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You should sleep less. Play games in your spare time. No, but can't they play games together? He should teach his wife how fun games can be. Even though it takes months or a year, you have to keep trying. So that she can't live without it. (Promoting game addiction) (Debate.ZIP) (This program contains indirect or virtual advertisements.) (First topic) (Who will win if Jae Seok and Seok Jin get into a real fight?) (A - Seok Jin will / B - Jae Seok will) Is it an argument or a physical fight? (Physical fight) A for Seok Jin and B for Jae Seok. The rest 6 members will randomly choose their sides. (It's crucial to choose the side that is more convincing...) (!) No!!! (!) Darn!!! (Sighs from those who got A) How can I convince this? I'm doomed... (On the other hand, those lucky ones who chose Jae Seok are smiling.) This situation is just so upsetting... (Being on the topic with Seok Jin is very upsetting.) We'll never actually fight, but... We can even show you who'll win right now. That Jae Seok will win! (She's confident with the easy game.) Do you still exercise at home? - Don't go in that direction. - He'll be beaten up for real. Then what should I go with... Let's talk about the statistics. First, both of them wear glasses. (Se Chan talks about the glasses?) Fake vs. Real glasses. (Fake vs. Real glasses) You have 50% more chance of winning since your glasses are fake. I’ll tell you one thing. Even if the 4 of you come at me! What? Don't include me!! (Smashing) (The real glasses' soft punch show makes them laugh.) Se Chan said something really important. I'm going to take off my glasses and take his off, too! Then he can't see anything! (You'll take off my glasses...?) Here! (Frightened) He can see... (His logic of fake glasses doesn't work at all.) You have to remember his character. (A new logic is brought up.) Do you think he will beat me up? - Do you think Jae Seok will beat Seok Jin?! - Do you think he will beat me up until I'm covered in blood!? (Laughing) Do we have to go this far? Will you beat me until my nose bleeds and get bruises all over me? You can't, right? - No, I can't~ - But I can!! (Shameless) But I can!! Did you see? (He's confident for the first time after the discussion.) He can beat Jae Seok!! Because I'm older than him. (he is complaining about his only weapon, 'age') But I can make him go without pain. At once! But he has no guts to do that, and he's not that kind of character. I can do it because I don't want to make him feel pain. I can smash him when he goes, "What did you just say?" (Bluffing ON) Then I'll dodge your punch and throw an uppercut. And I'll dodge your uppercut and throw a knee kick! (Nobody will get hurt in that fight.) Then I'll defend it easily and give you another knee kick!! - Hold on, your fist was blocking him. But how? - I got it out in the meantime... (His body is all free in his imagination.) But he's really sturdy! (Seok Jin takes off his bag in all of sudden.) (Breathing) (Push-up performance ends like this.) - How about kicking each other's butts? - If you make noise, then you lose! (Seok Jin vs. Jae Seok) (Kicking each other's butts) (This is a chance to show how tolerant and powerful they are.) (Seok Jin goes first.) (His first kick in his 56 year life) I'm kicking you for real. (Hit!!) (He's strong!) (Breathing out) (Biting his lips) Did you see that? (Seok Jin kicked for 100% real.) Jee Seok Jin! But it was right in the middle. And he kicked Jae Seok with the tip of his foot and poked the middle of his butt! Now, it's my turn! Did you see how I used my full weight? (He got confident after kicking Jae Seok.) But Jae Seok has his chance. - Hold it and you'll win. - Don't cry! (It's quite tense even though they have soft fists.) (The staffs are watching...!) (The vote will depend on Jae Seok's kick.) (Sighing...) (Sighing...) (He was frightened that he made a sound.) Didn't you make a noise? (I think he just made a noise.) Please forget it! I'm going for real now. (It's real time to show Jae Seok's kick.) (Grunting) It wasn't that strong. He didn't kick that hard. (Jae Seok didn't kick hard because he's softhearted.) - I kicked hard!! - But this is what's important. I didn't kick hard, but you went... He can't tolerate pain. (Nobody got damaged with this game.) The first debate has come to an end. (Not it's time to vote!!) (Last word by Seok Jin?) He can't beat someone whom he's been friends with for 30 years. Please keep that in mind. That's right. I don't want to deny what he said. (Did you see him?) But if he needs a beating, then he'll have to be beaten. (!) I'm sure it won't happen but... Imagine Seok Jin apologizing to you with a nosebleed. (That won't happen but...) (“If they fight” is a precondition!) (What will the staffs pick?!) (He's hoping for winning.) Two, three (Which team will win 3 points each?) (There are more B's!) (A - 10 people / B - 20 people) (But there are more A than they thought.) - Why did you think Seok Jin would win? - You're being mean. Why? You never know. I can totally beat that punk! (Even though he got upset because his pride has collapsed, he's a good guy.) (Second round, making a debatable situation) Oh, a debatable situation? It'd be helpful if you guys could share your experiences. Is it okay to use a true story? - Do you have one? - Yes, one story just came to my mind. (The true story of a self-proclaimed love doctor Frog...?) Tell us what it is. It was one night in my 20s. My boyfriend said that he was hanging out with his female friend. But my boyfriend didn't have a car back then. - Was he alone with her? - No, he was with a group of friends. His female friend gave him a ride. So I said, "Okay." because I knew his female friend, too. My boyfriend and his female friend came to pick me up. My boyfriend was sittting in the passenger seat and his female friend drove. So I sat in the back seat. I lived in Ilsan back then, and my boyfriend lived in Sangam. The female friend drove me home, and I expected my boyfriend to get out of the car! But he didn't get out and said, "So Min, go home safely." I would've understood if he kept sitting in the passenger seat. But they switched the seats and my boyfriend drove the car!! (So Min's boyfriend suddenly moved to the driving seat.) His female friend sat next to him in the passenger seat!!! (His behavior is hard to understand.) But... But did you really... Did you date him for real, So Min? (It seems like unrequited love, but it's true love) (Can't understand) I can't understand. I got so upset and I wondered if I was overreacting. (So she talked to him the next day...) "Why did you drive her car?" But he said that he had to receive a birthday present from the female friend. So he had to stop by her office. So I asked, "But why did you drive her car?" He was like, "I just wanted to drive." (Her boyfriend just wanted to drive.) (But regardless of his words, So Min was sad that he didn't come with her.) (Even if she understands that he didn’t get off the car because he yielded 100 times) (She can't understand that his boyfriend drove.) But he couldn't understand me. So Min, were you close to his female friend?! No, I just heard a lot about her and I only saw her a couple of times. It's weird that he came to you with his female friend's car... Or he should've switched the seats after getting out of your apartment. No, that's not it. (Lying is worse.) (Woo Jae and Jong Kook thinks driving the car isn't a problem.) That's worse. I usually don't feel this way, but I think I would be upset. Switching the seats is a bit... (Dating hardliners appeared.) (Imagine how I would feel...) You thank him for giving you a ride. Then turn around to go home, and your girlfriend switches the seats and drives... What if her male friend is Seok Jin? It'd be fine then... (Everything would be fine if it were Seok Sam.) (The existence that gives looseness to a tense relationship) Why would it be okay if it's me...!? (Conclusion, a matter of slightly ambiguous nuance) Isn't this about breaking up?! It's been over 10 years, but it's still in my heart? What?! No, I'm not crying. Huh?! I won’t cry, Wooseok~ (Woo Seok's words made her get over at once.) If there was something going on... between them, they wouldn't have picked you up. That's exactly what he said. - They wouldn't have picked you up. - Right. You see, it's strange that people always lie... that their opposite-sex friends are same-sex friends to their partners. - To prevent any trouble. - It's pointless... - to ask about them. - I heard... that they can never be friends unless they're attracted to... each other by more than 70 percent. They don't keep each other around. - It affects your friendship. - They don't keep each other around. - Well, that's... - Only then, - That's not necessarily true. - a man and a woman can be friends. Also, in dramas like "Propose", the lead characters who are best friends... - Ryu Si Won and Kim Hee Seon... - You watched too many dramas. - That's not true. - They become lovers. - It's a drama. - Hey. Think about me and Song Eun I. We've been friends for 30 years. I believe that a man and a woman can never be friends. - I think it's possible. - It's possible. - I don't think so. - It's possible. - It's possible. - No, it's not. - It's possible. - I also think... - It's possible. - I think it's possible. - I don't think it's possible. - It's possible. - I don't think it's possible. - Let's debate this. (So they began a new debate.) - It's possible. - No. Let's debate this. - Okay. This is our new topic. - A man and a woman can be friends. Hold on. You should be able to take a shower with your opposite-sex friend. - Hey! - What did you say? - Why? - Come on. (Hold on. You should be able to take a shower with your friend.) (Disgusted) - How can anyone do that? - That's ridiculous. If she's your friend, you can shower with her. That's too much. - No, I can't do that. Come on. - That's nonsense. - You know I'm right. - I agree. You should have no interest in her in a romantic way... - if she's your friend. - Still, I can't do that. - There should be no reaction. - If your female friend... (Indifferent) - Right. But... - What? (A common sight at a small sauna) You know I'm right. You should be able to do that. - If you really are just friends. - No. Are you sick? Take a break if you are. Please give me a conclusion about driving debate! Oh, stop it. I'm too exhausted to continue. - I mean... - All right! Only speak if you've been in a relationship before. Then sit. Marriage... That came out wrong. - Then... - I meant, conclusion. Can you be friends with someone of the opposite gender? - What? - Friends of the opposite gender. It's a fundamental question. - Is it possible or not? - Possible or not? Of course it is. Hold on a second. What have we been doing so far? Just hurry up with it. - Let's get this over with. - The friend thing. - Can you be friends or not? - Yes or no? - Can you be friends? - I think you can. In 1, 2, 3. - No way. - Yes, you can. - Are you serious? - Yes, you can be friends. Two, three. - No way. - Yes, you can. - Yes, you can be friends. - Are you serious? Let's hear from the staff next. - Of course. - You're okay with it? Of course it's okay. Please play the next songs. There should be two bad guys. What? (<Let's Go See the Stars> by Jukjae) What are you up to? It's a song by Jukjae. Let's go see the stars. This is nice. (<Let's Go See the Stars> is based on Jukjae's actual experience.) (Discord) So Min, why are your eyes teary? (It's nice.) (She is cute.) Hold on. "Put on a light jacket?" (Getting ready for a debate) "Put on a light jacket?" Here comes the next song. (The second song gets revealed.) It's a song by Kim Dong Ryul. "A Drunken Confession." <i>- I loved you from the start</i> <i>- I loved you from the start</i> I sang this song often. I really like this song. ("A Drunken Confession" is a song from Exhibition's 2nd album...) (that was recorded when the members were drunk.) (It's a song men love to sing at the karaoke.) It's a song by Kim Dong Ryul. That man... Here is the question. When you hear a confession of love, which situation is more exciting? The answer would be... A, right? B, of course. It's A. Don't be ridiculous. It's A. (The guy who asks you to come out at night...) (so that you can go and see the stars with him.) A is a song by Jukjae. This man asks you to go and see the stars with him. (The guy who confesses to the woman he loves...) (in a drunken state) It has the sentimentality of the era, right? - It's A. - It's A. - It's A. - It's definitely A. It's better to ask someone out like that. I hate it when a man confesses in a drunken state. - Really? - It sounds like a lie. What if he isn't that drunk? - You sound quite drunk. - He is only a bit drunk. - Your face looks drunk. - "Your face looks drunk?" So Min, when you consider the situations in the two songs, doesn't the person matter more? - No. - The person who is confessing. - Let's say Jinyoung of GOT7... - The person matters more. confesses to you in a drunken state. Jinyoung of GOT7 is the man in "A Drunken Confession..." and Se Chan is the man in "Let's Go See the Stars." (Let's go see the stars.) - That's right. - The person matters more. (The balance is ruined.) This man loved you from the start. Why didn't he tell me sooner? Seriously. The person matters more. - Let's say it's the same person. - Okay. - The same person. - It's the same person. "Let's go see the stars." He does sound like a womanizer. It sounds playful. - He sounds like a player. - To be honest, I agree with Haha. This man seems too experienced. He must have done this many times. "Put on a light jacket." - He went to this place many times. - No. - No. - He chose the day... with the perfect weather, so a light jacket is enough. - He planned it all out. - He mentioned a light jacket... - because he has a car. - No. - No. He wants to walk. - Think about sincerity. - Think about sincerity. - He is a womanizer. - The old song has sincerity. - I agree. The love he suppressed poured out in a drunken state. It's quite pure. "Let me make a confession now. I loved you from the start." - Listen. - He has loved her for a while. He has loved her for a while. - It's true love. - Yes. It's true love. - As for that situation... - How about this man? - He likes her too. - As for that situation... I am sorry, but he is simply seducing her. - Don't say that. - He is simply seducing her. He is simply seducing her. As for him, he has loved her for a long while. I would recommend the man in Song B to my younger sister. That's right. - That's right. - As for me. - I would recommend him. - Him? Hey, he is a player! - What? - He has done this countless times. - He isn't a player. - A player? - The man in Song B is the same. - Is he a player? - Jae Seok. - Is he a player? - Didn't you write the lyrics? - He is a player. - The man in Song B is the same. - He sounds like a delinquent. - Listen. - Seriously. - It's Jukjae's story. - Let's hear from Jukjae. - That's right. - Didn't you write the lyrics? Yes, I did. Which situation makes your heart flutter more? "Let's Go See the Stars," of course. I wrote it with a pure heart. - It doesn't seem pure. - Is it based on your experience? I enjoyed stargazing. - Is it based on your experience? - Yes. I did it often. How could you call that pure? Had the lyrics been "Put on a gown," - it wouldn't have been pure. - Of course not. - "Put on a light jacket." - That isn't very pure. Look. - "There is a lot I want to say," - A light jacket. "but I won't rush things." - That's right. - "But I will hold your hand tight." He is already thinking about making physical contact. Isn't it too much? - Is it so hard to hold hands? - Of course. You can't hold hands with someone you aren't dating. Nothing has happened. You can get permission. You can excuse yourself... - before holding her hand. - That works. You can ask, "Can I hold your hand?" - I think Song A is... - He just made a suggestion. - He just made a suggestion. - If she bites, it's good. - It's like fishing. - No. - It isn't like fishing. - Be quiet. - Listen. - It isn't like fishing. I bet he cast many lines too. He is the singer. - I am sorry. - He is the singer. - I am sorry. - Ignore what we say. Jukjae, I bet you didn't foresee this kind of interpretation. (They missed the songwriter's intention.) - I am sorry. - I bet you didn't foresee it. - It's just my interpretation. - People have different views. BE'O, what do you think? I think the man in "A Drunken Confession" is... - He is sincere, right? - He seems like a loser. - That's right. - That's right. - I say that... - He is still charming. because he lacked courage and had to rely on alcohol. - That's right. - That's how much he loves her. - He should pluck up the courage. - No. - The man in Song A is a player. - He is a player. - The man in Song B isn't a loser. - He is a player. - A player? - He is a player. The man in Song B could be a player too. - No. He only confessed once. - He got drunk and... - The man in Song A... - Listen. - must have confessed many times. - Listen. Maybe he confesses love whenever he is drunk. If he gets rejected, he will say, "I said it because I was drunk." - He says it himself. - He lacks courage. "This might be a mistake. I might forget all in the morning." - He might forget what he said. - Yes. BE'O. You said he will say, "I said it because I was drunk." The man in Song A will say, "I never said I liked you." "I simply asked you to go and see the stars with me." See? He is a player. (Those who think the man in Song A is a player cheer.) Seok Jin, you are doing great. Don't say that. - At least that man confessed. - Jukjae was a player. - Jukjae. - Jukjae was a player. Jukjae, were you a player? - Were you? - It's a lighthearted suggestion. I bet it was the third call of the day. - Seok Jin, no. - No. I bet it was a group message. - No. - He sent a group message. It was the 3rd call. It wasn't the 1st call. - I... - Jukjae, explain it yourself. - Jukjae, the songwriter. - It's not like... It's not like I reached an old age, but I can say this from my experience. What's said in a drunken state ends that way. - So... - It ends that way. What's said in a drunken state ends that way. If I compare the two men to liquor, the man in Song B is like undiluted whiskey. But that punk, Jukjae... - is like... - Jukjae. - heavily diluted whiskey. - On the rock. - It's light. - On the rock. - Look at the lyrics. - He is lighthearted. The man in Song B goes, "This won't happen again." - He won't confess his love again. - No. But you know how players are. "Where are you? What are you up to?" "Really? Okay." Then he calls another woman. "Where are you? What are you up to?" No way. "I am home." Then he goes, "Let's go see the stars." He does that. - He is a player. - The man in Song A is a player. The man in Song A knows that this woman likes him. - That's right. - He is too confident. - He already knows it. - That's right. - That confidence is an eyesore. - That's right. Seriously. - He knows. - Jukjae. - That kind of confidence... - Can you erase Jukjae's name? "You are bound to come out..." - "and go see the stars with me." - That's right. - Hey. - "Just put on a light jacket." (He feels dizzy.) "We won't go anywhere far." If she doesn't like the situation, she can go home. - It shows his consideration. - In any case, he knows... that she likes him. That's why he is behaving that way. I think A will be successful and B will be unsuccessful. - Not necessarily. - That's what I think. - That's right. - The lyrics... I think the situation in Song B is too oily. And I feel like I have to lead him. - It's like, "So what?" - Isn't the other one oilier? The man in Song A makes my heart flutter more... - because he leads me. - That's right. That's right. That's a better confession of love. The man in Song B... Which confession of love do you prefer? - One, two, three. - The man in Song A is a player. This goes without saying. You chose A. A... Now... - It's 5 to 4. - It's 5 to 4. The staff members will vote now. - All right. - Seriously. Which confession of love do you prefer? Which one is more sincere? - Men would agree. - One... - It's more sincere. - You know Exhibition. One, two, three. It's tacky, but B is better. - A. - It's A. - It's B. - It's A. - A. - One, two, three, four. - five, six, seven... - A. - B is sincere. - All men chose B. It's so funny. All men chose B. - B has depth. - It's A. - More people chose B. - More people chose B. - More people chose B. - B got two more votes. - Did it get two more votes? - More people chose B. - B won. - So Min. - That's right. It's better. - Those who chose B... will receive a point. It's more serious. After listening to the story, you will have a discussion... - and decide individually... - Got it. - whether to sell the item or not. - Okay. We are good at that. - Yes. It's our favorite activity. - We are logical. We are persuasive. How will you make the final decision? - Is the payment good? - As for the final decision... (How will you make the final decision?) - The wheel? - We will use the question board. (They will spin the wheel!) - You spin this wheel? - You get "No" more frequently. If your answer is the same, you will get five coins each. - Okay. - Okay. I will try to collect 25 coins. I will give you the first story. - It's PlayStation. - It must be a married man's item. It must be a married man's item. I know that singles have PlayStation as well. - It must be a married man's item. - But to send a story about it... - I am 100 percent sure. - It must be a married person. We know how a married man feels. That's right. They fight because of this. - Because he only plays games? - Yes. - He doesn't watch the children. - Then he should sell it. "PlayStation turned my husband into a game addict." "Should I sell it?" - Sell it. - "Recently"... - Hey. - The wife sent the story. That's right. The wife sent the story. If your wife wants you to sell it, you should sell it. - Yeon Seok, please read it. - Okay. "PlayStation turned my husband into a game addict." "Should I sell it?" - He has a nice voice. - Nice. "I am a woman who got married recently." Are they newlyweds? "My husband's friend gave us a PlayStation and told us"... "that it was a must for newlyweds." That was when it began. "I left it alone since I didn't enjoy playing games," "but my husband bought all sorts of game CDs." That would drive anyone nuts. "He plays games all day long on weekends." - That's wrong. - It's okay if they don't have kids. "He invites his friends over to play games with him," - "so it stresses me out." - Men go crazy over it. It's fun. "Should I sell this PlayStation or leave it as it is?" - Don't sell it. - Don't sell it. - Don't sell it. - Don't sell it. - She shouldn't sell it. - I have a question. Can't married men play games? - They can. - You need to read the room. You would know if you played games before. - When you play games, - You need to read the room. - time pass so quickly. - That's right. - At least two hours pass. - Of course. There are many games in which you grow the characters. You can have soccer matches online. - Hold on. - You know a lot. I am sorry, but do you have deep resentment? - I... - Is this story about yourself? When I bought a PlayStation, I told Kyung Eun... that I would play games with Ji Ho. I told her that I would play games with Ji Ho. - Do you play games with him? - What? - I did it a few times. - A few times. He lost interest after a while, right? Ji Ho isn't much interested in playing games. Ji Ho prefers mobile games. That's right. Ji Ho prefers mobile games... - over console games. - That's right. - Mobile games. - He likes mobile games. This story was sent from Apgujeong-dong. (A resident of Apgujeong-dong) This is... Apgujeong-dong... No. (We will protect Mr. Yu from Apgujeong-dong's anonymity.) Mr. Yu. You know how crazy I was about it when I was single. - I loved it so much. - Right. There were always 7 to 8 people... - in his house. - I used to play games. We even had game competitions. We really enjoyed playing games. We played games together when we were newlyweds. - But once we got a baby... - You didn't have time for games. - It became the seed of unhappiness. - The moment I held the console, - You felt guilty. - the atmosphere changed. - Did it lead to fights? - I could feel the tension. If Captain tells you to sell it, you should sell it. - Captain? - Captain? If Captain tells you to sell it, you should sell it. Wouldn't you? Well, I would break it. I would break it with my own hands. - That's right. - Here is what I think. When you are with your wife, you should spend time with her. If you want to play games, you should sleep less. - I see. - That's right. You should sleep less. Play games in your spare time. Can't they play games together? - It's like me working out. - I think... he should teach his wife how fun games can be. - She doesn't like games. - For two months or a year, - keep trying... - That's... so that she can't live without it. So that she can't live without it. (Promoting game addiction) If you take it away, she will go, "No!" - I see. - Should he get her addicted? He should get her addicted. - Should he get her addicted? - Then she will cherish it. - Isn't that happiness? - That's a nice suggestion. If she sells PlayStation, what joy does he have in life? It's not like he drinks or hangs out with his friends. - Is this story about yourself? - Do you know him? Do you know him? - He must be like that. - Do you know him? - I agree with you. - Yes. It's his only hobby. I used to play games on PlayStation. - When I did that, I didn't drink. - She is young. - It's a healthy hobby. - Yes. - It's a healthy way to have fun. - Yes. What would you do if someone sold it in secret? Would you drink and lead a wild life? - I would lead a wild life. - See? People are like that. Her husband would go outside to have fun. - I had the same thought. - He would go outside. - That would be more troublesome. - If he goes outside, she should lock the door. If she does that... What if he doesn't come back? - He is in the wrong. - He might see it as a chance. - He can go to an internet cafe. - She should change the password. - How will he come back? - When your wife changed... the password that one time... Are you bringing that up now? You called me and asked what you should do. - Hey, why did you bring that up? - If she changes the password... Seok Jin has been outside. - You called me in the parking lot. - He won't make that mistake again. No, I won't. If your wife changes the password, you go outside thinking, "Good for me." But there is nothing to do. - That's right. - There is nowhere to go. - That's right. - He knocked on the door... with bread and flowers to make up with his wife. - Yes. She told me what to do. - Bread. We should think about where the PlayStation came from. The husband's best friend gave it to them... saying that it's a must for newlyweds. So I don't think they should sell it. (They shouldn't sell a present from the best friend.) - They should give it back... - That's right. - or ask him to hold on to it. - That's a good idea. - They shouldn't sell it. - They shouldn't sell it. They should give it to the friend after explaining the situation. - Right. - Then he will go to that house. Then he can go secretly at times before his commute. - He has to go secretly. - It wouldn't do to lie. - If he does that, - He will end up lying. both of them will be destroyed... - the moment he visits his friend. - That's right. How on earth do you live? How do you live? Captain tells me how to live. She lets me breathe. - Married life is hard. - She lets me breathe. So Min, what do you think? I think I would come up with rules instead of selling it. - That's right. - Yes. If he plays games for more than an hour or two, - I will receive fines. - It's beyond that point. - That's a good idea. - I will receive fines from him. - That way, I make money. - It's a good idea. - You could make him pay for games. - That's right. - Ten dollars. - What if he accepts the terms... and works part-time... Then I would reject kisses. - Kisses? - Yes. They are newlyweds. - They are newlyweds. - What if the husband likes it? - No way. They are newlyweds. - Really? If he still continues to play games, - you will be even more annoyed. - That's right. - He might kiss the PlayStation. - You wouldn't be able to stand it. He might kiss the PlayStation. (The annoying PlayStation kiss) - You would reject kisses. - Yes. - All right. - Let's hold up our answers. - I chose "Don't sell it." - Don't sell it. One, two, three. - Sell it. - Don't sell it. - Don't sell it. - Don't sell it. - We think she should sell it. - Okay. Sell it. Only the two of you chose "Sell it." The master should put up the question board... and spin the wheel. - "Shall I sell it?" - Master Cha, spin it well. - Everyone was wary of the wheel. - No. - I mean my answer. - Me too. I hope we get "Yes" once. I hope we get "Yes" once. They should find the middle ground. It's better to keep him at home. - Yes. - Sell it. (Who will receive 5 coins thanks to the wheel's blessing?) Good. - I feel dizzy. - She should show her resolution. - That's right. - Sell it. Don't sell it. - No. - The wife might buy another one. - No. - Yes. (What will be the wheel's answer?) - No. - No. - No. - No. (No!) (Team "Don't sell it" won.) We keep getting "No." Nice.
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 2,262,777
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Keywords: #Runningman, #런닝맨, #보필PD, #예능맛ZIP, Gary, Haha, Jeon So Min, Ji Seok Jin, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, RunninMan, Runningman, SBS, Song Ji Hyo, Yang Se Chan, Yoo Jae Suk, runningman, sbs, 김종국, 레전드, 본방송, 비하인드, 송지효, 애드리브, 양세찬, 예능맛ZIP, 예능맛집, 웃음참기, 유장꾸, 유재석, 이광수, 전소민, 지석진, 최신화, 런닝맨, 형인PD
Id: dMnxE-FHHvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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