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what's your friendship ladies it's marianne locker and today in this video i am going to show you how you can start this printed midi length dress in various ways to go from frumpy to chic [Music] if you're new to my channel a big welcome to you please subscribe click on that little bell in order to receive the notifications and please share this video to your many friends thank you first of all let's talk about a distress it is from banana republic it has a crew neckline it is fitted at the waistline long sleeves and you know a midi length but really even longer than midnight it is quite a long dress so if you are a petite i would not advise you to pick that dress unless they have it put it but i don't think they have because it's so long that we would really overwhelm your silhouette but if you are an average size or tall you can wear this type of dress my height is 1 meter 68 so you know this goes almost mine goes you can see how long this dress is so you have to be careful and that is my first advice always have a look at the effect on the dress the length and the hemline in this case you know with your height so first of all let me show you this dress you can see if i want if i wore this dress with these flats as we know knew good with everything i keep telling you that but you know sometimes depending on the hill it can make things a little bit frumpy a little bit mumsy um and maybe something maybe even aging so look at the mirror look at yourself in the mirror and have a look so i think you know these dress with these you know go well because the nude color doesn't clash does not clash with the dress but i think that now look at myself in the mirror i think it looks a little bit mumsy i won't say frumpy but i think it looks a little bit mumsy okay so i want you to take you today from let's say this look it's frumpy you know if you have those kind of a thick sandals that they do at the moment you have them on black let's say because you have some black hair so you think okay black's going to go that would really look frumpy there's nothing here to the the dress is not styled at all as you can see i have not styled the dress the dress is like this something i really like about this dress is this see the split at the front so that it gives it a little bit of a sexy um you know sexy vibe it is not as you know if it were if there was no split here you know it could be a little bit more mumsy but with this i like the sexy vibe okay so have a look in your wardrobe have you got something like that such a dress that you don't quite know how to style do you think it's a bit from a little bit mumsy a little bit old-fashioned maybe have a look you know put it out this one is printed so we'll talk about you know this dress as a printed dress but of course you do you have something in one solid color you know um you know if you haven't got any and if you wanted you know to buy one uh that could work as well have a look at this video so you know to give you ideas to style it okay something so look at yourself in the mirror have a look at your shoes okay so i'm wearing these as we're talking so i think it needs heels okay so that's something that's an easy fix you just buy the white pair of shoe it will give a new dimension to the dress okay and i will demonstrate that to you in this video okay first of all before hills i wanted to show you those flats you know the dress is red and you may think oh this red is dress i've got red ballet flat that's great that could go something with red um you know red can be very difficult to match if you have not got the two same red it does not look good especially the red you know the hemline is so close to the shoes so you would see a big disparity in color and it won't look good in this case the ballet flats are really dark red whereas this dress it's a bright red it's more like a almost an orangey red not an orange red but it could almost be more on this you know um on this shade than the dark than the belly flats so be careful trying to match two reds you know i don't think that goes well together at all okay you could try with black belly flat uh again you know it goes but does it really style this dress into something that oh wow that looks great you know stylish um so this is what we're going to see now on two hairs okay black cold shoes okay the print has white and it has black so this is a no-brainer to accessorize something always pick the colors that you have in a print okay do not bring in other colors because that would make a look too busy for french chic okay so again you know you put hands on and you've got that little split here gives it a bit sexy vibe yeah look at yourself in the mirror and that works okay but i find i think we can do better okay we can do better so let's have a look at another pair and i have just a pair here those nude chords so here they are i think you know so look at yourself in the mirror again you know full-length mirror you need to have a full next mirror we've had this conversation together before so again with the hands it elongates the legs or the leg in this case you know it really creates a long silhouette okay think about that this dress suddenly with only one little change this is what i wanted to show you i didn't want to show you all the you know different ways with this with that and the other one thing look just this pair of shoes and i'm going to show you something even better in a minute but looks look like this that works you see the dress and you see your legs okay so look at how long the silhouette is now it's much longer it's not so much up like this okay the thing as well when you wear heels you stand differently okay you you curve the back a bit more you bring your shoulders back a little bit more you got a split here lengthen the legs it shows a leg that is long and slim and gives you height with the cords so all that suddenly changes the whole thing look at this okay just look at it i have not added anything else just to kind of you so you so you can see here just by the right pair of shoe look at the style this dress is no longer frumpy mumsy okay because of these shoes something simple like that so it's something i want to um to encourage you to do you know it's a term that um you know we can use shop your closet what do you have that you can wear with that dress okay and again either dress you already have or a dress you want to bring in could be this one or could be something else okay because look at what is possible now on to something better so what are the the footwear that is even better than this i think these are a step above um these are my barely leather knee length boots and with a steel toe here okay amanto these are not new they probably i think probably 18 years or something like just to show you that if you buy something you know classic classic and good quality they will last um look at this so again you got the split here that gives you um you know a sexy vibe when you walk that is you know wow so look at yourself in the mirror again you know i love that i love this again the dress no longer looks mumsy no longer no longer looks you know um dated or looking a little bit um from on the frumpy side you see just because of the footwear think about that you know something simple as a pair of shoes or a pair of boots my gosh just look at that okay i absolutely love that look and that for the winter amazing okay you can go to work or you can go out like that i can go to restaurants i can go it with my husband my girlfriends wow i love that look really nice so let me know what you think so far you know below this video in the comments and that's all i have added okay so now i'm going to show you um some belts you know what could we add to the dress you know to style it so let's have a look okay so i chose for you three different belts okay three different black belts and the red one okay let's start with the red one because oh it's red you know let's put it on with the red dress okay let's try it again you have to try things because you know sometimes you think things go but once you put them on they don't so always try things on i can't advise that enough try things on and make the decision yourself because you know you can watch a video uh for instance that's you watching my video you are watching me with my body shape my height uh my size everything you're watching my clothes you're watching my accessories okay obviously you are a different person different body shape different style different dress different accessories okay different coloring let's not forget so things will not look exactly the same on you so always always try the look on you okay there many times you sell it feels like oh i love this outfit oh on this person you know i'll reproduce it completely to me and you look at yourself like oh what does it look as good as this person or this model or something you know okay because we're all different things work differently for us the pieces are not exactly the same you know all these matter so almost always use your full-length mirror use your eyes your eyes okay it's very important i know it's simple advice but i think many people do not use their eyes you know um you already know a lot of things you already know you know you know yourself okay so look at yourself in the mirror and decide if it looks good decide if it looks good on you decide if you love that look on you okay decide if it works sometimes we're not quite sure usually if we're not quite sure it is because it does not work okay so try to think that for that for a moment but usually if you think oh my gosh it is absolutely amazing so that works so okay you look at yourself in the mirror yeah step back a few steps i can't step back too much as much as i usually do because you won't see me in the video um and you look at that okay i put that red belt again a different red i do not think it works okay but you know it could happen that you you you buy this dress and you have the the right color belt have a look do you like it you know okay if you like it wear it now i'm going to try some try something else with black now i like to show you what works but i also like to show you what does not work and this is the things that i've shown you i've shown you what doesn't work with those nude ballet flats and those reds by the flats and that belt it is good to show you what does not work because you know when you're at home things may not always work um so let's try with the black belt what i have here i have a narrow black belt a medium and a wide one okay we have a look at different looks because we can say where black belt what type of black belt you know that reminds me of that film um the devil west plata i'm sure you've watched that film you know the black belt the blue belt give me the blue belt oh they're so different um so let's put this belt on if i can okay there um i have this nothing to hold it in place but i haven't got it right now okay okay look i'm wearing that thin belt to me you know it goes but looking at this i think it is too narrow for the length of a dress okay have a look at that okay what do you think i think in my mind for me it is too narrow okay um so i think it needs you know a wider belt so let's have a look at the median um width bet and see if it gets better i think it's because you know the proportions again you know have a look at the length of the dress because it if a skirt a skirt i mean if a skirt is really long you wear a tiny little belt it's so it's like a something doesn't quite work um it's not quite in the um it's too disparate you know okay in my view this works better please let me know what you think it works better the skirt is long and it needs something wider than what we had before and that works better okay yes if your belt is floppy just put something to to stop it here from flopping around because that annoys me i don't know about you that annoys me when things flop like that so you know you put double study tape or whatever you have um but if i put that and pause you don't see it okay okay so i can even tighten it up a little bit so that would look even better right there okay and again the tighter you you turn it up you know you need definitely this magic tape or something that looks better what do you think i think looks so much better nice a bit wider we're going to try now the wider belt okay so it is something it is an exercise for you you know that you can make subtle you can choose one element you can make subtle changes but those same changes can have a big impact okay let me know what you think below this video um you can nod as well if you like um so okay i have this belt here all right so this one's got one of those um loops you know that's tied here to the end to the other end of the bed and if i do that it keeps things in place i like that um sometimes this looks full off or something but this one is held in place um okay so that looks good as well but it depends of course let's not forget for you if you're petite this is the wrong style this dress itself is gonna be too long for you have a look for you you know it must not overwhelm your silhouette if you are tall again that would be good because you are tall you can take a wider belt okay you think about the proportion um okay if you are you know if you are wider than me if you are larger than me a bigger size than me you can take something this size as well because it will be one proportion of your body okay um so i step back okay okay i think that works as well i in my mind i can wear the medium size and i can wear this one with this belt it looks more of a wintry look okay i think that looks more wintery so i would wear that in the ultimate winter especially with the boot um here it is summer it's a really dark and rainy day normandy this morning but i know for you in australia it may work because it's your winter but it's nice to have a winter look this is more of a winter look because it's got a lot of black i know in the spring summer we don't wear as much black so that will be more of a winter look okay so i think it really goes it really looks nice okay now let's try something here let's try something around the neck okay so i'm gonna keep that i'm gonna keep the belt okay let's have a look something else so i've got this beautiful fluffy scarf i just love that scarf you put this scarf on and it makes you feel luxurious almost like a shot lane you know somebody at the chateau i've got my microphone here i've got to be careful right so because i've got my microphone i'm going to be careful but you know it looks really nice and because the neckline is plain you can put something like that that would dress it up i really like that it looks really lovely just put a coat on wow you know a black coat or you can put a gray coat you can put a lighter coat a white coat if you wanted a winter white coat the coat has to be long so it's to be as long as a dress or longer or of course something short a shorter jacket i don't really like the look of let's say if you have a coat that is knee length and you wear it with a midi length dress i don't think it goes but again try things on does it work for you for your clothes and everything okay and it's i think this is a good exercise for you in this video because uh you know me i like to i like to teach um to teach and show you things and teach you to to [Music] how do you say that to train your eye to give yourself the critical eye you know not to criticize but to critique there's a big difference with the two okay try always to critique your outfit have the eye does it work does it work but the really really good question to ask is why why doesn't this work when this thing works on that person but not me okay and that teaches you so much so much more and sometimes we think oh i've got nothing in my wardrobe this is everything you know jesus and goes and go try things on and you will be surprised and of course you know as always write things down in your style journal okay you will get many aha moments so that's a beautiful scarf to have so now what can we try some more things okay i'm gonna try some jackets so again my chanel style jacket booklet jacket i love this jacket i will replace it eventually for something really in a much better quality this is quite old now okay you know again something a little tip i wanted to show you you see it has long sleeve but if you do that you do this suddenly suddenly it looks so much better a little bit cooler kind of thing you know okay so i'm going to put my jacket on and we'll have a look again i have to be careful about my microphone because if you if i put things over and close over it it creates some havoc with the sound so look well i think it looks really nice you know it's a again a short a jacket that goes well it shows off the dress um you know as a long skirt you know it shows off the dress that the wrong is good it shows up the skirt beauty flew beautifully again look at this split here gives you that sexy look okay keep it open keep it closed um you know for the office would be really good i really love that look i really love that look and i love that dress absolutely love that dress and let's not forget red attracts the arc okay so you have something like that that really attracts the eye it is red and also you got the print all the other pieces all the accessories it is better if they are also you know if they are simple okay um because that would be too busy okay so that works with this where is my okay now a blazer my black blazer single breasted okay longer than my booklet jacket but you know because this dress is mid length okay midi it goes it gives you you know enough um as i said you know to keep the proportions together because sometimes you have to be careful with proportions something very important in this in an outfit and because you know you have still a long you know long part of the dress that works and it looks uh very um i think it looks a little equestrian well that's great um [Music] so that really really works it looks really good i wanted to give you a little added thing as well you know we have a belt and you have a long let's say you have a long jacket this will not work on this blazer it has pockets and you know it doesn't look good but let's say you have a long jacket like this and this is nice jacket because nice bracelet to have because it is dipped in at the waistline okay try to wear clothes that are nipped in like the waistline you know when you have your jackets and coats um because you know it gives you a nice outline gives you a nice higher glass outline that's another tip i'm giving you so many tips today but um it's it's you need to know to know that okay and you can put a belt on okay so i've got to be careful because i've got you know the box here for my microphone but let's say you have the right jacket again i repeat this does not work with this blazer because i have the pockets but let's say you're wearing a jacket that has not got pockets here so that would not clash with the belt um you know you could have a belt like this over it i mean i could even you know tighten it up a little bit but again i've got my the box of my micro microphones i can't do that but you know that could work or maybe it could be a cardigan you see a cardigan of that length and then you could add a bet here so that's something that could work again try things on maybe the belt is could be too wide too narrow have a look okay again you try things on i can't advise you that enough okay um so it's you know so very well to have ideas with outfits you know when you watch our videos and we show you outfits it's very good because it gives you ideas okay but the advice that you need on top of that is have a look at your wardrobe as you know you know it's called shop your wardrobe that means have a look at what you've got and try things on in a different way pick one thing up to the other okay so that works and i like as well you know you can bring the color up if you want bring your your sleeves up do what you want i think it it's really nice what i would not work with what i would not wear with this dress is for instance um something in print you know something in check um stripes you know um a czech jacket or prince the guide or something like this that that would i think clash with the print so think about things like that you know have a look when i wear something that has a print and i'm looking for jacket you know i'm going to go for something that is not um that is in one silly color oh actually i'm going to show you with that gray jacket okay let's have a look so i've got this grey jacket here okay it's a tweet jacket from bowden it's a beautiful jacket absolutely beautiful she's quality jacket in wool absolutely beautiful you know i i i don't do i do not like the look i do not like the look together i think it does not look good together at all okay it could be because it's gray and the boots are black um i do not like the look at all but it gives you a direction to go to you know i thought so i looked at the gray jacket i don't think it's gonna go but you know it could work in case it worked and i thought no you know i wouldn't know so in order to be sure put it on and then it is certain for you it does not work okay and because it has chevron in the tweed you know i think it could be too much because that's another print let's forget that some fabrics can add as a print okay can act as a print it does not go okay but at least i have the certitude that it doesn't work for me yes i'm looking at myself but there's nothing it's just getting habit now i'm looking at myself in the mirror okay now we've done we've done the shoes we've done the jackets we've done the scarf the belt and now ah so i've got two things i've got two shirts or blouses and a sweater okay as you know there are many dresses that we can use also as skirts they can double up as skirts and these definitely can so the easiest way to do it is wearing a sweater over it okay so why not do this as it's going to be worn in the winter you know do you have a i'm choosing black sweater if i chose the winter white you will see the print you will see the red through it so the black one is the best color you can um wear with that but of course you know better you know better you will try it on you know with even to white and ensure that you know whether it works or not okay so having said that no more so this one's a merino sweater and i don't even remember who it's from where it's from this one is uniqlo and you know turtleneck okay put it on and of course the dress becomes a skirt so again it doubles it up because you have a dress but you also have a skirt okay it is so basic it's so simple i know you know that but it is worth remembering so suddenly you have a sweater a skirt and those boots okay so that's another outfit and you can wear you know a jacket over it you can wear what you want in that um coat so you can wear also a crew neck sweater with that fur scarf if you wanted to okay you have many options it's sometimes we think you know we think oh we don't i don't have much i don't have this peace and that peace and that peace you know friendship is essentially a capsule wardrobe most of our things work together and i'd like to say that eighty percent of your pieces in a french wardrobe capsule wardrobe okay will be classic timeless okay and maybe twenty percent maybe less will be uh or maybe a little bit more we'll be trendy we'll be modern we'll have something whoa you know and that's great because if you if your wardrobe is 100 percent timeless and classic you know it can work but you know now and again you like something that pipes you up you know something maybe in a bright color you know in my wardrobe i've also got you know not many pieces but i've got um one or two pieces that are purple straight away i can see here i've got a purple blouse i've got a purple scarf and i've got some pink i love bright pink and it suits me purple suits me okay but i've also got a little bit of green okay these are part of the french colors um you know i've got some red but also it could be maybe some prints you know some modern prints some pins that are trendy just for a season doesn't matter as long as it works for you you know always make your wardrobe what works for you so let's say you know frills you like fresh but they're not going to last too long for you know for too many seasons let's say that we work for two or three seasons so you buy something in thrills you wear it and that's the part of the 20 that you know it's not going to be timeless because you know a couple of seasons it's not going to be print it's going to be something else but you can but because the rest you know the 80 of your wardrobe is classic and timeless you can wear that with some of your pieces and probably a lot of other pieces okay but if your wardrobe is 100 percent timeless classic simple in one solid color blah blah blah it may become a little bit stale okay it may become a little bit um you know it needs something now and again you need to inject something new into your wardrobe okay so it's nice to think about something like that okay so now we've seen the sweater over it it could be of so don't forget it could be a cardigan also um now let's have a look at what you could wear under the dress because it has a crew neckline so you could wear something with a neckline that pops over the top and the first one is this one this little blouse so we'll close the camera so that you when you have it under the dress you can see just you know the neckline the round neckline here and you've got one button you may see one button um and it adds a little bit of interest at the neckline as i said there's nothing at the neckline but it could be you know a scarf you could wear okay if you're going to wear a scarf you need to have something probably in black and white again the red you know might be very difficult to you know to to match and it will be close to the red so you have to be careful with that but you could choose something in black and white just two colors together but not something with small motif because it's a small motif you need something with a large motif and something that clashes with what you have so this one is floral so you can go for instance in your scarf for instance stripes okay so that's something to think about again put it around your neck and look if it does not look good don't wear it if it looks great wear it okay so that's another idea another idea is to put something else so again i'm going to go across to the camera is this lacy blouse i've had this blast for years um and you know it's got freely let's have a look [Music] it's got freely sleeves freely a cuffs here and it has a long neckline collar okay so that it adds interest here but you know you pull your sleeves a little bit and you can show more of that cuff that curve is delightful it's beautiful i love this little frizz at the end that is really really lovely so you know you can choose some here at the at the wrist but also here the neckline so these are the things that you know we don't always think about when you have a dress i think that was a good exercise and we went from that dress be looking frumpy i think mumsy certainly a little bit you know aging and we went to something that is quite sexy you know with the belt and we're like and don't forget to ask a slit make it work make it work with a pair of hairs so um i hope you enjoyed this video i will add some links to the various bits and pieces that were shown today in this video give me the thumbs up please subscribe please share this video to your many friends thank you very much for watching and i will see you in my next video
Channel: Marie-Anne Lecoeur - The French Chic Expert
Views: 308,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FROM FRUMPY TO CHIC⎢WAYS TO STYLE A RED PRINTED DRESS FOR WOMEN OVER 50, from frumpy to chic, howtobechicmalecoeur, how to dress chic and classy, dress like french woman, french women style, french women, french style fashion tips, winter dress outfits 2020, how not to dress frumpy, how to be chic and elegant, how to dress elegant and classy, ways to style a long dress, how to wear midi dress, french style clothing tips, french women over 50, chic for women over 50, over 50
Id: YH_okZX6Iyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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