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Kwang Soo is strange (Is it me again?) Kwang Soo, are you hiding something? (shivering...) (Jong Kook figuring out with his gut feelings.zip) Now, we will proceed the vote - We are voting right now? (If Jong Kook votes all 7 robbers, he wins, if not, the 7 robbers win) (The 7 robbers' vote is a fake!! So it's not counted) (Let's see) (What does these messy shoes mean..?) Now, next person! (We should vote quick, and end this fast) (Watching) (Suddenly starts counting) (Wait! How many of us are there?) (We have 8 members) (But there are only 7 pairs of shoes in the picture?) (This number..what could it mean?) (Nervous... and keeping silent) Why aren't you guys solving the problem? Wait a minute, these people seriously...! Don't we all know the answer? No, we should solve this first~ And it's very weird how nobody is talking right now! (Everyone is being silent in front of Jong Kook~) We've never been like this before! Remember me, saying that it could be just one person or it could be everyone (#Just now, in the car) Jong Kook, the thing I wanted to tell you is that you should think once more without thinking me as the robber (They made a plan to make WanKo seem like the robber) Brother, the only thing I can think of is this What? It's either you or everyone else here (Is he a human or a ghost) (Everyone remaining silent) I said, it's either you or everyone else (Detective Kook's interrogation mode ON) Why is nobody talking? I mean, the conclusion is already made Who is it then? Wait, who did wed decide on? So Min... How about Seok Jin? (Is this a TV show or a hearing) I don't know, I'll just go in and vote Why are you stuttering? What is it?! No, you...! I don't know why I'm acting like this! (Passing by) Where are you going, Kwang Soo? There's already people in there, where are you going? Come back here. So Min, you come back here too Why is nobody talking?! Why aren't you guys trying at all? (Everyone don't know what to say) (So, being a 'detective' is like...) Hey, we should be like 'I think it's that person' or someone should be secretly talking with someone Right now, nobody is talking Wait a second, this scene looks like an older middle schooler trying to bully younger kids No, that's not it! I was trying to go, but he didn't let me I mean, we should be busy figuring out who the robber is before voting but I'm the only one who is so anxious to figure it out You lost your shoes, why are you trying to blame it on us! You take care of your own shoes! Why are you being like this! Why are you being mean even though we said that we'll find it for you! To be honest, we're not interested in you losing your shoes! I don't care, just go vote Why is everyone being like this...? It's Seok Jin for sure! Sigh.. He is suspicious of everything... He's always like that I'm not just suspecting, everything is just weird~! I! Think when Jong Kook gets married later, he'll be like 'Something is wrong in this house...?' when he gets home (Happy family interrogation / No, shall we start a conversation...?) Honey, that's not it! Honey! Dad, why are you being like this again! I came..? But, why's is nobody talking about me! Why are they being like this? Well, see! For sure, if my gut feeling tells me that, that means there is definitely something going on in the house I had a feeling earlier, I'll go with that Sure~ (Who will Jong Kook vote for?) Ah... (Huh?!) (undressing) (Handing their valuables and clothes before getting wet for the penalty) (Our attitude to accept the water cannon) How many underwear do I have to bring! Oh, seriously! I get so stressed of this (I trust the first feeling) (Thinking) (My choose you!!) (Gimbab restaurant) 2 vegetable gimbab please Please roll two rolls of veggie gimbab~ (Huh.. he's saying the word 'roll' again?) (Roll?) Everyone is here~ (Family gathering at a gimbab restaurant) Can I have a gimbab too Roll 2 rolls of gimbab please~ (He said 'roll' again) Brother! He kept saying 'roll 2 rolls of gimbab' and he also said 'roll' before too! He keeps saying the word There's something to do with 'rolling'~ 'Roll'~? Stop talking nonsense~ Think about it by yourself~ We should discuss to solve this~ He's s talkative~ The boss is keep saying the word 'roll'~ (Yum~) Roll...? Teacher, ouch...! (Asia Prince doing a hair roll) You are so pretty~ I think you're having dun right now You're forehead is so wide~ Okay, let's roll this, how should we roll this? Shouldn't we solve this first and then roll it up? (First, he tires rolling on his fingers) Cautiously (He starts to see some words but..) I think Im getting something? (No way~) (Tried rolling on the markers too) (Si Won also arrived at the gimbab restaurant~) I came to find the treasure~ You guys know Si Won, right? (Imitating Si Won's Reaction) (At that moment) Jung-gu Shindang... Look at this! If you roll it up like this! 777 Sindang-dong, Jung-gu (777 Sindang-dong, Jung- gu) I’ll go first! (This is the address of the place where the treasure is?) (Going already..?) (Being surprised Si Won-style) Are you sure about 777 Sindang-dong, Jung-gu? (Kookie&Roro got on the taxi) Could you go to 777 Sindang-dong, Jung-gu? There is such place..! (258m away) This is awesome (Cutting Kwang Soo's paper) Stop it! (Cutting Kwang Soo's paper so that her paper doesn't get ruined) We only rolled my hair and now the paper too? Then did I have to untie my hair and roll it? (Let's roll it.. with Kwang Soo's paper) (Rolling) (777 Sindang-dong, Jung-gu) (MungJi figured it out?) The hint is very (Where is the walkie talkie?) Huh!? (Found the hidden box) I can't tolerate strangers messing around with my family's money. Stranger! Here's the hint for the 'Stranger' The stranger's date of birth has number 8 in it. Seok Jin and Jong Kook is not included (6 remaining 'stranger 'candidates - Jae Seok, HaHa, Ji Hyo, Kwang Soo, So Min, Se Chan) Brother! Did you find a hint? I did. I've heard a lot Oh.. then I should head over there Why, what's wrong? First of all, you're definitely not the 'father'! The fact that you got a lot of hints in the beginning, means that you are not a 'stranger' That's right That's right?! I am not a stronger! Above all, since you are not the 'father', you are a useless person today! Why do you have to talk like that (That's so mean) You must not be one! Also, Ji Hyo is not the 'father' (Guessing the 'father' with fewer candidates...) (Ji Hyo, who is not the father, appears) (Could Ji Hyo be the 'stranger'...?) I only have hints about the stranger. I'm completely focusing on the stranger I've heard that the stranger has 'S'.. What? The stranger has 'S' in his/her name? (Oh, I have to write this down) The S... S is the stranger? But, I heard this from So Min! Then it's a lie She said the stranger doesn't have S... So Min made that up! It's similar to 'The stranger is less than 190cm tall'! It's So Min then... (Did I get tricked...?) Saying that there is no 'S' is So Min's nonsense strategy, this makes everything more clearer (Still confused) So Min is definitely the stranger! Spread this out, Kwang Soo! Okay So who do you suspect, sir? Like what Detective Yoon said, So Min arrived here too early so.. Arriving early... (Early arriver feeling so unfair) But, I don't know how she is usually Last time, I arrived 1 hour earlier. So this time, I came 30 minutes earlier. Oh really? She doesn't need to be explaining this much, since we just started~ Oh, is it me today? (Suspicion target fixed) (Following the destiny) But last time, Se Chan, who stayed silent the whole time, turned out to be the thief You know what's even better? If Jong Kook is one your side, it's perfect It's over, the moment he says "Wait, Se Chan, come over here"! I don't need to do anything! So, that's why we can never catch the thief if Jong Kook is one! It was the same for Seok Jin last time (Once in the same team, definite trust) He stood right next to me and supported me so well! - Ah, I sat too far away from him - Quick, go over there (Sitting next to Kookie to get rid of suspicion) So Min go back there The criminals usually sits at the end! Oppa, listen to me! (Kim Jong Kook/ Serial Doubter) (He will be suspicious of you forever) So Min, you're the target today~ (bad language) The detective, got frightened (Even the homicide detective is surprised by the hot temper of the Fire Moth) Now you know how I feel? It's frustrating In that picture... the only weird thing is Kwang Soo's actions Why? The bags were all lying down, but why are they all up when Kwang Soo is there I'll tell you, I didn't put up the bags. The bags were already standing up when I got in the room Then, it's either detective or one of us? Oh, I stood them up (Kwang Soo was being suspected this whole time and now he finally confesses) Why didn't you say anything and stayed still? Oh... I thought I wasn't supposed to say it Everyone is suspecting him, that he stood up the bags (He stayed silent when Kwang Soo was being suspected...) I lifted two bags at once to compare the weight Why didn't you tell us earlier? When we were being suspicious of Kwang Soo Wow, Jong Kook... You're acting like this even to a detective (Kook raider is always fair, even to a detective) Are you interrogating a detective? You! Headhunter Seok Jin, please set the order for the second team Okay First, I'll split these two up. The hacker and the photographer You think they'll definitely steal this time, right? Then, I think So Min and HaHa must go to Room B You go with So Min, to Room A But do you know if A is real or B is real? So! Firstly (Blocking him from speaking...) No, but... The room keeps changing Oh, the room changes? The room keeps changing, they only need to move the bags... Oh, then you should have told me! Okay, then (2nd blocking) So look (3rd block) (I'm the one deciding the order here...) (Uncontrollable) - Sit down.. - Sit down! (Not listening) Who is the Head Hunter? lol Oh boy, he's doing everything! (Jong Kook - Security guard/ head hunter, prosecutor, etc) He's a Head hunter, prosecutor, gangster, thug and everything So what I want to say is! Tell the partners that will be going into the room with So Min and HaHa, which room is the real room (Continuing to tell his opinion) Okay, stop! First, let's block your..! (Forced silence) I'll block Jong Kook's mouth first! (Muting him with the Audio director's authority) I can't listen to him, no more! Are you doing this alone?!!! We each have a role! Good job, good job (Satisfaction~) (As his mouth is blocked, he is persuading with his muscles) (Finally, Se Chan & Detective Yoon START) Oh, Detective Yoon is strange..? (Whisper whisper) Brother, So Min told me 'That basXXX is a fortune teller'... (magic mirror ball power) 'This is all because of that basXXX' She said she'll give 50% of the prize if I let her get in the real room (She was desperate that she bargained secretly) (Se Chan Detective Yoon came back) How was it? Was it heavy? Same as before! Wait, Detective, then your bag was still heavy? Yes, it was still heavy If we only consider the facts now, the person with the most jewels, even by considering the weight, Detective Yoon must be the thief Why are you suddenly talking so much HaHa...? Brother, I've always talked a lot here No, you're different today You're driving me crazy (Last vote ends) The final person to be nominated after 3 trials is (If they don't catch the thief in the 3rd trial, the thieves get the victory) The final person is HaHa (47.6% voted, HaHa goes to the adjudication podium) We lost..! (HaHa's eyes are full of resent) (and So Min grins) But, I didn't think about HaHa because two were up for the 1st trial, but both of them turn out to be thieves? (The probability is very low to catch both of them in their 1st trial...) I don't know who that thief is but I praise that person's acting skills So, HaHa's identity as a thief is (What is HaHa's identity?) I not it... is correct (Victory of the citizens) (The two people chosen at the 1st trial were the thieves!!) Kim Jong Kooooook!!!!!!!!!! (You don't need to say it out loud, I understand you) So annoying! See, I told you? (Jae Seok and Jong Kook were suspecting them from the beginning and they were right!!) (Second Thief Duo - So Min & HaHa) This time, it's time for you two to revenge as thieves I don't think I can do it...! It doesn't feel good already..? Depending on how many jewels you steal, we will give you a good prize (100-200: massage gun / 200-400: sound bar / 400-600: air purifier / 600-800: laptop) First, number 1 is the photographer Photographer is important Then, hacker and photographer (They arrived early as they planned and got the roles of photographer and hacker) She came too early...! (She failed because she arrived too early and made her decision too artificially(?) that made people suspicious about her) (So Min made Detective Yoon and Warden Pyo's bag heavy by putting in fake jewels) (HaHa, who only entered the fake room, also manipulated the weight of the fake bags to make confusion) (Room B also being manipulated, it was mentioned for a bit) Someone could have faked the weight on purpose (gut feelings) (They believed that Room A, that Kwang Soo went in, is the real room so they didn't even consider about Room B, so the plan had no use) (In a crisis, we'll have to abandon one person) I'll convince them by saying you're the thief But what if we both get caught in the 1st trial? No, that's not going to happen (As So Min got suspected in the beginning, HaHa abandoned her, as they've planned) (...You're abandoning me already?) (But Jae Seok caught Haha as well) There is a thief (As a result, of them got up for the 1st trial..) (So Min, who is already under suspicion is now stealing, and HaHa needs to be careful to not get caught) (But Jae Seok caught him right away) (That damn...) (Jong Kook on our side) Criminals are supposed to sit on the side (So Min and HaHa got started while sitting at both ends) If you look over here, there's is nothing about HaHa (Jae Seok and Jong Kook, with good gut feelings, have made them suffer from the beginning) (As a result, the two thieves failed the mission) (Victory of Jae Seok and Jong Kook) (It's very dangerous when two of them are in the same team) (Two people who had a hard time today) Now, stop suspecting with how we talk! (Unscientific investigation SUCCESS) (The profiling theory did not work on the unpredictable universe of the thieves) (The detective was also surprised) (Those cruel people...) I can see you lol Today's race is Pro VS Pro : Faceless Tomb raider Every one of you are criminals from all over the country, who are invited by the president of the Tomb Raiding Association, to raid the tombs Among you guys, 1 person is the president of the association and 2 people will be armed policed in undercover Kwang Soo is strange (Is it me again?) Kwang Soo is not doing any reactions (Starting to do a target investigation) Kwang Soo, did you get a special role again? (Shivering...) You're done if you get targeted by Jong Kook already (If you get targeted from the opening, you'll have to end today's shoot, being suspected the whole day...) You're going to have a hard day if you get targeted from the opening His face is very... (Meanwhile, Jong Kook and Se Chan) - Se Chan~ - Yes, brother~ Brother~ Did you betray? I can't tell you everything (Being cautious, not telling his division) Wait... You have some money, right? Wait a minute! Why do I think I have some money..? It's kind of weird that you know I have some money? (approaching) (Meantime, the real police, Jae Hoon, approaches) I'll open up to you honestly The things that I was given today were worth a lot, so after calculating, I figured you've received a lot~ Brother, be careful! It's not what it looks like Are you teamed up again? Wow.. this brother..! Just because you got out of the suspicion!! You are being so assertive! - You've heard the hint already? - No, I haven't yet (The freedom of getting away from Jong Kook's radar) There is no meaning to the hints. Kwang Soo, I have few people in my radar (2 people caught in Jong Kook's radar) Brother! You know Won Hee is nothing, right? He just came to have fun... (Won Hee came to promote the movie and play some games) (Wandering) What's your usual personality? Are you an introvert? No, I'm not but I'm a bit shy and it's been such a long time since I've appeared in a TV show.. so it's difficult A person like Jae Young always pretends like as if he knows nothing and completes the mission in the end~ Makes people careless and mindless about him~ Actors and actresses and good at acting~ Because, when we get missions, we pretend to be in a bad condition that day~ (Yes, that's right) - Ji Hyo, you pretended to be feeling sick when as you arrived - No, that's not it, oppa Wait a second, Ji Hyo is pretending to be sick and Jae Young is pretending like he doesn't know anything, this is weird~? It’s my first time, so.. Is that so? Stop pretending to be naive! Show yourself, he's suspecting you! If you guys were a couple, you two would've have wanted to ride the same car, right? Oh, that makes sense (Jae Young and Ji Hyo riding on the same car together is very suspicious..?) If the couple is on the car together? Then, the couple must have a mission to do, right? Yeah, i guess so Do it quickly! Maybe it could be holding hands (Ji Hyo suddenly holds Jae Young's hand?!) Right, she hold your hand? Why did you do that? Why? You are holding a guest's hand that you've never seen before? It's because~ his skin looked so soft(?)... Hey you! Why are you being like this! I just did it for fun, oppa~ Because you were suspecting us, I was just joking around~ It's either a mission or she really has a feeling for him Yeah, I think it's one of those two (Is Ji Hyo and Jae Young really the 'Secret Couple'!?) But, as a twist, he could be the 'Forever Solo' He could be, handsome people could be 'Forever Solo' too Because, if Jae Seok is the 'Forever Solo' then it's too... 'Forever Solo'... lol Jae Seok? He was a bit weird too. He was standing away from us and was acting strange (He really did act weird the whole day...)
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 8,979,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 런닝맨, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, 양세찬, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min
Id: GwtSzxIBnag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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