[문명특급 EP.114] 요즘 아이돌(투모로우바이투게더) 스토리텔링 수준ㄷㄷ;; CAN'T YOU SEE ME?

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[Who imitate dogs better? / Jaejae vs. Yeonjun] [A wonderful dog bark match] [Born in the 2000s, the Gen Z Group, Tomorrow X Together] [Encore] Whoa! [Ep. 114 / A place for comeback / Congratulations on TXT's comeback!] [May 2020, @ Mokdong SBS building, Seoul] Tomorrow X Together. Welcome! [Congratulations on your comeback / Tomorrow X Together "Can't You See Me?"] How do you like the banner? Please listen carefully. A banner service like this is what we worked so hard on Yes, it really looks elaborate. - We were surprised that it looked so natural. - It looks super natural. I didn't even know that you're in there. I've seen that one. La Cuca one! "La Cucaracha Tarata" (Impressed) Whoa! That's insane! I know that you've done it with Yann! - "La Cucaracha Tarata" - "La Chatarata" I know that! (MBTI) You are indeed an "Adventurer." [Impressed] (Claps) Wow, you know it so well. [Done memorizing the new song] Da la da la da la da da Cha! (Impressed) Wow! She even knows the new song so well! She knows it really well. "Please call my name!" [Fascinated] [A perfect dance that gives you goosebumps] Wow!! [The half-celeb enjoying the applause] [Hesitantly] I really have one thing that I would like to ask you. Okay. Did you study our song because we were scheduled to come today [Curious] or were you already interested but took more attention since we're coming? - Wow, he's indeed born on March 13th, 2001! - (Covers his mouth) Wow! [Oh, gosh] What was that? [Beomgyu / Born on March 13th, 2001] (Curious) Do you know all of our birthdays? Of course! (Yeonjun) September 13th, 1999 (Soobin) December 5th, 2000 (Huening Kai) August 14th, 2002 (Continues with the birthday) 2002.. (Not sure) Uhhhh... (Taehyun) February 5th! (Surprised) Wow!! [Taehyun / Born on February 5th, 2002] Did you get your curiosity solved? (So relieved) Yes, I feel so relieved now. Your hair colors are wild. How many times did you get your hair bleached? This one? I think, about three or four times. There are different thoughts about Yeonjun's hair color. Right. [Excited / Hehe] [Yeonjun's hair "Lime flavored candy" vs. "Beer flavored candy"] Ahahah! [His laughter penetrating our eardrums] (What was that?) Hahahaha [Fascinated] Wait up! Hahaha Wait, the last man of the Huening family. Do you laugh that hard all the time? (Bashful) I kind of laugh a lot.. [Embarrassed] (Yeonjun & Huening Kai) The two people in the back, the Yeonjuniz, they have the same personality type with me, ENFP. (Good to hear that!) Oh yeah? Ah, the Campaigners! Because you are the Campaigner That's why your laughter sounds so impressive! Hahahaha! (Finally into the actual talk) Tell us, Yeonjun, which color is your hair, right here today. (Fan club) There are young MOA's there. [Yeonjun's official remark / This is a color of lemon flavored candy] But what about those in their 20's, who loves beer? [Beer manias could be slightly sad] Oh, that's.. (A wise answer) Then I will go with beer in the night and lemon in the day. Great place to comeback, review segment: How great rookies are they? I heard that you were trainees about 3 or 4 years. But you have been in the U.S. to learn Right, in L.A. California. We've been there to learn dance. [TXT visiting L.A. when they were trainees] Did you slay there? We killed it. We absolutely nailed it. (Boasting) They let the best students to perform. [Hehe] We kept being selected for it. [When TXT was learning dance abroad in LA] I heard that there's a thing There's a basic routine you learn when you are a trainee. It's not the basic routine, just the "bounce" What's the "Basic bounce?" Big Hit's basic bounce. Well, to start, in the basic bounce There's the down bounce and the up bounce. Please come out, Mr. Legendary Trainee. Big Hit's legendary trainee. [Big Hit's legendary trainee shows the Big Hit bounce] One, two, three, four [Easy] - This is the down - This is easy And one, two, three, four, and the up rhythm is, (UP) One, two, three, four. This one's the down (DOWN) One, two, three, four (UP) Five, six, seven, eight (Right) Yeah Do you do this for hours? - We almost do this - About a whole year [Surprised] Did you do this for a year? (Big Hit Bounce) There's this, and stretching hands, and isolation If it's a neck isolation I leave other parts and I only move my neck. I do it well, because I have a texting neck syndrome. [Indeed a texting neck syndrome, a high-level isolation] She's doing it well! Do you know the "millstone" dance in the past? This one? (Good to see it) Oh, you know it! Are we of the same age? And the shoulders. Shoulders, And the chest And the hip isolation This is Macarena Macarena? [Music, please!] So you've finally made a debut with this song, what was that? The title is the "CROWN." [First album's title: "CROWN"] The Korean title always accompanies "(CROWN)" (Impressed) Woooow!!! (Awesome) You even know the subtitle! Of course, the (CROWN) is very important because overseas fans will always watch it. Right. I'll tell you about this song, folks It uses unique words like "horn" to express the pain of growth of a boy in his adolescence. One day, a horn grew out of his head "Dizzy headache, and something on my head" He finds it a little confusing "Save me, maybe I have turned into a monster" But there's a friend who's a little different yet also a little similar to him "And then your wings spread out in front of me" When he meets him! [Me?] "Do your wings have the same pain as mine" He suddenly feels fluttered and his heart goes bounce, bounce (Impressed) His heart starts to beat! "We are finally perfect, the two, two, two of us" So it's a cute song about the story of the boys. [A story about a horn growing out of the head] And the music video hit 100 million views. [Yeah~] (Proud) Wow (50 million) It's like the whole Korean population watched it twice! (That makes sense) Oh! Of course, if we say it's Korea When you guys won the Rookie Award Soobin was [A video shot right after winning the award] Right after we won the award, [Crying crying] tears just began falling down And everyone except for Huening Kai were crying Right So Huening Kai gave the acceptance speech very well I don't think I spoke very well though.. You did great~ (Pat pat) There is a really cute song, what was it? It's 'Cat&Dog' [B-side track for the first album Cat&Dog] You sing 'keep on grooming' 'keep kneading' 'Keep on grooming, keep kneading' And we found a very amazing fact In 'Cat&Dog' after you sing 'I just wanna be your dog', there is a barking sound [A clear barking sound] And that sound was made by Yeonjun - Right - Yes So we wanted to have a competition Ohhh~ Let's have a competition, Yeonjun Dog VS Jaejae Dog Okay Can you show us how you did it first? [Yeonjun Dog's barking] [Another version of barking] And? [That's it..] For my dog, it's Argh!!!!! Argh!!!!!!! [Yeonjun Dog was genuinely shocked] [All of them are shocked] A Sapsali barks like woof!! Woof!!! Woof!!!! [Jaejae Dog sounds like an actual dog] (Shocked) Wooooooow.... [Backs down] [Encore] (Applause) She is really good! (Awakening) I shouldn't go around and show off that I recorded the barking sound [Bonus segment - Determining dog bark expert] [Give us the first bark] [Question 1. Woof~!] This is a golden retriever (Shocked) Oh?! [He is absolutely correct] [Amazed / Even he is shocked] Let's see if he can guess the next one right too Here Yeonjun who made the barking sound is losing [Yeonjun Dog is anxious] [Question 2. Woof~! / Focused] [What could it be..] Yorkshire Terrier!!! Wow yes [The original dog sound maker is relieved now] [He is very happy / Relieved] Dog sound Yeonjun I made up for it! (Proud) Hey come at me! (Excited) [Overindulged] He maintained his dog-pride Give us the last sound! [Question 3. Woof woof woof woof] [Dog sound expert reacts as soon as he hears the sound] Huh? That sounds cute..(Calm) Welsh Corgi! [That's correct] [Proud] (Experienced in dog sounds) I'm still thriving I approve you as a dog! [Thank you] The next song is-- I really like this song Run Away (Waiting for you at Platform 9 3/4) [Title track for the second album, Run Away] It's a story about boys who had (CROWN horns) grown from their head having a small rebellion and going through small incidents happening at school and making their own secrets. "Please be my eternity, please call my name" "Run away, run away, run away with me" When we are teenagers, it feels like your friends will be your friends forever and we have a friendship like 'Let's live together until you and I both die' And you guys sang those emotions really well and accurately "In moments like those, when tears fill your eyes" "Hold my hand tight, shall we run away?" TOMORROW X TOGETHER has a great stage production You know, right? This song! A whale passes through above the dome suddenly And you dance like this with the whale like a merman! You did this laying down, right? Right The choreographers made the dance So I learned it and did it This was really amazing The dancers expressed the train [A grand stage production in which they expressed a train with shadow] They expressed the train And this devil Then who is the one that grew big and killed the devil? [Someone who fought against the devil] It was me It was Soobin, I knew it Then who's the one who got killed by the devil at the beginning? That's Yeonjun [Me] [Yeonjun was caught by the devil first] Then four of you go to rescue him - It's in the order of Beomgyu, me and you - Right [Final conclusion of the order: Beomgyu, Taehyun, Huening Kai] - We have not revealed this anywhere else - Right We have never said it This horn gets broken at the start How did you reattach it? It got reattached [Sneaks.. Tap / One of the horns was broken at the beginning] There was a detached horn. It had a magnet I connected the stick and because we used shadow, I fixed it like this(carefully) [You can see Yeonjun reattaching the horn carefully] (Suddenly summons) Lee Eun-gyeol , Choi Hyunwoo, are you guys watching? The title of your songs are getting longer and longer The MOA and the fans are saying it's like an essay [Waiting For You at the Platform 9 3/4 (Run Away)] Oh it was Platform 9 3/4? I thought it was Station 9 3/4.. But it's actually 'platform'! We mix that up too We say station too The title of this song was revealed The Night the World Burned Down, We... (Can't You See Me?) I think I'd be a little sad if the title track's name comes out short now The B-side track of your last album had songs like Can't We Just Leave The Monster Alive? PUMA (Puma That Escaped the Zoo) Can you express today's mood like TOMORROW X TOGETHER's song title? TOMORROW X TOGETHER That Escaped the Practice Room We were stuck in there for a while Yes, like a leader, he works very hard (Just kidding) but he is not that funny Ahaha [Great place to comeback, preparation segment / Can't You See Me] This new title track, 'Can't You See Me?' [That's right] This song is about the sudden end to the magical moment and the boys facing the wall of reality, the real world [Nod] (Jaejae's interpretation) Our 3rd graders in high school are expecting to prepare for college soon And they go like 'We will go to the same university and live together!' (Few days later) My score and your score are too different.. [Sad] [A sudden pain in the chest] What is your highlight in this new track? The highlight of your part (Excited) I think it would be great if you tell us [Last bonus segment / Look at me, highlight part] [Last bonus segment / Look at me, highlight part] Okay firstly, Soobin! What kind of part do you have? [Pit-a-pat] Soobin is popular for having good facial expressions [Soobin's expressions are breathtaking] The key choreography that I am pushing for in the new track is I turn around like this [Focused] Some members express that it's a 'lie' by twisting the fingers like this And this means 'promise' Me and Taehyun do the 'lie' And rest of the members do the 'promise' [Chills] "Crumbled sand castle, who's a liar" [An amazing performance full of lies and promises] Next, what is the highlight for Beomgyu? I am usually in charge of the intro for our songs [A self-proclaimed intro fairy Beomgyu] This time again, in the intro when I go "(Mellow) Can't You See Me...?" the members go like shak shak shak shak [Like this] [The shak shak shak shak Beomgyu meant] [Mellow] I sing 'Can't You See Me?' and I stand up [Shak shak shak shak chak] The members who split for me And I, who stand up suddenly Oh yes~ [Like this / Hee hee] And next, Yeonjun It's Si-hyuk PD's favorite part [Interested] There is a scene where the members lean on me Then I go like this, look down and pretend to be sad [Like this] "Sad..." [Sad Yeonjun and friends who are leaning on him] Then Huening Kai's highlight! What is it? [Rub..] I rub my lips like this [Pow..] The story is that I got hit [Drips..] So I wipe the blood off and look at it "Can't You See Me? 'Pow'" [Huening Kai is wiping the blood off handsomely] [Like this?] Can't You See Me? 'Pow' That's right 'Pow' And we took a look at your concept photos You guys wore 'sailor clothes' [That's right] You wore shorts with sailor clothes and that is a very difficult outfit to pull off I was worried, but I was glad that people liked it For Yeonjun, which outfit did you like the most? I think the outfit I wore in the music video was very pretty [Bright outfits for the previous concpets] [are contrasting to the outfits for the new track] And I heard Yeonjun took part in the rap making this time (Tee hee) That's right I participated in the remaking of the song 'Fairy of Shampoo' which is originally by Light & Salt and I added the rap to it (Proud) 'Fairy of Shampoo' is "When I look at her ya~" "When I look at her~" "I am not lonely~ Ya~" [Jaejae's version of Fairy of Shampoo has lots of adlibs compared to the original song] [Agree] I see. Can you show us the performance? Of course [Clap] [Naughty] [Tee hee] Let me ask you guys how you feel after watching my performance and doing an interview here in MMTG The atmosphere was very nice so I think I laughed a lot while filming It was very fun You, as well as the production crew, reacted and responded a lot to us so I want to say thank you for I was able to shoot in a comfortable atmosphere How was it for you, Taehyun? (Many thoughts) Firstly, I was shocked that... Jaejae knew us so well [Amazed] I could see you were really genuine so I think we reacted genuinely as well [Genuinely] I-I-I was really interested in MMTG.. (Excited) I subscribed and watched it for a long time (Approved) I believe you since you knew 'La Cucaracha Tarata' (One sentence review) It's really the best [Don't mention it] I think the atmosphere in here is really nice (Genuine) Wow~ If you invite us again, I think we'll come with so much joy Alright, we acquired the TOMORROW X TOGETHER card now Can't You See Me? TOMORROW X TOGETHER, have a great comeback
Channel: 문명특급 - MMTG
Views: 1,667,601
Rating: 4.9739771 out of 5
Keywords: 문명특급, 스브스뉴스, 재재, SBS, TXT, 투모로우바이투게더, 세계가불타버린밤우린, 투바투, CAN'T YOU SEE ME, SOOBIN, YEONJUN, BEOMGYU, TAEHYUN, HUENINGKAI
Id: tO-DEhq2sjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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