πŸ’₯πŸ”΄5 Slot Tips for Beginners you NEED TO KNOW in 2024πŸ’₯

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if you're new in this world like Casino world and you're thinking about going and you don't know what to do you're gonna play Slots and this is the video this is the video for you and you want some advice on what can maybe help you pick a better slot or help you know what to expect um we're gonna lay out some different tips things that you can look for keep in mind when you go to the casino to give you the best can if you're playing a slot yes doesn't cover table games or like video poker um something else this is just strictly slots it's you know the more basics for beginners but what to expect so guys remember always play responsibly but let's get into this video now hit subscribe hit like let's go to the tips all right guys so when you're in the casino sorry it's a little noise when you're in the casino and you're looking for a machine to play but you're not really sure um what you do what's a good one Etc here are some things to consider every slot machine has what's called a return to player percentage got one set return to player percentage that's it on a machine like this you have one two three four five six different denominations you can play which means you have six different return to player percentages the higher the or the shin the higher the return to player percentage is so say for example you were going to bet five dollars a spin you're better off betting five dollars a spin on the one dollar genome than you are on one cent because your return to player percentage is going to be higher another thing to consider when you're when you're talking about denominations pet sizes is if you have the choice between two machines that are the same like these this one has a major jackpot of 516. this one has a 601 they both have the same denominations they both probably have roughly the same programmed return to player percentages in those denominations so you're better off playing the one with the higher major the grand it doesn't matter because these are all networks they're all links they're all linked that's why it's called Dragon link the Grands are all linked on that five dollar thing say you do uh we'll do this one because that that machine's broken say you're gonna do a five dollar bet on this this machine Max bet on Penny if you get the bonus and you get these you're minor jackpot is 50 bucks your mini is 10. if you go here on dollar denomination and you also do a five dollar bet and you get a bonus look now your Miner is 1250. and your mini is 250. it's a no-brainer this is a better event all right so one thing is finding a hot machine and knowing when to walk away from a bad one um I've got two examples for you that I'm going to show you right now of a hot machine and a not hot machine and I'll describe how you can kind of tell that this one's going to be a good one and you're going to see the results of not walking away from a bad one so check this out here you're gonna see we get a bonuses after bonuses doesn't always happen that way but that's an indication that this is a hot machine let's go fine minor Miner Miner Miner Miner Miner guys minor or super branches come on let's go tapping guys we're tapping all right that's all right that keeps us alive it'll be like 50 bucks I hope for a 50. sixty dollars it's all right shot we have a chance y'all look at the denominations as well as we go through these bonuses we're not getting them on just one denomination yes yes let's do anything whatever let's do this let's go right here come on guys come on we can do this so oh come on come on come on come on there we go 20 bucks something with letters do it do it minor Miner Miner [Music] um let's go let's go letters letters letters yes letters come on oh my God lucky last spin right here come on that's all right to bring us about to even thank you Emperor's pressure let's keep going this might be the hot genome looking for a hot machine you're going to want to see the bonus symbols drop frequently you want to see line hits pay you back regularly letters I'm okay with a minor [Music] okay oh my God I saw it I saw it come on save it save it save it [Music] can we get full with three numbers save it let's do it yeah yeah minor Miner Miner Miner let's get the minor guys come on save it please oh there you go take a minute yeah we'll take it yeah oh my God just leave it now save it save it save it save it all right okay he's just alive we still have a chance for some of the letters all right 100 bucks might also get a hot machine but it's only hot on one denomination test that out and find out which denomination is best one more one more yes oh my God pays 55 divided by now can we get bonus in the bonus oh sounds good my math is awful time we had 15 games for that too yeah pretty good boats come on bonus in the bonus or a bunch of these guys bunch of emperors we have a fireball fitter and you give us Fireballs with the major oh that will be amazing come on no Dead Space okay okay all right that should be good yeah okay we are come on five skins left come on bullets [Music] that's all right one yeah he's still good yeah hold on two more oh my God one more door one more one more oh yay let's go let's go guys come on if you like the video thumbs up don't forget to subscribe [Music] something good horrible spirals oh she pays two so she might be the top symbol here on this game well she's the lady of the emperor yeah okay lots of bird cages we need the coins come on [Music] come on okay wow that's big that might be like 400 500 no you think so 200 yeah that's good don't scare three more come on um [Music] right here that was grave on us yeah the mo the more denominations that are playing and active and paying back is a sign that the machine is hot play a little bit at each denomination and see which one's showing you bonus symbols which one's paying you back that's the denomination you want to focus on sometimes it changes after a bonus yeah don't even worry I don't care about that let's go uh balls this is hard because it's five lines right so all right okay that pays something uh tour oh do it do it do it ah 36 that wasn't bad bonus that was a bad bonus that should be fireworks again come on let's see the fireworks 500. oh yes yeah we got a hot machine that's good all right come on drop that amazing major major you know what a minor all right not the minor um come on come on okay come on do it do it yay bonus and the bonus all right come on drop something with letters drop some with letters drop something with letters let's rock and roll Miner Miner minor Miner super Grands let's go grab something with letters [Music] that's all right just fill it up with all these small balls I don't care come on there we go oh there you go drop three more three more I'll take ten thousand it's still got more spins too yeah I have like I think three spins slept yeah we're on game seven of ten oh that's good do it again [Music] worse than here all right it's not bad I'll take it all right and this Panda magic video you're gonna see the machine was not hot but we didn't walk away watch here we get a bonus it's not a big bonus it's about average usually a bonus is 20 times your bet but that should have also been a sign okay you get a bonus right away and then it doesn't do anything after that we don't get lion heads you're gonna just just watch the dollar amount it just goes down and down and down and we should have said at a point okay let's go now the machine's going to tease you it's going to also drop some things like you're gonna see the major drop that gets you to stay that's what the machine wants it does these near misses as we mentioned before it's good to see the bonus symbols drop you also got to be getting some payback some line hits we're not getting any of that it's dropping certain things that are keeping us to stay but it's not giving us any money to help us continue to actually try to play and get something so this is a machine we should have walked away from um honestly probably 10 15 spins after that last that first bonus um the only bonus we got so this was a lesson learned don't do this we even tried some different denominations nothing was working on this machine this machine just was designed to take money that time doesn't mean it's always going to be a bad machine it's just in that moment because that return to player percentage we talk about that's over the life of the machine so if that machine had paid out a grand jackpot it's done exponentially more than its return to player percentage is required so now it's going to make up for that so keep that in mind don't do what we did right here this is a perfect example of what not to do all right so there you go you saw two examples one of a hot machine that was awesome and one of a not so hot machine that uh we probably could have walked away from so keep that in mind if you don't get your bonus within a hundred spins or you know 20 to 100 depending on the kind of game get out of there if it's not giving you any line hits to pay you back get out of there uh there's always another machine to play don't forget that all right when you're coming to the casino the most important thing to realize you're gonna spend money be prepared know what you're going to spend what you can afford to lose my recommendation is to go to your bank ATM before you come take your money out and leave your debit card at home that way you locked yourself into a certain amount because mind will always tell you believe me 20 something years of gambling I know this the mind will always tell you you know I have a hundred in cash to play with but I got 200 in my bank account so I have 300. no you said you were only going to play a hundred so find a way leave it in your car leave it at home find a way to be responsible with your money now say you're having a great night and you want to be able to manage your money well uh so many people they come to the casino they put in a little bit of money they win a bunch of money and what happens I know we've all done this win a bunch of money and then live with nothing because you keep going so one tactic I like to use this is not sponsored in any way by them it's called the gamble box right um what it is is a small box with a lock on it it's got a little slit like a piggy bank in here so what we like to do is say we start with a hundred bucks number one this hundred I'm putting in a slot machine it doesn't exist anymore I know that there's a really good chance I'm going to lose this but in the event that I get lucky and I win and say I double it I'll cash out that 200 I'll take 100 bucks of it and put it back in I can't get to this because I leave the key at home that way save I'm done playing and I go home and I open this up and all of a sudden I got the same money I started I came here with I didn't lose anything broke even so remember play what you're willing to lose have a budget don't exceed it and have a way of storing profits that you won't dip back into all right you're at a new casino what do you do first get yourself a Rewards Card players card a lot of people don't think it's a good thing to they don't like to use it they feel like their data is being logged or they'll use it for a while and win and then the casino makes them lose with it in my uh personal experience and opinion that's not true everybody has their own thoughts and that's cool but I was a casino host and worked in Casino marketing we didn't do anything like that I personally experience a lot of benefits from these from free rooms free food lot tournaments Raffles there's all kinds of things I even had players that were such high players that use those I've gotten them helicopters to go wherever they wanted so in my opinion it's definitely worth it uh there's a different levels there's different tiers um there's like at this casino there's like the red one the Platinum one the black one and then there's like a secret Chairman's Club One um and they all have different earn rates so say you get One X multiplier with the red on a Monday you might get two or five x multiplier on a Tuesday or Wednesday so it definitely varies in my opinion get it play with it if you're gonna spend money and might lose you can still get something back with this all right so probably the most important thing I can tell you about gambling aside from setting a limit a budget it's also setting a limit of when to leave I'm going to show you a great example of how we did that in a minute sometimes we get a really hot machine and you don't want to get off of it because you're worried you're just going to keep making money it doesn't work that way look at this place built on the money we give tables to the machines to all this so if you're lucky enough to find a really hot machine give yourself a threshold of what you're willing to play up to it's okay to cash that out put a new hundred in but set yourself a win limit as well watch this video Buffalo Gold collection we've got 600 in try not to lose it that was a good one [Music] sometimes that's the problem come on come on there you go it he said basically stop talking [Music] okay another coin another point [Music] [Music] come on come on come on come on oh [Music] ah there you go another one [Music] are now [Music] [Music] it's okay [Music] there you go you see you see unbelievable I know for a second can we get more points we trigger now on guys [Music] [Music] there you go don't tell me that that's 240. boom this might be our biggest Buffalo win ever oh my God [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this is a big one right here oh my God come on re-trigger [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on this game [Music] okay okay [Music] that's the biggest swing that we've had on Buffalo I'm Buffalo like thank you so much buffalo coins coins come on let's go let's go let's go all right buffalo nickel pets okay that's what Nick wants but I need them I need coins though first yeah [Music] 36 . oh there you go [Music] you're gonna get it no worries [Music] coins coins come on come on come on [Music] all right last thing yeah it's all right 100. all right a couple spins left eight points all right all right we got 1.20 and a 60 cents all right we're done all right guys so we hope that that video there that buffalo video showed a good example of finding a hot machine getting really lucky and also Knowing When to Walk Away we could have stayed on that machine and said oh maybe it's going to give us 5 000 maybe it's going to give us more look you know look around look at these lights up here you know this wasn't built on giving away money yeah um it happens and you gotta know when to grab that and walk away so we set that limit that we played down to we cashed out we kept flying for the night but we changed the ticket in and started putting in with 100 in or what we started with so that's really important to remember and overall we hope you guys enjoyed all these tips if you like this uh video don't forget to subscribe let us know in the comments please because we really want to make like this kind of content too for you guys we can do some more intermediate Advanced tips and things like that maybe we can find a way to do table games too sometime and if you use any of these tips also let us know in the comments yeah let us know what you think all right let's see you in the next one then [Music]
Channel: Jackpot Impossible
Views: 224,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slots, las vegas, slot tips and tricks, casino win, big win, ng slot, bc slots, Jackpot famous tips and tricks, Lady Luck hq, the big jackpot, slot machine jackpot, make money online, slot tips, dragon link, Lightning link, jackpot handpay, slot beginners, casino, slot machines for beginners, tips for slot machines, jackpot famous, jackpot impossible, casino review, high limit slots, buffalo slot, slot, major jackpot, gambling, slot tips 2023, slots 2023, money, make money
Id: LYA5Ea4vcKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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