Oh- How to Ollie? Alright however.. you guys must’ve seen
all the tutorials(on other Youtube channels ) How to ollie, how to ollie tutorial, things like that right? (This bastard is making subscribers go to other channels ^^)
To be honest you could learn things like that
at those channels but.. Today I’m going to teach you guys something
more important than ollie in skateboarding Paul: And that is? Bin: This is actually
something you cannot learn usually.. Chapter 1. There are loads of spots right Cult, Ttuckseom x game ground, etc.. They are everywhere right? If you go there around 7:00pm, people will be raving They’re just..too good You could be embarrassed
practicing basics, we understand And the people there usually know each other So if someone new comes around,
they kind of scan him "He looks like he knows how to skate" Paul: Oh! So the outfit shows his skate skills? Bin: Indeed. The outfit does show someone’s skate level And the main part of the skater’s outfit is... The shoes! If there’s someone new at the skatepark?
People look at his shoes first. And one thing you should never do: Wearing a running shoes. Always canvas shoes! It’ll be more easy to understand
if I say “shoes with flat soles” Paul: So if you wear something like Air Max.. Bin: Oh! in that case I’ll throw a juice to him. Paul: Hahaha “juice”
Bin: I will throw a juice to you^^ Bin: No no no. Paul: So it’s not allowed? Shoes do matter! Bin: Yes they do matter. However, there is something more important than what kind of shoes you wear! What’s more important than that? The hole in your shoes Paul: Hole? Bin: Yeah. All skaters will know what I’m talking about. I don’t have any because these shoes are new tho, Here, It’s called an “Ollie zone” You slide your front to the board with this part So it will make a hole when you Ollie right? They’ll look at this part first
when you come to the skatepark They can tell what kind of tricks you can do by the holes For example if you only have a hole around here? They’ll say “Oh so he knows how to Ollie” But if you have a scratch until this part? They’ll say “Alright he’s got his kickflips down.” And if you have a hole right here? “He’s got heelflips down as well’ They’ll think by themselves you know And also? Your back foot Your back foot has a small holes around? If so, they’ll say
“he knows how to nollie and switch, thing like that” They’re all in to you Paul: They’re all in to him? Bin: Yup. All eyes on you Paul: They wanna see what trick he does? Bin: Indeed. They wanna check what you’ve got Paul: If so, wouldn’t you be seeking too much attention? Bin: You will be. However, there’s another tip here Paul: Aren’t you giving them
too much secret about skaters? Bin: Oh it’s fine.
I’m the only one who uses this kind of stuff anyways Paul: Lol the poser itself Bin: Yeah the pos..hahaha I’ll give you every single tip I know Get a roll bandage on your ankle Paul: On your ankle? Oh loard haha Bin: You arrive at the spot yeah First you sit down like this You gently take off your roll bandage, And stand up. Like you’re really tired Than you go like “hmm” You stretch your ankles a little bit You’re kind of making sure they know that you’re injured “I’ve rolled my ankle while I was doing a trick” “So I can’t make 100% of my skills” The best way is since you’re arriving at the spot It’s the best if you limp your leg a bit Paul: Lol.. haha Okay Bin: Seriously! You shouldn’t make fun of it. This is serious. So if you finish taking off your roll bandage
you’ll be ready to do a trick right If so, You’ll be holding your board like this That’s when they look at your board Your board, it shouldn’t be clean like this Paul: Oh it shouldn’t be clean like yours? Bin: It shouldn’t. Mine is.. Alright I admit that I’m a poser So you have your board set up You look around and see A “rail” such as this one. Before you go to the skatespot, Rub your deck on it as hard as you can. Paul: Yes.. did you actually rub it just now..? Bin: rub your nose..rub your tail of your deck.. And now your trucks! Where should you grind them? This block. This little rock between the road and the pavement It’s the best if you grind them here (I think he’s the one who should be grinded) And now the deck.
There’s actually no need to buy an expensive one Just an affordable price I recommend (Beep~~~~) please silence this We need advertisement fee you know Paul: You use the deck from Labros yourself right? Bin: Oh yes I do (Made in U.S.A)
The deck has fine quality plus It’s affordable. Alright so everything’s ready All eyes will be on you First of all Paul: All eyes.. all eyes on you yeah? You should probably know how to do this Yeah you definitely should Landing on the board as you’re holding it All you need to learn is this trick And here’s another tip When you push-off,
You shouldn't let your whole foot touch the ground. People would instantly know that He doesn’t know how to skate He’s really bad at it. They will know So how you should do it is the front part of your foot This is the only part which should be touching the ground. And also make your move big like Baam Baam (Satisfied)
Like this! You get it now? Are you getting the feeling that you’re a pro skater? Alright. So now, Paul: Why do you keep touching your head? Bin: Oh just because it feels good.. Paul: It’s cute Paul: Meow~
Bin: Meow~ (Back to the subject)
You shouldn’t do a trick
that you’re working on at the moment Just like this, as I told you Hold, Jump And now You’ve failed right Paul: Yes You hold your board high up.. And shout out “Shit” Than throw it hard on the ground Hahhahahha Paul: Lol the actual life of a poser hahaha Bin: I’m serious. Throw it as hard as you can Shake your head like (hmm) Paul: It’s not a day for me kind of? Bin: yeah like this. Your head is the point Paul: But if you throw your board too hard,
it could break no? You get cracks and stuff like that Bin: Indeed. As I was saying,
the tip of throwing your board is Paul: So you actually have a tip
for throwing a bord? hahah Bin: you shouldn’t throw it towards your tail or the nose You hold it up high Than throw it leveled to the ground By that, you could get loud sound and
almost no damage to your board Even when you throw it cuz you’re actually pissed, Skaters don’t want any damage to their boards. Paul: Alright I see. So I think this is all I can teach you However, I think it’ll be the best if you actually learn
how to ollie before you go to the spot Paul: Than from now..
Teach us how to ollie like a bit seriously.. Bin: Seriously? Paul: Yeah. Stop with your poser moves and
teach us the real ollie Bin: The “real ollie”? Paul: Anyways where are you going? Bin: Inside the store.. Weren’t we trying to film this at the beginning? Whatever so ollie! Lets learn how this works first Back foot, front foot It’s all about the lever principle(?) You pop your back foot Your board should pop up with your foot and than, You slide your front foot so the board becomes leveled You go up like this And land Let me show you Paul: Your body is a bit too shoot to the front no? (No problem found. we measured it with the leveler)
Bin: The store itself is a bit slanted you know.. Paul: your toe almost hit the ground I think Bin: ^^;; This is how it should be And one thing that you should never do You actually look like a poser if you do this Paul: Oh! And that is? Bin: Doing this! This This! Paul: Could you show it towards the camera..?
Oh so that’s what you shouldn’t do You shouldn’t hold your board by it’s truck Bin: You should NOT hold it by it’s truck Paul: Alright Chapter 2 How to kickflip Hahaha we’ve been filming for 31 minutes Lol should we stop? Bin: Ah ok let me just do one kickflip Paul: Yeah lets make the kickflip as the ending ????? Alright you should give up Bin: I’m not much of a kickflip person you know.. ★Success ★ Paul: It was planed to go there right? Bin: Of course Paul: Spontaneously You know what? Let’s just go play TFT Bin: That’s exactly what I was about to say.
I can’t do this any longer Paul: The board and.. the chair.
You should move it as the way it was Rank game so it’s dry. Bin: I thought you couldn’t play rank with me no? Paul: I know. Come here..
Ok. Guys this is what we have for today. Bin: Thanks for watching guys! Paul: beeeep keep on zooming in like this So this is how the video ends Alright! Thank you