매운닭발 먹고 입원한 영국 신부님!?!

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now we went out and saw something spicy d do you have any idea what do you got she talked about what we gotta eat Oh honestly good luck all right you ready for this we're gonna eat something spicy sing a little spicy okay well I'm not a huge spicy man but trying all right we're gonna order now okay Genaro it could be a ball on your guarantee so dude on Bangu today okay what's this for plastic works why do you get given plastic nuts oh you'll find out soon laughs big peanuts what kind of food I'm getting a bit nervous but I mean she's frequently tissues plastic gloves by you but I have a little bit of sausage so yeah okay is it cold what are you doing what's the elbow thing why just watch your elbow it tornado oh wow what you're doing this for we did all this for many traditions you don't know that I'd say everything rich vicar I was an exchange student in Korea oh dear in court okay it's not a big drinker but learn the culture oh that looks deep quick oh this way you need plastic gloves what have you done this is a sign from God thing soldiers dangerous great danger oh wow I'll just tell you right now what we're having today you know we've had some really good walk buns this one is gonna be a good Johnny Little John or joint there's a challenge this is a challenge is this why I have plastic gloves plastic gloves in Korea means is something you're gonna eat with your hands so they already a messy so I'll give you these clubs so you pick it up you pick it up with your hands you yogi yeah oh my goodness I thought maybe this is witchcraft it's like either little monkey hands or chicken be like something have Indiana Jones how do you eat feet ah with the glove what's this this is called cookies you've never had anything on it boy who's had stuff like this before look at it don't pay the fruit sorry so I'm just intrigued I've never seen this before this is amazing this is chicken feet you may have picked it up as you can see there's there's bones in this but that is literally in that finger bone so around the bone there's this the collagen which is good for your skin that chewy doriga target hand texture you just nibble on it I feel nervous because I've got gloves and I'm eating spicy chicken feet which I've never had before and they've given us a special cool cool cool okay Cheers way so do you 20 now that's the whole finger does that mean to come off oh my gosh straight away it's really hot Oh oh my gosh is so hot hmm actually on fire we need some in the cool picture Josh I can't taste anything well I can taste this fire in my mouth oh my god so hot oh my god I'm sweating I'm draw Josh what is this war I can't fit I can't breathe he's got it's love one come on disrespected the chicken feet runny nose can't see I just want a bucket of this put my face in it why would you go back for one it's like eating pain when you eat it you can't let it touch your lips ah so just be done it thank you but he could have told you that before I tried it I can't eat more than this I've had once think about not this fight but that's all texture things I couldn't taste anything it tastes like pain it's like being punched in the mouth repetitively and then slapped in the face it was like have some fish if pain was to be a taste it would be lack died literally that's probably the spiciest thing I've ever eaten I saw in there you clean them there don't watch me I think I'm ready to go in for another one this gives you a few seconds relief we're going for another one your break okay you're not allowed to let it touch your lip how do you eat something without that's the key is believable ah so it's kind of good I really like that chewy feeling of the texture only come on put a glove like a club are you sure Ronnie it's eat it like you normally would oh wow you bit all the fingers off while you're gonna suffer on your lips I can see it builds and it doesn't stop building it keeps building you're crying a little bit absolute juice it's really good at least the point of that just chosen this like poisonous sauce yeah on something that is not really edible in the first place right I don't think I can eat anymore egg we ordered some egg as well so this is an egg dish called get on Jim here have this it will help does it make it better I miss food I need a spoon just snapping my lips on it I mean look if I wasn't eating this I've been freaking out how strange this egg thing is right cuz it's so weird so it's like a massive cream caramel couldn't get on Jim I'm not gonna lie it looks I'm really light as my head is like spinning the chicken's feet was so spicy so incredibly spicy that it just hit this adrenaline rushing it felt like I was climbing a mountain or jumping off a cliff it felt like an event it didn't feel like a food maybe that's why people like Amos oh yes like an adrenaline it's like a drug like makes you like I do feel yeah this insane like adventure I feel like I've had a religious experience yeah I can tell you about that this is more from Jesus no this is not hell it talks about flyer and song I hope you've never experienced it drove me to write a taste here with us you've tried it achieve dire poly closer to you this will be illegal this would be some sort of punishment if you insult the Queen I can feel the intrigue is that though you know that kind of that kind of I've put myself through something yeah experience yeah it's like I kind of a challenge yeah yeah kind of like interested in just trying to see if I can survive it again kinda wanna another wine oh right I want to see how oh that touched my leg all over my little over my neck no good wait it's worth my stop eating it ha it's not ending Chris and there's no end in sight remember with Johnny we tried that yup yup you TT this is talking definitely hotter your daughter P has nothing on this base and you crushed it man good question yeah I live in the background we take on a home and make sure these okay cool I'd say when you eat spicy food it you liked it relieves stress I get that that makes and I I don't think I'd really go on it until today yeah you like you you release everything you could you don't think about anime except they're just that a spice and it comes out wet look just got blank with everything spins and it's just like oh whatever I was stressed about I don't even think about it right now I forgot completely that I sliced open my finger oh yeah I can't even feel that I was like oh well sir my finger oh it's a plaster oh yeah I sliced my finger like 10 minutes ago tomorrow we are gonna absolutely destroy the toilet you are gonna never have been happier to have a read a oh yeah that electric robot toilet toilets here beep beep just keep pressing it at you pressing the buttons yeah is what it feels like when you're about to die so after that food it was as if it was the end of all things it was it was an emotional time I spent the night asking for healing I was like lord help me we call it a little sick really sick so sick that Ollie and I and you spent the night in any more guys how you feeling yeah you just had your IV taken out turns out we were seriously actually destroyed by that by so we ended up being transported to this hospital with three drips in our arms you know I do first experience of a modern Korean hospital pretty impressive yeah efficiently Ollie was in a bad way you could hear a lot going on in the toilet it wasn't very nice I mean he was having stuff come out of both ends oh I was so sick I was so sick that the nurses got really worried about me they gave me an injection now I've had injections before in my arm this was not an injection in my arm Josh be injected me in the Bob and it's still painful it is still painful today in game you have a needle sticking through you yeah this is not no it's not surreal
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 7,653,389
Rating: 4.9443884 out of 5
Keywords: 닭발, 매워, 매운, chicken feet, feet, 불닭발, fire, 입원, 쿨피스, cool piss, 떡볶이, 엽기, 엽기 떡볶이, 엽기떡볶이, 엽떡, 엽 떡, 순대, 홍어, 번데기, 간, ddukbokki, 조니, johnny, peters, 한국, 외국인, 떡, challenge, cup, pot, 음식, 먹방, 영국, 영국사람, 사람들, 영국남자, koreanenglishman, Korean, Englishman, Korean Food (Cuisine), 과자, 남자, 사람, 런던, English, British English, 영국 영어, 영국 발음, 조쉬, 영국 남자, Josh, Ollie, 조시, korean englishman, 한국말, 한국말 하는, 한국어, 잘 하는, 잘하는, korean, South Korea (Country), englishman, 한국어 하는 외국인, 한국말 잘하는 외국인, english, korean english man, 제 이름은, 영국남자들, 귀여워
Id: OAzLLLtoedA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2016
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