How To Dress Younger For Women Over 50

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bonjour friendship ladies it's marianne locker and today in this video i will show you how to dress younger after 50. [Music] if you are new to my channel a big welcome to you please subscribe to my channel uh click on that little bell in order to receive the notifications click like on my video and share it to your many friends thank you very much when we get to 50 and above it starts to become a little bit difficult to know what to wear so when we are older you know we find it difficult because we don't want to dress too young and maybe that's one of the dangers trying to dress too young and then it will look that we try too hard or maybe trying to to dress for her age and sometimes that can take us to to wearing things that make us look older us french women have the knack to look younger than we are but without trying too hard so how do we do this so in this video today i will show you a few things to do and a few things to avoid in order to you know to stay uh in the renovation not being too old or looking too young but still looking chic and elegant so what we do to start with is to go for pieces that are better cut and in a better fabric so these pieces will drape better we fit you better and we're still going to go for a classic pieces because these are you know way designed and fit well and last longer but we will be careful to add an element that is you know that may be classic but that kind of contrasts to the overall look otherwise if we wear too many classic pieces that may look a little bit older it may make us look older so you have to be careful so you know what we do is add an element of casual element of masculine or something you know modern to the overall look so this way we will not look you know we have a saying in france you know in the parasombre in meme this means you know not to look like a granny it's a granny look so for us it's a big no-no so we will add an item it could be shoes it could be a coat or jacket that will even though it is classic you know will make you look a little bit longer and a good example of that for instance would be um a shoe and leather jacket like these so you add something like that with purges and you know this is a classic look now because we've had this for decades now but it adds a kind of a rock and roll or um a kind of um box chic you know that kind of look so this modernizes your classic outfit really with just one element another classic piece that we really like is this classic trench coat but you have to be careful of course of what you wear with it so if you wear something like this you know it can make you look modern depends on what you wear it can make you look a little bit mumsy or little bit you know older than you are depending on what you wear so make sure that you wear something like you know a shirt or um just plain t-shirt pair of jeans something like something doesn't make you look too mumsy always add a little touch of modern you know on your outfit this skirt could easily make you look monthly when you're over 50 but a simple way to make it look modern is to wear a simple black turtleneck black you know opacity and a pair of black derby it's a very simple look as you know in french style we always go for the simple looks all in black you know so that the skirt becomes the main item and because the skirt is above the knee you know with the black peptides and a pair of black brows it goes really well and does not look like you are trying too hard and this is the thing in in french style you have to understand we do not like to look as if we have you know we have tried too hard so try too hard for what you know try too hard to look younger try too hard to look to dress too well you know try too hard to look uh sexy or something these are no nose in front so look a little bit more natural a little bit more casual but not too casual that's still looking chic and elegant and when you are above 50 you have to think about you know your knees how do they look because uh you know from a certain age knees don't look as good of course as they used to do and they may look a little bit saggy so if this is the case for you with a skill that is just below the knee so you still look very elegant and feminine without you know showing second ease but if your knees are better you know in the summer wear something just above the knee that's fine but you know also you can wear something you know above the knee like this skirt but with black opac tights in the winter so that's you know we can't see your knees and then it looks a little bit more modern just above the knee please let me know what you think so far there's another item that is classic and yes it makes you look modern and of course it is a pair of jeans so these are you know a boot cut leg and a darker hue and a darker color always look more elegant than lighter ones and of course not ripped jeans in french style uh you know you i don't know if you know that but you know ripped jeans is not french chic and so especially when you're over 50 you know please avoid wearing something that's ripped because it will you know it looks as if you're trying too hard too hard to look a little bit younger um it just does not look good so it is easy again to wear a classic piece because a classic yet they add this look in a modern look so you could wear a pair of jeans simply with a shirt and it can be one of these you know structure they look very fresh very fresh and make you look younger without you know um opting for something that you look like a 15 year old so with a pair of jeans really nice you can go with florals you know a floral shirt again that is fresh with a pair of jeans you can go for color nevishi you know again with jeans looks nice and something that's easy wear with your trench and again you have a classic yet fresh look and that will make you look very elegant and chic and certainly not old when you have a 50. as we get older there's some colors that probably make your guests look a little bit older and maybe those are the you know colors that are too pale or you know like the pastels so you know if this is the case for you bring out the brighter colors so we have ends here and you can see straight away it brightens me oh you know again bright pink like this or the purple you know something that will brighten up your look if you haven't got those those main pieces again opt for scarf and as you know in france you know you will not see us wearing bright colors over um you know a large area of our body but we will go for scar multicolored scarf so that will bring all the items of our outfit together and also bring you know some nice color towards our face as we get older we have uh areas that look a little bit thicker you know whether the tummy on the waistline or being at the back or behind the arms or something like that and some pieces in the solid color may show up these areas even more you know it depends on the color you pick or maybe it's the fabric something in jersey for instance even in a dark solid color may show off your lumps and bumps uh even more so this quick easy thing to remedy this is to wear prints so prints will hide your lubs and bumps because they will confuse the eye you know they will not have one solid color so you may think that florals may make you look a little bit more mumsy so you know there are some florals that can make you look like a sofa so you have to be careful so in order to not to look too mumsy you have to be something to pick a floral that's really kind of fresh or something but you can also pick geometric prints these are more fresh and they certainly the kind of prints we favor in france so this dress is in a geometric print not florals so it is a little bit fresher and of course you may think um you know bigger than the dress can make me look a bit mumsy but you know as in this video here you can wear black and packed tiles and a pair of black draws and certainly all of us even so you know you don't look too mumsy you know with a dress but i don't think this dress makes you look mousy but it depends on what you wear with it so you have multiple ways to do that so add an element of maybe masculine or a little bit more casual or more modern this is why you know you can opt for a pair of loafers flat loafers or the derby you know the brooks as in this video so it brings it a bit more modern and in my previous video some of you have asked me marianne i don't wear heels what can i wear so you can wear flat loafers you can wear flat bros we also were in france you know ballet flats in the summer so these are the flat shoes we really like so you know you don't have to wear heels and you know to look good you can also wear those kind of flats so all the types of print that we like in france are of course the stripes uh le vici gingham some kind of florals look you know the two-tone floral that is really not mumsy it is fresh you know that kind of thing but always have a good eye you know you have to to train your eye in these kind of things you know don't just just speak something that is um shown to you by you by the nutrient by fashion you have to turn your eye and ask yourself questions as we as older we may not want to show our arms and certainly you know the sleeveless tops the sleeveless dresses can be a little bit of a problem especially around here where the skin looks a little bit um you know wrinkly or you know not as some stored as it used to be not as young as it used to be so of course you don't have to suddenly wear long sleeves just wear you know short sleeve like this or even shorter because the problem is really around this area here around the armpit area the top of the arm so you know just wear shorter sleeves sometimes we have some suits that you know one together like you know the jacket and the skirt can look a little too mumsy so we have to watch these items so this is the case i think for my beloved a green tweed suit this one from venice absolutely love it i especially love the jacket and the jacket is much more versatile than the skirt and one together can look a little bit mumsy and especially worn with other conventional traditional items such as the white shirt and with those black cords but worn separately maybe the skirt with a bright color in pink probably or with blue will look very good you know suddenly you have some white out of it and the jacket can be worn with so many things by itself so the jacket still looks conventional traditional but you have to on purpose wear it with items that i did more modern for instance a pair of jeans for instance with flats so that the look doesn't look too mumsy and of course when you are in your 20s when you are young you can wear anything because everything looks good on you so you can never look mumsy but as you are you know when you are 30 or 40 or 50 years older of course you have to watch for these items that are you know beautiful classic but a little bit more traditional and may have a tendency to make you look a little bit mumsy a little bit older than you are so i don't think there is you know you don't have to look older than you are i'm not saying again i am not saying that you know 50 is old it is not but you know you have to watch for that and try to to add some elements to that outfit you know with that piece for instance this jacket add pieces with it that will bring a touch of modern a little bit more casual as well um you know a little bit even a little bit of um masculine element such as the you know the moccasins or the drugs to give it a look of modern and sometimes it's difficult to know why exactly this outfit gives you a little hair of mumsy so you have to try you know bring that jacket around all your pieces and try things put an outfit on have a look at the jacket what about this jacket with it does it go does it not go have a look at something else you know you have to try and i you know in most of my videos i encourage you to try different looks to try different pieces with other pieces that you have because i think you know most of us end up wearing always the same thing so it's such a shame so you need to try new things another thing as well is trying to look sexy it's a big no-no in france it's very trying to look sexy i think it's just a big normal it should be a big no-no everywhere because if you're trying to look sexy you will never look sexy so and especially if you try to pile on the the item that i called sexy so you know look at um tops or dresses short skirt high heels uh and just things that are so tight it shows every form of your body it is really i think not sexy it's certainly frenching it is deemed you know not sexy you will look like you're trying too hard and inevitably failing especially as you get older because as we get older things get amplified i think especially the normal if it's a no-no in your 20s it's going to be normal in your 50s and 60s definitely one good example of that for instance is the look at the cleavage low cleavage you know trying to show too much and certainly in french i don't know if you have noticed you have any lived in france or not you know french women are not in a habit of really showing a low cleavage so you could wear for instance this is what i'm wearing today is a lace blouse under you know quite a low v-neck sweater so it adds i think an element of sexy it is low-cut and it has lace but i'm not showing anything and i think the subtlety always makes things more sexy please let me know what you think if you agree or disagree in the comments below and one last thing before i go what about your hair have a look at your hairstyle if you have long hair try maybe a shorter hair that can pass the whole look if you want to go gray have a look like you know your hair need a good haircut so that it looks looked after because if you have gray hair but your hair is you know scratchy looking it's not going to give you a good look and that may age you so a nice a nice um whatever your hair style but a nice cut that suits you bounces up a bit make you look a little bit younger you know have a look at that and maybe you may want to try it i know some of you're going to say no more again but you know you can try if you want to at the end of the day hair grows back so if you don't like your hair a bit too short you know just wait a couple of months it will be already longer and i would like to finish this video by saying you know what matters at the end of the day is to feel happy and feel good in your skin as we say in french um and this is important you know to feel good as the person that you are smile a lot be happy be active and i think that will show off in you so i hope you enjoyed this video please let me know what you think in the comments below and i see you in my next video
Channel: Marie-Anne Lecoeur - The French Chic Expert
Views: 355,519
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Keywords: howtobechicmalecoeur, french women style, how to dress like parisian woman, dress like french women, what to wear over 50, french style fashion tips, french outfits winter, french style, alexa chung french, style tips from french women, wardrobe essentials for french style, style for women over 50, dress younger 50, dress younger than your age, look 10 years younger, tips on how to look younger than your age, how to be chic and elegant, french capsule wardrobe 2020
Id: 1ryh6zBubdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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