Peppa Pig Official Channel 🍪 Christmas Baking Special with Peppa Pig🍪

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[Music] [Music] it is tea time and mummy pig has a surprise for everyone Oh today is a day for pancakes pancakes delicious pancake everyone loves pancakes I'm the expert at flipping the pancakes over leave that to me are you sure daddy pig last time you got a bit grumpy when you drop the pancake on the floor I did not get grumpy oh there was a problem with the frying pan mommy can we make the pancakes please yes you can help me make the batter first I put some flour in the bowl now I add an egg now the milk and I give it all a stir Oh mommy can i stir yes of course Peppa loves stirring God wants to stir as well okay that's enough stirring you to sit at the table while I cook the pancakes [Music] mummy take is going to flip the pancake over you could flip it higher mummy pig you can show us how when you flip your own pancake daddy pig this first pancake is for George Emmy pig cause a little syrup on George's pancake delicious this pancake is for Peppa mmm you could flip it hi mummy pig you will get a chance to show me when you flip your own pancake daddy pig this pancake is for mummy pig you still aren't flipping them high enough mummy pig Oh the next pancake is yours daddy pig so now you can show us how it should be done delicious is everyone watching the secret of making a good pancake is to flip it high into the air one two three [Music] daddy oh maybe that was just a bit too high oh what a shame that was the last pancake it should be a simple matter to get it down oh dear daddy pig cannot reach his pancake don't worry daddy pig I think I know a way to get it down let's go upstairs children what is mummy pig planning to do on the count of three we all have to start jumping up and down one two three jump [Music] it worked now daddy pig has his pancake daddy as a pancake on his head syrup on your pancakes please [Music] [Music] [Music] it is houghton time at Peppa's playgroup children next week there won't be any playgroup I am going away goodbye no more playgroup Madame gazelle is going away I suppose she has been teaching a long time Madame gazelle taught all the mummies and daddies when they were children Madame gazelle taught me everything I know who can count to three one two three thinking about it Madame gazelle must be very old which is probably why she's decided to stop teaching I know we should give Madame gazelle a leaving party fun it is the date of Madame gazelles leaving party everyone has come to help and tell us if Madame gazelles coming along why we don't want Madame gazelle catching us getting her party ready I hope we've invited everyone what about Madame gazelles old friends wasn't she wants in a pop group that's right she played guitar with the gazelles hello Madame gazelle is leaving the playgroup what fun we'd be there good everyone's coming now let's make the party food this is the playgroup kitchen everyone is helping with the party food Emily elephant and Wendy wolf are decorating cupcakes pepper and George are making jelly Pedro pony is outside keeping guard here comes Madame gazelle we're not ready stop her Pedro okay hello Pedro you're early for playgroup yes don't go inside why not it's a nice day out here isn't it yes pedal can I go inside now ah no it's against the law what are you talking about Pedro we're ready you can go in now [Music] he is a present for you and I'll take cloak it's made of solid plastic thank you but why is there a party for me everyone wanted to thank you but being the best teacher in the world so we've made you a leaving party because you're going away forever I'm not going away forever there was no Oh pepper all I said was no play cook next week I'm going on holiday I will be preaching for many years to come who else could be the teacher yes and I can't think of a better reason for a party Oh looking Gaza's hello Gigi have you still got your guitar box let sir hawk [Music] pepper and her family are at brandy and grandpa pig's house Oh today I'm going to make apple and blackberry crumble I need you brave explorers to go and get the fruit we've got baskets for the apples first the easy bit picking apples on the count of three shake the tree now for the blackberries why don't we just have apple crumble because blackberries are tasty to Grandpa okay now the hard beat now that's what I call a blackberry bush this bush has been here since I was a little piggy it's an overgrown weed I should have cut it down years ago why don't you like it I don't like the way it looks at me silly grandpa it's just a harmless bush and it's covered in lovely BlackBerry's George has seen some really big juicy blackberries careful George or you might get tangled I have a stick for picking hard-to-reach blackberry but the best blackberries are right at the very top that's why I brought the ladder um don't lean too far over mummy pig don't worry I've been climbing this blackberry bush since I was a little girl yes but you're not a little girl now I know what I'm doing oh dear mummy pig has fallen into the blackberry bush keeping the beauty one day she fell asleep in a thorny bush and she stayed there for a hundred years yes that's a nice story pepper it is Suzy sheep Suzy my mummy isn't a blackberry bush and she'll be there for hundred years like Sleeping Beauty and she'll be rescued by a handsome prince who will give her a kiss my mummy is having an adventure I wish my mummy would have adventures like that um can someone think of a way to get me out of here don't worry mummy in hundred years a handsome prince blew risky I'll be that handsome prince grandpa pig may I borrow your pruning shears please of course you may brave sir daddy pig stand back everyone take that you saw me push you oh my prince my princess that was quite long enough thank you this sort of thing already happened to me stand still while we pick you let's take all this roots back to granny pig she looked silly and she was going and then daddy clay ma'am was cute ah Thank You pepper I think we've all heard that story enough times now I never want to see another black berry in my life so you don't want any apple and blackberry crumble then well mmm delicious mummy pig loves apple and blackberry crumbles everyone loves apple and blackberry crumble [Music] today is daddy pig's birthday daddy pig has to go to work daddies I wish you didn't have to work on your birthday so do i but I'll be home as soon as I can see you later while daddy pig is at work we can get all his birthday surprises ready first we'll make daddy's birthday cake we start with butter and sugar and flour then we add an egg and most important of all the chocolate pits mummy pig is making a chocolate cake daddy pig loves chocolate cake I give it a stir mummy nicer yes Peppa I love stirring George that's enough stirring there daddy pig's chocolate cake now we just have to bake it in the oven yes you can lick the spoon and George can lick the bowl peppa and George ring daddy what is a happy birthday that's a nice idea this is the office where daddy pig works hello mr. rabbit speaking may I speak to Daddy pig please someone for you daddy pig it sounds important hello daddy pig speaking bye-bye happy birthday daddy pig thank you that's just one more thing to do before daddy gets home yes daddy's birthday surprise George remember is a secret peppa and George had buckets of water mummy pig has balloons I wonder what daddy pig's birthday surprise can be daddy pig is home from work thank you everyone Wow what a lot of candles that's because you are very very old daddy you must blow out all your candles in one go I'll do my best Hey and here's your birthday present Thank You you fantastic let's try them out at birth George and mummy pig are wearing their boots he daddy he's wearing his birthday boots daddy pig has found a little puddle let's see if these boots work the puddle is a bit too little for daddy pig hmm what I need is a big puddle fantastic my birthday boots work perfectly would you care to join me in my birthday muddy puddle [Music] [Music] best friend pepper is waiting for her best friend Suzy sheep Suzy sheep has come to play with Peppa Peppa loves Suzy Suzy loves Peppa they are best friends [Music] why don't you and Suzy go and play in your bedroom yes George wants to play too so does George know George this game is just for big girls don't play with your own toys peppa and Suzy want to play on their own I'm a tiny little fairy princess doesn't like playing on his own George wants to play - no George I plan with Suzy you have to play somewhere else George wants to play with pepper he feels a bit lonely George I need some help I'm making chocolate chip cookies [Music] someone needs to lick out the bowl George likes helping mummy make cookies but he likes playing with Peppa more Suzy loves playing doctors and nurses so does George Peppa listens to George's chest please Suzy takes George's temperature oh dear you're very very hot I think you have to stay in bed for three years daddy pig has come to find George Oh No what's wrong with George don't worry daddy is only a game George is our patient oh I see can the patient have a visitor just for a little while he might get tired yes therefore George play is medicine to make him feel better [Music] excuse me doctor can you help me I have a sore tummy then I think I need lots of cookies to make me better it is home time Teddy playgroup is our school mascot it's peppers term to take him home it's all in his suitcase I see pepper daddy pig and Teddy playgroup have arrived home mummy pig we have a special guest staying with us tonight really who's that and a toothbrush what's the photo album for doing exciting things oh my friends of Teddy playgroup all those all at London Paris Egypt I say Teddy playgroup does have an exciting life and I hope he has an exciting time with ours [Music] let's take a photo for Teddy playgroup album say cheese it is morning pepper is taking Teddy playgroup to the supermarket this is the checkout where all the food is paid for Jorge wants to take a picture okay George [Music] [Music] Teddy playgroup is missing don't worry pepper I'm sure we'll find him hello how was your day no but I've got a plan to find him list we print out all the photos we took of him mummy pig is unpacking the shopping where are you going we're going to stick pictures of Teddy playgroup on trees when people see the pictures of Teddy playgroup they'll know he's lost and they can help us find him yes he's in the shopping bag with the pasta and tomatoes pepper is showing her class Teddy playgroups photo album we don't have an exciting a bunch of us luckily my daddy knows him at the supermarket but we found him again in shopping that was an exciting adventure yes [Music] Vanny it's chicken pepper and George are having a sleepover at granny and Grandpa's house can't see where you're going to sleep tonight this was mummy pig's room when she was a little piggy in olden and this is the bed mummy slept on just like your mummy when she was little about from the beds when mummy was a little piggy she was cheeky just like you yes now let's go and see grandpa pig in the garden hello Peppa hello George come and see my carrots grandpa pig is very proud of his vegetables and here are my Peas but best of all are my lettuces because the birds that ate my lettuces are very stupid what's the matter grandpa pig your friends have been eating my vegetables again which friends Tom Dick and Harry these are their names granny pig has chickens say hello to Jemima Sarah and Vanessa and here is Neville a boy chicken yes papa he's a cockerel he's the worst scratching up my vegetables never wouldn't hurt a fly I've seen him eat flies and he ate my lettuce you don't want to eat grumpus lettuce do you not let me love the corn to eat George would you like to feed corn to the chickens that's the chicken coop it's where the chickens lay their eggs eggs eggs not now but there will be egg soon it is bedtime for peppa and George at granny and Grandpa's house maybe in the morning Peppa how well it's morally never will tell us now go to sleep [Music] it is morning thank you for waking us up ever [Music] good morning Jemima Sarah and Vanessa do you have any eggs for us [Music] now we'll have eggs for breakfast thank you Jemima Sarah and boiled eggs for everyone chickens make yummy yes it's all that lovely corn they eat and my lettuces granny Pig and Grandpa pig are making lunch but never their families I've dug up some more potatoes oh we've already got plenty of potatoes you can never have too many potatoes okay but get the potatoes in the oven the others will be here soon oh we've plenty of time it's only 11 o'clock [Music] pepper and her family are on their way I wish we'd set off sooner we're going to be late again don't worry mummy pig we've still got loads of time when we go to granny and Grandpa's I found a new way I wasn't expecting that peppa and her family are stuck in a traffic jam look there's Danny dog and granddad dog Danny dog and granddad dog are in the traffic jam too we're going to my granny and Grandpa's for lunch we're going to be late it's one o'clock they're late as usual oh how your potatoes doing they still need a bit more cooking granny pig speaking hello granny pig we're stuck in a traffic jam don't worry oh we're running late too grandpa's gone over the top with potatoes see you in a bit the poor dears are stuck in a traffic jam sounds like I've got time to get a few more potatoes grandpa pig we're moving so slowly never get to granny and Grandpa's peppers right we have to try a different way but there aren't any other main loans I know a shortcut honey pig is taking a shortcut to get ahead of the traffic the shortcut is very lovely this is are you sure about this trust me we're taking a shortcut look there's the main road again but we're still behind Danny's lorry welcome back yes oh dear mummy pig's shortcut has not worked very well [Music] good lunch is ready and most important of all the potatoes are done lunch is ready but peppa and her family are still not here grandpa pig speaking we're almost at your house but the traffic is still moving at the speed of a snail a very very slow snail they're almost here but they're still in the traffic jam poor dears oh the food is going to get cold I've got an idea I'll get my wheelbarrow what is grandpa pig doing granite is loaded lunch into the wheelbarrow hi grandpa pig if they can't come to the lunch we have to take the lunch to them Danny and granddad dog to have some too we plant enough for everyone good job you did lots lots of potatoes grandpa oh you can never have too many potatoes [Music] [Music] it is the end of another lovely day and George are playing with their friends Rebecca and Richard rabbit maybe tomorrow can pepper and George come to our house tomorrow yes crying he's a bit scared of going downstairs why we don't have stairs in our home what no stairs that's right you'll see you tomorrow bye bye bye bye it is morning and George you're going to Rebecca rabbit's house today mummy pig can drive and I'll do the map reading are you sure daddy pig we always get lost when you do the map reading ah we won't get lost okay is everybody ready yes then let's go peppa and George are very excited they have never been to Rebecca rabbit's house before the map says Rebecca's house is on the next field I don't understand this should be where Rebecca rabbit lives we must be lost there's just this garden of carrots we can Rebecca rabbit's house B play in my bedroom your bedroom but where is your house Peppa cannot see Rebecca's house anywhere I'll show you see you later we have tunnels Wow Rebecca's house is a bit different depends and a window and a toy box just like us of course I like your house I wish I was a rabbit I know shall I teach you both how to be rabbit yes please first you have to twit your nose and squeak like this George does not like carrots he won't even try them what else traps like rabbits like hopping come outside I'll show you [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] mummy and daddy rabbit has prepared lunch Rebecca has taught us how to be rabbits oh you will enjoy lunch then it's our favourite carrots will not eat cats oh dear George I thought you would a rabbit rabbits love carrots Wow George is eating a carrot this is our favourite cake carrot cake George is a proper rabbit now it is almost Christmas peppa and her friends are at playgroup we are going to do a Christmas play Danny will be father Christmas mend evolve can be an elf can I be a Christmas fairy pepper will be the Christmas Barry I want to be the nurse I don't think there is a nurse at Christmas Susie but what is somebody gets ill good point Susie will be the Christmas nurse I want to be a snowflake okay nah you can all practice your paths it is the next day pebble and her family are at the supermarket Christmas why don't you go over and say hello hello hello papa are you looking forward to Christmas yes we are doing the Christmas play I am a fairy Suzy is the nurse and Danny is you I am rather busy at this time of the are I will do my best peppa and her friends are putting up Christmas decorations to play how do you know I saw him at the supermarket I saw him at the garden centre but he didn't tell me I saw him at the shopping centre and he didn't tell me Oh pepper and her family have come to them a Christmas tree shop and who might you be ha you haven't forgotten forgotten of course I will do my very best to come oh it is time for the Christmas play all the parents have come to watch our were you ready to start children we can't start father Christmas isn't here he did say he might be a little bit too busy to come tonight Peppa did he but you your parents are here I am Christmas I'm father Christmas I am the Christmas nurse and I need to check if you are well say ah you're fine with my magic sleigh and reindeer well I'm sure father Christmas is it'd be too busy to show us his sleigh it's true I am very busy but of course you can see my sleigh come outside everyone it's beautiful what's it like to ride in hop in I'll show you why not a little drive around the car park hang on everybody ready steady oh my goodness with right hold tight let's do a loop-the-loop yes happy Christmas everybody [Music] [Music] peppa and George have come to granny Pig and Grandpa pig's house for lunch hello my little ones would you like to pick some vegetables from the garden for lunch hello Peppa George this is grandpa pig's vegetable garden he has grown all these vegetables himself what's this our dinosaur let's choose some vegetables for lunch Peppa do you like tomatoes yes George do you like tomatoes oh yeah do you both like lettuce lettuce oh dear I must have something that George likes do you like cucumber yeah George does not like cucumbers and he does not like lettuce and he does not like tomatoes well George what vegetable do you like okay silly George chocolate cake isn't a vegetable maybe George will like the vegetables when they're made into a lovely salad [Music] lovely fresh tomatoes lettuce and cucumber Danny pig has made the tomatoes lettuce and cucumber into a salad grandpa pig can you call everyone to lunch lunch any figures make pizza for lunch and here's some salad made with grandpa's tomatoes lettuce and cucumber turkey in everyone George has eaten his pizza but George does not like the tomatoes for the lettuce or the cucumber oh dear George don't you like the salad no George just try a little bit of this lovely tomato yeah George this is cucumber grandpa pig grew it in his garden Oh try a piece of lettuce George it's yummy look what I'm doing now it's a dinosaur JH loves dinosaurs George is eating the tomatoes lettuce and cucumber well done George would you like some more George Oh George are you too full to eat any more tomatoes lettuce or cucumber George is too full to eat any more George are you too full to eat anything more George is too full to eat anything oh well then you won't want any of this chocolate cake my word George seems to have got his appetite back in stop it show peppa and her family are visiting uncle Pig and Auntie pig and cousin Chloe I expect uncle pig will fall asleep after lunch like he always does daddy pig you shouldn't say such things about your own brother especially in front of the children but it's true uncle pig always eats too much lunch and falls asleep snoring loudly like this Peppa George forget what I just said about uncle Pig and her family have arrived at Uncle Pig and Auntie pig's house uncle Pig is daddy pig's brother Chloe pig is Peppa and George's cousin hello Peppa hello George I want to show you something this is my new puppet theater my daddy made it for me I've made two puppets already this one is called flowy hello I am Chloe Pete and this one is my daddy uncle Pig hello Peppa I am uncle pig Chloe come in George make puppets - yes Chloe paints the puppets eyes [Music] what puppet would you like to make I saw a dinosaur George always says dinosaur for everything okay a scary dinosaur puppet Khloe's making George a dinosaur puppet coming after lunch we'll do a puppet show auntie peg has made spaghetti for lunch this is delicious best spaghetti ever you can tell you to a brother's alike in every way what do you mean we are completely different Peppa George and I are going to do a puppet show fantastic see you later a puppet show that sounds fun have I got time for some more spaghetti could I have some more - a puppet show is about to begin [Music] [Music] I am uncle it looks just like you I think they've made my tummy a bit big oh I can't enjoy mine on Pig are you going to fall asleep and snore like you always do what do you mean daddy says you always fall asleep your daddy's right I do snore like this uncle Pig I don't think daddy pig or uncle Pig can hear you daddy pig and uncle Pig have fallen asleep you can tell they're brothers what happened this is the puppet show started yet [Laughter] [Music] Heather in Georgia going shopping ever and George liked shopping [Laughter] so does pepper daddy can I sit in the trolley - you're too big for the trolley pepper but you can help with the shopping we've got four things on the list Tomatoes spaghetti onions and pepper first we need tomatoes [Music] now put them in the trolley [Music] well done pepper tomatoes that's one thing off the list what's next on the list that's right George but it's cold spaghetti Betty spaghetti is pepper and George's favorite food I wonder where the spaghetti is it's cold spur see what's next on the list pepper crisps crisps are not on the list we have plenty of crisps at home pepper have another yes I just can't remember can you remember George I'm so dinosaur sure there are to be dinosaurs in the supermarket no George the next thing on the list is onions remember down well done very good that's nearly everything on our list there's one last thing on the list a [Music] plant is that on the list oh no George the last thing on the list is fruit never mind George you can choose the fruit where is the fruit there are apples and oranges and bananas and a very big melon fruit shall we have George apples oranges bananas this is the checkout where all the food is paid for tomatoes spaghetti onions melon chocolate cake cake chocolate cake is that on the list pepper did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley no mummies George did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley no well I didn't put it in I thought it might be nice for pudding daddy pig Northy daddy sorry it just looked so delicious it does look rather yummy oh let's pretend it was on the list [Music] mummy pig is working on her computer [Music] daddy pig is making soup for lunch [Music] computer yes as long as you don't disturb her she has a lot of important work to do today mummy pig has a lot of important work to do George and I sit on your lap and watch you work yes if you both sit quietly George loved to watch mummy work on the computer mummy can we play a computer game happy mrs. chicken we can play happy mrs. chicken later but now I have to work mummy can we help you work no pepper you mustn't touch the computer and George you mustn't touch the computer either yes George you mustn't do this pepper stop oh dear the computer is not meant to do that daddy pig daddy pig what is it mummy pig daddy pig can you mend the computer I'll finish the lunch while you mend the computer oh right you are a mummy pig but I'm not very good with these things oh thank you daddy pig daddy pig is going to mend the computer [Music] [Music] maybe if I just switch it off and then switch it on again daddy pig has mended the computer yes I am a bit of an expert at these things daddy computer game happy mrs. chicken maybe you should ask mummy pig mommy said that we can play in nature well that's okay then oh but I don't know where the disk is now it's my turn [Music] well I see the computer is working again [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 23,246,353
Rating: 3.8095856 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig marble run, funny peppa pig, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig halloween
Id: 4jKR4P2KfIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 53sec (3833 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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