Peppa Pig Official Channel | Peppa Pig Celebrates Mother's Day 🌹

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[Music] children mommy pig has worked hard to write this book so we must listen politely even if it is not very good thank you it's about an onion hmm once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion four seven six eight five nine three Oh fifth the rest of the book is one big long number I don't understand this is not what I wrote what is four seven six eight five nine George's happy mrs. chicken high school Wow that is a high score but where's my funny onions story it's gone I'm sorry children but I can't read funny onion to you today can you remember the story I'm a pig yes then just tell us the rest all right once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion he all he wanted was to make people laugh but he made people cry instead because he was an onion what a beautiful sad ending no wait Madame gazelle it's not finished oh I see carry on funny onion said I will search the world to learn how to be funny he met a tomato the tomato said wear a funny hat but people still cried he met a banana who said where's funny shoes but people still cry funny onion was ready to give up when a pineapple whispered in his ear what do you think the pineapples said where are funny red knives wear a purple wig very good but what the pineapple really said was do something funny funny onion did something funny and everyone and laugh and laugh the end marvelous I think it speaks to all of us she asked if somebody's mummy or daddy would jump out of an aeroplane oh I hope you didn't say daddy would do it pepper you know he doesn't like Heights but you don't mind Heights do you mummy I'm fine with Heights good oh thank you mummy pig for agreeing to jump from another plane what but I've never done it before you'll be fine remember it is but the children Oh in that case of course I'll do it it is the day of mummy pig's parachute jump I'm still not sure I really want to do this it's all in a good cause mummy pig but I don't know how to jump out of an aeroplane don't worry you'll get lots of planing first hello mummy pig mr. rabbit is the parachute trainer this is a parachute it will help you float through the air after you jump should I practice that practice what jumping why not there you're a natural is that it yes you are now fully trained [Applause] all aboard I'm still a tiny bit worried about this jump daddy pig it's okay baby pig I'll come up in the plane with you don't worry mummy pig remember you could have parachute yes daddy pig oh well away from the ground oh dear daddy pig is falling out of the plane she goes oh wait for me daddy pig well commie bigot jumps she is going to rescue daddy [Music] mummy pig is packing a big bag for the holiday wow that's a lot of stuff mummy pig are you sure we need it all yes it's all very important okay it is Suzy sheep [Music] where are you going I don't know holidays that sounds nice [Music] we're here for Goldy the fish we're looking after her while you're on holiday here's Goldy don't feed her too much granny okay Peppa it is mr. bull in his taxi he is taking Heather and her family to the airport let me take that back for you oh you so you need everything in here yes it's all very important [Music] this is the airport goodbye have a lovely holiday tickets please here they are any bags yes I'm afraid this one's a bit a heavy don't worry just pop it on the scales no anymore yes you can take those little bags on the plane with you just join the queue over there this is the x-ray machine it's a machine that looks inside things daddy pig this study is a complete mess it's not that bad I love cobwebs they give the room character cobwebs mean spiders and I don't like spiders I do spiders catch flies and flies are horrid well as long as I don't have to see a spider hello mr. Scooby likes where have you gone find it I don't want it in the house everyone is looking for mr. skinnylegs mr. skinnylegs is not in the filing cabinet mr. skinnylegs is not under the chair mr. skinnylegs is not on the table oh I wonder where mr. skinnylegs is who it sounds like mummy has found him don't be scared mummy get rid of it okay we'll take mr. skinnylegs into the garden now mr. skinnylegs garden mr. skinnylegs it is starting to rain mr. skinnylegs is running back to the house the waterspout I don't want mr. skinnylegs in the house daddy pig let's take mr. skinnylegs a bit further into the garden a nice tree for you to live in how much for one go one pound mummy pig has won unbelievable here's your giant teddy I wanted teddy like that one mummy they're too big no they're not daddy pig and George are riding on the big wheel I'm glad that's over five times brown for one pound [Music] test your strength only old aberrant Bell Rock what do we have to do you hit this button with this hammer if the bell rings you win a prize no skill involved but you need to be strong I'll have a goal one part bad luck oh I'm strong I'll have a go stand back everyone do be careful daddy pig you're not that weight oh yes Daddy pig is looking a bit tubby what I'm just saying daddy pig is a bit round in the tummy give me that mama [Music] [Applause] goodness me I've never seen anything like it that wins all the giant Eddie's we have what a good idea thank you very much oh it's daddy pig daddy pig you're not supposed to ring on this phone it's only for emergencies this is an emergency I can't find the tomato ketchup anywhere daddy pig shall I light the barbecue now yes please mr. rabbit do be careful with the barbecue daddy pig trust me mummy pig we that is know all about barbecues bye maybe it needs more charcoal give it a bit of a blow put a few more fire lighters on now we just have to wait for a fire how long do we have to wait oh it could be a long time I've been waiting ages how many fires have you actually put out miss rabbit none not one fire but you've got to be ready Oh can you answer it pepper it'll probably be your daddy again [Music] can you put miss rabbit on please there's a good girl to speak to you hello daddy pig this phone is only to be used when there's a daddy pig's barbecue he's on fire [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's miss rabbits firing [Applause] daddy's mummy dark turn on the water aye aye mummy pig the fire is out mummy mummy pig is working on the computer I was a baby well you were pepper look here are some photos on the computer who do you think that is it's baby Alexander baby Alexander is Peppa's cousin no that's you as a baby pepper baby somebody sounds like they're having fun as a baby I remember it well it was taken on our first day in this house what do you mean when you were little we moved into this house we brought all our things on top of our car mummy pig put some pictures up daddy pig put up a shelf and grandpa pig made us a lovely flower garden daddy pig looked after it we had the wrong kind of soil for flowers and anyway you needed somewhere to play you and Suzy loved to play in the garden my friend in the olden days yes you and Suzy have always been best friends [Music] no pepper you were babies you couldn't even walk what did we do you cried I [Music] don't like the way it looks at me silly grandpa it's just a harmless bush and it's covered in lovely birth buries George has seen some really big juicy blackberries careful George or you might get tangled I have a stick for picking hard-to-reach black furry but the best blackberries are right at the very top that's why I brought the ladder um lean too far over mummy pig don't worry I've been climbing this blackberry bush since I was a little girl yes but you're not a little girl now I know what I'm doing oh dear mummy pig has fallen into the blackberry bush that was a princess could Sleeping Beauty one day she fell asleep in a phony bus and she stayed there for a hundred years yes that's a nice story Peppa it is Suzy sheep my mummy is in the blackberry bush and she'll be there for hundred years like Sleeping Beauty and she'll be rescued by a handsome prince who will give her a kiss my mummy is having an adventure I wish my mummy would have adventures like um can someone think of a way to get me out of here don't worry mummy in hundred years handsome prince blue rescue you I'll be that handsome prince grandpa pig may I borrow your pruning shears please of course you may brave sir daddy pig stand back everyone take that you saw me force you oh my prince my princess [Music] [Music] here we are the seaside the beach is covered in snow oh she looks cold I was looking forward to having a swim you still can the Seas not frozen over I can't swim because I sprained my ankle and I think I might have a cough mommy pig it's lovely are you sure it's lovely of course the sea is wonderful today okay then mummy pig is going for a swim it's a little bit cold it's always feels cold when you first get in if you keep moving your warm up okay I'll keep moving mummy pig has run out of the sea let's get you dried pepper Georgia daddy pig Oh warming mummy pig tongue by rubbing her with towels are you going for a swim daddy pig maybe not today everyone likes ice creams of her seaside the beach is covered in snow we can make snow castles first we fill the buckets with snow we send the buckets upside down give them a little tap and hey presto the seaside and I love the snow I love the seaside and the snide oh dear now we'll have to wait even longer why don't you join us mummy pig plenty of tea adore round that sounds lovely thank you mr. bull mr. bull yes Peppa it's made of delicate china mr. bull likes delicate china you have to be very very careful with China because China could break very easily that's why I always oh dear mr. bull has smashed the teapot to pieces too hard maybe we can fix it boss oh I've got cement I've got a rivet gun it's not gonna work lads I know miss rabbit has a china shop she could mend it good idea mummy pig we'll go right now mr. bull is going to the china shop this is miss rabbit's china shop hello can I help you miss rabbit I have broken by China teapot oh dear can you fix it let's have a look hmm that's very broken oh yes what I think I can fix it oh goody tell me help of course papa these two pieces fit together fixing the teapot is a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle as tree world what's tree world is a big forest full of trees it sounds a bit boring all this potato City what's potato city there's a tour of the potato fields ending with a potato tasting sounds interesting oh there's duck land it's a wide river of George loved ducks how do we get the campervan can guide us hello where are we going today that's a lead please follow the road ahead in a straight line [Music] welcome to adults and two children [Music] always more ducks and Here Come more ducks and here are all the aunties and uncles that's the last of our picnic gone dance safe thank you daddy pig oh you're most welcome George would you like to skate no George has never ice skated before and he is a bit worried I'll look after George while you teach Peppa how to skate skating is easy pepper just push with your feet and glide push push slide see I can do it on my own [Music] pepé is doing really well yes I'm a very good teacher slow down pepper you'll bump into someone oh dear I forgot to teach pepper how to stop mummy pig taught you how to skate but I told you how to fall over yes I'm very good falling over do you want to skate to none come on George it's fun I'll teach you I'm teaching you how to ice-skate what a surprise George can skate beautifully [Music] [Music] while daddy pig is at work we can get all his birthday surprises ready first we'll make daddy's birthday cake we start with butter and sugar and flour then we add an egg and most important of all that chocolate pits mummy pig is making a chocolate cake daddy pig loves chocolate cake I give it a stir mummy nicer yes Peppa love stirring George once ago George that's enough stirring there daddy pig's chocolate cake [Music] now we just have to bake it in the oven yes you can lick the spoon and George can lick the bowl ring daddy work is a happy birthday that's a nice idea this is the office where daddy pig works hello mr. rabbit speaking may I speak to Daddy pig please someone for you daddy pig it sounds important hello daddy pig speaking thank you that's just one more thing to do before daddy gets home yes daddy's birthday surprise George remember is a secret Shh must clean the car before we go for a drive oh right you are mummy pig mummy can we help to clean the car yes if you want to daddy pig has some warm soapy water to wash the car daddy pig is watching booth mummy pig is washing the bonnet pepper is washing the doors George wants to wash the windows but he is too little poor George let me help you oh dear George has dropped his sponge in a muddy puddle I will wash the mud off Peppa don't use the muddy water oh dear Peppa has thrown the muddy water all over the car never mind we can use the garden hose to clean it off HEPA holds the hose and daddy faith turns on the water [Music] [Music] no need to panic oh dear everyone is wet at least the car has been washed we've all been washed very well that was amazing yes I was the world champion at skiing and won this Cup now which mummy or daddy would like a go why not are you sure mummy pig you haven't skied for years it's just like riding a bike daddy pig you never forget here is the baby slope mummy pig I think I'm a bit grown up for the baby slope which way does this go all the way down the mountain my mummy is skiing down the mountain oh she can't stop we have to catch up with her mummy pig is skiing along the road everyone is in the coach chasing after mummy pig mummy pig is skiing past the shops my goodness a walking talking snowman I have never seen such amazing skiing this Cup belongs to you thank you [Music] [Music] this is the one how do you know there are little flowers growing here just like I remember things might have changed daddy pig oh nothing changes that much now we walk past some little trees until we come to a big tree I think the little trees have grown oh yes they do all seem big don't they how are we going to find the right big trees oh it's usually me that walks into trees mummy pig has found the big tree I knew it would still be here this way everybody don't worry there's a cafe on the way Oh lovely I could do with a nice cup of coffee [Music] of course ice creams for everyone the cafe should be just about here Oh where's the cafe is it behind that rotten pile of wood I think that rotten pile of wood is the cafe there's not going to be any ice creams coming out of that today hello what can I get you a cup of coffee and three ice creams please of course thank you next stop the fish pond this way oh you don't want to go that way that goes straight into a blackberry bush aha it's the shortcut it's the way I went when I was a boy no if you want to go to the fish pond you need to go up that path well I'm taking the shortcut alright who wants to go through a blackberry bush hmm and who wants to go on the path [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mummy pig is here to pick up pepper and George mummy pig can't find anyone [Music] granny and Grandpa played it all the time oh and here's the record I used to play when I was a little piggy what is it it's called birdie-birdie woof woof not birdie-birdie woof woof you were always playing that I thought we'd go that was fun but we were supposed to be finding some things to throw out pepper what should we throw out and what should we keep hmm I think you should keep everything Oh mummy I need glasses what Pedro gave me an eye test and I need glasses I'm sure your eyes are fine no mummy when I closed my eyes I couldn't see anything but no one can see anything with their eyes closed oh what's this about needing glasses all about glasses his daddy is an optician alright pepper let's take you to the optician for a proper eye test George would you like an eye test too pepper is at the opticians hey mr. Pony is the optician how long pepper please sit down now what can I do for you I need an eye test please of course put these special glasses on and then look at the chart mr. Pony is going to test Pepper's eyes can you read these letters for me please okay good now these numbers please very good now these colors please excellent while I check your results would you like to choose some glasses yes please how about these glasses Peppa funny I know what about these ones [Music] [Laughter] how about these Wow I like these ones mummy yes pepper you look fantastic there's no need to be afraid pepper Oh spiders are very very small and they can't hurt you but don't worry daddy we'll take it out of the bedroom Wow he's quite big isn't he um I'll just fetch mummy pig mummy pig Peppa feels a little bit braver hello children I hear you found a little spider I'll take him out of the bedroom so you two can play mr. skinnylegs is big isn't he peppa and George like the spider George is putting the spider to bed no George you want some tea he doesn't want to be in bed are you hungry mr. skinnylegs would you like some cake Peppa isn't afraid of the spider anymore mummy daddy sit down we are all going to have tea with mr. skinnylegs Peppa loves playing tea parties [Music] that's all right Peppa let mr. skinnylegs drink his tea you're not scared are you daddy oh no of course not well not so close everyone likes the skinny legs [Music] how old is mommies I'll whisper it in your ear really old you know I think three candles will be fine mummy pig's birthday cake is ready we just have to put up the decorations in this sitting room oh there you all are I was getting a little bored do I have any choice nope have a lovely walk who are you women safe to come back in I forgot what hard work birthdays were daddy pay me peppa and george are decorating the city granny Pig and Grandpa pig have arrived for mummy pig's birthday happy birthday mummy pig aren't you coming inside oh I can't come in yet daddy pig peppa and George are doing secret things for my birthday how lovely see you later goodbye mummy would you like to come inside now I'd love to close your eyes keep your eyes please mummy 1 2 3 open your eyes what a lovely surprise blow the candles out and make a wish can you guess what it is I've no idea open it in see it's a beautiful dress [Music] are you sure daddy pig last time you got a bit grumpy when you drop the pancake on the floor I did not get grumpy oh there was a problem with the frying pan mommy don't we help make the pancakes please yes you can help me make the batter first I put some flour in the bowl now I add an egg now the milk and I give it all a stir mommy can i stir yes of course Peppa Peppa loves stirring what wants to stir as well okay that's enough stirring you to sit at the table while I cook the pancakes [Music] mummy pig is going to flip the pancake over you could flip it higher mummy pig you can show us how when you flip your own pancake daddy pig this first pancake is for George I me pig paws a little syrup on George's pancake delicious this pancake is for Peppa mmm you could flip it hi I'm mummy pig you will get a chance to show me when you flip your own pancake daddy pig this pancake is for mummy pig you still aren't flipping them high enough mummy pig Oh the next pancake is yours daddy pig so now you can show us how it should be done [Music] oh dear daddy's foot with Matt oh don't worry we'll just wash it it'll be washed in no time and daddy won't know it was ever muddy let's find some more things to put in the machine oh my dress is a bit muddy I'm a pig and Georgia found more things to wash very good George we put the clothes in here and then we switch it on washing machine is filling up with water Oh where's your dress what oh yes Peppa but look what it's done to everything else oh dear peppers red dress has made all the white clothes pink pink isn't a very good colour for a football shirt [Music] let's follow the footprints and see who made them yes Shh we have to be very quiet so we don't scare anything away following the footprints the footprints were made by a little bird she's flown into a tree Wow yeah look through the binoculars the binoculars make everything look George has found more footprints the footprints are being made by ants they're collecting leaves to eat yeah talking of lunch let's have our picnic picnic daddy pig you've left the picnic in the car haven't you yes but it's not a problem we'll just go back to the car to eat but which way is the car my map will show us this way put that tree there it's not on the map Oh daddy pig we're lost aren't we yes [Music] George has found more footprints very interesting no these are our footprints and if we follow our footprints we'll find the way back to our car and our picnic nothing can stop us finding our car now [Music] [Laughter] we all dance to smooth that did very well I have to dance beautifully and gracefully that's lovely can I show you how I get it let's get home first then you can show daddy pig and George and me mummy pig is it difficult it was easy for me but you Georgian mother he will find it very hard first we need music George daddy and mummy see Moscow people tried to let him gazzarri's funny words but really is just bending your knees and jumping ah the petit jete daddy you know the funny words mummy pig and I used to be quite good at ballet do be careful daddy pig our favorite was the pas de de [Music] that wasn't quite how I remembered it daddy pig maybe we should leave the ballet to pepper I am the best at it [Music] mummy pig has a lot of important work to do George and I sit on your lap and watch you work yes if you both sit quietly George loved to watch mummy work on the computer mummy can we play that computer game happy mrs. chicken we can play happy mrs. chicken later but now I have to work mommy can we help you want no pepper you mustn't touch the computer and George you mustn't touch the computer either yes George you mustn't do this Peppa stop oh dear the computer is not meant to do that daddy pig daddy pig what is it mummy pig daddy pig can you mend the computer I'll finish the lunch while you mend the computer oh right you are mummy pig but I'm not very good with these things oh thank you daddy pig daddy pig is going to mend the computer [Music] [Music] mm um maybe if I just switch it off and then switch it on again daddy pig has mended the computer yes I am a bit of an expert in these things daddy shall we play that computer game happy mrs. chicken well I know a game that will teach George how to catch it's called piggy in the middle Peppa you take the ball and stand over there and George you stand over there good you have to throw the ball to each other and I have to try and catch it I'm the piggy in the middle Oh missed it George has caught the ball well done George now you throw the ball to pepper oh try again Oh try again George cannot stir the ball past mummy pig copy George but she's too big I've got the ball pepper now it's your turn to be piggy George catch and we can put these two seats on the back for peppa and George but we charge is a bit too little his legs will get very tired but I'm a big girl I won't get tired it will be a long cycle ride pepper are you sure yes I'm sure okay are we all ready then let's go it's not a race pepper is just a gentle bicycle ride we won the race no you didn't because I was racing I'd forgotten how much I loved cycling oh I forgot how much I hate cycling uphill the ground is getting quite steep look at the beautiful view [Music] hard work not lately sorry daddy pig I was just enjoying the view peppa and her family have reached the top of the hill we're going to have a race on our bikes Peppa do you want to race too okay as long as we can race downhill okay and her friends are going to race down the hill [Music] pepper George would you'd like to play with your buckets and spades you in pepper and George of burying daddy pig in the sand no you can't skate my head is getting a bit hot can I have my straw hat Wow if you say please please can I have my straw hat [Music] pepper and George are making sand castles in the bucket like this we turn the pockets upside down and tap them a sand castle [Music] another sand castle pepper George home time don't leave any stuff behind let's check that we haven't forgotten anything towels beach bag Sun Shade and the spotty ball that's everything I'm sure we've forgotten something of course we forgot the Hat [Music] we forgot daddy pig daddy we almost left you behind but George remembered you yes do this that No thank you goodbye Peppa is enjoying pretending to leave mummy pig but George is getting a bit bored sorry daddy pig nearly finished Oh dad come on daddy pig it's time you did someone goodbye mummy pig and Daddy pig bye daddy pig is digging in the garden hello George mummy pig and this is daddy pig Oh daddy pig is here - so what that's very kind of you daddy pig now be careful it's a very deep hole did you did your best clothes daddy pig I want to make pig snorts too [Music] ice cream everyone ice cream pepper George you must take off those muddy clothes before you eat daddy pig are you sure yes so we're a pepper and George we don't know oh well that's a shame because I've got their favorite ice cream here but if we can't find them then daddy you really had us fooled it's getting even windier hold onto your hats no the wind has blown George's hat off [Music] [Music] hmm I'll just climb up and get it the trees much too thin to take your weight daddy pig so how can we get Georgia's fat simple I'll give the tree a little shake huh maybe if I shake it a bit harder that sort of thing already happened to me it's not funny it is a bit funny mummy I suppose it is a bit funny where's Georgia's hat oh it's on your head here's your hat George hold on to it this time the wind is blowing all the leaves off the trees the wind is strong enough to hold the wind is strong enough to hold Georgia the wind is strong enough to hold up daddy pig I say this is fun come on Bobby big give it a try but if the wind stops the wind has stopped it's not funny it is a bit funny it can go straight up one ice cream please mmm that's nice maybe we should land now emergency emergency calling rescue helicopter mr. bull is digging up the road it's got a big metal pipe listing okay mr. ball how can you lift that big high with my pig magnet [Music] I'm not really sure I know I'll put it down here where someone can easily find it now I can give you a lift home can you make your own way home miss rabbit is giving us a lift [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you remember what your first word was no it was mummy I thought peppers first word was daddy no mummy what was George's first word I sure George his first word was dinosaur somebody looks like they had a good lunch yes last time I think lady Alexander is having a bath this is mr. dinosaur a noose a dinosaur cake he can't talk pepper but she will took one date then you'll know what he wants what do you want to do now Alexander I think he wants to go for a walk he can't walk yet in his buggy [Music] that's a clever little buggy yes Alexander likes it when you talk Peppa that's because I am very interest I told him to say [Music] baby goldie could visit the aquarium the aquarium is a place where there are lots of fish the family abroad go to the fish to the aquarium I'm sure we will pepper the aquarium has every type of fish hello miss rabbit hello how many tickets please two grown-ups and two children please the fish goes free have every type of fish oh yes probably good looking for a friend Goldie well I hope you finds one enjoy the aquarium thank you the first room has a tank full of little fish [Music] any of these friend let's see are in the next room okay here is candy we come here all the time it's better than watching TV in this tank I can't see anything in front of you it is a very big fish rabbit is waiting with the picnic I forgot it is mrs. duck and her friends hello mrs. duck if you've come for the picnic you'll have to wait for the little boat like me or you could just swim across like you're doing would you like some cheese grumpy rabbit well I should really be getting back why do love a bit of cheese forgotten me I've come to take you to the picnic oh [Music] we forgot you I saved you a sandwich and George saved you a strawberry nice of you thank you mrs. duck biscuits the biscuits I just gave you for your friends Oh can I be in your secret club please please I've always wanted to be in a secret Club which is pick a needle noodle pick a needle noodle that's it what happens now it's daddy pig there you are mummy sheep what's new I always wanted to be in a secret Club can I join please because you are my mummy is grown-up well you have to know the magic word which is don't do don't dance papa dude what do I do now look out it's mummy pig daddy pig ah hello mummy pig what are you doing in that Bush secret club I've always wanted to be in a secret Club we can't have everyone in the secret club it wouldn't be a secret oh I suppose it doesn't have to be a secret secret club everybody and everybody oh stop pepper these vegetable peelings don't go in the normal bin they go in this brown bin that's right George it's a banana skin and there are onions and carrots and all sorts of fruit and vegetable leftovers in here granny and Grandpa will like these Peppa grandpa's garden they help his plants grow oh we can take these round there after lunch ever in Georgia taking the vegetable peelings over to granny and Grandpa pig's house ah vegetable peelings fantastic my garden will like these oh no pepper these peelings are for my compost what's that I'll show you here it is yes Peppa but it's a very clever wooden box I put these peelings in the top and then out of the bottom comes lovely rich cold oh no Peppa I've got some little friends that give it some help the worms turn the fruit and vegetables [Music] what a good idea [Music] [Music] [Music] the vet helps sick pets get better warranty yes watch this go be his even the food she didn't eat at time maybe gold it was bought a home the interesting journey has cheered at all ah you have a very healthy happy fish she's loved mummy pig peppa and George are going home on the bus mr. bull is going home with his bended Cuba Madame gazelle and her friends are going home without shopping I see Goldie the fish is happy again yes it was the bus ride that made a better fish swim [Music] hello you better dear gaudí has a cough I think we should take Goldie to the vet again tomorrow I can drive you in the car okay we'll go on the bus everyone's going on the fish is it for me Oh George no pepper it's not for you Oh George oh no it's a glass Vaz that's a bit of a boring presence it's a prison for grownups we've bought this but granny and Grandpa pig it's their wedding anniversary can mean George buy them a present ooh that's very sweet of you pepper but presents can cost a lot of money we've got money in a piggy bank George have one penny and two buttons to spend okay let's go shopping this is mr. Fox's shop can I help you it's granny and Grandpa pig's wedding anniversary I need a present my shop has everything oh sure you find something you like this can be the present pepper the present is not for you it's for granny and Grandpa oh yes funny teeth they're wound up joke teeth very popular for granny and Grandpa I think granny and Grandpa have all the teeth they need pepper do your granny and Grandpa gardening and digging yes then why not get them up bucket and spied each boy one get one free they've already got spades and buckets and box and everything oh dear I know grandpa likes sailing is a boat say no more I have thing us sailor code they've always four do you have pirate's treasure everything except poor it's treasure [Music] it's not the Giants the shadow is being made by a cloud Wow what sort of cloud is it it's a big cloud it's called a stratocumulus yes Edmund elephant is a clever clogs our shadows are getting longer that's because the Sun is getting lower in the sky it's nearly nighttime yes Emily when the Sun sets the shadows go away Papa George the time it is bedtime I'm a bit sad that my shadows gone away don't be sad pepper the electric light can make shadows and we can make Shadow Puppets mummy pig is using her hands to make a shadow puppet listen to it sing tweet tweet I'm a little birdy my turn pepper has made a spider my name is mr. skinnylegs Oh scary George is making a shadow puppet what George I sure George has made a dinosaur very good George time to switch the lights out good night Peppa good night George good night shadows Peppa we need to wait until it stopped raining [Music] let's listen to the weather forecast I know we can play the rainy day game I'll show you if I take this rubber duck and hide it where you can see it do you think you could find it [Music] what's this I will put the duck here now you tell me where it is exactly it won't always be so easy pepper who wants to go first George can go first okay you all wait here daddy pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for George to find the duck is somewhere in your bedroom George is looking for the rubber duck but it is quite difficult to find George you can see it just look with your eyes George is using his eyes to look for the rubber duck you're getting warmer colder warm again George has found the rubber duck okay peppers turn I will do the hiding this time mummy pig is going to put the rubber duck somewhere for pepper to find I will see it straightaway ready the rubber duck is somewhere in the kitchen I've come to find you rubber duckie I know where you are you're in the sink can I have a story please okay I'll read you the red monkey book yes that is what happens the wonderful world of concrete I've been looking for that it's a book I borrowed from the library it's a place you borrow books from and when you finished reading them you take them back but daddy pig has forgotten to take this book back I have had it for rather a long time never mind you can take it back tomorrow but now it's bedtime daddy reads this it's not much of a story pepper please okay the wonderful world of concrete concrete is a construction material composed of sand water and chemical admixture --zz chapter worn sand pepper George and mummy pig have fallen asleep it is morning peppa and her family have come to the library Shh you must be quiet in the library because people come here to read and to be quiet next please miss rabbit is the librarian hello mummy pig are you returning these books yes miss rabbit right you are it's shaking to see that you haven't been naughty and borrowed the book for too long and we need one of those funny things that makes everything look thick a magnifying glass I think we've got one in the kitchen drawer [Music] a real magnifying glass wow you hold it in front of things the magnifying glass makes the little fish look big the magnifying glass makes George's eyes look very big now what you detectives need is a mystery to solve daddy what's a Miss story a mystery is something detectives are good at sorting out like finding things that are lost I know we can find George's toy dinosaur that's always getting lost dinosaur - mr. dinosaur is not lost not today I'm wearing my glasses it's not fair there aren't any miss stories would you like me to make you a mystery daddy pig is going to make a mystery now what's on the table the little fish Teddy the jack-in-the-box and mr. dinosaur that's right now look very hard and try to remember them all the little fish teddy a jack-in-the-box and mr. dinosaur have you remembered them yes okay you just have to go outside for a moment I'm ready all right you can come back inside No one thing is missing from the table do you know what Richard would you like to play with George no George is a dinosaur just like yours let's go and see Richard rabbit is the same age as George Richard wants to see George's dinosaur George can Richard play with your dinosaur no Richard come George play with your dinosaur no George and Richard do not want to share their dinosaurs George it will be much more fun if you share that was really nice of George does not like sharing Richard let George hold the dinosaurs now Richard does not like sharing either what's all this crying about George um Richard always cry when they play together they're just too little to play properly can you two big girls teach them to play together of course we can help good idea let's go to the sow we lift the buckets Richard is made of sand castle and George is made a sandcastle you see playing together is fun mummy pig is in the kitchen making cookies [Music] what are you doing pepper I'm learning to whistle oh I see mummy can you whistle I don't know I've never tried it takes a lot of practice oh yes mummy pig can whistle you can whistle because you are old mummy Thank You Peppa George is in the bedroom playing with his toy rocket George whistles you make an own shape with your mouth and no don't worry George it's almost impossible like wiggling your ears George can't we whistling is harder George can whistle hmm what's wrong pepper I can't whistle but everybody else can never mind I'm making cookies would you like to lick the spoon no thank you mommy can I ring Susie sheep instead okay pepper hello mrs. pick hello mrs. sheep can pepper talk to Susie please hello what are you doing I'm learning to whistle but I can't do it yet hmm sounds hard it's impossible can you whistle Susie no oh good I mean that's sad if you can't whistle but good because I can't whistle what's whistling anyway you put your lips together and blow like this mummy pig has come to pick up pepper and George that's nice what's that it's my old computer I can't mend that it's not broken I've got a new computer I thought you might like my old one I'm not sure I really need one Oh a computer what does it do you can do letters with it [Music] I'm afraid we might break it by pressing the wrong button don't worry you can't break it perhaps we should keep the computer granny pig [Music] shall we do some work on the computer granny pig yes let's do some numbers and letters peppa and her family are having lunch I've given my old computer to granny and Grandpa that's nice I wonder how they're getting on with it hello Peppa Pig speaking ah Peppa I need to ask a question about the computer it's grandpa he's broken the computer what's the problem with the computer grandpa mummy pig is buying lots of things to take home mummy pig we haven't got room for this in our suitcase don't worry daddy pig they sell suitcases too this is the village cafe ja it is Italian food a little bit of tomato little bit of cheese into the oven and maybe we let them cook first no ok let's write the postcard to your goldfish yes I miss her very much to Goldie wish you were here kisses you can pause the card here good bye postcards fly home quickly Pizza Pizza Pizza yummy Peppa loves pizza everybody loves pizza magnifico uncle goat there will always be a special place for your pizza in my tummy oh dear Peppa has left teddy behind at the cafe what a lovely relaxing holiday we're having oh it's the police leave the talking to me hello officer I don't know what I did but I won't do it again mr. pig your teddy thank you just doing my job Senora pepper and her family have arrived back at their holiday house okay [Music] George I need some help I'm making chocolate chip cookies [Music] someone needs to lick out the bowl George likes helping mommy make cookies but he likes playing with Peppa Suzy love playing doctors and nurses so does George Peppa listens to George's chest please Susie takes George's temperature [Music] stay in bed for three years daddy pig has come to find George Oh No what's wrong with George don't worry daddy is only a game George is our patient oh I see can the patient have a visitor just for a little while he might get tired [Music] yes therefore Jorge Playa is medicine to make him feel better excuse me doctor can you help me I have a sore tummy you can go out to play when you finish your breakfast [Music] don't drink your juice too quickly Jorge drank his juice too quickly and now he has hiccups now Bobby not while George has hiccups but George's hiccups of God bar they haven't made George oh [Laughter] all right you can go out and play but look after George peppa and George love playing in the garden George I'll get a further ball and then you have to catch it George please stop hiccupping George now you've let the ball to me and I have to catch it George oh dear George's hiccups are spoiling the game George the cure hiccups you have to do what I say rub the top of your head and rub your tummy now your cups have gone Peppa's cure for hiccups doesn't seem to have worked George you've got it all wrong I know a better way to cure hiccups first jump up and down three times on one leg now wave your arms up and down and stick your tongue out and [Music] George's is the Sun has come out and look what else is covered George love rainbows a rainbow only comes out when it's rainy and sunny at the same time whoa it's got all our favorite colors in it and do you know what you find at the end of a rainbow no you find treasure okay the end of the rainbow looks like it's just on the next Hill [Music] [Music] our main back on its moved to the next Hill you cheering quick let's catch it [Music] it stopped raining [Music] don't worry George maybe the rainbow has left some treasure behind there's something over here I'm Susie she see what I mean and you say this Nicki that's nothing like me this is a bit like you Susie you're just this noisy as me I can be quiet oh we can show my mummy so quiet you can drop something on the floor and hear it [Music] not being quiet at all you're all being very noisy can we be quiet whenever we want start being quiet on the count of three one two three Oh the house was empty peppa and her friends are playing at being quiet pepper cannot stop herself from talking oh I think I might be a chatterbox that's not such a bad thing pepper it's good to talk in fact I think you're an expert at talking that's right I am talking I'm an expert at talking to chat about I'm more of a chat box than you you two are just the same yes we are that's why we are best friends talking [Music] yes what would you like to make right here Oh George you always say dinosaur for everything let's make an aeroplane let me George likes aeroplanes yes all we need is some paper there is lots of old paper in the workroom perfect mummy pig is going to make a paper airplane fold the paper down the middle and I'll fold the corners in at one end fold those corners in again to make a point then fold the sides back like this forever play let's see if they can fly Ready Steady Go money fix aeroplane has flown into a tree Peppa's aeroplane has landed in a flowerpot George's aeroplane is doing a loop-the-loop and has landed in the duck pond a plane will need a really big piece of paper Peppa George have made a big new aeroplane hello everyone shouldn't you be at work yes but I've forgotten some important Wow fantastic you need someone big and strong to throw it Ready Steady the big blue aeroplane is flying very high and very far it just keeps on going bye-bye airplane noise [Applause] [Music] George was a baby we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house and that always sent him to sleep how strange no loud noises that's right how many times round the house was it mummy pig three times fifty times daddy pig is pushing baby Alexander around the house fifty times good baby Alexander is asleep can you let me back in switch the alarm back on pepper what are you doing up I can't daddy it's a noisy night okay pepper let's get you back to bed now which bedroom are you staying in the light has woken baby Alexander it's all right I've got the vacuum cleaner stop stop I remember another quiet way we used to get George to sleep oh yes we drove him around in the car I'll get the car started daddy pig has set off the noisy house alarm to the noisy house has woken everyone up it's miss rabbit in her rescue helicopter there is no more playgroup no more playgroup Madame gazelle is going away I suppose she has been teaching a long time Madame gazelle taught all the mummies and daddies when they were children Madame gazelle taught me everything I know who can count to three one two three thinking about it Madame gazelle must be very old which is probably why she's decided to stop teaching I know we should give Madame gazelle a leaving party it is the day of Madame gazelles leaving party everyone has come to help and tell us if Madame gazelles coming along why we don't want Madame gazelle catching us getting her party ready a surprise I hope we've invited everyone what about Madame gazelles old friends wasn't she wants in a pop group that's right she played guitar with the walking gazelles hello hello Madame gazelle is leaving the playgroup puppy what fun we'll be there good everyone's coming now let's make the party food this is the playgroup kitchen everyone is helping with the party food Emily elephant and Wendy wolf are decorating cupcakes pepper and George are making jelly Pedro pony is outside keeping guard riding Pepper's scooter yes scootering is such fun you should try it sometime we came to school on our scooters today very good peppa and George let's all paint pictures of how we came to school today very good I worked here so nice to get the fresh air in your lungs my granddad brought me in his truck lovely it is time for mummy and daddy pig to pick up the children from playgroup have you got the car keys daddy pig I don't think we should take the car mummy pig but it's a long way to walk to playgroup we don't have to walk I made that mistake this morning we can scooter okay mummy and daddy pig us entering to playgroup they camp ever and George that was great I told you we wouldn't have to walk yes that seems to leave us without scooters for the journey home daddy pig you said we wouldn't have to walk we won't have to walk but we will have to run George loved scootering everybody loves scooting mummy daddy I've got some very good news what's that pepper I'm doing a new school project school project Oh what is it pepper I need to make a castle okay why don't you use this empty cereal box stick these yard pots on the sides and what have you got a box with pots on it no daddy it has to be good pepper what exactly did Madame gazelle tell you to do she told us to use our imagination and a fantastic castle is what I am imagining and my castle has to be big enough for me to live in I see right it is breakfast at Susie sheeps house Madame gazelle told you to make a real fairy Palace yes the little fiddly bits hello sorry but I can't come in to work today it's a school project yes yes thanks but I should be able to manage this is what my castle looks like but much much bigger if it needs to be big we should use concrete no daddy pig we just need to find a big enough cardboard box have we got a big box no delivery for daddy pig I don't remember ordering anything this large uh it's just a new light bulb why do they use so much packaging for these things shall I take the box away for you oh yes thank you we need that box I've got great that's your castle almost done it's not almost done we have to stick things on paint it add the glitter litter hello hello can I speak to Papa please pepper its Suzy sheep hello Suzy how's your school project going I'm doing very well - dear pepper and George here is a present for you to share love from your auntie Dottie auntie Dottie lives far away in another country it's got wheels it's not a car George it's got legs it's a table Oh tables don't have tails there's a handle as well what can it be Twinkle Twinkle Toes remember children aunt Dottie sent the present for both of you you'll have to share sharing can be fun can i play with Twinkle Toes first let George have the first turn he's the youngest George likes playing with horsey it is called Twinkle Toes not horsey now it's peppers turn Oh princess pepper with my magic horse Twinkle Peppa likes playing with Twinkle Toes perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside mmm it's a bit steep here maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill and the quickest way down the hill is to ride down I know what I'm doing pepper I'm a grown up time to go back to the car thank you for visiting the mountain beauty spots see you again soon no George you can't play with the car keys you might lose them I'm not going to lose them oh dear daddy pig has dropped the car keys down a drain right let's go home um that might be difficult why he's down the drain Oh daddy pig don't worry I'll get the keys out of the drain with a stick hmm the drain must be deeper than I thought the stick is not long enough to reach the keys what we need is a fishing rod then we can catch the keys on a hook maybe miss rabbit sells fishing rods up do you sell fishing rods we do actually I don't know why you don't get fish in them Mountains we're not fishing for fish we're fishing for keys my daddy car keys down the drain oh you'll never get those back that drains really deep what's it drains for a drain takes the rain water away to the sea the fishing line is not long enough to reach the keys my goodness how deep is this drain we can see how deep it is by dropping a stone good idea miss rabbit we can count how long the stone takes to reach the bottom that is deep told you what can we do now you have had mr. dinosaur a long time I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did maybe it's about time you got a new dinosaur yes we can go to mr. Fox's shop tomorrow this is mr. Fox's shop sells everything I'm sure we'll find you a lovely new dinosaur here George George does not want a new dinosaur look George a big dinosaur good morning can I help you we'd like the dinosaur in the window please certainly good choice this is the Dino roar it roars it walks and it sings a dinosaur song Dino lure Dino roar listen to the Dino war we'll take it war George is playing with Dino roar in the garden don't play too roughly with Dino roar Jorge he has moving parts and might get broken Jorge cannot play with Dino roar in the garden George wants to play with Dino roar in the bath Jorge if you get Dino roar wet he'll stop working George cannot play with Dino roar in the bath it is nighttime Jorge has taken Dyna raw to bed with him [Music] [Applause] maybe Dino should sleep somewhere else Jorge cannot have Dino raw in his bed at night it is morning why is George looking so sad George cannot play with Dino roar in the garden in the bath or in bed [Music] mummy pig has found the torch Peppa is making a funny face we'd better tell daddy we found the torch daddy you stood in the centre looking for the choice what a stroke of luck now we just have to wait until the electricity comes back exactly I would say exactly a long time Oh George I want to do some dancing the TV needs electricity - yes in the olden days when there was no television children would have to make up their own games Emmy pig is cutting a hole in the cardboard Fox there you are thank you now you all have to sit down there and George you have to point this torch at me hm welcome to Peppa Pig news with me [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
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Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa pig full episodes, peppa, #peppapig, #peppa, peppa pig english, pepa pig, #peppapigenglish, peppa pig peppa pig, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig song, pepper pig, peppa pig in english, peppa pig live, papa pig, pepp, peppapig, pep, peppa pig new episodes 2018, peppa pig videos, peppa george, peppa pig new episodes 2019, peppa pig 2019, peppa pig songs, peppa pig official, pepap pig official channel, peppa pig live stream, mandy mouse
Id: Cfd6PknS0Fw
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Length: 127min 7sec (7627 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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