[런닝맨] 스페셜 '서 : 서상에.. 이게 복 : 복지다..공유X박보검 모음집' / 'RunningMan' Special | SBS NOW

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He's my friend. Gong Yoo is my friend. Hey, Gong Yoo. Gong Yoo is your friend? He's my real friend. What? Suspects Gong Yoo charged for arson. Arson? Gong Yoo is the suspect of setting fire in hearts of women. from teens to 50's. There's no one here who had never set fire in women's heart, you know? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let me see this. I also started a lot of fire when I was young, too. He started a real fire, this guy. You set on a real fire? Oh, you shouldn't do that. To help elders in the neighborhood stay warm. He lit a bonfire. You were born in the same year. I mean, you wee just born in the same year. Don't call him a friend. Anywhere. Were you two really close? I don't quite recall. Stay still. I don't really remember. Stay still. Hey, you grew a lot. Hey, Gong Yoo grew a lot. Dude, I have always been taller than you. Hurry up, hurry up. Gong Yoo, hurry up and take it off. We don't have time. Ji Seokjin. You shouldn't be late. Because of you, you know. I told you to just take off your pants. We won by default. It's not that. I opened the door and went inside and I was going to hurry but there was no camera in there. Dude, we change in there. Would they film you with camera when you're getting naked in there? Oh, I just thought that. He's so naive. I thought every process was connected. It's 1:1? Instead, once you climb up the bar, you can't get off of it. Seokjin, show us what you've got. Show you what? Seokjin, show us what you've got. Show you what? Show you what. Hey, what are you doing. Raise your legs. Grab Jaeseok. Put my pants on me. Kwangsoo. Put my pants on me. Dude, what should I do. Put my pants on me. What the hell are you doing right now. What's this. Hey. Your almost pulled down my underwear. Yoojaeseok, disqualified. Yoojaeseok, disqualified. You can't take off someone else's pants. It's a corruption of public morals. Corruption of public morals. You are disqualified if you get down here. Okay. Dude, what were you thinking. Tighten your pants. Hey, you have to wear inner pants, too. Gong Yoo's tightening his pants right now. Hold on, I really don't get this. Can I really win this? Of course. Hey, why are you pretending you're weak. Just kill yourself, just die. Gong Yoo, you go ahead and win this. What should I do? Stay still when you hold it. Drop her, Gong Yoo. Drop her. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Hey, you don't have to be sorry about this. Hey, you don't have to be sorry about this. Gong Yoo, just drop her. There's nothing we can do, Gong Yoo. Great job. Gary, go ahead. Hey, Gary is good at this. Gary is fast. Gary is fast. Stay in front of the heater for a while. Hey, don't you need gloves? Oh, it's slippery. Careful, careful. Hey, Gary. Gary. Hey, Gary. Gary. Way to go, Gary. Gong Yoo, Gong Yoo. He sacrificed himself. Kwangsoo. Rebound. Should I use the rebound like this, Jaeseok? I'll kick you. With your arms on your knees. Please push me once. What the hell? We won. Dude, what did you just do? What the hell are you doing. Hey, Gong Yoo. Jongkook has an advantage. Oh My Goodness. He climbed up there. You have to go up there. I think you're gonna flip if you do that though? Move forward. Just fall together. Gong Yoo, way to go. Put your feet through Jongkook. Your legs. Jongkook's position is at a disadvantage. Go up to the top, Gong Yoo. Jongkook's position is at a disadvantage as he flipped around. Got him. Got him. Oh, Kim Jongkook. Who's that? What the heck, who is that? I can totally see that red outfit. I can totally see that red outfit. Hey, Gong Yoo. What is he doing, really. Why are you going in there, into women's locker room. Or hide well. Which one is it, Here, here. Which one is it. Hey, Seokjin. Who made it out? It's Gong Yoo. If you look closely, you can distinguish the right one. Oh, please, please. Please, please, please. It opened. Really? Oh, it opened. Gong Yoo. Here I am. Gong Yoo. Hey, how did he actually get that? Use your strength, your strength. One, two. Use your strength. Use your strength. You can't use your strength. Fail, fail, fail. I've opened it once using my strength. Oh really? I really did. Oh, you can do that? It's open. You didn't write me, right? Oh, of course. Really? I'm serious. Oh, but then, this is. You guys do this everyday. This is the blockbuster in the entertainment genre. I didn't know it was this big. There are so many staffs. You could go in first. It's not easy. Oh, he's good. He's different. He's different. It feels good. You have to get in there. You have to get in. Right now. Okay, 30 seconds passed, 30 seconds. Hey, 2 minutes is pretty long. You have to go in. I'll go with number two. If you win, you get 3 cards, right. You have three votes. We haven't won a single game yet. So I'll help. We don't have any vote at all. Wow, he has good manners for sure. You have good manners. But Jihyo, he dropeed Jihyo, right. Look this side. Look front. Good, good. Hey, you ate too much. It's hard to eat this later. Only three has to eat that. Gong Yoo is so nice, isn't he? He's so nice. I mean, green team should win. Doesn't it look like mom feeding a child? But this is. Hey, that could be a good plan. Because. It could be better for the green team to win than the blue team. That's right. Of course. Hey, the people in that team are very likely to write down your name. The people in that team are very likely to write down your name. It's hard, isn't it, Gong Yoo? Think about it. Think about it. How much time do we have left? Gong Yoo, actually. You see, you get to move faster, don't you? You see, you get to move faster, don't you? That's how this program goes. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You can't do this. You can't do this. You shouldn't be doing this. Don't follow the head and just eat. Just keep eating it. Okay, 40 seconds. Just wait for the right timing, Heesoon. Just wait. 40 seconds. Are you okay? Are you okay? OK, 15 seconds left. Hey, 15 seconds is more than enough. Don't turn your head and just stay still. Just look at it. Just watch it carefully. Oh, I'm nervous. Now I really feel like I'm doing Running Man. I think they could see my reflection. From now on. The final mission. Naming suspect race. Kim Jongkook, Kim Jongkook, 100%! Lee Kwangsoo. It's Lee Kwangsoo. Lee Kwangsoo is. Oh, they're so mean. Rip out the target's name tag before Lee Kwangsoo finds the blue whistle. I guess everyone hates Kwangsoo. Let's begin. Kwangsoo. Hey. Kwangsoo. No, you can't. I'll make my revenge. It's gonna be crazy from next week on. I'm going to kill you. I'm sorry. Wow, it's not easy to find people in this building. Where is it? Where. Out? Kim Jongkook, out. Next target is Gary. It's Gary. It's Gary. I mean, why is it me? Wait a minute. Why is it me? Wait a minute. Man, these people. Dude, what should I do. It's Gary. Hurry. Oh, why is it me. I mean, this doesn't make any sense. Hey, you. I have worked so hard to live nicely until now. Hey, Gary. I've been living kindly. Hey, why did you get so much votes? I'm afraid to run to that side because I'm scared I may be the next suspect. Yoo Jaeseok. Kwangsoo, Kim Jongkook, Gary, Yoo Jaeseok. It's either me or Haha. I saw the whistle. I don't remember which floor it was. Yoo Jaeseok. What the, Hey. What the, Hey. Yoo Jaeseok, Out. Oh, this is how it feels. Ripping this out. I actually wrote Jaeseok's nae on one ballot. In secret. Suspects are Gong Yoo and Haha. Take of the name tags of the targets before they find the red whistle. Gong Yoo is here. Gong Yoo is here, Gong Yoo is here. Where is everybody. Senior. Jihyo. Wow, he's so fast. Who's blowing the whistle. Who is it? Who's whistle is it? Did someone blow the whistle? Who? Haha, Gong Yoo, survived. HaHa who found the whistle will have his order changed to the last. Then I'm in the second place. Gong Yoo's order will be changed to the one right before Haha. Excellent. Park Heesoon. It's me, Gong Yoo. I think it's going to hurt a lot. Are you doing alright? I was catching it. Congratulations, Gong Yoo. Congratulations. You're almost the winner. No, no. HaHa blowing the whistle helped me a lot. If Gong Yoo was going to be out. It should have been now. Exactly. It's harder now. I began to have this strong urge to win, now. Heesoon. Heesoon will be better at this kind of thing. Though he may not be good at things that require strength. Hiding and stuffs like this. Because he's a quiet person. No way. No way. He's not here. He isn't here. But I think I found a good spot. Because no one knows about this place right now. I get rid of several, about five to six people in a place like this in my movie. At once. In the dark. In the dark. Where is he? I checked the basement but he's not there. Wow, this is driving me crazy. Hey, Jihyo. Heesoon is good at this. He's good at hiding. He's a quiet person. He's a very quiet person. Dude, so when are we gonna get together. For what? You should treat me out. Yeah, let's do that. First of all, we're the last. Yeah, let's do that. In the end. Alright, alright. Anyway, it was dramatic. Feels good. It was dramatic. I was so surprised. It came out like a movie. It's over. You should come for another race. Okay. Jihyo. Hey, we should like. Jihyo's good at finding people. divide up our tasks. Haha. Oh, I know, I know, I know. Hey, but. The result is gonna be the same whatever we do. The three of us. Where's Song Jihyo? Song Jihyo is downstairs. I'll get ripped off by Jihyo. All right, then. Oh, but. That's good for us. It's so nice, but. She's hiding. She already noticed what's happening and went to hide. I'll tell you where Jihyo is. No, we'll go ahead and find her. Oh yeah? I'm sorry. Gong Yoo, we can't help it. This world is. Oh, Heeson. Oh, Heeson. Oh, Heeson. You should have moved faster, Heesoon. Great job, man. Heesoon, Out. Wow, I'm dying. Where's the whistle. There he is. He's right there. He's gonna be very nervous right now. Right? He's crazy right now. Hey Gong Yoo, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Are you alright? I'm sorry. No. Gong Yoo. I'm terribly sorry. Our friendship will never change. Our friendship will never change. Gong Yoo, thank you. Gong Yoo, thank you. I'm sorry, my friend. Like this. Dude, I have to look cool in Running Man because I am awesome in the movie, but then. This is what variety shows are supposed to be like. Hey, good job. It's really flowing in a way I did not expect. A long time ago, a martial arts fighter came and played with pebbles. This is what this place is like. Get in there, Gong Yoo. Really? I'm sorry, my friend. You fools. I'm the winner this week. Running man is. I'll watch the movie alone when The Suspect is released. Come once more for one more race. I've made up my mind already. Oh yeah? Yes, hello. Hello. Hello, Mr. Park Bogum. Hello, Jihyo. Oh, don't mention it. I really wanted to meet you, Bogum. Yes, I always watch Running Man and I heard you really like me a lot. I know, for several times. Of course, I may be mistaken. No. I talked about you, Bogum. And I get to meet you like this. I know. Oh, really. I think the power of words is so great. Thank you so much. I thank you. Bogum. No, Yes, yes. I have a mission today. Yes, What kind of mission is it? I'm supposed to meet a celeb who is either 12 years older or younger than me and grant his wish. I have to grant a wish and receive a stamp, so if you have time right now, I'll grant you a wish. Can you give me a stamp? Right now? Yes, by any chance. If you're at somewhere, I can go to you. No, actually. I'll come to where you are. No, actually, I'll come to where you are. Yes, I'll go to the Sejong Center. Oh really? Yes. Oh, he's so nice. Oh my. All right. Then I'll be waiting for you here, Bogum. Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. Oh, thank you. Hello. Hello. Wow, it's Park Bogum. Wow, it's Park Bogum. Oh my god. Oh my god. Park Bogum is here. Park Bogum is here. He's really here. Bogum, have some coffee. Coffee. I prepared some hot coffee. Thank you. Thank you so much. Bogum. Yes, yes. I have to grant one of your wish today and get this from you. Alright. Have you thought of any wish? Yes. What is it? Yes. Really? Oh, all of a sudden. I'm a little scared to see you answer right away, you know? Please take a picture with me and give me your autograph. Please take a picture with me and give me your autograph. Oh, that's not fair. It's fine, right? I like it. Of course, I love it, but. I really want to hide myself. Bogum. Yes, yes. Please write, To Jihyo, right here. Yes, I see. Aren't I getting my wish granted right now? Oh my god. Thank you. Please give me one, too. I can't believe it. I just received Park Bogum's autograph. No, I will. Jackpot. Since it's Bogum's wish, I'll give you an autograph. I think I wrote too much. No, it's fine. Who else do you need to meet? No, I just needed to see you, Bogum. My mission is cleared as long as I see you, Bogum. Thank you. I only talked about you from the beginning, Bogum. Thank you so much. Don't mention it. No. Bogum, thank you so much for coming here in the middle of your schedule, Thank you. Seriously, I. I didn't know that you were in the middle of your schedule and asked you for this. You didn't have to come up with No. such a short wish just for me. If I have a chance later, I'll make sure to come visit you at the Running Man. I hope we could get together, all of us. All right. I hope you visit us at the program. So do I. I hope you win the first place today. Yes, let's go and win this today. Thank you, senior. I'll be the winner today. All right. I'll make sure I watch it in the TV. Thank you. Thank you, thank you so much. No, it's nothing. Thank you so much, Bogum. Thank you for the coffee. Hey Kookjong, let's hurry up and get going. Oh, hello. It's Gong Yoo. There are many great actors there. There are a lot them here. Hey, Gong Yoo, would you like a ride? What are Dongsuk and Gong Yoo doing here. There's Yumi, too. Dongseok. Come to Running Man, Dongseok. Oh, she's there, too. Yumi is here too. Do you have a meeting today? No, we're filming a movie together. I mean, Mr. Ma Dongseok. Please come to Running Man and put this guy down. He's holding his head high right now. It's hard because I'm old now. Well, we'll see you later then. See you later. Come to Running Man with Yumi and everyone. We'll leave now. Yumi is such a beauty. Yumi. Yumi. Please make a heart for us. This heart. Thank you. We'll get going now. Goodbye. Gong Yoo, see you later. Have fun. No, sir, please sit down. Gong Yoo and I are almost like blood brothers. What are you saying. Hey, hold on, hold on. Hey, Gong Yoo, Gong Yoo. Go, just get going. You know what he said. Hurry up and go. Wait a minute. He said he's your blood brother. Is that true? Gong Yoo, we are almost like blood brothers, right. Just get going. It's so embarrassing, so embarrassing. I should have said that when we moved away more. He would have agreed if it wasn't too bad. He said just leave. I should've said it when we moved further. It was a little early. Hello. Hello, Bogum. Hello, Bogum. What's going on. Uh. Oh, then. Oh, I'm feeling shy. I'm in the middle of a meeting, Is that right? Bogum, do you have any refrigerator you don't use by any chance? You use them all, right? You're not moving, are you? Do you need a refrigerator? Do you have something? You don't, right. Bogum, I'm sorry, but can I get your autograph? Me? Do you need mine by any chance? I do. Alright. The, since Bogum needs my autograph. Oh, you're giving it to me here? Yup. Then it's such an honor for me. Should I do it here? Yes, please. Thank you. Yes, Bogum, This is really. I should pass it on to generations. I really. I really don't use this autograph often. I don't usually give autographs on the name tag. Thank you. Can I have your autograph? Oh, then. Thank you, Bogum. No, don't mention it. Thank you, I'll go now. Thank you. Thank you, Bogum. You're giving me a lot. Thank you. Make sure you win today. Hello. Bogum. Hello. Bogum. Hello, Jongkook. How are you doing? Are you well? Yes, I'm doing very well. Yes, Bogum. Actually, we're filming Running Man right now. Don't walk but run, Running Man. You know Yang Sechan, right? Sechan is next to me right now. Hello, I'm comedian Yang Sechan. Yes, hello. I'm a huge fan of you, Bogum. Bogum. I'm a fan of you, too. We have a mission to contact well-portioned celebs to work on a mission. But you're well-portioned, right? Are you more like a 9 headed figure? I'm not not good. Oh, don't say that. You're so humble. Oh, you don't have to be humble, Bogum. What are you doing right now, Bogum? What are you doing right now, Bogum? I'm going to the company. Oh, to the company. He's diligent. I know. Why are you going to the company, you got some work to do? Yes, I have a meeting today. Oh, I see. Meeting sounds good. Bogum, go ahead with your meeting, and thanks for talking with me on the phone, Bogum. You're welcome, it's very hot outside, be careful with your health. Wow, you're nice. You are just so kind. Okay, Bogum, take care of your health as well. Let's keep in touch. Yes, thank you. Thank you. And you're a 9-head figure. Alright, thank you. Bye. Yes, thank you, Jongkook. sbs
Channel: SBS NOW / SBS 공식 채널
Views: 1,696,314
Rating: 4.9256897 out of 5
Keywords: SBS Entertainment, 예고, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 전소민, 양세찬, 런닝맨, running man Preview, Yoo jae suk, Haha, Song jihyo, Kim jong kook, Lee kwang soo, Ji suk jin, Jeon so min, Yang se chan, 오프닝멘트, 런닝맨 오프닝, 광수놀리는재석, 찐웃음, 게임모음, 런닝맨게임, 레전드게임, 게스트, 웃긴영상, 게임, 레전드, 재석, 광수재석, 광놀재, 예능, 설렘, 광대, 공유, 공지철, 숲블리, 숲, 박보검, 보검복지부, 보검, 스윗, 영화배우, 용의자, 서복, 보검이, 최한결, 도깨비, 청춘기록, 부산행, 정유미, 마동석, 다시보기, 모음집, 하이라이트
Id: a2iav1ZyJLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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