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choose if you would like to go nor VPN we would benefit from using this discount code so please do and thank you nod VPN for sponsoring this episode backed in video what we're drawing to the end of this and you guys just smashed it out with your final meal guys any idea where we are well there's a cow there yeah and there's a pig there this is the meat market the meat market oh I was like where are we this is just mental experience like the overwhelming smell of raw meat I was like this is either going to be the most incredible experience ever else Josh and olive had enough of us and they're taking us to a murder I mean everything about it was like wow I mean the smells were intense the environment was intense and we found that this guy had just the best cuts of meat you can ever get this time yourself this is the most expensive nuts I don't even put it out for display if you order it they can bring it out only as much as you order Wow oh yay Sabrina want a kilogramme exam then this guy was like okay I got something in the back and then open this like refrigerator door and got out the good stuff he was like this is the stuff you want we were like okay and then your eyes lit up because you guys knew what about I was like where are we this is legit you ready yeah this is just like good but it looks like believe it when I taste yeah thanks man thank you he's like follow me and we followed it and we basically went into a corridor that looked like it walking up this concrete staircase in the middle of this market we're going to be going to a restaurant where is the rupture wow this is all I yes I like this oh wow oh yeah this will save the best for last this is so sick it's like Michelin star we like the Glastonbury Festival 10 they use a proper charcoal we get started oh my days first up I'm gonna slap on what do you go up to nepali only just know exist we got most expensive cards most rare cut this is like the most popular premium listen when it goes on I've literally never seen that much bottom gym being cooked at one time in my entire life so this is the real popular one yeah so this is like the BTS of me we can move this salad front in front of me this is been sewing with this one first up a little bit of salt yeah [Music] Oh oh good yeah not good on it so much test get the salt just okay yeah Wow someone just like put the string goes on in my mouth Oh funny like you haven't tasted in my need to try more yeah yeah try that right now right there Holly Holly so you see I put there salty oil already yes yeah this one caramelize on the rare in the middle it's like a sweet yeah it's like you could suck it like a sweet thing you just suck it into the melts in your mouth linearly you guys happy man yeah Wow guys cup of soju first soldier Korea yeah but there'll be a few more tonight cheers boys oh good all right it's a surprise the beginning butter smooth and thank you oh my gosh look at this beautiful grilled color I love it there is no snobbery in this like there is no thrilled actually freeze all about the food and the company that's it the best here the best here will boom we are just having a good time love it love it oh so good quite accessible setting as well don't like that's why I love about place lights are illogical place in Korea this markets been here for more than 40 years Wow probably barely changed you know these tables chairs like gonna sometimes go back to the basic where it's about the food and the company that's it you're not put off by the surroundings n-no well I was but I'm like this is gonna be a big deal I'm like if frigging is a big deal but we've sat down here and smashed out some of the best food I've ever had yeah and I say the way he cut the cotton gin for us was like because he was like foreigners they like it like you see steaks head to toe this the second most expensive cut of meat mmm and he gave it to us via like the Koreans like it give that you must pay Oh name on it Kris I love that smell is so good oh yeah that's a nice thin bit boy right there let it melt what'd you think this is some high level model I play the marbling level on this it's higher than because my face doesn't know what to do anybody you know make something taste so good that it almost looks like you're in pain yeah it's like it was like confusion like oh alright this time I'm gonna solve a little bit yes brother that's right yes Rob I mean if these pieces these pieces are okay [Laughter] crisis oh my god and you hadn't got like a 25% tip at the end of this night yeah I tell you right now they give you service yeah yeah all right now he gave us this a service you can dip in here or there raw we eat it raw oh wow wow this is just straight-up Robbie but it's as fresh as it can be dunk it in this okay how's uh or it's really spicy for me brother you nervous me too though Joe are you nervous eat ice I forgot sorry it's too late now Wow Wow a sauce texture good it's like no it's good it is good I prefer the cooked me okay okay yeah better but I'm glad I tried it Chris you're gonna get that sauce it's a little bit smash it on there you go bro no oh wow it's almost like noodley throw it like I had rule salmon you know smoked salmon yeah yeah some of the best fricken raw beef ever hat that's incredible number one you just number one the number one most expensive cut of meat okay I need a cane the powder I need to clean his palate is that you are to say how old I'm hung fire this is a rare car [Music] okay Wow they don't even have this outside they don't display it holy crap look at that Wow Wow give me guys some of the best mean the younger nunchaku see so much already [Music] how powerful Oh mom there's a deeper meet yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like a deep time yeah yeah yeah well I also resonate with that yeah so did we meet I'm applauding my mouth okay okay meat in the mouth no in my mouth as well for giving me the pleasure of the Hokey okay anybody thank you Lord for my body in my mouth letting men close I never having me again I've reached nirvana and this is a lot of spit I mean so slow boys this is it the episode of know what all seriously like I was one of those guys who didn't really know much about Korea and slowly people are learning how rich this culture is and how wonderful it is and how they know what they're doing and then we got to experience this week of just intense food and friendship and fun and the Korean people and they're so kind and humble and the Korean army you know those guys are yeah really respectful friendly and yet hardcore yeah I mean these were a lovely guy and it's like this meal this stuff is the best that's what it's about you know no frills just good time just good quality and quality it's been absolutely I've enjoyed also having Charles yeah introducing him to this having Charles who's seen it and he's a real big fan I mean if I was I mean I'm in ok he leaves she watches everyone it's exciting it's nice for me to know that he's able to share this good live thankful to you guys especially have enough hopefully you guys at home enjoyed this series as well last no if you want to see a part two someday all right Wow there it is that's the last beer don't you touch it yeah thank you young Joe yogi [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 5,666,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 댄, 단, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: ef6vuz-tI9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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