[런닝맨] '우주 최강 겁쟁이들의 레전드 공포특집' / 'RunningMan' Special | SBS NOW

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I'm so scared. Don't do that. Who is it? Oh, sorry, sir. It's really here. I can't do it here. Here There's a real shit here. Dude. What? Where are you going? I'll look for it. I need to find nameplates. I really can't go in. Hey. An elder brother Hey, bro Yoon-sang. It's almost certainly one out of three. Who is it? Who is it? It's almost certainly one out of three. Who is it? Who is it? But it's not Seong Dong-il. Why not? It's not a hint? He's dead right now. He's dead now. Huh? Out? I should say out. I should say "out". You scared me. I was really surprised. I said it wrong. Seong Dong-il made a mistake. Seok-jin, you can't do this to people like this. It's similar to mine. I thought it was real. Oh, I'm sorry. What are you? What are you? I know. What are you? If he keeps sitting there. If he keeps sitting over there. Hold on. I'm sorry. What should I do right now? Do we need to close the door? Should I just close it for you? But I think it's going to be hot. Please sit here. Please sit here. We all know this place. Please sit here. This is the most surprising moment. Please have a seat. It's okay. It's okay. It's really okay. It's really okay. It's really okay. Yes, take a rest here. I really didn't know. I didn't know. Oh, straight up. Straight up. You don't have to do that. I really didn't know. I didn't know. Oh, straight up. Straight up. You don't have to do that. Take a rest. Take a rest. How hard it must be. No. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, we've been talking too much. There's something over there. Why, why, why, why? There's something. Why, why, why, why? There's something on the pumpkin sweet potato. Where? brother. Hey, is this pumpkin sweet potato? Pumpkin sweet potatoes. Hey, I'm doing it. Hey, I'm doing it. Oh, hey. I can't. I can't. Where are you? Where are you? I don't want to do it. I don't want to do it. Where are you? Where are you? I don't want to do it. Why? Ji-hyo, let's do it one more time. You're such a, brother. Hey, I can't go alone. Let's get there quickly. Hey. Let's share one each. Oh, my. brother. Seriously. Just scream from the back. Oh, you cowards. That's pathetic. I'll let you know. Okay. I don't need pumpkin sweet potatoes. Oh, excuse me. I don't remember what was behind it. What? I don't remember what was behind it. You can't think of anything? I don't remember what was behind it. What was the back? What was the back? I was wondering why you only play do, re, mi, fa, sol,la and si. Wow, I don't know why I set the lights like this. Isn't that the box? Oh, I can't do this isn't going to work. I can't do this. Wow, this is how it feels today. Oh, my lady. Oh my gosh. I can't do this. I want to stop. It's not me. I'll give up. I'm okay. Oh, I'm injured. I can't. Okay. Oh, my. Wow, I'm dizzy. There should be a box over there. A box. Now, now. No, no. Am I the one who came earlier? I'm the one who came earlier. I now know how everything works out. I know the situation. All Oh, my god. There's a box. There's a box. Please, me. I'm in the third one. Third This is driving me crazy. Lee Kwang-soo, you have to choose mirror or horror what will you do? To be honest, horror is fast. If we keep going, it'll go really fast. Please send us to horror. Please send us to horror. I'll send you to the horror. Hold on, hold on. One, two, three. Hold on. Then. Horror. Yes. You have chosen. What? Horror, horror, horror. Jenny, take the lead. Jenny, do you want to go first or back? Are you confident? If you're not confident, I'll go first. If you're not confident, I'll go first. I'm fine. I'll go first to win. Yes, then I will respect your opinion. Hurry up and follow me. Yes, I'll be there soon. One, two, three. Jenny, let's go together. Jenny. Jenny, let's go together. Jenny, let's go together. Jenny. Jenny, let's go together. Oh, mom. Jenny, let's go together. Let's go together. Why, why, why? I'm scared. I don't want to. What's wrong, Jenny? I'm scared because I came early. Why? Where, where, what? There's someone here. Where are the people? There's a person in the corner here. Hold on. Jenny. I can't go because I'm scared. I'll raise it as much as I can, Jenny. I'll go first. Let's go, Jenny. Let's go. I'm so scared. Jenny, that's enough. Jenny, okay. What do I do? What do I do? Do I go first? You go first. Okay, okay. Jenny, are you okay? Jenny, okay, okay. Jenny is crying. Jenny is crying. Okay, Jenny. Just look at my back. Just look at my back. Jenny, don't cry and just look at my back. Just look at his back. What if she surprises me? Who? I won't scare you. I won't scare you. I think she's going to surprise me. No, I'm not going to scare you. You go first. Then I'll be here. It's in front of you. It's in front of you. I'm so scared. Stop there. Stop there. I'll go first. I'll go first. Hey, Jenny. Jenny. Jenny, Jenny, wake up. Hurry up. Jenny, I'll go first. Mom, it's Jenny. It's Jenny. Jenny, stay still. I'll go first. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. Who said you weren't scared? Okay, just look at your back. Don't do it. Don't do it. No, it's over. It's over. Jenny, I'm scared too. You're going to surprise me. I won't scare you. I won't scare you. Don't do it. Don't, don't. Jenny, it's over. It's over. He's looking at me. Who? Who's looking? Who's staring at you? Okay, okay. I'll be here. Get up, get up. Get up, get up. Okay. Inside, wall, wall, wall. Come to the wall. To the wall. He keeps looking at me. Come here. Come here. Okay. I told you I wouldn't scare you. They're not going to scare you. They're not going to scare you. I'll take a look at it first. I'll go first. It's going to shake. No, this isn't it. I think it's going to shake. We just have to go. We just have to go. I think hand is going to come out of the bridge. I'll go first. Don't do it. Who is it? Oh no. I want to hurry up and go. Should I go first? I think someone is going to pop out here. I'll go first. I'll go first. Wait a minute. No, I want to go with you. Okay. Let's hurry up and go together. Jenny, you. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry. Okay. Don't do it. Oh my gosh. Something hit my head. It's done, it's done, it's done. It's over, Jenny. It's over. Jenny, Jenny, it's okay. It's all right, it's all right. You said there's nothing to surprise me about. Who said that? You don't surprise me? Earlier, Bo-ra. Did Bo-ra say that? Yeah, they said there's nothing to surprise me about. It's okay. It's over. I thought it was okay, but I was so scared. That's right, that's it. What am I supposed to do? Jenny, good job. It's over, it's over. It's over, it's over. Stop crying. Hold on. Jenny is crying. Hey, right now. Look at Jenny. They said there's no such thing as a surprise. I know, I know. I'm really sorry, but you lost. I know, I know. I know. We gave up from the beginning. No, Jennie is like this. Jenny cried loudly as soon as she entered the room. Jenny, Jenny. I was so scared. Jenny has spoken informally to me as of today. Hey cowards, come down there. It's coming down. It's coming down. Jenny, are you okay? Are you alright? I lied. Seriously. How can you surprise me like this? She is the most scaredy-cat I've ever seen in my life. Jenny, come here in my life. Jenny, are you okay? Are you okay? Yes. Why? Why? As soon as Jenny went in, I cried out. continuously I'll go to the front. Just follow me. She screamed and started crying ever since then. She has been crying since then. You told me it wasn't scared. Older brother Why are you lying? Why did you do that? Why did you lie to her? Apologize. Isn't it so cute? Isn't it so cute? Don't do that. I can't believe I made this. Buy me a meal. Jenny started talking down to me inside. What? Hurry up and go. Hurry up and go. Hurry up and go. Hurry up before people come out. Just go. Just go. Jennie must have been a little surprised, but she's making a great scene. After sister Choi Ji-woo. We're going to see 5 million views on the video site. You have made something really amazing. Hey, don't lie to me. Don't do it. No, he did it on purpose. Don't put your tongue in like this on purpose. Honestly, please let me spin this. Please give me some hope. Just once. Just once. Kwang-soo, if you do this. Just once. Kwang-soo, if you do this. Just once. Kwang-soo, if you do this. Just once, Kwang-soo. I don't want anything else. Just once. Kwang-soo? Just once, Kwang-soo. Kwang-soo, you can't help it. There is nothing I can do. No? No, we have to find the nameplate again. Hey, be careful. Oh my. Didn't you hear something? Oh, oh. I'm getting goosebumps. Oh, my. Oh, my god. What's wrong with you? What's wrong? Why are you yelling all of a sudden? Oh, I really have that. What's wrong with you? Oh my gosh. What's wrong with you? Seriously, why? Hey, Kwon-ryeol, don't be surprised. Oh, you are. It's really dark here. I can't go in here. Hey, I don't think I'm going in. It's really dark here. Hey, this is. What's wrong with you? I was surprised. I was really surprised. Please turn it off. Turn it off. Turn it off. This Please turn it off. I won't listen. Please turn it off. It's done. Please turn it off. What's wrong with you? the real thing Seriously. Stop it. Hold on, hold on. Hey. Hold on, hold on. I'm scared. Oh, I was so surprised. Oh, I got you. Wait a minute. I want to go now. Okay, okay, okay. You scared me to death. I was so surprised. Hey, don't cry. I was so surprised. Don't cry. It's so dark here. I can't go because I'm scared. I hear something. I was so surprised. What's going on here? What's this? I think there's a name tag over there. Where, where, where? In there. Where? Nameplate inside you. Where? Nameplate inside you. What's wrong with me? Kwon-ryeol, you. There's a nameplate inside. Inside There's a nameplate inside. There's a nameplate inside. There's a nameplate inside. Nameplate. So-min, I can't go. We have to bring nameplate later. Hey, your tear mark. There's a nameplate over there. It's on the bed. Hey, where are you filming? If you take it like this. Hey, where are you filming? If you take it like this. Brother, aren't you being too harsh? Mom, I'm sorry. But the worst thing about Kwang-soo is that he went on a tour with VJ before you went in. There's only one VJ who can't go in because he is afraid. Who is it? VJ Yoon-sang. Please put me on VJ only. Where is Yoon-sang? Yoon-sang? Where is Yoon-sang? Yoon-sang. Choi Yoon-sang.. Isn't this Yoon-sang's camera? Isn't this Yoon-sang's camera? Where's Yoon-sang? Where's this jerk? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't do this. I really threw up. What's coming out here? Don't do it. Don't do it. I'm sorry I'm sorry. Excuse me. Wait, wait. Hold on. I won't do it. I won't. Hold on, hold on. Don't be such a jerk again. Oh, just once. Hong on for a while Wait. I'll go now. Oh, I'm leaving. Please don't. Stop it, stop it, please. Don't do it. What is this? It's 0. My arm hurts. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Can you move forward a little bit? If you go here, I'll go to the front next time. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Oh, don't do it. Please don't. You stepped on me three times. Three times How did you do that? How did you roll over me? Bro Cheol-min, can you hear me? We both broke our legs. Bro Cheol-min. Why? It's making noise again. It's making noise again. I can hear the sound again. Please, teacher, teacher. Could you please make an exception in this case? Please give me a break, teacher. I'm Korean. I'm Korean. Hold on. Hold on. Wait a minute. Sorry. I'll go now. I'll go. I'm leaving, teacher. Ar there children? No, that's not it. I can't get in here. Then what should I do? What if you can't go in? I can't go in. Shall we take a break? Can I sit down for a second? Oh, wait a minute. Let me sit down for a second. I'm going crazy. wait a second. I got hurt. I broke my leg. How do I get through there? Let's go. What should we do? Huh? Wheelchair. Wheelchair. Wheelchair. Huh? Wheelchair. Wheelchair. Wheelchair. Hang on, hang on Hang on, Im sorry Thank you, thank you Hold on, thank you. What? hang on I'm sorry. What should I do? I can't. I can't. I'm afraid I can't. Wait, I'm sorry Don't do it. Please, stop, stop. Oh, teacher. Oh, sorry. Sorry, I can't pass over. If you keep saying you can't pass, I'll go. What should I do? Please move back a little. mister, just a little bit. I'll go this way. I wanna. Please mister, step back. Please mister, step back little. Just a little bit. Please mister, step back. Please mister, step back and thank you Thank you very much How can I get through here? What's this place? No way. That bed. No more beds. That bed. No more beds. You scared me. It's over. It's over. I saw it all earlier. What's wrong with you? How long are you going to be like this? Mister. Mister Teacher, what do I have to do to finish it's If it's over after I pee, I'm really. Right now, really. I can't do this. What should I do? How, how. Where are you going? I can't do this. What should I do? How, how. Where are you going? What's wrong? What's wrong? Then what do I do? I found the nameplate. I found it for you. Then I can go back the way I came. Just up to here. Just up to here. Let's go. Hey. How can I pass here then? You can't go over it. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Are you going to live here forever? What are you going to do? You have to go.
Channel: SBS NOW / SBS 공식 채널
Views: 2,789,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS Entertainment, 예고, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 전소민, 양세찬, 런닝맨, running man Preview, Yoo jae suk, Haha, Song jihyo, Kim jong kook, Lee kwang soo, Ji suk jin, Jeon so min, Yang se chan, 오프닝멘트, 런닝맨 오프닝, 광수놀리는재석, 찐웃음, 게임모음, 런닝맨게임, 레전드게임, 게스트, 웃긴영상, 게임, 레전드, 광수놀리는, 재석, 광수재석, 광놀재, 제니, 블랙핑크, 웃음참기, 성동일, 권렬, BLACKPINK, #JENNIE
Id: GMwW1q6ySwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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