C2 Proficiency English GRAMMAR Quiz 🎓

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okay so in today's video we've got a 50 question grammar quiz c2 level really really difficult i think i haven't looked at the questions at all i've had no time to prepare so that's my excuse if i get any of these wrong i am english you know this is a something i get asked i'm doing these videos i am though it's sometimes hard to believe i am english and uh i get um i i don't want to get any of these wrong but 50 questions and i think i think it gets progressively more difficult as we go further along the test but let's just get started i've seen this first question i think i know the answer so it's a good start uh when i first came to britain it took me a long time to on the left yeah to get used to driving on the left i think is the correct option there so just be careful i don't choose the wrong one to get used to driving on the left yeah to become accustomed to driving on the left yes it's the second option correct got to be really careful as well here because it's really tiny i'm on my phone if i press the wrong button it gives me an incorrect answer so there's another excuse i have uh yo my finger slipped good start one out of one okay number two uh okay my daughter my daughter seemed to spend and my daughter is planning to spend a year before university working in australia seems to me to be a censor by a sensible idea so yeah uh it's it's a relative clause non-essential information um non-defining relative plus yeah it has to be which after the comma yeah two out of two no problem so far it i think i believe it gets more difficult actually i'm not sure if it gets more difficult or if they're in random order the questions actually so so i'm not sure but i think there are some more difficult ones coming yeah that one's fairly easy i think number three uh number three it says he escaped by a hair's breath the hair's breadth the breadth of the hair a breadth of a hair no it's uh an expression which means by you know breadth refers to how wide something is no uh so we say by a hair's breath by a very very tiny amount uh he only just escaped he escapes by we say another expression he escaped by the skin of his teeth your teeth don't even have skin that's how thin that's how narrowly he avoided um being caught yeah three out of three no problem so far okay did you really understand all which he said what he said when he said all all that he said everything that he said yeah has to be that all that he said yeah yeah it's that definitely yeah i'm starting to i'm starting to worry already four out of four though so pretty good um c2 students i think probably should be getting four out of four so far maybe the hair's breadth one was a bit difficult but okay five i hm rather you didn't tell my parents about this so yeah i would prefer it if you didn't yeah it's got it's got to be i would no i would rather you didn't tell my parents about this yeah you've got to be careful sometimes because you know got to read the sense the tense rather of the questions and everything it's really uh some real trick questions here but okay number six we were at a disadvantage that we did not have a very good knowledge of the language the others were using uh yeah because so it's like we're at a disadvantage in that in that we did not have a very good knowledge of the language the others were using yeah in that in the sense that no er yeah that's the only possibility i think there yeah good okay number seven i take great exception the implication that i was not telling the truth i take you so when you disagree with something um you can take exception i think it's i wanted to say two but now i've seen with i take great exception to the implication that i was not telling the truth exception with no i disagree with i take exception two two please be two yes i forget you know it's i haven't lived in england for 12 years uh i'm like i know i do still read and watch telly and everything in english but god you you sometimes i think it's just the pressure of a test i left uh i left education and a decade ago more than a decade ago and uh you're just not used to this pressure anymore anyway seven out of seven um by the time you're my age you your mind you will probably have changed your mind that that sounds good you will probably change your mind now by the time so no it's by the time we're going to use future perfect i think it's the first one you would probably change your mind no you are probably changing it no no uh by the time now so we're talking about at that point in the future this is what will have happened by then no so we use future perfect you will have you prob you will probably have changed your mind yeah okay eight out of eight it's going well i don't know what i was worried about uh you'd rather stay at home tonight yeah i think that's fairly easy no it's um i'm asking you what you would rather do no you would rather stay at home tonight wouldn't you no you would the question tag at the end is going to be wouldn't you no yeah this is actually not too difficult so far but yeah i think there are more difficult ones to come okay number 10 i had no sooner told her what i thought of her i wished i'd held my tongue okay this is a really uh difficult sort of almost like an expression but it's actually a comparative structure i think so i had no sooner told her so it's the same as saying as soon as i told her i i wished i hadn't you know i wish i'd held my tongue so no sooner had i told her what i thought of her than i wished i'd hold my tongue i think yeah and the clue there is the sooner now so it's got that comparative adjective no sooner than no so no sooner had i told her what i thought of her than i wished i'd held my tongue yeah as soon as i said as soon as i told her what i thought of her i thought to myself oh no i shouldn't have said that yeah okay then all right so 10 out of 10 so far but there are 50 questions so 11. they live about from here an hour of drive no a drive hour an hour's drive a drive of an hour yeah um again i suppose you know if you haven't heard this expression yeah we would say an hour's drive uh they live about an hour's drive from here so it's about an hour in the car to their house from from from here no an hour's drive a bit like a hare's breath again the structure not necessarily obvious okay 12. uh i can reassure you that everything as quickly as possible uh will be dealt will deal will deal with will be dealt with so i think uh what we're looking at here is the um is the is the deal and uh when you have a problem you deal with a problem no um i can reassure you that everything as soon as possible we're gonna use will definitely uh everything it's a passive structure so it's going to be dealt will be dealt with everything will be dealt with as soon as possible uh yeah okay no problems 13. you must phone us as soon as you well this is actually a problem for a lot of people because um obviously if you speak romance languages there's a subject subjunctive tense here and obviously it doesn't translate well into england into english you know what tense we use for the different subjective uh subjunctive text uh oh god subjunctive tenses in for example spanish depending on the context we'll use a different tense but with as soon as when until before after we tend to use uh present simple so you must phone us as soon as you get home yeah no problem there okay i benefited a great deal taking that online training course from with for off well if something has a positive uh effect uh on you or or you gain something from doing yeah you you benefit from something so i benefited a great deal from taking that online training course yeah absolutely um again not too difficult okay 15. i've never heard ridiculous speech as such such a so ah so well you could say i've never heard a speech so ridiculous you could say that speech is so ridiculous that i can't believe it um but no the structure here uh when you have an adjective noun such ah yeah i've never heard such a ridiculous speech okay so far so good not not too difficult to be honest um 35 questions to go though uh there are going to be some tricky ones so 16. i'm sure he only said those things for annoying me to my annoyance to annoy me for annoy me well this is purpose why why did he say those things to me with the you know in order to annoy me yeah i think again not not too difficult to be honest uh if this is a c2 grammar test i'm uh i'm more than ready okay 17 it was the collapse of the dot com boom that finally did with him out him for him off him there it was the collapse of the dot-com boom that finally did did with him did help him did you feel him i think there's something missing there surely um so you hmm i'm i'm so okay all right i'm assuming this is a person who had some kind of um business that was doing well during the dot com like the boom of the internet and that then collapsed his business then collapsed so but i've got a problem here did with him that finally did with him that's that's not right no finally like ruined him that finally uh destroyed him i suppose is what we're trying did out him uh something can out do you but not do out you something can out do you to outperform you to perform better than you wouldn't really make sense in this context either did for him i don't know you could say did it for him there's something missing here i think did for him did it for him but that would be a good thing even if we did have it that finally did it for him well it could be like the final straw the thing that made him take the decision but there's something missing here so if i get this wrong i'm sorry i'm not accepting it it doesn't make sense did off him did him off there's something missing finally did him off maybe you could say it like killed him essentially figuratively i suppose i'm gonna go with off but i don't think the sentence is correct yeah so what is it yeah that doesn't make sense no i'm not accepting that i'm not accepting that that sentence does not make sense it was the collapse of the dot-com boom that finally did for him uh no it would be did it for him did it for him that was like the final straw was the thing that made him decide yeah i need to do something else i need to close my business or something yeah that's not an incorrect answer i knew that it had to be did it for him there's something missing there that's definitely a mistake yeah that's definitely a mistake there's no doubt about it um yeah i did off him doesn't make sense but i thought maybe they were thinking did him off finally like destroyed him or did it for did it for him yeah anyway i'm gonna move on but i am saying i've got 17 out of 17. i'm not accepting that one no way not in a million years uh okay 18 you change you to change your mind about handing in your notice we would be happy for you to stay with us should unless if were i think a lot of people would say if here um but you've got to be careful because it says you to change your mind uh and i think a lot of people might say should and both of those won't be correct without two so you could say should you change your mind about handing in your notice which is a bit more formal than saying if you change your mind about handing in your notice we would be happy for you to stay with us um so in this case i think it would be were you two no it's it's kind of like a subjunctive a leftover from the from the subjunctive that we used to have were you to change your mind about handing in your notice we would be happy for you to stay with us yeah that one sounds uh that one sounds better um yeah and it means the same as should you change your mind or if you change your mind it's hypothetically were you two we would be happy for you to stay with us okay he should have spent all the weekend preparing for his test he in fact just lay in bed watching videos um however he should have nevertheless whereas despite however no nevertheless no whereas whereas now while he should have been doing one thing whereas he should have spent all weekend preparing for the test he in fact just lay in bed watching videos yeah okay number 20. unfortunately their house uh while they were at the restaurant celebrating their anniversary unfortunately their house uh while they were in the restaurant celebrating their elevate had burgled no uh got burgled went burgled burgled passive passive got now their house got burgled their house got burgled that's what happened to their house somebody went into the house and stole their possessions okay no problem there 21. the president resigned the whiff of scandal remained very topical uh the width of scandal remained therefore otherwise immediately nevertheless so it's like even so even though the re the president resigned the smell the width of scandal remained so nevertheless i think is the answer there nevertheless even so no even though he resigned yeah okay uh we promise to keep in touch happen to us in life we promised to keep in touch whenever whatever however wherever uh well we're talking about things happening to us now so whatever no i think whatever happened to us in in life actually i'm just gonna uh put my phone on don't disturb and i'm back uh god i'm uh you just can't be this popular you know it's it's it's dangerous okay good so we're on 22 23. uh the more i get to know him the most much less lesser i like him the more i get to know him the less i like him now no yeah i don't think there's any other option now it's as this increases this this decreases yeah no no two ways about that okay 24 try as i mean i couldn't turn the key okay this is an expression either you know or you don't try as i might try as i should try as i could try as i would yeah it means no matter how hard i tried try as i might i couldn't turn the key i kept trying but the key just wouldn't turn in the lock so there you go okay 25 the old lady came near to of pneumonia but to everyone's amazement she pulled through uh near to death die dying being dead of pneumonia uh she claimed she came close to dying she came close to dying of pneumonia she came close to doing this activity no a dying of pneumonia it's essentially a noun phrase isn't it even though it's a verb it's a noun phrase so she came close to what what did she come close to dying of pneumonia but to everyone's amazement she recovered she pulled through that's a nice story with a happy ending okay if the decision hmm before he arrived he would have been furious careful he would have been furious if the decision was taken was being taken would have been taken had been taken um so this is a third conditional and uh in the conditional calls we're going to use perth uh present perfect now uh sorry no past perfect is what we're going to use so if the decision had been taken before he arrived he would have been furious but we waited for him to arrive and then we made the decision together no so he wasn't furious and everyone was happy another happy ending great 27 he crept in his parents should wake that is very difficult so he came into the house very quietly because he was worried that his parents would wake up so he crept in lest otherwise whereby unless yeah again i think you know either you know it or you don't bit of a formal expression he crept in lest his parents should wake up so yeah good this time next week i won't be in a stuffy office on a beach in spain i'll have lane i'll be lying i'm lying i'll lie uh well we're talking about what you will be doing now i think this time next week so we're talking about a point in the future and what you will be doing at that time yeah it has to be future continuous now i'll be lying on a beach in spain yeah no problem there capital punishment was done in britain nearly half a century ago ago so this is a phrasal verb to basically mean abolish no eliminate something uh get rid of um was done out for off by away with over from yeah capital punishment was done away with in britain nearly half a century ago okay very good let's continue number 30. i can't imagine any reason he should have behaved in such an extraordinary way i can't imagine any reason for that why how uh i can't imagine any reason uh why he should have behaved in such an extraordinary way yeah i don't understand why i can't imagine any reason why uh he should have behaved in such an extraordinary way this is not too difficult actually is it i had no difficulty their house although they had said that people often did that often people did have difficulty but i had no difficulty uh to find to finding finding for finding i had no difficulty doing something yeah you put the verb in ing after the expression of have no difficulty i had no difficulty finding in such a plight a plight is like a bad situation no in such a plight that we had no choice but to radio for help and such a plight we found ourselves we ourselves found did we find ourselves did we ourselves find in such a plight did we find ourselves so this is what uh i think we call this what we call we call this inversion i think uh basically it takes the form of an interrogative sentence even though it isn't one uh so we do this with sort of adverbial phrases a lot of the time um yeah quite difficult to explain in a short couple of sentences but yeah i i think the answer here is in such a plight did we find ourselves that we had no chance uh we had no choice but to radio for help so we found ourselves in such a difficult situation that we had to um radio for help okay good next one 33 his grandfather often dozes so he often falls asleep he sort of you know uh dozes in front of the tv after dinner dozes yeah out dozes over dozes off does us in we also talk about nodding uh because your head starts leaning forward like that you talk about nodding off or dozing off so he often dozes off in front of the tv after dinner yeah no problems there no offense intended i think you haven't understood the problem correctly no offense intended if when as but uh so i think i think this is like a you know you would say just initially before i say what i'm going to say i don't mean to offend you but i think you haven't understood the problem correctly i think it's butts no yeah good no problem again god i'm killing it it's uh yeah i'm surprised at how few problems that have been to be honest kevin will do well in the job he stays on the right side of the boss so he'll have no problems in the job if he doesn't annoy the boss essentially and he um stays in his good books he stays on the right side of him on his right side as far as as soon as as long as as well as well yeah fairly simple again it's as long as kevin will do well in the job as long as he stays on the right side of the boss so long as is another way of saying it but yeah not too difficult okay 36 only on very rare occasions an appearance before midday would make the old lady would the old lady make the old lady would make the old lady make wood okay so i think we've got a sort of uh inversion again so we've got this kind of negative connotation adverbial phrase to start the sentence only on very rare occasions so not very often but sometimes only in you know on scarce occasions rare occasions and again it takes the interrogative form even though it's not a question uh would the old lady make an appearance only on very rare occasions would the old lady make an appearance before midday normally she wouldn't be out before or she wouldn't appear before uh 12 o'clock at midday yeah okay 37 why do you object to hmm he'll be an asset to the company him being taken on he being taken on he be taken on him be taken on uh so why essentially do you object to this a noun phrase and it's a passive noun phrase because it's basically him uh this person being contracted being given a job by the company and uh to contract to give a job to someone is to take them on to hire them you know so as it's a noun phrase it's going to have an ing in the verb so yeah i think it's the first one no why do you object to him being taken on you could also say his being taken on more formally perhaps uh good so why do you object to him being said he'll be an asset to the company he'll be a good thing for the company now um yeah okay 38 james is staying with while he is in new york their son nick green will then come back with james for a few weeks over here god that's long-winded complicated story there is staying with uh okay greens the greens the green green okay it's the family of the people whose surname is green so he's staying with the greens uh while he is in new york their son nick green will then come back james yeah i see why they had to mention that green was a surname there in the rest of the story otherwise it wouldn't make much sense yeah james is staying with the greens with the the green family yeah 39 no one wants to have extra homework tonight no one wants this negative affirmative sentence nobody wants this uh do they yeah we're talking about people yeah do they do that nobody nobody wants extra homework to then tonight do they we don't know if it's men or women so do they good 14. in such a complex situation as this mistakes happen occasionally bound to are bound to bound bound to mistakes are inevitable mistakes are bound to happen occasionally in such a complex situation as this mistakes are bound to happen occasionally it's inevitable it's unavoidable mistakes will happen in situations like this yeah they are bound to happen all right 41. your house repainted every year okay so we've got the passive have here so have you your house painted have you got do you have have you been okay so present simple i think because we're talking about every year that's the passive have do you have your house repainted every year i think again no problems gosh golly 42 all the children are allowed hmm exactly what they like do to do doing for doing uh all the children are allowed uh to do exactly what they like wow again not very difficult 43 women had to fight hard to gain an equality the equality her equality women is plural there so no or nothing uh to gain um an uncountable noun equality in general we're not talking about a specific equality uh yeah it's nothing there's no article god yeah god i'm surprised at how easy this is this has been to be honest uh 44. with being so busy both at work and at home she became increasingly tired and bad tempered where which how what okay right yeah okay so this expression we say it's like almost like a like like an interjection it's like well you know she's so busy both at work and at home yeah we say what's with what's with being so busy at working at home um yeah you don't need the what with really you could just say being so busy no you could have one of those um one of those sentences my brain is going i can't remember what we call them oh whatever claws something claws why participle claws there you go yeah you could just say being so busy both at work and at home she became increasingly tired and bad tempered yeah what with being so busy yeah okay 45. bob couldn't a mustache to the photo of his headmaster in the newspaper resist adding resist to add resist from adding resist for adding so he yeah he couldn't resist something it's a noun phrase so the verb takes ing again so he couldn't resist adding a mustache to the photo of his headmaster in the newspaper yeah not too difficult okay we've got five more number 46 i borrowed a hmm bike and went into town in the lunch break i borrowed a friend of my bike bike doesn't have friends a friends of my bike are friends of mine like a friend of mine's bike uh yeah a friend of mine is a person no and i borrowed his bike so i borrowed a friend of mine's bike yeah i find very strange that mina has not been promoted yet that's hurt it's them i find the situation strange now if i'm the fact that she hasn't been promoted yet she's such a good worker i find it very strange uh i find it very strange yeah no problem please come and see me hmm day you like every all any some i think it's like saying whenever you like on the day that you want to come so come and see me any day you like i think no yeah okay number 49 thank you so much i haven't been to party for ages they're so enjoyable are so enjoyable such enjoyable such an enjoyable party for ages i haven't been to such an enjoyable party for ages yeah i think so yeah i haven't been to a party that is so enjoyable that was so enjoyable for ages but no yeah again we've got this enjoyable party no we've got adjective noun such an enjoyable party yeah really not difficult if you can win his attention for you the better so much so much the better the so much better so the better so much there's so much better um yeah yeah this is just an expression which means uh that something that that would be the best outcome for you now um yeah yeah if you can win his attention so much the better for you uh i'm surprised at how easy it was i'm very disappointed at this it says 49 out of 51. i clearly got 50 and that is a lie um but anyway uh yeah i expect a lot of you did pretty well here i didn't think it was too difficult to be honest uh i don't know if you've got any questions leave them in the comments i guess below but uh i don't know hopefully i'll find something more challenging for you tomorrow
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Keywords: c2 english vocabulary, proficiency grammar test, proficiency grammar, proficiency grammar exercises, c2 level english vocabulary, c2 level english test, english proficiency grammar, english proficiency test grammar correction, c2 use of english grammar, advanced english grammar, grammar and vocabulary test with answers, c2 english, c2 vocabulary, english proficiency test, english quizzes with answers, proficiency exam preparation
Id: AOk1horJfbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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