처음 김밥을 먹어본 어벤져스 배우들의 반응?! (실화)

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[Music] so welcome to korea thank you yeah how are you guys feeling how's it to be in korea it feels great i'm getting hungry hungry now yeah really now the food's all out in front of me yeah fantastic you guys have been to korea before some of you this is my third visit wow this is tom's second visit newbie first time look at me i don't remember maybe maybe not maybe one of the middle okay yeah it's a weird answer for the first time in a long time at least yes you guys are trying korean food okay bulgogi today we're going to be trying some of the most traditional korean food this is kind of like the korean equivalent of like a sandwich yeah so it's sort of thing that kids will get in their lunch called kimbap kim means seaweed and pup means rice and you've got lots of different feelings lots of different flavors so if you're a kid going to school you just get one of these in your pack lunch often yeah you get like messed up in foil you get to have spiderman on that lunchbox though oh yeah i did actually lunchbox i think i had a spiderman lunchbox i actually have a spiderman toothbrush my little brother paddy still sleeps in my old spiderman duvet no are you still yeah i should buy him some new bed sheets like those are really hot you guys ready for this some korean this is it looks quite interesting isn't it and it's basically a korean banana milk so you can try if you'd like what's in the white kisses it's sort of advertised as if it's like a milk soda yeah thank you so much [Music] i approve this yeah i like that a lot can you get milkis in england if you go to a korean shop there's a cream shop actually very close to my house really yeah there is does milkis just do one flavor there's really no milk but now they do loads of different plates like strawberries try some of this tom really it's really really really good [Music] oh that's good yeah i prefer this oh really yeah okay banana endorsement just finished yeah so if we educate you well on korean food top you'll be able to go home and keep stocked up it's all good okay this is pork cutlet shrimp tuna and cream cheese i'm gonna do the pork yeah i'm gonna go for pork as well yeah without soy that wasabi it's not like sushi you don't mix it you just have it as it is this does look a little bit like sushi but it's not sushi and it's the korean version you can just have it straight as it is brilliant so the name of this is the kimbap this is kimbap it's so good exactly and this is the seaweed she likes the outerwear i really like it with carrot cucumber little pineapple that's delicious can you see why you'd go back tomorrow we can cancel my lunch order guys i'm just gonna stay with this yeah you're happy what's this little yellow thing oh that's egg that yellow thing is egg yeah so much protein in here yeah there's at least three vegetables in one of them and they get your fruit from your banana for dinner this is what he would make you how many days a week do you have a kimbap well when i'm in korea i have it quite a lot because when you're out on a shoot there's a sort of thing that you can have it yeah it's a korean type of rice that they'll have specifically for kimbap korean rice is generally quite sticky it's very easy to eat and it's perfect for this yes there's something else in there there's cream cheese and yeah so that will be radish some white radish which is very common it's like sweet thinking about it very lightly thick really interesting when you hit the cream cheese okay i love it it's a combination you wouldn't expect you get the normal kimbap taste and then suddenly the cream cheese just comes in just takes the wind takes a finale yeah the cream cheese is the very last flavor you're left with yeah it's interesting what happened we're taking ourselves like pretty seriously yeah it's great we're on korean it did go a little bit this one is really huge what's happening do you guys it looks like a pumpkin it's a pear no yes it's a pink how did you know don't be really good so you know your fruit lift it that is it that's a heavy heavy fat they're really crunchy these persons very juicy i mean it's like you couldn't knock something out with that oh so that's the thing now you may have noticed this looks quite different from the pears we haven't england yes yeah completely it's an asiatic pear so the taste is quite different i much prefer bees these are great which is great for the flavor that's so true the crunchiness of that flavor of a pear this is delicious i'm gonna take [Music] a little bit of melon in it as well these are which are traditionally from an island to the south of south korea they are absolutely extraordinary do you like it yeah that is so orangey yeah it's extremely delicious it's good it's a hybrid right i think it is a hybrid yeah yeah yeah clementine mandarin and um probably yeah that was how does that happen how do you have a hybrid of how does life finds a way wrong film i think but yes tell me later do you have a favorite korean food snack drink that you've tried the pear and my delicious fantastic that's my favorite although i did i know this is not to disparage the kimber yeah because it's also excellent but if you have this at 11 o'clock every morning you know so guys you're all part of the marvel universe yes you are superheroes super villains you you know what is that like it's incredible and wonderful and unexpected and yeah just kind of crazy to look around all of us and yeah there's spiderman there as iron man there's loki yeah it's kind of mind-blowing it is a bit i mean i i don't feel like my character is a superhero she's a super weirdo i'm fun with it you know yeah it's different for you guys it's more serious and you know more responsibility in there you mean i just love traveling the world you know we're so lucky to travel around we're all sitting in korea having a korean lunch yeah and if i was at home i'd probably just be chilling with my dog so it's quite nice to be here and experience this so well you're so welcome it's so good to have you here in korea all of you guys thank you everyone watching this video as well is so excited to have you here i'm taking all of that banana milk with me please i heard they didn't let you read the script i'm not the only one i didn't read it either i really okay i read the first one because i really insisted on reading it okay really harassed them i need to read it i need to read it second one i didn't push for it so i don't know what's happening did you read the second one maybe they haven't let you still i don't even know if i'm in the second one would you like to give a message to koreans watching this video come this food is delicious delicious and thank you for welcoming us and thank you for supporting the work and enjoy the movie thank you for my banana milk i will be taking some of this home with me look he's finished it i really really enjoyed it but i know this was delicious you definitely have better school lunches than we do back home come to hamnida uh thank you for welcoming us and thank you for feeding us it was incredible and uh we want to come back soon and you could watch the movie avenger hasn't been anymore all right thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much prepared a very small gift just for you guys [Music] but there you go again welcome thank you so absolutely much fun with you guys [Music] you
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 30,744,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 댄, 단, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자, Tom, Holland, Avengers, infinity, war, Thanos, Benedict, Cumberbatch, Hiddleston, Pom, klementieff, kimbab, 김밥, 바나나, 우유, 밀키스, 과자, 분식, 톰, 홀랜드, 베네딕트, 컴버배치, 히들스턴, 폼, 클레멘티에프, 할리우드, 배우
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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