded and it stood fast the lord brings the council of the nations to nothing he makes the plans of the peoples of no effect the council of the lord stands forever the plans of his heart to all generations blessed is the nation whose god is the lord and the people whom he has chosen as his own inheritance in other words who's going to come a winner out of it all the nation whose god is the lord all the plans of nations and united nations and governments are just nonsense if they're contrary to the plan of god all right now we're going to do in closing some things that relate to the middle east which is one of the areas that we pray most about now you might not have exactly the same burden but you can take the principles and apply them in your situation i want to point out first of all that the middle east and north africa is undoubtedly the hardest single area of the earth to penetrate with the gospel and there's a very important reason and it's a reason that brings out the power of proclamation you probably know that from every muslim mosque there goes forth a proclamation five times every 24 hours which says there is no god but allah and muhammad is his prophet etc and of course allah is not the god of the bible now uh the the muslim calendar started about 627 a.d so it's been going for more than 1300 years and that proclamation has been made five times every day from every mosque for more than thirteen hundred years let me give you a little calculation if it was made daily for thirteen hundred or plus years that would be four hundred and seventy four thousand five hundred days let's say rounded off half a million days and it's made five times every day so that's 2.5 million times that proclamation has been made from every mosque and you take the number of mosques and i imagine there must be at least half a million mosques in north africa and the middle east you've got billions of times why is there such a tremendously powerful anti-christian power over that area greater than any other area of the earth what is the cause of it it's that proclamation you see the power of proclamation negative or positive how can we overcome the part of all those negative proclamations what do we have to do to make the positive proclamation so we're going to give you an example and remember just in case you say well it's a hopeless task when moses was confronted by the egyptian magicians and they all threw their rods on the ground and they all became snakes you know what happened moses snake head up the snakes of the egyptians so in other words our proclamation overcomes every negative proclamation if we know how to make it so we're going to make two specifically in regard to israel and their land that are biblical the first is from psalm 125 verse 3 from the new international version the scepter of the wicked shall not remain over the land allotted to the righteous okay what's the scepter of the wicked in this context islam what's the land allotted to the righteous the land allotted to god's people the bible says no matter what politicians may say no matter what they may do the scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous now you have to say that in faith when everything looks exactly the opposite that's the time to say it you are stretching out that rod and your snake is going to eat up the snakes of the magicians and then psalm 129 verses 5 and 6. let them all be confounded and turn back that hate zion let them be like the grass upon the housetops which withers before it grows up and i serve notice on all those who hate zion they'll never grow to maturity they will never grow to full stature they will wither before they have full grown that's the word of god and it's going to come to pass and finally let me give you just one more passage about the restoration of israel in jeremiah chapter 31 and we're going to act on this if if we have time we're going to go through with it at least we'll do our best jeremiah 31 it says in verse 7 sing with gladness for jacob shout among the chief of the nations proclaim give praise and say oh lord save your people the remnant of israel if you take those words it says sing shout proclaim praise and pray there are five things sing shout praise proclaim and pray proclaim is one of them and then it says in verse 10 hear the word of the lord o nations and declare it in the isles of far off and that's florida he who scattered israel will gather him and will keep him as a shepherd does his flock that's what we say to the middle east and this present situation the same god who scattered israel is gathering him and will keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock let's say that shall we he who scattered israel is gathering him and will keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock now why don't we do what the bible says we've come to the end of the message why don't we stand up proclaim praise shout and show ourselves happy come on carl and help us to do some praising some proclaiming
Channel: Derek Prince
Views: 216,026
Rating: 4.8562512 out of 5
Keywords: the power of proclamation, the power of proclamation derek prince, fight satan with prayer praise and proclamation derek prince spiritual warfare, how to fight satan, praise as a spriritual weapon, derek prince sermons, spiritual conflict series
Id: GqGC90K9uwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 48sec (3468 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2013
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