How to Create Dynamic Target Line in Excel Chart (Noob vs Pro Trick)

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Okay, I'm done. Here's the column chart  you requested. It has the sales managers   with the items sold for this week. Oh cool,  thanks. But, wait, where's the target line? Oh yeah,   I forgot about that. And, the target  quantity for this week was 280, right?   Okay, so one second, we're  going to get it for you. Let me just add it in, okay? Yeah,   okay, yeah! That's it, there you go. You didn't just do  that? Is this how you've been creating a report   for the past weeks? Yeah, it's a bit of a pain,  but I've gotten good at estimating the location,   so don't worry. The ruler helps. Okay, so you  picked the wrong thing to be good at. You can   make that line dynamic and add it to your chart.  Step aside, let me show you. Okay, so there are   different ways of doing this, but I'm just going  to show you the easiest way. First thing you're   going to want to do is to transform this data into  a table, so the moment we have more sales managers   and more data, the chart is going to update  automatically. So, let's just go somewhere inside,   press Ctrl + T. Table has headers. I don't like this  table design. Let's go and remove that design,   okay? So, so, so far so good. Now, we are going to  add a new column for Target. This is going to   equal this. Press F4 to fix the referencing, and  now we have our series added. Okay, so your line   wasn't really straight, but your estimate was pretty good. Now, we obviously don't want   these to be columns, so we're going to right-mouse  click, change series chart type for Target in the   combo section here. Let's switch it to line.  There we go, we have our line. Click on OK,   and we have our line dynamic. Okay, I'm going to  remove your other line. The great thing about this   is that it's automatic. If this changes to 150, it  updates, if it's 300, it updates. I'll just put it   back to 280. Now, actually, we can even improve  this further. Let's press Ctrl + 1 to bring up   the settings, go to line options, and let's  add an arrow here. I want to make it thicker,   and the ending part should have that too. Now this  looks a lot better. Okay, we could also add the   target directly to this. I'll add it to the first  point. So, I'm going to select to add data labels,   but I don't want the data labels to show up  everywhere, so I'm going to click again, just to   select the first one. Right-mouse click, add data  label, now click, click to only select this one.   Press Ctrl + 1 to bring up the settings, or if you  double-click, it's going to come up. Scroll down,   show it on the left-hand side. That looks good. I  actually want to make it bold, and let's make it   bigger. Okay, we don't need this either. Delete,  and take a look at this beauty. And yeah, if you   don't want anyone to see this target series, you  can just hide it or better, let's group it. I'll   use the shortcut key, Shift + Alt and the right  arrow key. Now we have this group together,   but notice the line disappears. Don't worry,  right-mouse click, select data, hidden and   empty cells. We want to show data in hidden rows  and columns, and our line is back. What? So,   next time all I have to do is add the new numbers  and everything updates automatically. Yeah, so I   know it's hard to tell, but next time you find  yourself doing weird stuff in Excel, just ask. I'm so happy with the automation. You have no  idea. Look at this. I just paste the latest   values, update the target, and I'm done. Yeah, so  higher-ups want a bar chart instead. This column   chart is getting too wide for them with all our  new sales managers, so please switch to a bar and   add that Target line. The meeting is starting in  like five minutes, so be quick. No problem, let me   just do it. I'm just quickly, I'm going to insert  a bar chart. So, let's just highlight...where's   my insert here? Create a bar, that's it. Right  here, it was this one, right? That's my Target   line. Right-mouse click, change series chart  type, Target. I want a line. Oh, that doesn't look   right. It's the wrong way around. Your technique  isn't working. Let me just draw it. What, no,   no, okay, okay. Um, bar charts are tricky with the  second series. We just have like two minutes left,   time for a hack. Just move it. Okay, here's  what we're going to do. Delete this chart.   Let's just move this to the side. Now, I'm going  to highlight the cells the chart is sitting on,   press Ctrl + C, go to the side here, home,  paste, and paste this as a linked picture, so   not picture but a linked picture. This way, it's  a live picture. So, let's just turn this around,   and now we are getting a bar chart, but it's  not the way it should look. But no worries,   we're going to make the adjustments here.  So, first of all, it should be a lot thinner,   right? So, that looks better. We should bring the  bars closer, select them in our original chart,   press Ctrl + 1. For Gap Width, let's go with  40%. Now, this is starting to look great,   but we want to turn these around. So, let's select  the labels, under alignment for text direction,   change it to rotate text to 270. Now, this  looks good. We're also going to rotate this   one. I tend to click on this, but we have  to do it here. Select it. Let's go ahead   and rotate it to 70. That looks good. The same  for the data labels, rotate to 270. We have our   Dynamic bar chart created, and check this out,  if Target changes to 200, this updates, 320,   it updates, everything is dynamic, but we have a  bar chart with a Target line. Okay, I'm late, I've   got to run. Just save this on the drive, please.  What just happened? I wish I could rewind that.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 168,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Advanced Excel tricks, Excel online course, Excel tips and tricks, Excel for analysts, Microsoft Excel tutorials, Microsoft Excel, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2019, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, Excel 365, excel tips, excel target line, excel charts, excel add target, excel add average line, excel chart trick, excel combo chart, excel noob vs pro, noob pro, leila noob, target line in graph, column chart, ms excel, excel target line for bar chart
Id: tp9OXKcn7sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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