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(Which bucket list would you like to do on your 60th birthday?) What I have on my bucket list is - When it's my 60th birthday - Nude beach!! He wants to go to a nude beach (Hoping to visit a nude beach) (Star Ji, who has always yearned for freedom, his 60th birthday bucket list is going to nude beach) (Seok Jin's Cells.zip) (This program contains indirect advertisements or virtual advertisements.) Today, you will become Seok Jin's cells (Seok Jin's Cells) (Rule - Whenever Seok Jin makes a decision) (The cells will give advice & make decision freely) - This is something like Yumi's Cells? - Yeah, that's right I've been controlling Seok Jin my entire life lol (Yoo Jae Seok / Controller) (Acquired ) He's a marionette, he is like a marionette You know what? If you talk too aggressively to him, he won't listen to you (A know-how that only Jae Seok knows) Then what should you do? You need to pretend to be ignorant and just throw him the idea, then he'll take it (Never pressure him just throw him the idea) - He doesn't like getting praised? - No, he doesn't - Just throw the idea ignorantly? - Yeah, as if it's not important - It's like you're fishing a bass? Everyday? - Yes, of course - This is going to be more easier for Jae Seok - Yes, it will be (It's a competition between them, to find out who'll gain more coins by persuading him more) - They are too close - No, we are not (Just by listening to the rule, seems too easy for Jae Seok) Most of all, today, I don't feel like persuading him... I don't feel motivated (Today is the one day in a year which Jae Seok refuses to listen) - You feel like that? - Yes, today I don't feel like it, there's those days like this, you know Does he know today's a special episode on him? He knows it roughly Then, as he arrives, he's going to act... - Hey, what's happening - What, me, what, no way (Obvious reactions expected from Seok Jin) This is why I didn't wanted to do this today... PD: Actually, after knowing that today will be a special episode about him... He called with the writer almost everyday (Started to communicate with the staffs too much) Oh, did he make special requirements? Did he want to get treated in a certain way? - Amazing - He's playing 'Pretend to be a start celebrity' (Today's episode is a special episode on him so he made lots of ideas) Why are you pretending as if you don't know, since the car? - But... I don't really know...!! - No way, I heard you made lots of phone calls - I knew it after seeing your clothes - what, what, what He knew there was going to be cameras waiting for him from the moment he arrived (Seok Jin knew how the opening was going to be like?) - Why, why, why - He put so much effort on his outfit - I am usually like this~ - Yeah, right - I put on an outfit like this for the 5th time(?) already!! - That's a lie, that's a lie Are you keep wearing that dusty wreath? (Just noticed the fake wreath) oh gosh... it stings... - Why are you swearing - Why are you getting mad (Showing his short tempered manner from the morning) I like this all-black outfit, black is the best (Kookie is already starting with the fashion) First of all, from his clothings - He needs to carry this (Since he's the main lead today, he's wearing a better outfit) - This, this, this - Oh, the bag, that's right (Seok Jin putting on the mic) - I'll! I'll put it on for him - You've put lots of effort on your outfit, right? Look good It's a bullet magazine! Magazine! (Entertainment Special Forces) That's new lol This is a new concept (entertainment perspective is upgraded) Oh, that's so new (Laughter Special Forces Seok Jin, is specialized in using props) Entertainment Wars - Isn't he the first one in the world to do this? - Why do we always have to put the mic here (The warrior is breaking the stereotypical standard) That's a stereotype (upgraded item) This is the real way (Special forces, who is satisfied after giving laughter) Charlie Chaplin, brother, he's liking it (The six cells are giving lots of help already) Hey, this is a fresh idea? Oh~ The lead! The lead! (Today's lead) Hey! I don't have any greed to become the lead role... lol I heard you called Hyo In everyday (The lead role is already lying) She called me first so I just answered her!! It hurts!!! Why are you pretending like you don't know (The path of the lead role is starting off with difficulties) - What do we have to do, tell us You, also, as soon as you got off lol Ah, what is this~ (fake acting) Why were you searching for cameras lol (making a peak) (Searching for cameras) Why were you pretending like you don't know when you already know the script (A day together with the lead role is well prepared) - Didn't you rehearse it everyday? - What do you mean that I rehearsed this? These days it's a trend to not look at the camera (A man who knows the coolness) Like that, you'll look better That looks so weird, you look like shit - Shit? - I'm so sorry (Couldn't resist his annoyance) Hey, this is good You have to do this pose (Recommending a pose like a business man) You are the one who only does this, I want to break out of that - Hey, I want to break out of this - Hold your necklace, like your ripping it!!, Grab the necklace (Roar~) Good good! Look strong! (Neck ripping man) (Wild man) Bite your shirt (Excited cells are making more ideas) Bite your shirt! No, no, like this Yes, like that (HaHa cell's detailed directing) (lethally attractive man) What are you doing (Star Ji is suddenly lying down) - Why are you lying down - Oh, that doesn't look good, why are you lying down Then you should raise your legs! (rude) Isn't that an elderly watching TV pose What's that on his butt lol (Trying to hide the hole on his pants with the tape) (With lots of coolness) Do something like this, like a turkey! Is that a cocoon or what (A man like a turkey) (A turkey-like attractiveness that's making people applaud) (...Is this right...?) - That looked good, that looked good - Stop joking around You must do the 'turning back pose'!! Right, that'll look natural (A cell, who used to be a dancer/singer, made a reasonable offer) Turn around, turn to the side you feel comfortable, and bam one, two, three! Ah, that's good (Counting down himself and then turning around) (turn) (Dumbo Cell is setting a chair) cross your legs (Director Ha is here) Put your legs like that and put one hand here and the other hand here (huh..?) - Hey - Oh, this is really the style (Director Ha's weird world of style) - Oh, really, I swear - Are you kidding us Oh, this is good! (① Put your head back ② Keep your eyes slightly rude) Hey, hey, is he paralyzed? (stiff) (Star Ji did what he was told and got frozen) Brother! Bother, you need to do this (Official pose for old comedians) - You need to do this - This keeps getting stuck here... Lift your leg (Obediently doing what they're tell him to do) You need to do this, it's a the most basic (Picking nose) (A pose that emphasizes the cleanliness of a star) Get lost! Someone get rid of him (Jae Seok has his own style of creativeness) - Stop it - Just do it once, just once Don't take this, don't Just take it, take the picture (A nose picking pose that expresses his casualness) Brother! Sit down, sit down (stumble) Sit and spread your legs like this! Spread your legs and open your mouth a bit! Open your mouth slightly You need to put your toes down (Detailed directing from head to toe) Are you feeling sick? (About to drool) - Slightly dreamy face expression - Put your hands like this (Unnatural both hands) Put your hands like this Good, that's right, right (marionette of the cells) Open your mouth slightly! (Made him pose like that and taking the pictures while they are pretending everything is looking fine) Brother, that's not right~ (Additional touch of Jae Seok cell) A monkey? (Avant-garde photoshoot that exceeded the current style) (The photoshoot session now ended, and now it's time for an interview with a reporter) (As for the interview, the Cells also get to interfere with the answers) (A interview with an fake reporter begins) Next year will be your 30th anniversary of debuting, living about half of your life - Has it been that long - He now needs to retire If you get to express the celebrity 'Seok Jin' and human 'Seok Jin' in one sentence, how would you express it? Poop! Say you're a poop! - Long poop (ridiculous) Thin long poop (A thin long poop mentioned) Strong smelling (The Cells are bombarding with answers) Brother, quickly answer with some fun You know something like~ quite funny! Some kind of punch line!! (Due to the Cells' ideas, Star Ji wants to answer with some good answers) Celebrity Ji Seok Jin is everyone's, and human Ji Seok Jin is my wife's - That sounds good - Jamwon-dong's Hugh Grant (A perfect answer that WangKo approves) - Go for this, go - That sounds good That's a complete lie~ Celebrity Ji Seok Jin is everyone's (Forcing to answer) Also, everyone doesn't want you, why are you their's (Doesn't care about the other's opinion) That's a lie, you're not even your wife's (There is no sincerity in any of his answers) - Brother, when you're 60 years old - Hey!!!!! A good answer is already said (Cell Jae Seok is annoying him constantly) - You can have everything - You said you wanted to move abroad when you're 60 (Trying to ignore him and fighting through make his answer) No - Celebrity Ji Seok Jin is... is no matter what, everyone's - Everyone doesn't want you, what are you talking about - Human Ji Seok Jin is... - Say 'Yang Jung Ah's'!!! (Sudden sneak attack with Seok Jin's old time's idol) (His vitality has revived as soon as that name is mentioned) Seok Jin is Jung Ah's! (Jamwon-dong's Hugh Grant is flabbergasted) How are you? How are you doing I'm sorry, Jung Ah... (His Hugh Grant image is breaking down because of his idol of his past memory) I'll answer again Celebrity Ji Seok Jin is everyone's (trying to be calm) - Human Ji Seok Jin is - the bank's!! Did you get some loan? lol I, Human Ji Seok Jin is... Always moving forward to endeavor her life is my wife's Hey, but this doesn't make sense (Celebrity Ji Seok Jin is everyone's) (Human Ji Seok Jin is his wife, Ryu Soo Jung's) The expression using his 'wife' is so beautiful Here is the next question (Q. Appearing on Running Man for 11 years, what is <Running Man> to Seok Jin...?) At first, I was going to quit, but now That's true (In the beginning, Seok Jin was going to quit) You have to be honest for an interview (nervous) - First, I really wanted to swear! - That's a kind of talk you need to say in a program like Yoo Quiz, this interview isn't a one like that (This time, he is planning to answer with a lie again) - No, you have to be honest here, too - You know those kind of answer that makes you look cool First, I thought it was a 2 MC show but it wasn't, so you were mad, say something like that, that you thought it was a 2 MC show (Now he can speak) First, you thought HaHa was a bad person You wanted to quit because of HaHa Since your are interested in stock sharing these days (A perfect answer for a stock-lover?) It is my only blue chip - Oh!!!!!!! Hey, you're good? - That's good First, why say it's your blue chip when you don't even have one, that doesn't make sense (The word 'blue chip' doesn't suit Seok Jin) Say it's for day trading lol That answer was good~ - No, no - What Bro! It's my only source of income My only source of income? Ah, let's answer with some good looking answer, since I'm a top star today (Today I want to be a top star) With some dignity (Ji Seok Sam wants some dignity) Running Man is my only... my only program I'm appearing!! That's the truth - Tteokbokki - It's over (Mischievous Cell knows everything about Seok Sam's appearance) Season 2 is going to be aired!!! But, right now, this is the only one (Not many shows he is fixed on, compared to his superstar fame) It's over already? Let's go with that! Running Man is the only program I'm appearing on (nodding) No no no!! It's my interview, why - Oh, I'm sorry, yes - Oh, just go with that - Running Man is my only blue chip - Fixed program That sounds so cool, no? (Running Man? It's my only blue chip... haha) You've been really busy during year 2021 TikTok, Youtube, Running Man, Hanging out with Yoo, etc (Q. You've reached your 2nd heyday through lots of media) No, it's his 1st heyday (the secret to it is...?) Jae Seok! Say that it's because of Jae Seok Say it's Jae Seok, Jae Seok (The whole world knows that his secret to success was Jae Seok) - Self development and efforts - Jae Seok, Jae Seok No, it's not~~ If you say that, your also carrying Jae Seok's fans with you Always trying hard without resting (However, his self esteem is not letting him say that) It's all because I've done what Jae Seok told me to do Thanks to my loving brother I'm now here not just by myself (The secret to Seok Jin's success has lots of opinions) I've become who I am thanks to my brothers and sisters!! Say "Including Jae Seok" - I don't want to mention Jae Seok - Why Since you guys are all precious (???) (He wants to get the spotlight just by himself, away from Jae Seok's spotlight) - Thanks to Jae Seok - I'm not going to mention Jae Seok Why? Look at the headline All this success, thanks to Jae Seok - Right, that'll sound weird - Sounds good, good (Appealing his modesty as a superstar) - You'll sound modest - Thanks to Jae Seok and my colleagues I was able to come all the way here... I couldn't do anything alone There's nothing at all I can do by myself You can't even change your own underwear (Star Ji has dropped his down down because of those nonsense rumors) Can't change your own underwear, can't eat by yourself Who can... achieve this accomplishment alone? Just like a mother, who raises you - Jae Seok has raised you - That's right You guys, because I was with these guys (Star Ji, continuing to say his answer) - You need to mention Jae Seok! - If you don't mention my name He's your best friend! Say this at the end (He wants to keep his tiny self esteem) - But, Jae Seok, thank you - My father of entertainment shows Senior Jae Seok, thank you - My senior of entertainment show - It's all because I was together with the other members - I am able to come all the way here - Also, Jae Seok, thank you Amon them.. I couldn't miss out Jae Seok, right? (The best answer that it approved by both sides) (My 2nd heyday, it's all thanks to Jae Seok) (Q. You are known to be 'Jamwon-dong's Hugh Grant', in real life what kind of father, husband are you?) Just sigh, Hugh~~ Always resting (Always sighing, Hugh~ Grant) That's funny and good If you want get over this with wittiness Tell them to consult with your agency This kind of sensitive question (Recommending a all-time answer said by top stars) will need to be dealt with the agency... doesn't this sound too rude? and then, say this What was the question? (Forgot what the question was) At first, just laugh Haha... we almost broke up (starting the sentence to grasp people's attention) - Hollywood Hollywood - Sounds humane (An ordinary people-like side of a top star...) Of course, everyday can't be happy Of course, there were lots of crisis (Adding some more crises to emphasize this human side) Ah, we've never almost broke up! - Of course... - We sometimes have quarrels I'll just do this myself - Of course - I even had a fight today (making up the answers for him) - Always lacking - However We still keep in touch (frustrated) We almost kissed today morning - But why did you do it - You should have done it, why did you almost do it (Almost made it but couldn't make his morning kiss happen...) Then, let's say this Almost made it to kissing but I've never kissed before Almost-man, almost-man (Failed to kiss today...) Always feel like a husband who's lacking and even in the future I'll still be lacking It's all thanks to my wife that I was able to concentrate on my job So, I thank Jae Seok for introducing my wife to me Right, I introduced her to you (Jae Seok was the match maker who connected them two) I resented you for a while! bro bro bro! Say this! I'm going for a second child No, that's not even possible (cringing) Bro, we're just advising you with some answer, no need to be so serious like that... - His face got so stiff just now - I'm doing an interview here (He got his media shower faster than he got his fame) (Makes mad face often.. writing it down...) This is fun, I want to try this, too (Realizing who I am with the Cells...) (Q. What do you think about the people saying that you are bad at ad-libbing?) - That's a fact - I agree Ha.ha.ha.ha The reason why I can laugh like this is - No comment - I can laugh because I know I'm not bad a ad-libbing (A sharp question that pierces Star Ji) Now, we'll end the interview here!! No, no, no why are you ending it (Protecting the star's image) He's out of ad-libs now - I just... laugh huhu - I'll say no comment Why 'no comment' Did you he him, just now, being out of ad-lib? (The ad-lib that he has come up with is) ("I just laugh hu hu hu") Please write that down!! No, don't write that down... Hu hu... Hu hu, don't write that down... That was too old (Huhu..delete that...) - Please write this down 'The reason why I can laugh like this is' - You must write that down, must (Proving his rumor, about him lacking in ad-lib skills, is a fact) End it with 'Ji Hyo'! HuHu I JiHyo-ust laugh - Anyways... - Anyways, I don't have other ad-libs to say right now! Tell them to talk with your agency Or say this (The question was a sensitive one to answer) (You think ad-lib is the only thing I lack in...? I lack in other stuffs too, haha!) - Uh.. my ad-libs - How much I think about it How much I think about it, it's just this much~ (An ad-lib that can't be accepted...) pfft lol (The fake reporter couldn't resist laughing) (However, all he can do is just laugh...) Then you don't agree...? Yeah, of course! - It's because, people can't really say that to a person who really doesn't have the skill - Then, next question... (A reporter who moves on to the next question if the answer is boring) Can you say such thing to a person who really doesn't have the skills? (Telling the reporter that he has the ad-lib skills) Because I have the skills, I can make jokes like this Ugh...! (Slapstick ad-libbing) Oh, good ad-lib (This only ad-lib : slapstick made by others) I'll try to make more from now on Honestly, I think I have more accomplishment on tv shows than they do (His (unreasonable) self esteem is high as a top star) (Ad-lib? Huhu I Jihyoust laugh...) (Q. Your 60th birthday is coming up soon...) It's not coming up soon, there's still 4 years left!! (Star Ji is annoyed with '60th birthday coming up soon') Why! 3 years, it's 5 years!! He gets mad so easily (An elder who is going to be 60 soon is full of anger) Is there a bucket list you want to achieve when you become 60...? Can you speak louder Who talks like that to a reporter (Bossing around with the fake reporter, a production staff) - I was so annoyed by the guys behind me, I'm sorry - You're so mean He's a dangerous person (Q. What bucket list do you have, when you become 60 years old?) Oh, bucket list, I really have one He really told me before Gray divorce, gray divorce! (startled) You said you wanted to live freely (Star Ji yearned for freedom) Huhu, Jihyoust laughing lol You said that in <Running Man> You said that, when you become 60, you will do a gray divorce (Everyone is the witness to his gray divorce announcement) It's true that I said that 10 years ago I told my wife as a joke (What he told to his wife as a joke) When we become 60, how about we live our own separate lives and enjoy life Then my wife said 'Keep your promise', that's what she said ("Hope you said that", his wife told him to keep his promise...) I remember talking like that but "Now I've changed my mind!" I've changed my mind now, "My wife is my best friend forever" A friend? Then what will happen? You're friends with Hyun Woo - Everyone is your friends - Frienship!! (His wife is his friend and his son is also his friend) Hyun Woo is your friend and your wife is your friend, what does that mean? Friendship (Loyal Star Ji who gave brith to his friend with his friend) My bucket list is to Go to a nude beach!! I want to go to a nude beach (Hoping to visit a nude beach) (Star Ji, yearning for freedom, wants to visit a nude beach for his 60 years old bucket list) (A true freedom that he'll have in his 60) So funny, it's funny but (Seok Jin on the nude beach is funny just by imagining it) Him without his undie(?) lol Walking around laughing lol With his sunglasses on (The Cells are telling his bucket list instead of him) I have one bucket list Donation, donation, donation! (AGAIN, huhu, Jihyoust laughing) Why are you writing that down! What are you writing...? I didn't say a word Don't write that down... I just laughed because it was funny (Star Ji is very cautious about donation) - I want to go on a 30 nights 31 days - Nude beach! (30 nights and 31 days nude beach tour...★) Naked for 30 days (a month of natural tanning to enjoy without a single cloth on) He's going to get so burnt, no~! (Trying to fix his bucket list through all this chaos) (I want to go on a 30 nights and 31 days cruise trip) Look, look what you've done (The fake reporter is disappointed with his dull bucket list) - Just write that down, world tour - Nude beach world tour! I can imagine his back at the nude beach (NOT celebrating his 60th birthday ordinarily...!) (30 nights and 31 days of nude beach world tour) (Q. Star Ji who has made huge accomplishments in year 2021) (It's all over the internet that Seok Jin is getting the Best Entertainment Awards) (Q. If given the 2021 best entertainment Awards goes to you, what will you say during the awards ceremony?) Aw, I think I'm going to cry I've never thought myself getting the award Tell them you'll reject the award even though you get nominated lol Before, didn't you say something? (The Awards Cells are getting extreme) That SBS is too mean? No, that's not it Ah... I've never thought of getting an award - He's definitely going to cry - But something is strange Doing a special episode for you, close to the Awards ceremony... - Building up to the climax - This storyline build up is great (The Cells are making him more excited with more expectations...) - You must have some expectations - No, no There are not a lot of strong candidates for this year's Best Entertainment Award - Even Jae Hoon is aiming to receive the award - Even Jae Hoon? (Star Ji is starting to get swayed) It's only been 2 years Jae Hoon has reappeared on tv.. an award is a greed for him (Comparing to Jae Hoon, who has reappeared on tv recently...) You've been doing this for 30 years I think he's being greedy (He(Jae Hoon) is being greedy...) Are you getting prepared to receive the award (They made him excited but now they are cutting his expectation now) But, really, I've never thought of getting an award His heart is beating so much, it's beating so much now It's beating the heart so much (Can't hide his excitement) Ah, this is making me nervous (Getting emotional just by imagining the moment) I think I'm going to really cry Best Awards, Ji Seok Jin Seok Jin is winning the Best Awards (The cells are doing a rehearsal, and making him more excited) Honestly, I can't imagine But, you have thought about it, right? No, I heard that I got nominated.. Oh really? They said they've never heard about it? What awards are you nominated to? (Never heard about it) - Which awards are you nominated on? - Are you nominated for the herpes? (No one knows what or where he was nominated as a candidate, but he was getting excited alone...) If I receive the prize, the prize is not given to me but to all of our Running Man members and staffs - What the hell are you saying - That doesn't make sense I'm getting too serious (Star Ji has gotten too serious...) Honestly, Seok Jin has the qualifications to receive the award Oh, now... next question, please! That was the last question... Now, we'll end the interview now (Interview ends) No way, I can't imagine winning the award (embracing all of the jokes that are done to him, he's surely the best candidate for the award)
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 2,248,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #런닝맨, #Runningman, #예능맛ZIP, Runningman, 예능맛ZIP, 런닝맨, 유장꾸, 양세찬, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 예능맛집, 런닝맨 레전드, 유미의세포들, 화보, 인터뷰
Id: 20q97yweTnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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