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(A, the intelligent-looking face, B, the perfect body for a suit) He got nothing to cover What kind of question is this!? Balance Game.zip - "If I were born again?" - "A senior respected by Jae Seok". (A senior respected by Jae Seok) (An older brother that Jong Kook is afraid of) My gosh. - It's so hard. - Good. "An older brother that Jong Kook is afraid of"? Gosh, this is too hard. - This is tough. - It's hard to choose. - It's hard for me too. - This is too hard. You gave him this question because he's none of them. "A senior respected by Jae Seok"? - Gosh, this is hard. - A senior that Jae Seok respects... or my older brother whom I'm afraid of. This is tough. So let's say he's having an interview. They'd ask whom he respects the most. Then he'd say, "It's Jee Seok Jin." I get to hear that. Or I tell Jong Kook to come to see me tomorrow by 2 p.m. And Jong Kook is so worried. "Why does he want to see me?" (It can happen only in his imagination.) Then... he calls Haha. "Why do you think Seok Jin wants to see me?" He's so terrified that he peed in front of your house. - Trembling in fear. - Gosh, it's confusing. This is really hard. It's interesting. In fact, he respects me. No. I like you, but I don't respect you. You fool... He's just a friend. - He's a good funny friend. - A close friend. - Right. - I've never respected him... not even a single time. - Darn it. - Seriously. - Not even once? - There was a time... when I realized that I can't respect him. When we were younger, we went through hard times together. - That's what's real. - We went around... three used-car markets in Seoul. - Why? - And on our way home, he bought a new car. And you were there the whole time? I did it for three days. - It took him three days. - Really? This is what happened only 30 minutes ago. Before the opening, I was sitting under a parasol. - Oh, that one. - And Hyeong Gu walked past him. "Hyeong Gu, come here and have a seat." Then he stood up. - He rarely leaves his seat. - Right. It turns out he picked up his chair like this and moved to a shade. (He picked up his chair and moved to a shade.) (Coincidentally, he moved to a shade with his chair.) He moved into the shade like that. Hyeong Gu had no chair. I thought he was giving his chair to Hyeong Gu. He brought his chair with him, so Hyeong Gu... had to stand there like this. (He was standing under the scorching sun for a long time.) It's not like he can sit on a transparent chair. He was standing like this. - Hyeong Gu, I'm sorry. - He's the worst. What do you think, Ji Hyo? (What does Ji Hyo think?) I think, if I were Seok Jin, I would want to be someone... - whom Jong Kook is afraid of. - You relate to him. - Right. - You empathize with him. - I will beat up Jong Kook someday. - He didn't ask about your opinion. That's her answer. - What about you, Se Chan? - I'll definitely choose Jong Kook. (There's one more person who'd pick option B.) "Come here. How dare you." "Relax your muscles." (Se Chan, you seem excited.) It's just my imagination. - What about you, Haha? Is it B? - Of course. "Pick it up." (They all let their imagination run wild.) "Yes, Haha. Here." That's right. It sounds so good. (Enjoy the moment.) - I've made up my mind. - I know his choice. - I've made up my mind. - 1, 2, and 3. - B. - B. That's right. So Min picked A. (So Min is the only one who got it wrong.) Even if he respects me, it's just useless. But bossing him around can be very useful. - Exactly. - It will be very fun. He can be very useful. - Let's move on. - There's a lot to talk about this. - What if you get to pick only one? - "I get 100,000 dollars," "and Jae Seok gets 10 million dollars without thanking me." "None of us gets any money." B sounds like throwing a tantrum. B is just like throwing a tantrum. - "I get 100,000 dollars..." - B is just like throwing a tantrum. (He feels excited already.) So I get 100,000 dollars. You will make 100,000 dollars anyway. And Jae Seok gets 10 million dollars. - I don't thank him at all. - But he's not grateful to me. - He gets the money because of you. - Let's answer it right away. Let's put it this way. Seok Jin got me some information. "Jae Seok, I heard this one is good." And he invested little money. - And I invested huge money. - So you made 10 million dollars. That's how you made 10 million dollars... Seok Jin invested 10,000 dollars... - while I invested one million. - It increased tenfold. That's how it feels. You talk to me. I made 10 million dollars, but I didn't even thank you. I heard you invested one million dollars. You gave me the information. I know. You should at least buy me a meal. - Or give me 30 percent... - I invested my own money. - It's your money, but... - You didn't give me the money. But I gave you the information. It was my choice that I made the investment. (They just started the skit for fun.) (He's upset for real.) - that I made the investment. - Exactly. - Your choice. - Let's do it right away. (Let's do it right away.) - I can't stand this anymore. - Count to three. It's really upsetting to watch it. - Please count to three. - Did it help? - A lot. That's enough. - Did it help? 1, 2, and 3. Darn it! I'm so furious. - Did it help? - I'd rather not get the money. They both shouldn't get money. - I don't want to be jealous. - I understand. - I don't want to be jealous. - That's worse. - I would hate him. - Right. We would starve together. "Which situation do you hate more?" "My girlfriend goes on an overnight trip with a male friend." Gosh, this is a popular question. Which situation do I hate more? - Both of them sound horrible. - It's a difficult question. I really hate it. Going on an overnight trip? Only two of them? That's crazy. Hey, A is a male friend and B is an ex-boyfriend. How could she go on an overnight trip with a male friend? With an ex-boyfriend, if something goes wrong... An overnight trip is just as bad. But it's her ex-boyfriend. - But it happens... - It's her ex-boyfriend. - It still happens... - Look at them. - If her ex-boyfriend... - Jong Kook isn't explaining it. He's forcing him to choose one answer. Then you should sit there and give your answer. That's not it. A male friend is... I just can't pick what I want. Nothing might happen with a male friend, but... But the thing is they drink together all night. And the other is going on an overnight trip. What happens after drinking? It doesn't say what happens next! I know. But you can imagine. That doesn't say what happens afterward. (The hairdresser explodes with anger.) - All night... - Does it say that? It just says they drink together. But why would they drink together? Why are you being like that in a sleeveless shirt? You should think about it. We should keep the possibility open. - 1, 2, and 3. - A male friend doesn't sound right. - I hate both. - I choose A. - My answer is A. - A is worse. - One... - Hang on. Why are all the questions for me like that? All my questions are so lame. - Because you're single. - Because I'm single? - Hey, just enjoy it. - It's just a game. It's just a game. - Spit on her girlfriend's face? - I'd let it slide if it's my face. - But it's my girlfriend's. - You're lying. It's not going to happen to you anyway. So you're pretending to be tough. (Spitting) - Why did you do that? - Stop it. (Jae Seok hit him right away.) Why did you hit me? You said you would hold it back. (Why did you hit me? You said you'd hold it back.) You said you would hold it back. You said you'd let it slide if someone spits in your face. How dare you spit at me? (Yelling) He didn't do as he said he would. If someone who is dressed like that... If someone who is dressed like that spits at me, - I would let it slide. - Me too. - I would be so scared. - I would let it slide too. Things like that scare me. Se Chan, what if the thug is as big and muscular as Jong Kook? You should say something before throwing a punch. I bet he has no experience. - It's obvious. - You should say something first. - Say what? - "Hey, you punks!" (Hey, you punks!) (It didn't sound intimidating at all.) - Don't come near me. - You would get beaten up. You should say something like that first. His mouth would dry out right away if he were in such a situation. Because he's too nervous. "Why..." "Hey, you punks." (His mouth is dry.) - That's funny. - I bet Se Chan would let it slide. - It's scary. - He would let it slide. Even if you end up getting beaten up... If you let it slide, - your relationship would be over. - Absolutely. - Right? You should do something. - But... maybe your girlfriend did something to deserve being spat at. (Maybe your girlfriend did something to deserve being spat at.) Seok Jin, it's not... - For example... - I mean... What are you talking about? What could she have done to deserve it? Let's say she said to the thug, "Hey, you jerk!" - My gosh. - "What is wrong with you?" Or she spat at the thug first. Sometimes, when she's drunk, - she does unusual things. - That's possible. - That's nonsense. - "Hey, you scumbag!" - Maybe she said that. - "Stop it." - The situation might be... - I think he would let it slide. Let's say So Min... I mean, your girlfriend... said to the thug, "Hey, you pig with a tattoo." - She provoked him first. - Okay. - I would try to stop her. - So... - the thug spat at her. - "What? Did I say something wrong?" So the thug spat at her. Then I would spit at her too. Hey. (Then I would spit at her too.) (How could you?) Gosh. To survive. I want to live. - "Sir, didn't I do well?" - "What is wrong with you?" "Come to your senses." (He would spit at her too.) - One more time. - "Take this." "Get it together. Sir, I'll be off." (He would save his own life and go home.) - Gosh. - I can imagine that. - Are you ready? - Yes. - Okay. 1, 2, 3. - 1, 2, 3. I knew it. I wouldn't let it slide. - "Which one do you regret more?" - "Not scolding Seok Jin." "B, not taming Jong Kook when starring on 'X-Man'". - That's an interesting question. - It's difficult. (A, not scolding Seok Jin when he was a newcomer) (B, not taming Jong Kook when starring on "X-Man") - My gosh. Hang on. - Which one of them... "Not scolding Seok Jin when he was a newcomer". - Let me think. - I already made my choice. - You did? - I made my choice. - It's difficult. - This is a hard one. - How harshly would he scold him? - How would he scold him? Actually, I had a few chances. - You lost your chances. - He's your junior comedian, right? - Yes, he is. - That one is also funny. - "Not taming Jong Kook". - "Not taming Jong Kook". He used to walk on eggshells around you. Honestly, both are right, but if I must choose one, I would choose this. - Okay. - As soon as I read it, - I thought... - I know his answer. - I've been looking at the answer. - Don't say that now. All right. I see which one he's looking at. I know his answer. I'm sure of it. - Start counting, please. - 1, 2, 3. - Then answer is B. - It's A. - It's A. - Of course, it's A. Of course, it's A. A? No, it must be B. Since "X-Man", Jong Kook has always been... - behaving well. - I'm always polite. Did Seok Jin address you as his senior comedian at first? - Or did he talk casually to you? - No, I didn't. At first, when we were alone together, - he called me by my name. - I see. But when our senior comedians were with us, he said, "Hello, Mr. Yu." - Really? - I can't believe it. - It's hard to believe. - Really? I didn't know he used to do that. - You should've scolded him then. - When everyone gathered. - "Hello, Mr. Yu." - But he didn't bow deeply. "Hello, Mr. Yu." Let's move on to the next question. "How would you be born in your next life?" (A, an ugly but popular show host, B, a handsome but ordinary man) "An ugly but popular..." That's who he is now. - Okay. - I think I know the answer. - This is... - "A handsome but ordinary man". - "In your next life". - I don't... I don't like this question. - A describes his current life. - That's a weird question. Hey. A is my current life? - You're living as the A type. - But A... - That's my current life? - Yes, correct. Would you live as Yu Jae Seok again in your next life or... - Hey. - It's either your current life... - or a different life. - What are you talking about? Think about it. You want to live as an ugly man again? You little... - Jae Seok, that'd be boring. - Gosh. When we went to a club before he became popular, ladies hated him so much. They didn't hate me. - Like those losers at a club. - They weren't interested in me. I know how sad that feels. - They weren't interested in me. - I know how that feels too. - I wasn't... - All right. - Okay. - If I could choose... - I can relate to that. - If I choose B, I need some guarantee. - Zo In Sung... - Absolutely. Park Bo Gum or Zo In Sung... - If I'm as handsome as they are... - He looks happy. - Or Gang Dong Won. - What? And let's say the ugly man in A is like... - Kwang Soo or Seok Jin... - No, it's you. - Jae Seok, come on. - It's you. - It's you. - It's not me. Would you be Yu Jae Seok or Zo In Sung in your next life? - All right. - Okay. - You don't even need... - 1, 2, - Three. - Of course, it's B. (Jae Seok chose B.) - He picked B? - Of course, he picked B. - Of course, I picked B. - He must want that life too. I want to live as In Sung or Bo Gum in my next life. - Of course, he wants that. - I want that kind of life. Of course. How can he live like this again? - What did you just say? - I'm sorry, Jae Seok. - Please don't be mad. - All right. Here's the next question. (A, the intelligent-looking face, B, the perfect body for a suit) "What makes you popular?" - "A, the intelligent-looking face". - What's that? None of those is true. - This isn't true. - None of them is true. Pick the one that you think had even a little influence. - But... - "Intelligent-looking"? - I mean... - "Intelligent-looking"? That bothers me. That word itself makes me cringe. - "Intelligent-looking"? - My gosh. (It makes everyone cringe.) The questions should be made based on facts. - Don't you think so? - There's no fact in there. Do you mean that he's good-looking? You can say it's true because some people... - say that on the internet. - That's not true. Did you make the question based on those silly comments? (Did you make the question based on those silly comments?) Why would you call them silly comments? People call that kind of comment silly comments. Let's make it simple. My face or my body? - Okay. - It's simple. - So we can accept it. - My... - My face or my body? - Or your body. - 1... - 1, 2, 3. - My face. Why? - Gosh. (He chose his face with confidence.) - That's not true. - That's total nonsense. - You know that's not true. - Gosh, seriously. - Jae Seok, you can't do that. - You must've lost your mind. - Jae Seok. Come on. - How could you? - This is not right. - Darn it. - Have you... - The answer should be B. - Have you lost your mind? - Wait. I knew he thought that way. - I can't believe this. - What's the problem? - You agreed to tell the truth. - What's wrong with my answer? My gosh. It turns out he was satisfied with his face. - What's wrong with my answer? - I'm shocked. - Why? - I'm shocked too. Wait. Se Chan, why is your chair attached to your pants? What? - I've been looking for the chair. - It's perfect for traveling. - What happened? - Gosh. (The strange encounter between the chair and his hips) (The chair has been hanging there like a fruit on a tree.) (What? Where did my chair go?) What's wrong with my answer? (After looking for his chair for a long while,) (he found his chair suffocated by his hips.) Here goes the final question. - It's a difficult one. - That's easy. (Which body part would you cover if a public bath is on fire?) (A, the face, B, the private part) - He doesn't need to cover it. - I'm sure... My goodness. Have you lost your mind? - It's so cute. - What kind of question is that? Seriously, what kind of question is that? Honestly, if he comes out covering his face, people would think he's a little boy... I mean, people would know he's an adult... - Are you insane? - So they would help him... Have you lost your mind? - I'm telling you, - Gosh. it wouldn't be visible if he runs fast. (It wouldn't be visible if he runs fast.) (I have a lot to say, but I won't say anything.) Trust me. (The visibility would change depending on his running speed.) Gosh. All of you are insane. Gosh, seriously. Imagine that situation. - Okay. - 1, 2, 3. - He would cover his face. - It must be A. - Of course, he'd cover his face. - Of course. - I thought about it. - Why... I would be so embarrassed if I come out like this. - Of course. - Right? - It's better to cover your face. - Next up is Kwang Soo. - That was ridiculous. - Okay. - Kwang Soo... - I think it'll be difficult. Be honest with us, okay? - I'll be honest. - Be yourself. - I promise. - Don't lie. - I won't. - Don't lie. (A, having Jong Kook bathe me thoroughly, B, bathing Seok Jin) - "Which situation would you avoid?" - "Having Jong Kook..." - "bathe me". - My gosh. (Which situation would you avoid?) (A, having Jong Kook bathe me thoroughly, B, bathing Seok Jin) (Everyone is exclaiming as they read the question.) Why would Jong Kook... bathe me thoroughly? - That's so funny. - What kind of question is that? - Why must I choose any of those? - That's hilarious. I bathe Seok Jin? Do I wash his entire body? Not just his face? Do I give him a bath? - Don't you think that's too much? - Can I wear rubber gloves? - I can take a bath by myself. - My gosh. I just pictured it for a moment. Wait. Excuse me. - No. - Just a second. - No. Don't touch me. - Just a second. - I said no. - Let me just imagine it. Gosh, no. Go away. (Go away!) - Oh, man. That's disgusting. - Which would be worse? - I pictured it for a moment too. - Both are disgusting. - Exactly. Which one should I pick? - How disgusting. Hey, you don't know my hands... At least, doing B would be fulfilling. - I imagined the B situation. - Yes. I thought it could happen in the near future. - You're right. It'll be sad. - Hey. That will never happen. I can do it for him. - That won't happen. - It'll be sad. - I'll be happy to do it for you. - It will never happen. I pick what's worse, right? - Did you make your choice? - Okay. Yes, I made my choice. 1, 2, 3. - I think that would be worse. - Of course, he picked A. (Seok Jin feels bitter but accepts it.) - If I were... - Let's move on. - Goodness, you brat. - Stop it! (Scrubbing his body roughly) This is unbearable. - You brat. - Stop it. Here's the last question. - "Which would be worse?" - "A, playing games with So Min". "B, listening to Jae Seok's dating advice all night over tea". (Which is worse?) - Dating advice? - A is better. - Of course, A is better. - This is a tough choice. Haven't you had drinks with her before? Don't be ridiculous. I'm fun to be around! - Both will be painful. - Kwang Soo. - I think I know his choice. - My dating advice helped, right? I'm fun to be around. I know because I often have drinks with her. I'm good company. Both situations are painful. - Did you wash your face? - Hold on. Kwang Soo, I always give you good dating advice. Keep your head on straight. What a tough choice. You must endure it all night. I'm fun to be around! I can shake up the choice of teas. Chamomile and so on and so forth. - It's the worst! - I can shake things up. - The tea can be swapped. - Still... 1, 2, 3. - This must be it. - A. - What? - It's B. - Unbelievable. - Seriously? - It's disappointing. - How can this be better? - Why? - I'm choosing the worse one. - He chose you over Jae Seok. - He chose you. (It took her a second to understand.) - Right. Yes, of course. - Drinking with her all night? I give out great dating advice. I haven't given you any lately... - because you're seeing someone. - You see, I've actually tried both. Personally though, Jae Seok's advice ruined things for me. (Jae Seok's advice ruined things for him.) Just the result alone, I mean. Kwang Soo. Things wouldn't have gone very far with her anyway. Stop it! - Ji Hyo's next. - Right, Ji Hyo. It'll be fun. - She's tough to read. - I'm clueless when it comes to her. - She could be easier to read. - She's hard to understand. Ji Hyo's hard to read. But she's also quite simple. (Who would you marry?) - This is a tough one. - Who would you marry? - It's not easy. - Don't you hate both? - Me too. - They're both awful. - Mama's boy is the worst. - Tell me about it. Would it be like this? When out on a date, - this man would call his mom. - Right. "Mom, I'm on a date with So Min." "A movie or coffee? A movie? Okay, thanks." - For instance... - That's how he makes up his mind. He must go on a date that his mom planned for him. (That's awful.) - But a womanizer... - At least it means he's charming. A womanizer is charming... but he's seeing about five other women. Would that be all right? - Seok Jin, which would you choose? - What? - Out of the two... - Me? Well, I used to be a womanizer briefly. That's not what I meant. I... When were you a womanizer exactly? Why were you one? - Why do you lie all the time? - Why were you one? It's a lie. - Well... - He's never been young enough. He always looked like a middle-aged man. - It's true. - You see, it's like this. Being popular among women... turns you briefly into a womanizer. I apologize to Seok Jin's wife. I set you two up, didn't I? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. - So Min? - Well... It's too hard of a choice. (What does the dating expert think?) The womanizer is probably handsomer. She... Don't consider those variables. - Not the looks. - Why would you consider that? You're not just dating this person. - You're marrying him. - Mama's boy is the worst. - It's not so bad. - This is a tough choice. A mama's boy for life? - One... - You can't handle a mama's boy. - 2, 3. - Tell me about it. (She chooses a mama's boy instead.) A mama's boy is the worst though. I hate both. Which is worse? (A, Jong Kook suspecting you when you're the spy) (B, Jong Kook suspecting you when you're not the spy) I know the feeling! It's the worst. I know the feeling! I know it so well. - My gosh. - This... - is the worst. - It's hilarious though. - It's the worst. - It sure is. In situation A, - He stresses you out. - you'd rather just die. Remember last time? Can't you look over this way at least once? Just get it over with. We won't know until we take a look. This... (Just thinking about it gives her a headache.) 1, 2, 3. - A. - My gosh. Still, it's nice because he shows interest in you. You have no idea how angry I get... when situation A happens. - Recently, you and Haha... - I... That situation. Yes, I know it too. - I mean it. - Me too. - I never let it go. - It makes you so angry. I wanted to claw at him. - I never let it go. - He checks your hands too. Situation B only happens on camera. Meanwhile, situation A happens off camera too. He keeps smirking at you. (Smirking) (Grinning) It's the worst. (Even Jong Kook admits it.) What if you had to give up just one thing? (A, losing muscle mass, B, staying single forever) Gosh, this is a tricky one. For Jong Kook, it'll be B. - Gosh, this is a tricky one. - Goodness. For Jong Kook, it'll be B. You must be honest. The keyword is "forever". "Losing muscle mass" is just a funny way to put it. - Jong Kook, look. - How is this a hard choice? Look at how I am. You'll end up with my body. (You'll end up with my body.) No, don't show him that. - His body... - Your body will become like mine. I'll think about it right now. - If you're as muscular... - Right away. - as Jong Kook, - You can't exercise forever. - he has to continue exercising. - I can't exercise forever. - Isn't it better to... - This is a good question. Isn't it better to have flabby arms... - than to never date? - This is so funny. - You really don't know me. - It's A. You're contemplating it, aren't you? You don't know how big of a deal it is to us. - It's really... - Losing muscles... This is really... You must not understand. If I lose that, I'm losing everything. This is just a game. You don't have to get this angry. - This is... I imagined it, - Just imagining it upsets you? - and it's really horrific. - Is it? All right, let's just do it. - 1. - 1, 2, 3. - It's B. - It's A. - It's B. - No, it's A. - No, he said it's B. - I have to change it. - It's B. He doesn't understand. - Right. Are you giving up on love, you punk? - Is that what you'd do? - I'll give up on love. - You're choosing muscles? - I'm sorry, but this isn't... - something I need to think about. - Why not? It's not logical for us. - It's like love to Jong Kook. - What's wrong with losing muscle? A doesn't make sense. - Let's move on to the next one. - Exercising. The next person is the last person. Haha, you're last. I can choose really quickly. Haha, this is your first question. (If you had to choose one.) "If you had to choose one, Jong Kook will be your business partner," - "but it won't go well." - This is hard. "Don't see Jong Kook forever but have a successful business." Gosh. Haha has big dreams when it comes to running a business. Right. He's very ambitious. - He's ambitious. - He is. So he has to choose between Jong Kook and business. - Right. - Right. - This is... - It's easy. - Is it Jong Kook or business? - It's not hard. - You lose Jong Kook. - You won't see him again. - You'll lose him as a friend. - Will he choose money or me? Will he choose money or me? - He said it's money or him. - Will he choose money or me? He has a lot of people connected to his business. - Right. - A lot of people are involved. I'm connected to that too. You said you'll make your decisions quickly. How can you do this in your first question? This is just the beginning. - How big is the business? - I'll give you two candy bars. Pass. - This is... - Darn it. - Hold on. - Think about it realistically. - Hold on. - 1, 2, 3. (Choose one.) (Regardless of how business goes, will he partner with Jong Kook?) (Or will he consider his family and coworkers and choose business?) - 3. - 3. Isn't it B? - 3. B. - 3. Isn't it B? - I choose A. - Why? - Everyone chose B. - Why? He's trying to have an easy day today. - Why? - I'm being serious. - He wants an easy day. - I'm being honest. - I thought about his family. - I can make money in other ways. I can't imagine not being friends with him. While you were thinking about it, Jong Kook crushed this. You must've been nervous. (Crushed) (While Haha was thinking about it...) (Think about it realistically.) (Jong Kook was the only one who couldn't be realistic about it.)
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 10,863,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 런닝맨, 이광수, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, 양세찬, 지석진, 김종국, runningman, RunningMan, Runningman, SBS, sbs, running man, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min
Id: Sd61rG4_-Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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