🌺🌸🌼 Summer Perennial Garden Tour 2020 🌸🌼🌺

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well maybe you can show us your sun garden it is beautiful is this it is it peaking or what uh it's yes i mean there's still stuff up and coming but this is pretty much when it looks the best because all the cone flowers are out day lilies are pretty much finishing up i have a couple late day lily so so how many years did it take you to get this thing going oh god i change it up every year so i i mean the bare bones of the structure of the garden honestly it's just a bunch of mature plants so i kind of revamp it and move around and try to thin some stuff out every year so that it kind of looks a little different every year and i don't have the same beautiful photo in july and most cities are perennials right they're all perennials so they're all perennials so come back and uh what's your yearly maintenance what do you have to do to keep this garden looking this nice um i put down a generic look there's a hummingbird he's all mad because we're all right here look at him sounds like we got a monster hummingbird out there in the woods or something you see him anyway so oh so in the spring i put down a granular plant tone uh from the spoma and i just literally layer um one shot of that and i put i mulch it that's it um i'll fertilize specifically certain plants if i feel like they need it um the peonies for sure like the tree peonies in there that you can't even see right now they are i do fertilize those after they're done blooming because it helps to build the buds for next year so but the rest of it just feeds off the composted mulch and the fertilizer in one application what are your three favorite flowers in this garden i don't have three favorites well it really honestly my favorites change depending on what's in bloom so well why don't we feature three right here um it's down to like the last few that's a ruby spider day lily that is one of my absolute favorite day lilies uh i will show you why i have a picture of it where it's pretty much you can't even see the green it's just like such a statement and the flowers are huge i mean they can get up to like eight nine inches so uh that's my favorite like right now the orange day lily that's called mighty chestnut see how this is sort of going off this is sort of at peak right now now where do you get like mighty chestnuts oh god don't ask i can't give up my secrets if you knew how much i paid for some of these you might wait a minute i can't say this i don't know how much you paid for this if i say this on film then you'd have a motive to kill me so i mean so those are these are like specialty so i can't kill you all the flowers would die it is true that's true i think crabgrass would take over um you know i buy from special hybridizers for some of these and some of these are just basic you know like basic pink cone flowers those are the ones that pollinators love so i have to leave them in there so maybe you can just give us a quick rundown of some of these flowers so maybe the viewers could sneak a few ideas out of this thing um okay what do we got here um that was a transplant it doesn't look so hot it's the same thing as that those are burgundy baja sombrero cone flowers so i have like one two three four five six patches of this because it's so bright and they even when they fade they fade to this color which is super bright so they come out really vibrant and they make a statement like any photo that you see in july of this garden has an amazing red pop in like six places that's those so those are baja sombrero coneflowers the only drawback to that like the honeybees like them but i've never seen like the you know the butterflies and that they really gravitate more toward the pink so it really depends what your motive is to planting your garden if you want butterflies and everything coming in you really have to plant like mamma mias those are the coneflowers back there those have kind of faded but they open up this tropical coral color and then they fade to that pink and that is a magnet for um butterflies so yeah i mean red black-eyed susans those are pretty much you know i have to yank those every year because they'll take over if i don't there's one little section of joe pie weed back there uh we had a late frost and a couple of the stalks that were coming up got nailed so that is not looking so pretty anymore but it's the one stalk of joe pi weed is in with those liatris which are the purple and white flowers those are a big hummingbird and hummingbird moth magnet we have cardinal flower this isn't even in bloom yet this will get big bright red spikes this is the same plant in burgundy foliage so that one's called black truffle that's just the regular cardinal flower big hummingbird plant and i don't know what else like this is just pretty all the time but in the spring it gets these bright yellow flowers so you get like a pop of color in the spring and then you get pretty foliage for the rest of the summer until it dies back that's a euphorbia called bonfire and these bone flowers are called fatal attraction they're really the only coneflower with dark stems so when you look at this it's like there's a really good contrast you get dark stems that orangey center and then a bright pink so it kind of makes a statement i like it's different it has a different habit too see how the flowers are like a foot above the plant it's kind of weird but i like it it stands out now how long is the garden gonna look like this is this it this pink this i mean this is sort of peak yes um you know there's other things that will go off but now like the coneflowers there's still buds up and coming so this will be like this for another month i would say really i mean not like these are going to stay for a while you have there's still buds coming out on them so i'll always have this red the cardinal flowers are coming the hydrangeas are coming so if you plant for spring summer and fall you'll have like a succession of color so even though the color may be in different places the garden's gonna always look good through the summer so what do you estimate a garden like this cost again oh on the record or off oh he's trying to catch y'all now i wouldn't even know i if i had to calculate by how many pots of plants i put in here i mean that tree peony right there was 175 bucks what yeah what tree peonies in what is a tree peony the spring that pink thing that looks like oh no it's not even in bloom oh great it blooms in the spring that one i drove to connecticut for that so that was like you know but that's a specialty plant so i mean if i had to put generally pots of plants are like anywhere from 15 to 22 bucks for like a like a pot of flowers and i usually have to get them threes because if you just plant one i mean it's pretty but if you want like a massive color like if you want to get a picture like i do of my gardens and everyone's like whoa look at all this color can i fit any more plants in there um you have to plant in big sections of flowers and color so when i buy i buy in threes generally plus you also need to have a good labor around the house a guy that's really strong that does a lot of mulching and you know doesn't mind getting his hands dirty really yeah or complaining about it yeah well you know it's like the guy behind the camera never gets the credit oh well yes you do you do load up the wheelbarrows and the wagon well you know it's like you have the before and after shot but you have to show the trainer was there too during the process right i appreciate the that you work so hard to um you know let me keep my habit well i just want you know a lot of these uh your fans to know that fans i don't have fans well i'm sure garden has fans i'm sure you'll have fans after this but i just want them to know that you know not everybody has a husband that can do what i do i only i have to catch you before 6 30 because otherwise you're sleeping well hey you know i do have a real job yes thank god could you imagine if you didn't and i needed to buy plants yeah well so you know most people don't have to have a garden this big you could start small what would you suggest for a beginning gardener like what would you suggest you got like three minutes left here on video so what i suggest that i don't i mean it really depends on what you're wanting if you want pollinators if you just want pretty if you want easy pest-free deer resistant plants you know everybody's everybody's gonna want different you can have this garden but it's a lot of maintenance it's a lot of um keeping the deer and the insects away the bad ones but honestly if you have a garden like this that's so stuffed with plants and beautiful flowers even if the deer eat things and the japanese beetles make something look ugly there's so much color you don't really notice so that's the only secret with this garden is if you have so much you generally don't see any insect damage and i don't spray any pesticides on my garden so i have a nice balance of insects they all kind of work together it's when you try to kill off a certain family of bad bugs and you get the good bugs too you'll get infestations like without a doubt sorry i gotta kind of get close to you because our neighbor for some reason decided right when i said action to cut a tree down the size of a redwood so uh yeah honey we're running out of tape i love your garden the summer garden uh we'll talk later about how much it actually cost and uh yeah we don't have to do that maybe we'll check over 10 years though i mean if i had to spread it out over 10 years then yeah it's definitely beautiful i'll admit it and it's well worth all the hard work that i do to make these gardens look great okay my daughter needs my help i'm out thank you welcome there you have it folks some gardens are good summer gardens are great and loud chainsaws are annoying kids are too you
Channel: Guiding Green Thumbs
Views: 86,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gardening, with, kids, Top perennial, 2020 garden tour, Full sun, Drought tolerant, Heat tolerant, Longest blooming, Perennials, Succession planting, Most colorful gardens, Best plants, For sun, Garden tours with plant names, Top 10, How to design a garden, Tips for gardening
Id: MtfhkgeQBMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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