10 Hidden Features in Microsoft Excel (You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner)

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Get ready to update your resume that  you're advanced in Microsoft Excel,   because after this video, you will be. Last  time I did hidden features in Microsoft Word,   and this time I've got 10 hidden features that are  really useful in Microsoft Excel. And also I've   got eight more features that aren't really secret,  but more hidden in plain sight, you might say,   that are really useful, but not a lot of people  seem to know about them or know what they do. So if you end up enjoying the video, be sure  to give it a like, and let's just jump in.   Starting off, we have the camera tool, which is  truly hidden. It's not in the ribbon by default,   and I'll show you how to add it to that in  a second. But here's an example of how it   works. I have this demonstration Excel file  with a few sheets for some imaginary stores,   and say I wanted to monitor the totals  of each store from one summary page. Well, I can use the camera tool to take a snapshot  of whatever cells I want to keep track of,   and this way it acts more like an image. So  it's a little bit different than if I just   made a cell that referenced the other ones  that way. So that could come in handy. To   get this feature to show, just right click on  the ribbon and then hit customize the ribbon. Then on the right hand side, click "new  tab," and it'll make a new custom tab,   but you can rename it, and there will  also be a custom group beneath it   that you'll want to select. Then when  selected, look on the left hand side,   and in the drop down, select "commands not  in the ribbon," and then look for Camera. And then hit the button to add it to that custom  tab. Or if you can't find it for some reason,   it should also be under All Commands.  And now you have your own custom group   you can add other stuff to, and  it'll show up in there. All right,   next up we have the ability to import data  and tables from a website using Power Query. Say I want to copy the information from a  table, like on this website that has daily   interest rates. I could just highlight and  copy it all, but what if I want to keep it   up to date and not copy it every single day?  What I can do is go to data, and then "From   Web," it'll ask me for the URL that I put in,  and then hit connect, and then wait a second. Now I should see a list of all the data tables  on that site, and I can even hit Web View to   see which table is which, though the label might  be a bit cut off like it is here. Interestingly,   it seems to have even found some hidden columns  that didn't even show on the website. But anyway,   I can select the table and hit load,  and it will bring it into a sheet. And this table in the Excel sheet is now connected  to the table on that website. And you can see this   if you go to Queries and Connections,  and there is an option to hit refresh,   or you can just hit the Refresh All button  in the data tab. And that'll keep it up to   date whenever you want. There's also plenty  of other ways to get data using Power Query. I'm not going to get into all those, that would  take all day, but maybe you can look those up   yourself. All right, the next hidden feature  is 3D References. And this is if you want to   reference the same cell coordinate across multiple  sheets. Like maybe I want to sum all the totals   from each of these three sheets, and they all  happen to be in the K13 cell on those sheets. To do this, I would use the sum formula. And  in this case, I want to do a 3D reference of   a range of sheets. And I can do a 3D  reference of that range by doing the   following syntax. You would do the first  sheet, which is computer, and then a colon,   and then the last sheet name, which is science.  And then I would do an exclamation mark,   and then the coordinate of the cell I  want to reference from all those sheets. And now it will use those three K13  [cells] from those sheets. Moving on,   we have "Go To Special", which is useful  for a lot of stuff, but here's just one   example. Say I have a sheet with a bunch  of empty rows scattered in between those,   and I just want to get rid of all those  empty rows at the same time. What you   can do is go to the Home tab, and then under  Find and Select, you select "Go To Special." Or you can just hit F5 and then go to Special.  Then one of the options is to select blank   cells. And once you do that, they'll all be  selected. And then you can simply right-click   and hit Delete Row, and that'll get rid of  all of them. And you can see that using this,   there were other ways you could  select cells in an advanced manner. Now speaking of cool stuff, let me  tell you about today's sponsor, Mine,   which is a really cool service. Mine lets  you find out which companies have your data,   and lets you control where you do or don't want  to keep it. You start out by going to SayMine.com,   and just sign in with your email account you want  to analyze, and give it a minute to do its thing. Mine will only analyze the subject  line and sender of the email,   the first line preview snippet, plus  some metadata, to figure out which   companies you've interacted with. But as their  privacy policy states, they don't collect the   content of your email for analysis. Then  when it's done, it shows the results. For me, there are over 260  companies that have data on me,   which is probably not great. On the My Footprint  page, I can see a selection of these companies,   but I got up the courage to look at  the tab showing all the companies,   and it is eye-opening. By clicking on a  company, it shows me that for example EA   stores info like my financial, and identity  data, and even online behavior data and more. And I can see that it has a pretty  elevated exposure risk. Here's another   company that I barely remember signing  up for, but never ended up using and I   don't really want them to have my  data. So I can just click Reclaim,   and it will compose an email that will be  sent directly from my inbox to the company. And this point is important because companies  generally only honor requests coming directly   from the person. Then, after you allow it to send  the email, you can track and review your requests,   and cancel it within an hour if you  change your mind. And since privacy   is important for businesses too, Mine has  created a solution for companies to help   manage their own privacy operations, including  automation of handling requests from customers. So if you want to start reclaiming your own data,  be sure to visit SayMine.com and sign up. And I'll   also put that link in the description. And with  all that being said, let's continue. Next up,   we have the ability to enable circular references.  Normally in Excel, if you use a formula that   references itself, or a value that feeds into  itself, it'll give you a warning and block it. But you can actually enable it if you  go into the settings, and then formulas,   and then check "Enable Iterative Calculations."  And you can also change the max number here if   you want. Now any circular references will work,  and you can iterate another time by pressing F9,   or it also seems like if you edit  any cell, it'll again iterate. And while I can't exactly think of a good example  for why to use this, it still might come in handy   for certain people. However, I would keep  it disabled until you actually need it,   because most of the time you probably  don't want circular references. Okay,   this next one could be a lifesaver, and it  allows you to have Excel autosave more often. To do this, go to the Options menu, and then under  Save, look for "Save Auto-recovery information   every," and then the default is 10 minutes,  but you might want to lower that. Next up,   we have Custom Lists. Now you probably already  know that Excel will auto-complete common lists   like months of a year. But what if you have  your own list of things that you use frequently,   and would like that to be able to  auto-complete whenever you need it? What you can do is go to Options, and  then Advanced, and then under General,   look for "Edit Custom Lists." And this will let  you add a list of whatever you want. It does   have to be text, it doesn't seem to work with  numbers, but now it will auto-complete if it   detects that you're trying to expand  that list of things you added. Moving on, we have the developer tab, which  is not enabled by default, and you can enable   it by right clicking on the ribbon, hitting  customize the ribbon, and then simply check the   box next to developer. This adds several tools  that are pretty advanced, and usually have to   do with macros or forms, but it still might be  nice to have access to and know they're there. One example is being able to add check  boxes, though there are two types of these,   and you'll probably need to look up a  separate tutorial on how to use these   because they aren't very intuitive, but  you might want to know about them. The   next hidden feature is Advanced Properties,  and you can get to this by going to File,   and then Info, Properties, and  then click Advanced Properties. And here it lets you easily set a bunch of  different metadata for your Excel file that   you usually wouldn't be able to, like author,  title, company, whatever else. And there's a   couple other tabs if you want to mess around  this kind of stuff too. And next we have the   indirect formula, and I wanted to mention this  formula specifically because it's kind of unique. It's more like a meta formula, you might say.  You probably know that if you reference a cell,   like doing equals E5, like here, it will  just copy the value of that cell. But if   you were to do equals indirect E5,  watch what happens. It actually used   the value within E5 as the reference  instead of the value in E5 itself. This lets you do some interesting stuff,  especially when using it with named ranges,   which I'll explain in a second, and also  with referencing other sheets. Here's an   example where maybe I want to easily get  the total from any of my store sheets,   where each total is in cell  [K13] on the corresponding sheet. So I have a formula using indirect  that references the [K13] cell of   whatever sheet's name gets put in the  cell above, D4. So if I put in science,   it gets the [K13] cell of the science sheet.  But going off of that one, what if I wanted   to make this a drop-down list? So I kind of  have an extra hidden bonus feature for that. First, I want to have a list of  the possible drop-down options,   and you could put that anywhere.  Then I'll go to the Data tab,   and then Data Validation. In the Allow box, I'll  select List, but you can also select something   else to restrict what kind of data can be  entered into that box for other purposes. Then make sure that "In-cell dropdown" is checked,   and for source, select that list of cells you  made for the options, and then click OK. And   now you can simply select the options as a  drop-down instead of having to type it out,   and the indirect command makes it auto-update.  All right, so those are all the features that are   more hidden, but now we can get to the part  of features that are hidden in plain sight. So they might be right in front of you, but  you never used them. And we can start off   with named ranges. This might be more common,  but you really need to know about. To do this,   just select any range of cells, and  then look at the box at the top [left],   and you could actually type in a  name here to reference that range. So for example, maybe I want to select  this whole column of totals on this sheet,   and name it "ComputerTotals". This way,  I can simply do equals sum ComputerTotals   instead of having to select it.  When you reference a named range,   it doesn't appear to be case sensitive, and also  if you forget what all the named ranges are,   you can click the little drop-down in  that box and it should show all of them. Next up, we have the Quick Analysis box, which  shows up every time you select a range of cells,   but you probably maybe never  looked at it. When you click it,   it gives you quick access to a bunch of common  actions, such as conditional formatting,   creating a chart for that range, and  creating a new row with various totals. So this might come in handy. Next up, we have the  forecast sheet. You can get to this by going to   data, forecast, and then Forecast Sheet. This  does some basic forecasting based on the data,   and shows you even upper and lower ranges as  well. It's like a prediction. You can also   expand the forecast length, and you can even  expand the options for lots of more settings. And if you want, you can hit create to create a  chart and table with that forecast data. Moving   on, we have the Watch Window. To get to this,  go to formulas, and then formula auditing. Here,   you can add multiple cells that you may  want to keep track of, such as maybe you   want to monitor the grand total value in the  summary sheet while updating another sheet. And that'll show the live up-to-date value when  you're somewhere else, for example. Next though,   I want to talk about more of these  formula auditing features as a whole.   And that's also located under formulas,  formula auditing. One really cool one is   Trace Dependents or Trace Prededents. If you  select a cell that has a calculated value,   it will show you where that value came from  in terms of like the different calculations,   and it'll show you with arrows on those various  cells, or what cells it depends on going forward. Another really powerful option  is Evaluate Formula. To use this,   say we have this example with a table of  expenses, and you see one of the totals is   wrong. No way you spent $60 on strawberries.  But that cell uses a formula based on other   stuff. And just imagine that this is a way more  complicated spreadsheet with a ton of steps,   and you want to figure out what is causing  this high total, where things are going wrong. So you can select that cell and hit evaluate  formula. And I'm just going to give you the   short version of what this does, but you  should probably just go watch a dedicated   video for how to actually use it. But basically  it lets you step into variables in the formula,   which basically means digging down  to trace what happens for each step. You can also Step Out and go up a level and  the Evaluate button lets you calculate values   during each step. Eventually, I could see that  the price is set at $8 for each strawberry,   which surely must be a mistake. Again, it might  not be very useful in this example, it's easy to   trace yourself, but in a much more complicated  situation, it could really come in handy. All right, moving on, we have one of  my favorites, which is Conditional   Formatting. And you can get to this by going  to Home and then Styles. And this lets you   change the visuals of cells based on their  values. You can just hover over and see some   of the presets for what they do. Maybe you  want high values to be in red or whatever. Most of these are fully automatic  presets, but for others, it might ask   you for additional info. Like if you want  to highlight values that are greater than   some value you select. But you can set really  complicated rules if you want. Like you can go   to "format cells based on value,"" and then  you can customize the scale for what ranges. You can also choose what colors each thing  shows up as. One of my favorites is "format   only cells that contain." And then you can  do stuff like Specific Text, or even have a   few options in there. Or you can select specific  cell values or ranges. A useful example might be   changing the cell color of something, depending on  whether it says True or False text, for example. Or you can even set a whole custom formula  to determine which cells to format. Really   powerful. And then of course, for all of  these, you can change what the cell will   look like based on the rules, and you can  actually set multiple rules too. All right,   moving on, we have sparklines, which is  pretty cool. So say we have a bunch of data,   like inches of rain per month for a whole  bunch of cities, that we want to visualize,   but we don't want to make one huge messy graph,  but rather we want like a mini graph for each one. What I can do is go to the Insert tab,  then Sparklines, and then Column. Then   I can select the data range, and then select  the cells to put the graphs in. And then you   can see that each row now has its own mini bar  graph. Now, obviously it's not as much data as   you would see with a full graph, because  it doesn't have the scales or anything, it's all relative. But still might come in  handy. And if you don't want to do bar graphs,   there's also option for a line graph. And  there's also one for a win loss graph,   like for showing if values are simply  positive or negative. The next feature   is the ability to apply the same  change to multiple sheets at once. You can select the multiple sheets  a few different ways. For example,   you could right click a sheet and then hit  Select All Sheets, or you can hold Control   to select multiple sheets individually, or  you can hold Shift and then select a range   of sheets. And now if you do something  like resizing the columns of one sheet,   it'll do it to all of them, which is really  useful if you want it to be consistent, so stuff shows up in the same place when  switching through tabs. Just remember   to unselect the tabs after you're done,  because you don't want to accidentally   change a bunch of data on more sheets than  just the one you're working on. So hopefully   you found these helpful. Let me know down in the  comments if you already knew about some of these,   and maybe which ones you learned about that  you're definitely going to start using. Thanks again to Mine for sponsoring  this video. Again, be sure to visit   SayMine.com so you can start reclaiming your  own data too. And that link is also in the   description. If you enjoyed the video,  again be sure to give it a big thumbs up   for my YouTube algorithm overlords. Also if  you liked the video, consider subscribing. I try to make videos about twice a week,   usually Wednesday and Saturday. And if you want  to keep watching, the next video I'd recommend   is where I talked about hidden Microsoft  Word features. Same idea as this video,   but for Word. You can just click on that right  there. You'll probably find it pretty cool. So thanks so much for watching,  and I'll see you in the next one.
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Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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