Improve Your English Fluency FAST | Reading and Listening Method

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Today you're. Going to improve your. Fluency in English by reading and listening to English at the. Same time we're going to read a news article together and this. Is the best method that. You can use to become fluent. Fast Welcome back to JForrest English. I'm Jennifer. Now let's get started first. I'll read the headline the. Aircraft. Of the future. Takes flight. So here we have an aircraft. Most likely you. Refer to this as a. Plane an aircraft is more of the. Category of vehicles that fly. So it includes planes and. That definition for you remember an aircraft. Is just a vehicle. That can fly, so a plane. Or a helicopter. Now someone might ask you. What type? Of plane did you fly on? They could also say what type of aircraft. Did you fly on? That's fine, because a plane is a type. Of aircraft. And then to answer you would say the name of the plane, so I. Had to Google this because. I don't know any names of planes. Or aircrafts. But my husband? Is always. Very interested in the type of plane we fly on and he seems to know the types of planes, so he would probably say it was a Boeing. 767 for example. Now the. Aircraft of the future. Takes flight, takes flight. You may be more familiar. With the. Expression to. Take off that's. When the plane leaves the ground and begins to. Fly to take off. You can also. Say take flight. To mean the same thing, but honestly, take. Flight is less. Common the more common option. Is take off. So I wrote that definition and again, I recommend you use. Take off. For example, what time does your? Flight take off. You can also say what time do you? Take off. Because you are also. Leaving the ground. But notice here it is common to use flight, and in that sense it would sound odd to say what time does your. Flight Take flight. Even though grammatically. Off. This headline just. Chose to use Take Flight. So the. Aircraft of the future the. Type of plane of the. Future takes flight, takes off. Now don't worry about writing down these notes because I summarize everything in a free lesson PDF. You can look in the description for the link to download it. Now let's continue and talk. About this aircraft of the future. I think you can imagine what type. Of aircraft we're. On this image here in the French Alps last summer, a plane set 7 new world records. So notice. Here you set a record. And that's just when you accomplish. Or achieve a record, we set a new record. Now you're probably familiar. With to set a target or to set. A goal when you set a. For example I. Set a goal to be. Fluent in three months and that's a very ambitious. Goal to set. Now this doesn't mean you. Achieved it. This simply means. You identified it so. Three months from today. It's your goal to be. Fluent and of course you need to take the steps. Necessary to achieve that goal. But in this case when the plane set. A record. It does mean it accomplished. That record, it achieved that record. So notice the slight difference in the. Use of set A. Record, it accomplished it, but when you set a. But you haven't accomplished it at this point. So in the French Alps last summer, a plane set 7 New World. Records. The. Two seater aircraft. Notice this. The two seater. This is functioning as an adjective, and it's describing the size. Of the. This aircraft. There are only two seats. Two seats it's. Extremely small, so that's a. Two seater aircraft whereas. A Boeing 767? That might be a 200 seater. 200 people can fit on the airplane, can sit on the airplane, so I don't know if that's true. It could be a. 400 seater, I'm not sure. So 200 seater. That just describes. How many? Seats are available. On that airplane. You don't need to. Use this just. With planes you could use this with a meeting room A. Movie theater A. Any type of theater A. Conference room. Where there are specific seats. And then you can describe how many seats as the number and then notice. You put or cedar, Cedar. So this. Is A2 seater A2 seater aircraft? So said another way, you can say. The the aircraft, the aircraft seats to people or there are two seats? On. The aircraft. That's the two seater aircraft. Climbed more than 20,000 feet in under 2 minutes. Now this must be impressive. Because it's. Set 7 new. World Records. So it means it was the. 1st to. Accomplish to achieve this and it. Reached speeds. Of 142 miles. Per hour before we move on, I'd love to tell you about LingQ, my personal favorite way to learn a language. LingQ is a language app that lets you learn from content you love. The reason why I use LingQ to learn languages and why I recommend you do too is because of the apps focus on input. On LingQ, you have access to thousands of hours of content that includes both audio and text, so you can both read and listen to English. Plus, you can import content directly from YouTube, Netflix, blogs. The news and much more. For example, you know those news articles that I like to share in my videos? You can easily import them into LingQ and create your own interactive lessons. You'll be able to easily look up words and phrases, track your statistics, and level up your English ability. I first started using LingQ because the platform was Co-founded by Steve Kaufman. He's a polyglot who speaks 20 languages. His method focuses on input, lots of reading, and lots of listening. And that's why LingQ, the app Steve co-founded, is so effective. It makes reading and listening to content in my target language easier and more enjoyable. LingQ is available on both desktop and mobile so you can practice your English anytime, anywhere. And LingQ is giving all JForrest English viewers a 35% discount off a one year premium plan. If you upgrade using my coupon code, you'll also have access to my special LingQ shelf, which includes my favorite English articles and TV. I highly recommend LingQ because I know it will help you improve your English quickly and you'll have a lot of fun in the process. So use the link in the description to sign up. Now let's continue with our lesson. It flew nonstop for 300 miles. OK, so flu, of course this is the irregular. Pass simple. Of fly. The verb conjugations are fly flu flown. I frequently fly. For work, that is. In the present simple. Because we have our adverb of. Routine action, I frequently. Fly for work. Yesterday I flew. To New York. So this. Is a past simple and this is our past. Simple verb flu. And flown this. Is our participle. We can use this in the present perfect. For example, I've flown three times this month. So it's an unfinished time reference. The present. Perfect. I've flown three times this month. Coming back to our sentence it this is. The aircraft it. Flew nonstop for 300 miles. Nonstop. This is an adverb. It. Describes how it. This is a common adverb, and we frequently use it in different verb tenses. Specifically the past. Worked nonstop all week, so if you said this, it means your week is complete because you're saying this in the past. Simple, I've been working nonstop. Your week is. Still in progress? So again, this means continuously. Without. All week. Perhaps these numbers don't sound very impressive, but consider that the aircraft burned no fuel and emitted. 0. Emissions notice here. The verb is. To emit, emit. Now this simply means produce. But we use it very specifically. We use. It when you produce a sound, a smell. Or a gas. For example, the tower emitted A buzzing sound, so again. The tower produced. A buzzing sound. Because. It's a sound. We can use the verb emit. The tower emitted A buzzing sound. So here consider. That the aircraft. Burned No fuel. And emitted 0 emissions emissions can be considered. A type of. Gas and that's why we can use emit. Let's continue instead the plane. Now remember this is the same as aircraft, plane, aircraft. Instead, the plane used an all. Electric motor powered by. A single battery, but remember this is only a. A very small plane, a very small. Aircraft. Called the E. Genius and built by engineers at the university. Of Stuttgart. The most remarkable thing about this all electric plane is the. Cost of. Flying it. Let's talk about remarkable, I love. This adjective. It means unusual or special. And therefore surprising and worth mentioning. So to get someone's attention, you could say the most remarkable thing happened to me today. If someone said that to me, I would be. Very curious. What? What? So what? But you have to make sure that you say something remarkable. So remember, it has to be somewhat unusual or special, something that doesn't happen every. Remarkable thing happened to me today. Hmm. Maybe I saw a. Triple. Rainbow, so I. Looked in the sky and there's not one. There's not 2. But there's three. Rainbows visible in the sky. I think that's pretty remarkable. I don't think I've ever seen a triple rainbow. Have you seen a triple rainbow? Put that. In the comments Triple rainbow, Triple rainbow, Let me know. If you think that's remarkable. So if you do this was just my example I. Thought of it. Right now, I didn't think of it in advance. If you think seeing a triple rainbow would be remarkable, put that in the comments. That's remarkable. Put in the comments. Wow, that's remarkable. If you think that's remarkable, and feel free to share your own remarkable thing that happened to you. Today as well. Wow. That's remarkable. Put it in the comments. So here the most remarkable thing about. This all electric? Airplane is the. OK, so notice how they say. All electric. This isn't necessary. You could just say about this electric. Airplane. Because. If you don't specify anything else. I would. Assume it is. Entirely electric. Otherwise, we have a word. If something is only. Partly electric. We call that a hybrid, so a. Hybrid airplane is an airplane that would use. Some battery power. And some gas power. So if. You just say electric. You don't, actually. Have to specify all electric. It's implied. About this all. Electric airplane is the. So let's see how much this plane costs during a 62 mile. Stretch of its historic flight. The plane used about 25 kilowatts of. Just over 3 dollars, $3 for 62. Miles. I would say that's pretty. Wow, that's remarkable. $3 to. Fly a plane 62 miles. That is pretty remarkable. Wow, that's remarkable. Now notice how I've been saying $3 to fly the plane 62 miles. But. Here it's 60. Two mile and there's no S. That's because, right? Here this is functioning as an adjective during a 62 mile. Is simply. The the flight. So from start to finish. You could say that's the stretch of the. But as an adjective, we don't add plurals or singulars. To adjectives, so it's just. 62 mile but. If you used. It as a time reference the plane. Flew because remember. This is the past simple of fly. The plane flew. For 62. Miles. So here this. Is just a. Time reference, so we. Need to add the S to make it plural because we have. More than one one mile, 62 miles and it only. Cost $3. That's remarkable. Now this is according to. Its pilot, so the pilot of the aircraft. The plane Kloss Olman. In all the E genius, remember this is the name. Of the aircraft. The plane. The electric. Plane the E genius consumed. Just 1/5. Of the energy of a typical. Fuel powered 2. Seater airplane. So here again, they're using the two. The electric. Plane. But to make the comparison fair, both planes are only two. Seats so we have a 2 seater electric. And a. 2 seater. Gas powered plane. And the electric plane this E genius just consumed. Just a fifth so off. 5th This is 1. 5th the all. Represents one, so as. A ratio you would see it like. This one. 5th of 5th. 1/5 of the energy this plane the E Genius. The two. Seater Electric airplane. This plane is an emblem of things to come. An emblem of things to come. Emblem just means a representative. Of. So this plane represents. The future? Things to come. Well, that's in the future. So this plane the electric plane represents. The future? This plane is an emblem of things to come. In 20 years you will most likely. Be able to buy a ticket for a flight. On an electric airplane capable of commuting 100 passengers. So remember this would be a 100 seater A-100. Seater aircraft or. Plane 100. Seater. 100 passengers. But this is in 20 years and 100 passengers. That's quite small for a plane, to be honest. Today's batteries. Allow us. With the most advanced car or the most advanced plane, a range of about 400 kilometers, 400 kilometers, that's not very. Far for. A plane to travel. It's quite far for a car, but for a. Plane, that's not very far, explained Ullman. In five. Years we have we will have double capacity. OK, so in five years, they're estimating 800 kilometers. In 10 years, some scientists speak. Capacity, so 4. 1000 kilometers. Now we're talking about more, perhaps international trips. To go 4. 1000 kilometers. But that is. In 10 years, so notice in 10 years in. Five years, so. In and then number and then years. You can say in two years I'll move abroad. Notice the future. Simple to move abroad. When you move abroad, it means you move to another country. That would be. Abroad, I'll move abroad. In two years now, you can also put the time reference at the end of the sentence. I'll move abroad in 10 years. The verb tense doesn't change. I'll move abroad in 10 years. And remember, this number is flexible now. If it's only one, you need the singular in one year, In one year. In two years, I'll move abroad. I'll move abroad in one year. In five years we'll. Have double capacity in 10 years, some scientists. Speak about 10 times more capacity technological advances in electric powered. Flight today will not only make the act of flying. Cheaper for you, so that's something to look forward to in 5/10/20. Years electric powered flight will be cheaper, so that is definitely something to look. Forward to Crucially, they also promised to revolutionize how the aeronautics industry impacts the global environment. So here the aeronautics industry. Aeronautics represents aircrafts and other. Other objects that fly including spaceships for example. So aircraft, planes, helicopters remember most commonly now the global environment. This is because airplanes. A type of aircraft. Remember, airplanes release around 500 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, representing a significant contribution to global warming. So here notice. The S is on tons. The S is not on million, 500 million tons. I often hear students add the S to millions and tons, but 500 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year now. You could also use that verb we talked about before, which was emit airplanes emit around 500 million tons. Release. Produce. Emit. Remember emit. Specifically because we're talking. About a gas electric flight replaces petrochemical consumption with cleaner. Battery powered electricity. Now petrochemical. I'm going to assume this means. Gas or the fuel that planes use now and that's. Obviously the opposite of battery powered, which uses electricity, so petrochemical that is not a term I'm familiar with. But we'll just say fuel powered or gas powered flight with cleaner. Battery powered electricity. So that's the end of our article and we have something to look forward to in the future. Cheaper flights and. They'll be better for the environment as well once. Electric flights take off, take flight. So now what I'll do is I'll read the article from start to finish and this time you can focus on my pronunciation, the aircraft of the. Future takes flight in the French Alps last summer, a plane set 7 New World. Records the two seater aircraft climbed more than 20,000 feet in under 2 minutes and. Reached speeds of 142 mph, it flew nonstop for 300 miles. Perhaps these numbers don't sound very impressive, but consider. That the aircraft burned no fuel and emitted 0 emissions Instead, the plane used an ALL. Electric motor powered by a single battery called the E Genius and built by engineers at the university. Of Stuttgart. The most remarkable thing about this all? Electric airplane is the cost of flying it during a 62 mile. Stretch of its historic flight. The plane used about 25 kilowatts of electricity for a total energy cost. Of just over $3, according to its pilot. Klaus Ullman in all the E Genius consumed. Just a fifth of the energy. Of a typical fuel powered 2 seater airplane, this plane is an emblem of things to come. In 20 years, you will most likely be. Able to buy a ticket for a flight on an electric airplane capable of commuting 100 passengers today's. Batteries allow us with the most advanced car or the most advanced plane, a range of about 400 kilometers, explained Allman. In five years. We will have double capacity in 10 years some. Scientists speak about 10 times more capacity technological advances in. Electric powered flight today will not only make the act of flying cheaper for you. Crucially, they also promised to revolutionize how the aeronautics industry impacts the global environment. Airplanes release around 500 million tons of carbon. Dioxide into the atmosphere. Each year representing a significant contribution to global warming. Electric flight replaces petrochemical consumption with. Cleaner battery powered electricity. If you enjoyed this lesson and you want. Me to make more lessons just like this. Then put remarkable in the comments. Put remarkable in the comments. And remember, LingQ is giving you an amazing. 35% discount off a premium one year plan. I know you'll love using LingQ because it will help you take your fluency to the next level. You can click here to sign up now, or you can look in the description for the link.
Channel: JForrest English
Views: 87,420
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Keywords: speaking with news, Free English lesson, How to Learn English Vocabulary, JForrest English, English vocabulary, learn English, English, English grammar, speak English, American English, English reading, native speaker, english pronunciation, reading comprehension, reading, learn english with news articles, learn english with newspaper, english reading practice, learn english through story, learn english with news, reading practice, improve your fluency in english, fluency
Id: Ofbji5kjUSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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