10 Style Mistakes Women Over 50 Make All The Time

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bonjour frenchy ladies it's marianne and today in a video i will talk about the 10 fashion or style mistakes that french women over 50 never do i don't know where you are from and how things are over there but over here in france where i live women over 50 are not over the hill no surrey and even over 16 over 70 which still matter and certainly our style still very much matters so what are those fashion mistakes that we french women over 50 because i i'm closer to 60 than i am to 50. we never do the first fashion mistake is to dress too young yes if you are over 50 you don't want to dress like your granddaughter this is a big no-no in france so you are over 50 it's about a time that you embrace your maturity maturity is beautiful embrace it with style with passion confidence no longer wear frayed denim shorts with i don't know um hello kitty t-shirts no longer that kind of thing wear things that suit you that fit you and don't make you look like you are chasing your youth the second fashion mistake that we french women over 50 never do is the opposite of the number one is dressing too old for instance tweed you know tweed you know me i love my three jackets in france with love twitch aka the chanel channel tweed jacket but the thing not to do is to wear tweed from head to toe for instance tweet jacket tweed skirt and a style of shoe that make you look like miss marple yes wear classic pieces but classic pieces that do not aid you for instance pair your twig jacket with a pair of jeans you you pair classic with modern and that it gives you a breath of fresh air to your style for instance don't wait to eat from head to toe the third fashion mistake that frenchmen over 15 ever do is to dress overly sexy it is again a big no-no for us as a matter of fact it is not just for women over 50 it's just a thing that for all ages we want to look more alluring with a hint of sexy than the overly sexy that is not sexy when you think of it so try to go this subtle route lacy sleeves for instance below the knee skirt that is sexy if you show a little bit of cleavage go for something long or a pair of trousers if you show some leg go for something more wrapped up on top and you know to be honest something we don't usually do in france is to show a lot of cleavage we tend to to wear something higher neckline for us in france i think we tend to view the overlay sexy as a little bit fluffy and we french women prefer to look or a little bit more intellectual this is why we don't go the overly sexy route and number four is looking to perfect as you know in french style we are not we are never actually looking for perfection we are more into the natural look so you know the perfect hair the perfect makeup the perfect ensemble is really unattainable so take a deep breath do not try to look perfect but stylish and chic by the way if you love french style i have a little gift for you it's a bright on top masterclass and it's free the link is below this video so enjoy and number five is bad fit yes bad feet is a big no-no as well when you're young you can get away with everything and anything we know that as we get a little bit older israel is a little bit more stylish and elegant to go for fit so go for pcs that are well designed well-cut that fits you really well that gives you a really good silhouette two species that are structured for instance a really good blazer and don't skimp on investing in good quality pieces because you won't regret it pieces that fit you well always make you look your best what do you think so far what you think of those style and fashion mistakes let us know in the comments below and number six is following the trends yes as you know in french style we prefer classic pieces and you know it may sound really strange for people outside france to know to learn that french women really are not into trends even though paris is the center of the world's fashion as we know so no again french women prefer classic pieces as opposed to trends but of course you can pick and choose the good trends the trend that suits you the trends that make you look great just don't pick any trends that just because it is trendy you always have to curate every single piece that you bring into your wardrobe every single piece should flatter you number seven is not working on your style you may have heard from me before because i am a very big advocate of this that style is a journey and your life is a journey so it stands to reason that your style follows your life they move together in the same direction so ask yourself questions every day about you about your style try new things work on your style and of course the best thing that i can offer you that can advise to you is to use one of my style journals there behind me i've created many style journals the links will be below this video record your style every day record your start journey it's so interesting you will learn not only about your style but about you be curious be adventurous and above all love your style and number eight is two extremes and as we know extremes are never good for anybody and those two extremes are trying too hard or not trying at all the best thing is to meet those two in the middle when you're trying too hard i think you set yourself up to fail because when you try too hard you're striving for perfection so when you do try that you know i know everybody else knows that you will fail because you cannot attain that perfection so on those days the rest of the year you will not make any effort at all you will not try at all so the best thing is to meet in the middle do your best but knowing full well that you will not look perfect and it's okay you are perfect in your imperfection and frenchie style is not about perfection it's a part of about looking your best and feeling happy and number nine is not making the necessary regular assessment and that is for you know when we reach 50. we need to realize that things you know are not the same as when we were 20. you know the skin is no longer taut you have few wrinkles and knees you know a little bit more wrinkly than it used to be so it's good to make this assessment we call it in french fair point so that some clothes you know may have to to leave you wardrobe for instance because for instance let's say short skirts or short shorts you know if you notice that your knees are more wrinkly than they used to be 10 years ago i think wearing short skirts and short shorts may not look may not make you look your best so when you make this assessment and you may want to choose to wear something just below the knee for instance you don't have to go midi length just below the knee and that will make you look much more elegant so make those necessary assessment and make the necessary adjustments i want you to end on our number 10 and our number 10 is not working on your confidence i am here to tell you i am closer to 60 than 50 in a couple of years i will say hello to 60 and you know i work on my confidence every day so i am here to tell you do not give up do not give up why feel that you know oh i'm over 50 i'm invisible now nobody's going to notice me and then because of this your confidence will get lower and lower and you know that i love to teach the inside out outside in style because i think these two work together you know if your confidence is low it is reflected on the outside it is reflected but what you wear and when you look at you wearing those clothes at a drab when you are low and confident it will get your confidence even lower so if your confidence is low start by wearing a better clothes because by wearing better clothes your confidence will rise and when your confidence will rise you will wear and we continue to wear better clothes so this is a way to quickly make your confidence go up and when you wear those great outfits don't just wear them own it and don't forget i'm always here to help i hope you enjoyed this video please give it a like subscribe share it with your many friends and here on the screen right now is a playlist of over 250 videos on how to dress like a french woman thank you very much for watching
Channel: Marie-Anne Lecoeur - The French Chic Expert
Views: 203,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dress like a french woman, how to be chic and elegant, howtobechicmalecoeur, french chic, french chic style, women over 50, women over 50 style, style tips for women, style advice for over 50, french style, The French Chic Expert, style rules, style rules over 50, casual outfits, casual outfit ideas, style inspiration, essential style, chanel shopping, 10 Style Mistakes Women Over 50 Make That French Women Never Do, style mistakes, style mistakes that make you look older
Id: lCD7HnIx1Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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