🌱 6-Days Morning Practice 🌱 Day 4: Stance Training (60 Min)

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good morning everyone and welcome to  the fourth day of this week's practice   so as you see i brought my little  friend today so let's get started feet place them together spine upright tuck the chin in extend the spine hands  in front of the chest in front of the heart elbows up release inhale and release one more time inhale and release sink the weight on the right  leg left leg take step out open inhale in three in and release five more times in and out in and out three more times in and out two in and out one more time in and out fists thumb index finger  middle finger ring finger small let's go 100 times thumb index finger middle finger ring  finger small finger and reverse close   one two three four five six seven eight nine ten  one two three four five six seven eight nine ten   one two three four five six seven eight nine  ten one two three four five six seven eight   nine ten six more times one two three four five  six then 36 times inside one two three four five   six seven eight nine ten one two three four five  six seven eight nine ten one two three four five   six seven eight nine ten one two three four  five and six other direction one two three four   five six seven eight nine ten one two three four  five six seven eight nine ten one two three four   five six seven eight nine ten  one two three four five six   next elbow joints one two three four five six  seven eight nine ten one two three four five six   seven eight nine ten one two three four five six  seven eight nine ten one two three four five six   other direction one two three four five  six seven eight nine ten one two three   four five six seven eight nine ten one two three  four five six seven eight nine ten one two three   four five six okay next one shoulder  rotate backwards one two three four   five six seven eight nine ten 1 2 3 4 5 6  7 8 9 10 1 2 3 four five six seven eight   nine ten and one two three four five six  change direction and one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three  four five six seven eight nine ten one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 then one two three four five  and six more center spine okay relax thank you yeah ten more one two three four five  six seven eight nine and ten good   now bending to the front leaning slightly to  the back from here again arms head hanging and one and two three five six seven eight nine ten one two three five six seven eight nine one one two three four five six seven eight nine one more okay that was now for the spine now hip  rotation one two three four five six   seven eight nine ten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine ten  other direction one two three four five six seven   eight nine ten ten more one two three four five  six seven eight nine ten okay that was hip area   let's take the knees feet together arms  support support the legs and squat up push one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three  four five six seven eight nine ten one two three   four five six seven eight nine ten and one two  three four five and six good massage the kneecaps 36 times one two three four five six seven eight  nine ten one two three four five six seven eight   nine ten one two three four five six seven  eight nine ten one two three four five six okay sink the way on one of your  legs on the left leg lift up and rotate one two three four  five six seven eight nine ten   one two three four five six seven eight  nine ten one two three four five six   seven eight nine ten one two three four  five six let's switch to the other leg sink the weight first and then this  one up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3   4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight  nine ten one two three four five six okay so once again this routine until  now we repeat it every day and just   for you to remember finger joints wrist elbow  joints shoulder more to the center spine   spine torsional movement spine also bending  to the front leaning a little bit to the back   more down towards the hip rotating the hip  more to the next joint which is the knee   the knee joints yeah then more down until  the ankles and now let's spend some more time   and do some additional joints that until  now we didn't do yet let's take the head from here the head shoulders drop the shoulders inhale drop again in and drop in and drop okay release the tension here from the neck  area release it release it okay now head right hand on top of the head touch the ear body stay straight start to slowly bend left arm stretch out inhale exhale and release 18 times one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three open up four five six seven and eight good now switch to the head switch the arms  change now tilt the head to the other side   open the neck open the neck already in this  position here you should feel a stretch   yeah there's a stretch this stretch  until the arm yeah here until the arm and go inhale and exhale stretch two in out three in out four in five in out six in out seven eight nine ten one two three four six seven and eight okay slowly return back to  the center and now the head   just from the front here slowly rotate all the  way without forcing don't apply too much pressure   just feel the range of your movement  just use the range of your movement let's go nine times one two three four five six seven eight and nine okay and now other direction  two one two three four five six seven eight nine okay turn back now very similar  to the head rotation that we just did   before now we are doing the same but your  head right now is your complete upper torso   so i show you how that exercise looks and  try slowly important right now your stance   you must have a stable stance so already now  integrate and go into a wide horse stance go into horse stance don't  need to go too low right now   um keep them open keep the  arms open and now from here one yeah together nine times two three four five six seven eight and one more nine okay arms here you can use the arms  connect the arms so that they are not   separated from each other it's easier in the  beginning to just touch and push keep straight   keep complete body tension  other side nine times one two four five six seven eight and nine okay so now let's continue with some jumping the light bring lightness inside of your body  that lightness there's no specific pattern   no pattern how to jump just  relax shake off tension okay breathe inhale and exhale inhale exhale and out okay jumps bigger one two three four  five six seven eight nine ten one two three four   five six seven eight nine ten one two three four  five six seven eight nine ten one two three four   five six continue normal jumps this time again no  structure shake off the tension do what you want yes okay let's continue and knees  up knees up let's do 20 times   1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 10 more two three jumping one leg to the front one leg to the back  one two three four five six seven nine ten one two   three four five six eight nine ten one two  three four five six seven eight nine ten   two three four five six seven eight nine  ten one two three four five six seven together one two three going down into the horse stance inhale  at the same time the arms lift up one and up two three four five six seven eight nine stretch ten one two three four five six seven eight nine and 10. shake off so dynamic exercise breathing synchronized  with movement now we take the movement out   but the breathing is still inside there  so you need to find another way right now   how to use the breath and make it possible for the  body to use this energy because you will need it okay three times small breathing fill up the lungs  afterwards go into marble and stay until 18 okay inhale two three go into the posture one and stay don't move anymore and i count slowly  until 18 you focus on the breathing on your breath   try to find a way to nourish yourself in  this posture eighteen one two three four   five six seven eight nine ten one two three four  five six seven eight and slowly inhale stand up shake the legs this was the first round repeat again second round   three times regulate fill the  chest fill your lungs in two in and three in inhale go into the posture and concentrate again stay strong have some  tension and now keep the posture your back   straight don't lean too much to the front try  to keep it straight and 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ten one two three four five six  seven eight legs and inhale stand up shake the legs jump one two three four five six seven eight nine ten  one two three four five six seven eight nine ten   one two three four five six seven eight nine ten  and one two three four five six eight nine ten   one two three four five six seven eight nine ten  one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay third round in in out go into the posture and 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ten one two three  four five six seven eight nine and ten ah   two i made too much so let's add some more  six more one two three four five six go hand released okay one two three four five six seven eight  nine ten one two three four five six   seven eight nine ten and ten nine eight  seven six five four three two one and release so mabu enough for this morning not enough  for the day but for the morning it's okay   so right now yeah loosen up a little bit  more your arms your shoulders your neck area oftentimes the ancient practices for example  also the shaolin kung fu it said that   it is good for the body and the mind  but okay buddy it's undoubtedly because   there's some physicality and some  vitality that you are generating   by moving but where is the part what's the  the good part and the benefit of the mind   well if um if you are standing at the training  place and you do the movement but your mind anyway   somehow floating around everywhere then apparently  your mind and your body are doing two different   type of things your body does the training your  mind does something else and so we talk about that   body and mind in that moment are not united they  are not aligned they should do the same thing yeah   if your body does something and your mind does  something else it becomes very difficult to choose   so where do you want to spend more energy now  on the mind thinking or on the body training   so you need to choose but choosing yeah  this is not an option so we make and go   the way of no choice and no choice means you  put the mind always there where the body is   yeah and this needs time to practice this  is why it's all a question of awareness yeah   awareness of go into the joint just take  the wrist just take the finger joints   just take the chin just take the neck just  take the left shoulder just take the right knee   so whatsoever the powerful part about our  mind is it can go everywhere in an instant   that's the great part about the mind  and so this is what we are also using so   observe yourself exactly in that aspect okay sorry  talking too much again therefore more practice now okay left leg first i shift slightly on the one  side put my weight here then the left leg   can turn out i move back here then turn back to the center same one two one two yeah forget about the arm movement yeah  focus more on the legs okay from here one two back first leg out then goes yes from here back to mabu then back go so the last three days we spent quite  some time well 60 minutes every morning to   strengthen our legs and we were using therefore  two postures very famous very well known postures   that are used very often in the shaolin kung fu  which is one the mabu the horse stance and second   the gong boo the arrow stance or the bow and arrow  stands where in ancient times you were shooting   the bow so we we practiced them separately and  now it's about combining them so first we go into mabu from mabu go into gong back and one center two center three center four center five center six center seven center eight center nine center turn center one center two   center three center four more four  center five center six center seven and relax the legs so a shaolin saying is first you learn how  to stand then you learn how to walk then you   learn how to run then you learn how to jump  then you learn how to fly so we're in the   very beginning right now learning how to stand  which is for example practicing your posture   the mechanical posture the alignment of the  skeleton we need to learn for each separate   position each separate posture now after standing  now we cannot just in this world stand around you   need to walk but what actually means walking it  is the connection between two standing postures   doesn't matter how those standing postures  are looking the walking happens in between   so that means walking in that sense is everything  that happens in between the standing and so this   is where we are also placing our attention on  how do i effectively make those transitions   the transitions from one posture to the next  so continue again mabu gongbu transition   18 times a little bit more slow so you have  more time to really go inside yourself yeah and observe yourself yeah one two three four five six seven back eight nine ten back 11 back 12 back 13 14. back 15 16 back 17 back one more yeah back to center okay ah very heavy on the legs  again jumping bring lightness inside okay yesterday we started doing some separate  leg exercises now open the pelvis area again   this area so from here lift  the knee up rotate outward one switch other leg two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten more one  two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay hip rotate one two three four five six seven eight  other direction one two three four six   seven eight okay very good legs becoming more  light again hopefully so continue jumping now shaking off the legs shaking off  the legs start right leg here lift awareness side knee cough toe one one one both legs 36 times 18 per side so 1 2 3  4 5 6 seven eight nine ten one   two three four five six seven  eight nine ten one two three   four five six seven eight nine ten six  more one two three four five and six okay so five more minutes to go and probably  tomorrow i will introduce you to one more   posture looks different than mabu gongbu  and therefore is also strengthening   and training other other skills other  strength other muscles inside of the body   necessary to maintain force to maintain stability  and to maintain power within each posture okay   let's jump one more minute and then  let's go on with the final part for today something for the arms for the shoulders  for the chest for the back inhale exhale second time in and out one more time in and out now inhale and fill the chest in rotate the elbows backwards and now time push out and release in rotate oh in and push release yeah eight times and push  really strong okay inhale and push one inhale and push two in push three push four push five push six push seven push and last time in puss okay good then before every session we bow after  every session we bow so place the feet together place the arms in front of your heart and actually wow so fourth day finished once again i'm very glad  to see that many of you started from the first day   and are still surviving joining and keep  going until now the fourth day already   even that yesterday you felt i made the training  a little bit harder than i would normally do it   but i want you to realize i would want you to see  that that's just the way it is if there's nothing   to challenge yourself if there's nothing that you  in the first beginning would consider negative   if there's nothing that in a way would  limit your mind or limit your body well then   it's either you're very open already you're  very good already or you now have the chance   to really do something about it first you  need to see where is my limit where is the   stuff that brings me problems no matter mentally  problems physical problems first observe yourself   see the way how it is after yesterday's training  you feel the body how it is it doesn't matter   what you think about your body yesterday you have  the realization how the body really is and from   there on we keep going so then i'm wishing you a  nice day for some of you maybe you're going to bed   right now which most probably will not work that's  why it's good to have all the recordings because   this is really morning training afternoon  training evening training only if afterwards   you still have some time to calm down the body  in that sense see you tomorrow again bye bye um um
Channel: Shi Heng Yi Online
Views: 226,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ck3IpQfMhJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 43sec (3823 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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