🌏 Read An Article From The BBC With Me | Advanced English Vocabulary Lesson (FREE LESSON PDF)

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are you ready to read an article from the BBC with me when you learn English with the news it's a great way to learn Advanced vocabulary complex sentence structure Advanced grammar and natural pronunciation in a really fun and engaging way and I'll also share the link where you can download the PDF of the lesson that we reviewed today welcome back to g4's English training of course I'm Jennifer and this is your place to become a fluent confident English speaker let's get started [Music] hello and welcome to our article as you can see by this beautiful picture we're talking about biodiversity so first let me read the article in full so you have a general idea of the context and you can pay attention to my pronunciation as well and then I will explain some key vocabulary and grammar points so I'll read the article in full now biodiversity can we set aside a third of our planet for nature it's being called a last chance for nature 100 countries backing calls to protect 30 percent of the planet the aim is to reach this goal by 2030 and conserve forests and other vital ecosystems in order to restore the natural world the 30 by 30 Target is the key ambition of the UN biodiversity Summit cop 15. but as the talks in Montreal Canada move into their final days there is division over this and many other targets scientists have warned that with forests and grasslands being lost at unprecedented rates and oceans under pressure from pollution and overfishing humans are pushing the Earth beyond safe limits this includes increasing the risk of diseases like SARS cov-2 Ebola and HIV spilling over from wild animals into human populations under the proposed agreement countries would sign up to targets to expand protected areas such as nature reserves it draws inspiration from the so-called father of biodiversity the biologist Edward O Wilson who called for half of Earth to be protected but there is debate over how much land and sea to include and some scientists fear the targets may be diluted so now let's talk about some of the key vocabulary and grammar Concepts if there's a specific word you don't understand or grammar concept feel free to leave it in the comment section and I'll do my best to answer it so let's start right at the title here biodiversity can we set aside a third of our planet for nature excellent question I certainly hope we can let's take a look at this to set aside this is a phrasal verb so I have my verb which is set and my preposition aside to set something aside now you set something aside in this case that something is a third of our planet for nature when you set something aside it means you reserve it and generally we reserve whatever that it is for a future use so in the context of our planet we're saying take 30 percent of it and reserve it and we're going to reserve it for a specific purpose and that in this case it's nature so we're not going to use it for any other purpose we use this a lot in a business context for example can you set aside a few minutes to discuss the project so you could ask your boss this your client this A co-worker this in this case we're talking about setting aside time because you have a set amount of time eight hours in your work day right and you're going to reserve an amount of time in this case just a few minutes for a specific purpose and in this case that specific purpose is to discuss the project so for now get comfortable using this with time but you can absolutely practice with other some things as well now I do want to point out this is a question and I know this because rule one I'm starting with my modal verb can which is a question word and I also have a question mark now for pronunciation if you go back to when I read the article you may have noticed something called inflection when my voice raised at the end we do that for yes or no questions so I'm going to read this again and notice how my inflection Rises so my voice is higher at the very end of this word because it's a question can we set aside a third of our planet for nature nature remember we do that for yes or no questions so inflection for yes no questions let's continue on it's being called a last chance for nature 100 countries backing calls to protect 30 percent of the planet okay what does it mean to back calls are we talking about a telephone call in this case the call is to do something specific you can call on someone to do something for example I call on the government to protect the environment I'm not calling the government I'm calling on the government I'm requesting that they do something specific now when I back a call the verb to back it means to support so it's saying that 100 countries support protecting 30 percent of the planet and remember this call represents the request request to do something that's the call in this case and back means to support support so let's think of an example what could I say the client wants us to back their price increase notice how dealer but then I put my possessive as a plural their price increase native speakers do this because the client could be male or female and when we don't want to be gender specific we use there this isn't official in the dictionary it's a force of habit that's correct way according to the dictionary would be the client wants us to back his price increase her price increase or if you want to be gender neutral you would have to say his or her price increase because there is no singular that represents both genders so native speakers will frequently say there because it's just easier than saying his or her just keep that in mind though because for your IELTS exam this is not currently a grammar rule is just something that we do the client wants us to back his price increase in this case back remember it means support support you probably know this or it might make sense to you when you think of the expression the idiom in English I got your back I have your back if you say that to someone it means I support you don't worry I have or I got your back we use it with both the verb have or the verb God both of them are very common I have your back I got your back and that means I support you so that is where this comes from perhaps but now you learn this expression as well so let's continue on the aim aim is another way of saying goal so if you want an alternative added to your vocabulary that sounds very formal and advanced you can use aim the aim of my project is to instead of the goal the aim of The Proposal the aim is to reach this goal by 2030. and can serve forests and other vital ecosystems in order to restore the natural world vital is a great word to add to your vocabulary it means necessary necessary ecosystems and other vital when something is vital you cannot have an option without it it has to be there it's necessary and other vital ecosystems so for our planet we can't not have fish in the sea that would create widespread disaster across the world right so fish in the sea are vital they're necessary and an ecosystem is just one element of the world one natural element of the world I'll teach you an advanced sentence structure that you can use with the word vital because we commonly say it's vital that I talk to the client today so it's saying it's necessary but vital sounds very strong it sounds like if I don't talk to the client today something bad will happen it's vital so it's very strong it's almost a little dramatic it will definitely get someone's attention if somebody says it's vital that I talk to you today I would want to know what that person wants to tell me because it sounds very important sometimes even though this is already quite strong we make this even stronger by saying it's absolutely vital that I talk to you today or the client today this is to make it even stronger but keep in mind you don't need this because it's already very strong but you can include it so you might say it's vital that I become a fluent and confident I always like to add confident because I know a lot of students who are fluent but they're not confident so I always like to include both of those it's vital that I become a fluent and confident English speaker now it might be vital because you won't get the job without it right or you won't be able to get a promotion without it so this is a very nice sentence structure and notice the sentence structure to be vital it is vital that okay that and then you have a clause a clause is simply a sentence we have a subject a verb and an object so to be vital that and then your Clause practice that in the comments below let's continue on the 30 by 30 Target this 30 by 30 well think back it was right here 30 right by 2030. so it's just a clever way of saying 30 by 2030 30 by 30 Target is the key ambition of the UN biodiversity Summit cop 15. you've probably heard about cop15 it's been in the news a lot recently but as the talks in Montreal Canada woohoo Montreal I live two hours from Montreal by the way but as the talks in Montreal Canada move into their final days there is division over this and many other targets if there's Division division means separation right so it means some countries want this some countries want this there's Division I guess another way of saying it might be disagreement disagreement disagreement that's a good one and notice our preposition when you're learning a new word it's useful to understand how it's used in a complete sentence you need the preposition over division over something and we would use over with disagreement as well disagreement over something and the something being this so that this I guess is the 30 by 30 Target and many other targets scientists have warned that with forests and grasslands being lost at unprecedented rates and oceans under pressure from pollution and overfishing okay let's just stop there because it's quite a long sentence unprecedented unprecedented unprecedented when something is unprecedented it means it's never happened before it's never happened before so this is the first time it's happening the fact that forests and grasslands are disappearing I'm just going to say 10 per year no idea if that's correct that has never happened before it's unprecedented unprecedented rates and oceans under pressure from pollution and overfishing over added to the verb phishing overfishing means fishing too much fishing too much fishing too much over fishing humans are pushing the Earth beyond safe limits when you push something Beyond a limit so this is the limit and Earth is right here behind the limit and the limit is you can't go beyond this okay but when you push it it means you're going more than what is wanted or needed or required so we use this a lot when we're doing tasks I might say this what task this accounting problem is pushing us beyond our limits what could your limits be well it could be your knowledge so your knowledge of accounting is here but this project requires your knowledge to be here greater than what it currently is so it could be your knowledge it could be your time your resources many other things that could represent that limit so that's a good expression pushing beyond the limits there let's continue on this includes so they're listing how the Earth is being pushed Beyond its limits more than want and needed required necessary this includes increasing the risk of diseases like SARS cov2 I don't know what this is kovi Dash 2 Ebola and HIV spilling over from wild animals into human populations when something spills over it is another way of saying transfers so let's let's say this problem is in the accounting department which is here but then I have the marketing department here the problem should stay in the accounting department but it might spill over into the marketing department which means it it transfers into the marketing department so now that problem is in two places so we do use this for for General problems so you might actually a good example I just thought of was my work is spilling over into my personal life so your work should be here at work but it's spilling over it's transferring to it's affecting so I guess that's an easy way to think of it when when a problem or issue in one area starts affecting another area so one area in this case is work and the other area is your personal life that happens a lot right it could be a conflict a conflict with someone is spilling over into another relationship for example so that's that's a good expression practice that one in the comments as well it's more of an advanced sentence structure and notice this double preposition over but then if you want to specify the the part that's receiving the problem you have to use into is spilling over and then this into belongs to the area that's receiving it so notice that for for forming the sentence correctly let's continue on under the proposed agreement proposed means that this has not been officially signed so it's just proposed it's not official so something that has been suggested or recommended but not official yet yet meaning that it can be official in the future but it's also possible that it won't be official under the proposed agreement countries would sign up to targets to expand protected areas such as nature Reserves it draws inspiration from the so-called father of biodiversity the biologist Edward O Wilson who called for half of Earth to be protected so here were you seeing this again he's not calling he's not making a call he's requesting something specific happen so I don't know if I wrote the definition before so I will now to call for something to request something specific to happen for example the activist called four laws to protect the environment they request it let's continue but there is debate over how much land and seed to include and some scientists fear the targets may be diluted notice our preposition here debate over there's debate over something I'm sure you know what debate means is when one person wants this one person thinks that and there is not agreement but I just want you to notice the preposition here debate over something now diluted in this case it's acting as an adjective because I have my verb be be diluted when you dilute something you make it less strong this is actually commonly used in cooking so let's say I have this small glass of water right but let's say this is entirely lemon juice that would be very strong if I took a sip of that it would be very strong so if I want to dilute it I need to make this less strong how do I do that well obviously I can pour water in and when I add water to this lemon juice it will dilute the lemon juice it will make it less strong so we commonly use this with liquids let's say you got a cup of coffee and it was just very strong that taste was so strong you might dilute it by adding some water you could do that you might add some milk as well to make it less strong but we commonly use it by adding water now in this case they're talking about the target so the targets may be diluted which means less strong right less strong commonly used with cooking or beverages I'm just going to write my example for you now that lemon juice is too strong can I have some water so I can dilute it so I can dilute it in this case it's being used as the active verb to dilute something in this case it's being used as an adjective to be diluted to be diluted and this is our adjective diluted now our targets the targets may be diluted so what are the targets that they're proposing it was 30 right 30 30 by 30 30 so if it's diluted what would the target be well it would be anything less than 30 right that's how it would be less strong so it might be 25 24 22 percent hopefully nothing like 10 or 5 because if it were five percent or ten percent it would be severely diluted I would say that this is just you know a little diluted this is severely diluted so that's how you would dilute a Target you would make it less strong and remember we commonly use this with beverages so that's the end of our article I hope you enjoyed it and enjoyed all the vocabulary and grammar and the topic is very interesting isn't it I wonder if your country is going to participate and Reserve 30 percent of your country just for natural environment do you think that's a good idea share your thoughts in the comments below and I hope you enjoyed this lesson amazing job with this lesson now I've left the link to the PDF where you can review all the vocabulary the sentence structure the grammar right in the description so if you look in the description of this video you'll see the link and if you found this video helpful please hit the like button share it with your friends and of course subscribe and before you go make sure you head on over to my website j4senglish.com and download your free speaking guide in this guide I share six tips on how to speak English fluently and confidently and until next time happy studying foreign [Music]
Channel: JForrest English
Views: 42,271
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Keywords: speaking with news, Free English lesson, How to Learn English Vocabulary, JForrest English, English vocabulary, Expressions, Idioms, learn English, English, English grammar, speak English, American English, TOEFL, IELTS, English reading, native speaker, english pronunciation, reading comprehension, reading, learn english with news articles, learn english with newspaper, english reading practice, esl, learn english through story, english listening practice, learn english with news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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