💡 New Bookmark Functionality in Power BI 🏷️

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[Music] hello folks my name is matthew peterson and i'm a trainer at pragmatic works where we do everything from on-demand learning uh to private trainings to virtual mentoring to hackathons and we have this youtube channel as well so if you're here for the first time make sure to hit like subscribe we'll like the video if you like it at the end but make sure you hit subscribe because that way you'll get notifications for every video that we drop and we typically drop uh two to three videos every single week covering things like power bi power apps azure sql uh so this week's video that i'm bringing to you is all about power bi in a new functionality that was brought into the november 2021 update and it all is around bookmarks so whether you've used bookmarks in the past or this is your first time hearing about bookmarks we got a pretty cool feature to show you now what bookmarks do is give you the ability for your end user your data consumers to select something on the report page and then see a very specific view of exactly what you want them to see this is great for data storytelling when you're trying to make that impact you're trying to make that change at your company or that that call to action and there's certain views of the data that you want them to see now the old way of doing bookmarks is a little bit cumbersome because you would have to set up individual views of your bookmarks you'd have to add things to the report page for your users to click on and then you'd have to tie an action to those clicks for what bookmark it was going to now with the new update you don't have to do all of that so now that you're here let's take a look at how we can use this new updated feature i'm going to compare it to the old way as well as how we now can do it so let's head on over to the desktop application take a look at my report so as you can see i have a report right here and i've already set up a bookmark the old way so i have an info bookmark and this is a video i did about two three months ago where i had a during one of my vms my user said hey i have a custom my people who are using these reports they're not the most power bi savvy is the way just to give them like some quick facts about the report i said yeah there's a way so we set it up and i said you know what let me make a youtube video about it so i just made this in powerpoint made a quick little slide out of it took a screenshot added it in and as you can see this just has a few things on it a few user tips so if you're interested in how i made this i'll put the link in the description of this video for the video i had recorded about a few months ago but in order for this bookmark to work i had to add it to the page i had to use my selection pane in order to hide and show certain things which we're not going to go up to too much in this video but then the last part was adding action so for example this x icon that's currently on this view i have an action added to it and the action that i have added to it as i say i want you to go to a bookmark and the bookmark i want you to go to is the no info bookmark so when they click on this and when you're testing bookmarks on the desktop you have to hold down the control key so they click on it and it takes them to no info bookmark which i don't have the information showing well how did i get to that original bookmark well they had to click on that eye icon again what did i have to do in the initial setup i had to add an image or button and i put the i button in here i then had to come down to the action attach it to a bookmark and say take them to the info bookmark so you can see that if you've got maybe five or six bookmarks on one page it's a little bit cumbersome right so how did power bi give us an update that makes this a little bit easier well let's take a look it's located in your insert ribbon so what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna go to the insert ribbon we're then going to come over to buttons and then we're going to come down to navigator and again you have to be running the 2021 edition or later so i'm going to say you know what let's add in my bookmark navigator so when i select it as you can see it has now added all three of my bookmarks into this little navigation experience so what my end users can now do is they can click on the info bookmark and they've already got it tied right to the page i didn't need to make a separate button and if they click on no info bookmark you can see that now they're at the no info but a little bit of an issue right so fairly easy to set up but you're saying matt what if i've got 10 bookmarks and i only want to show a few of them for this one page how do i accomplish that well the way that you're going to do that is you're going to set up groups in your bookmark so you're just going to organize basically by page or however you want to do this of what bookmarks you want to be displayed very simple process so let me show you how we do it so over on the right hand side here i'm going to come on over to my bookmarks pane and if you don't know how the bookmarks pane is accessed it's in the view ribbon and you just click on bookmarks pane and so once i'm here i'm going to control select what i want to have so i want the info bookmark and i want the no info bookmark and so that's one of the things like when you're control selecting it doesn't look like my control selected no info that it was selected so just in case you run into this issue if you just move your mouse off of it you can see that both are highlighted so just a little troubleshoot there so now that we have that done i'm going to come over hit the ellipses and say i want to group these and so now this is group one so again so this us married is no longer going to be in this bookmark up here so what i want to do is update this bookmark navigation experience so i have it selected up here again now when i come over to the format pane and i go underneath bookmarks instead of bookmark being all i'm going to change this to only showing group one and so now we only have group one so if i control select info bookmark i've got my info bookmark if i go to no info bookmark i've got the no info however there's another feature part of here because if i only got two views the info and the no info do i really need to take up that much space on my report page well i don't because we have an option for deselection meaning when we deselect a bookmark it can go to a specific view of another bookmark and that's going to save us space right here on the report page so let me show you how we set this up again a lot of new features here and hopefully you're going to see that you can utilize these in old reports and new reports that you're making so the way that i utilize this feature is we're going to still select the entire bookmark navigation itself and then over on the right hand side i have this allow d selection so this is going to be what do i want to happen when somebody deselects something so i'm going to say allow deselection turning it to on and then i click what do i want them to what do i want to launch when somebody deselects it now i could say none but that really doesn't serve a purpose for my scenario so i'm going to say you know what when they deselect i wanted to go back to the no info bookmark stage so my goal here is i'm just going to have one button they click on it information shows my info bookmark when they unselect it boom it goes away so that's the end goal of what i'm trying to accomplish so i'm going to say on deselection go back to my no info bookmark so let's see what happens here if i click on my info bookmark there it goes if i now unselect it now it's gone now you might have also noticed that when i set up that deselection this high deselection button was turned to on well that's really what i want because if i if i put it off here it still works the same way so if i come over here and i hit info bookmark and then i unselect it it still takes me back to no info but this really is taking up real estate that i don't need so that's definitely why i would put the high d selection bookmark to on so right away we are seeing some really good functionality with this setting up these bookmarks much quicker but you have the ability to format these as well you're not stuck to just that that rectangular shape itself and where all that's going to be accessed is right back over here again in your format pane so in your format pane if we come on up to the shape we can see right now we're set to rectangle but if i'm feeling more that i want some kind of a octagon i can choose octagon we get the octagon image here um we then can change the rounded edges we can change the size we can change our text the fill the outline all of your regular formatting options that you had with old shapes they're still here they're just embedded in what's called the bookmark navigation now what i'm going to do real quick to show you that there's another thing you can do with the layout of them is i'm going to change my bookmark back to showing all three of them just so this is a little bit easier to see so over here i'm going to come back to the bookmarks itself i'm going to say let's show it back to all and then i'm also going to do our high d selection just so you can see the different uh different ways we can format this and so then over here for my grid layout come on up here we can do either horizontal which we currently see we have the option for vertical which i would need to definitely move this over but you can see vertical you can do something like putting this on the left-hand navigation side of your page it's really about what you want to see and then your other option that you have is for a grid so it looks more like that grid experience so again this is just a way you could take an old bookmark set it up change it over to this new bookmark experience and it's really how much fun and how much design do you want to have with it now i have other reports where i have images and icons that are attached to my bookmarks so one image is a table one is a chart so i think i'm gonna still keep those the way they are because i just like to see that but if you're just going for that quick nitty gritty setting these bookmarks up with not having much experience look how quick and easy it is so i hope you enjoyed this video i hope to see you in future ones um like subscribe to the channel comment below uh and if there's any future videos that you want to see done please let us know because a lot of the videos that we make on our channel come from comments from our end users so again i hope to see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Pragmatic Works
Views: 4,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power BI Desktop, Bookmark Navigation, November Power BI Update, Pragmatic Works, Matt Peterson, power bi bookmarks, power bi bookmarks and buttons, power bi bookmarks selections, power bi bookmarks tutorial, power bi, power bi desktop bookmarks, power bi desktop tutorial for beginners, power bi tutorial for beginners, bookmark power bi, bookmarks in power bi, bookmarks power bi, how to create bookmarks in power bi desktop, using bookmarks in power bi, Microsoft
Id: HBZertRTzd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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