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-Oh, there's something. -There's something? -There really is. -Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhh! -Oh, you scared me. -(All together) Ahhhh! -Oh, you scared me. -(All together) Ahhhhh! -Oh, you scared me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh, my back hurts... -Damn... -Oh, I was so surprised! -Damn... -Damn... Oh My Goodness... -Are you the Ji Seok Jin of Running Town? -Oh, oh, oh, yes. I came to pick you up because your life time is up. -Oh, me? -I came to pick you up because your life time is up. -Oh, me? -You're life time is up. -No, I'm not... -What's going on? -Really? -He says your life time is up. -Oppa. -Are you leaving? -I guess I am. -To where? - Ji Seok Jin, 20:50? -I guess I'm dying at 20:50. -Is it the Grim Reaper? -It must be the Grim Reaper. - The lady said you'll die soon, earlier. In the evening. -I guess I'm really dying. You said that it's going to go out like that in the fortune teller. I'm not ready to die yet... -I thought it was Jun Hyun. -I thought it was Kang Ho Dong. -Surprised me. -It was okay when it was dark, but must be very awkward now that it's bright. -You look cute seeing you in bright light. -No, since it's bright. -He has a cute face. -Jun Hyun. -They're the ones who remove the ones who are done with their lives. -Really? -Ji Seok Jin's life is almost over so. -Let's save him. Then we'll save him. -Please save me. -The time you just checked on the list is Ji Seok Jin's scheduled time to be out. -20:50. -What time is it now? -Oppa, then you're out? -It's 20:03 now. -I have 47 minutes left. -Like Ji Seok Jin, the lifespan of other people is also set. Each person's life span has been greatly influenced by the recent plague, the anger disease, which has been circulating in the Running -Anger disease. -Don't mess around. Stop messing around and go over there. -Hey, Seoksam, stop messing around and go over there. -I'm serving the rice. -Now~ -Hey, Seoksam, stop messing around and go over there. -I said I'll do it like this. -How dare you stand in between us. -She's right, she's right. Get him off, get him off, get him off. -No, hey. -Why are you so slow at reading the room? -Oh, I'm getting mad. That's why my lifespan is almost over? -Then Jae Seok will live for a long time. Brother. -I'll live a long time. -Ji Hyo as well. -I will live long, as well. -And each person's life span is on the individual list. When it becomes the time written on the list, you are out and become a ghost. From now on, you can find a list with your life span written on it. The list is hidden in two places by the ghosts. -That's scary. -I'm scared to go around alone today. -And there are also coins hidden everywhere. The coin is also important, so you should find it well and keep it. We'll divide into two groups and head out to find the list. -That's a relief. -The first group is Yoo Jae Seok and Jeon So Min. And Kim Jong Kook and Song Ji Hyo. -Jeon So Min and. -We had a really hard time. -OK. -I really hate things like this. This is a problem. -I really hate this. -Why is that folk village so dark and scary. It's -Oh, my. -We have to find that book, right? -Yes, the book. -I'm sorry, but can I kick the ghost? -How are we suppose to find it in this darkness? -There must be something. First, I'm sure the ghost will be sitting under the that house reading If I go, I should look for it. -This is why the production team hates you. -Why? -Oppa, don't try to predict it too much. -I'm not predicting. -The production team is. -We have to make some predictions. -Keep it moderate. -Things like this is what I don't like. Do you see the red light over there? -That red light, it's for sure there. -Let's go to that red light. -That's amazing. -Ours must be there. -That red light. Look, look at that. -Let's go over there. -That red light over there. -Let's go over there. -But, we. -Hey, Song Ji Hyo, you. -Let's go together, bro. -Let's go. -Let's go. Let's go to the red light together. -We don't know where who's list is -Let's go. -Look at that red thing. -I really can't go there. -Come on, come on. This place is that. It's a shrine with a shaman. -I'm afraid something will come out. -What is he doing? Is he the guide or something? Why are you doing that? -No, it's a shrine. -This is so creepy. -Come here quickly. -My lace got loose. -So Min, why are you so... -So Min, hurry up and come. -I can't see. They should at least give us a flash or something. -(All together) Ugh! Ugh! -What's wrong? -What's wrong? -What's wrong? -Ji Hyo, why are you swearing? -Oh, gosh. Don't do that. -Jihyo, but why are you swearing? -Don't do that. Really, oppa. -All right. Hurry up. -Ah... Ah... -Hey. Hey. -Don't do that. Really, oppa. -All right. Hurry up. -He's crazy. -So Min, I don't think I can go there. I'd rather just die. -We need to find the books quickly, oppa. You know that we need to find the coins as well, right? -Hurry up and come. Brother! -I'm going crazy. -Hurry up and come. -So Min, I'd rather just die. -Hurry up and come here. -What is this... -Oppa, it's scary to die either. You never know where the Grim Reaper will appear from. -There's something there. -What's that? -There's something there. Come quickly. -This is so scary. -Go forward for now. Let's hurry up. -Come quickly. -People with good reactions should go. Come quickly. -Where is it, where is it? -Let go of me. -Hey, it's all tied up here. -Oh, you surprised me. -May blessings be with you. -So Min, you. -Come with me, oppa. Let's go together. -So Min. -I don't want to be here with a coward. -Oppa. -He's a coward. Oh, my. Oh, my... -Let's meet again, alive. -What's that? What's that? -Kim Jongkook, that. That's Isn't is such a jerk? -Let's go for real. Please come back alive. -Let's meet alive. Let's go to the master's house. -Let's meet alive. Let's go to the master's house. -The master's house. -Hurry up and go ahead. Touch and see what's there. I'm telling you, when I find my book, I just go by myself, oppa. I'm going to run and leave you behind. Got it? -If I find my book. -Oh, my. Oh, my. -You scared me. Stay still for god's sake. -Oppa. -How am I supposed to get in? How do I get in? -I guess we have to go inside. It's too dark. -What is this? -It's a cell phone. Who is Jeong So Hyun? -I don't know. -Let's go together. Wait for me. -This place is so scary. You're saying we have to go in here. -Aren't the camera directors coming with us? -I'm going crazy. -Oppa, what are you going to do? Oppa... -We have to go in here. -I'm going crazy. -Oh, gosh. We have to go in here. We have to go in here. -Let's go, oppa. Hurry up. -This isn't the end. You have to go in here. -I know. I have to go in here, but I'm going crazy. I can't do this. Aren't you coming with us? They turned off the lights, too. -I'm going crazy. -It's driving me crazy. -I'm going crazy. -I'm going crazy. Sigh... -Sigh... Oh, this is so scary. Oh! -Oh, you scared the crap out of me! What are you talking about? -Oh, I'm going crazy. -There's a strange sound coming from inside. I'm going crazy. -Director, let's go in together. Director, let's go in together, I can't go. -No, I keep hearing noises from inside. A strange -Director, let's go in together. Please. I can't go. -Oh, these punks. How long are you guys going to take? -Oh, my God. Set a time limit. -Yeah, they've failed already. -Are they idiots or what? -Huh? They don't have the camera with them? -Is it three idiots, three idiots? -Oh, there's no camera. -It's because there's no camera. -No VJ's? -None, they don't. -Oh, then it's impossible. -Then it's impossible. -Then it's impossible. They can't go in. Then you can't go in. Oh, there's no camera. Then it's impossible. -It's possible if the cameras go with them. -No, the VJ's aren't going in with them. -They aren't? -Then it's impossible. -Then it's impossible. -Then we can understand. -100%, 100% accepted. -We have to understand. -I'm scared. What did they prepare today? -Let's go, oppa. Take the lead. -It won't end if we don't go in, So Min. What? It won't end if we don't go in. -What should I do, then. -Oh, my God. -I really can't go. What should I do? -This place is the worst. -No, I can go, but I don't feel like going. -Oh, I'm so. Hey, that means you can't go. What do you mean you can. -No, I can go. -Go in, go in. Then come here. You go first. -No, I can go, but I don't want to. Ah... It's a bit bright. Ah... -Oh, gosh! -Oh, I feel like something will come out from there. I can't go. What should I do? What is this? Okay, just think of it as a drama set, ah... I know now. Okay. -What is it? -There was a cell phone on the charger. -Yes. -Jeong So Hyun, please come out! She's in here. -Hey, what are you doing? Be quiet. -Jeong So Hyun, please come out! Jeong So Hyun must be in here. I guess she's inside here, charging her phone, oppa. Because she was -Oh, stop talking and just come in. You come in, come here. Come here, hurry up and come in. Come here. Hurry up and come here. -Wait for me, oppa. Oh, I can't go. What do I do? -Oh, my God. -Oh, my God! -Oh my! -Ahh! -Oh my! -Ahhh! Ahhh, ahhhh! -Oh my! -I told you not to do it. I really hate things like Oh, my. Ah~ -Oh, please don't do it. -Oh, I hate it. -Oh, really. -What do I do? Oh, sir. Please. -Oh, really. -Oh, it must be hard for you to be in here. It touched my body. Oh, my. -Oh, my God. -What do I do? I'm sorry. -Oh, you scared me. -Sir. -Jeon Sobari, hurry up and come here. -Sigh... I'm so sorry that I got angry. -Hurry up, hurry up. -Were you surprised? -What's this? Isn't there something here? -What is this? -This, this, this. -Open it, oppa. -Ji Hyo, I think something is going to pop out of here. -Open it. -Here? -Open it. -Open it. -Oh, there's something. -There's something? -There really is. -Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! -Oh, it would be funny if they kiss each other because they're surprised. You be Ji Hyo, I'm act Jong Kook. Hey, come here. -Argh! They have an excuse, 'cause they were surprised. -Hey, let's go this way. -Ugh! -Oh, why me? Hey, you punk! -Ji Hyo's personality is coming out! -Oh, my God. Goodness gracious. Oh, there it is. Oh, there it is. Oh, hey there. Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Oh, Oh, my! You surprised me once, so stop. Where is it? Just give me the notebook. Thank Ah, stop it. Ahhh! Ah, stop it. Ahhh! Ah! You're so scary. Ah... Oh, I'm going home. Hey, damn. What is this! This is really too much. Where is it? -Oh, when does it end, oppa. Why is it. -Oh, my goodness. -Oppa, look for it. Quickly. -Hey, So Min. Why is this so long? Oh, this, what is this? -Oh, I can't go. -Oh, my God. -Oh, I don't like this sound. Oh, I got caught, So Min! I got caught here! Ahhhh! -Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! -Oh, I got caught, So Min! I got caught here! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! -What, what, what. -It's stuck! This broke, So Min! -What, what, what. -So Min, this. -What is it? -This is broken. This is broken. -Oh, why? What should we do? -I got caught. -Where, where. -It got stuck and broke. It got stuck here. -Oh, that scared me. -Oh, my God. -Did someone pull it? -No, no. -Oh, you got caught? -I got caught. I got caught. -You scared me. -I got caught. -Let's see, oppa. Are you okay? -Yes, I'm okay. -You have to film it. - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhh! -Oppa! Oh, hold on. - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! -Oppa! Oh, hold on. - Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! -Oppa! Oh, hold on. Oh, my. What do I do about the camera? Hurry up and stick the camera back on. -Hey, Sobal. Hey, Sobal. -Stick it on. -The camera isn't the problem right now! I have to live! -Oh, no. It's broken. -Hey, damn. -It must have broken. -Oh, I'm going crazy. -Oppa, I'll film it for you. -Oh, I can film it like this. Oh, it got stuck here. -What should I do? -There's more here. She is looking at us. -Oh, I didn't see it. -She's looking at us. Let us pass. Just let us pass. Please. Please, I'm really just. I'm so scared. Oh, don't do that. Don't do that. Seriously. I... -I'm sorry. -Oh, come on. Just let us pass. Oh, just let us pass. Ahhh! Seriously, I've told you already. Don't do that. Huh? It's so horrific, people here. -Let's catch our breath before we move on. Oh, my! Ah... I won't. I won't! -Oh, I can't do this Seriously. -I won't. I won't. Please tell it that I won't go there. -I won't. I won't! I won't! -I won't. -I won't! -I told you, I won't! -Come here~ -I don't wan't to! -Come here. -Oh, I don't want to. I said, I won't! I'm going since I have no other choice. -Come here! -Oh, stop it. -Come here. -Hey, hey, stop it. -Come here~ -I don't want to. -Come here. Come here~ -Ahhhhhhhhhh! -Ahhhhh! -Oh, damn! -Ahhhhh! Oh, my! Ahhh! -Oh, damn! -Ahhhhh! Oh, my! Ahhhhh! Oh, my. You scared me! Oh, you scared me. Oh, you scared me. -Ah~ Ah~ Ahhhh! Oh, Jeon Sobari. -Oh, that scared me. -Ahhhhah~ -Oh. Wow. Oh, oppa. Oppa! You have to hold the camera. I'm sorry. Camera. Hurry up and hold the camera. Oppa. -So Min. -Oppa, I'll take a break. Really. -I really can't do this now. -My throat hurts so much. -It's too long. -I'm so tired right now. -I feel like my neck is going to rip. -Where is the notebook? If you come out, I'm going to hit you! I'll actually hit you. -Why did you come to my house? What are you trying to steal? -Hey! Who are you to stop me! You! Go! Go, go! -All right. -No. -Okay, go, go, go! Go, go! Go, go! I'll just take this. I'll just take this. I just need to take this! I just need to take this! I just need to take this! Ahhh! Kill them all. I'm angry right now. -Wow, it's no joke. What is it? -It's mine! -Oh! -It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! No! -Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. -Get out! -You want me to leave? -Get out! -I can't go out. I need to find Oh, but your makeup is so scary. I have to find it. I have to find it. Ah, Oh, hold on. I have to find it. I have to find it. Ah, but the makeup is really scary. Oh, hold on. I have to find it. -Rock, paper, scissors. -What? Rock, paper, scissors! Again, rock, paper, scissors! You only play rock. Three rounds. Three rounds. Three rounds. Three rounds. Rock, paper, scissors! OK. Rock, paper, scissors! OK! Thank you. Thank you. Please let me find it. I'll be good. I'll find it and be good. Oh, wait. Huh? Oh, here it Huh? Oh, here it is. Oh, why didn't you tell me? -Go. -Thank you. Thank you. I'll be on my way. Oh, everyone is going to be surprised. Oh, that. -They went together. Why did we go separately? -Oh, come on. -Seok Jin's time is up. -Oh, come on. -Seok Jin's time is up. -I'm done? -Seok Jin's time is up, he has to go now. -I'm done? -Oh, you guys took so long. Am I done? -Your upper body is gone. -I still have time. -Are you a ghost? -Only your face is floating. -Hey, Kim Jun Hyun and Choi Sung Guk is standing behind me. They're here. -I can't see. I can't see. -Oh, man. I'm going crazy. -Brother. Why is your face floating? -Hey, should I show Jong Kook the interesting video? Hey, this is an interesting video. Take a look. It's fascinating. -That's the swing, the wind. -The wind. -Wait a minute. But, hey. Kim Jun Hyun got surprised the most in the back. Kim Jun Hyun got surprised the most in the back. Brother. No, Kim Jun Hyun. This came out just now. -Oh, my stomach. -He was like this and he got surprised. -Hey, it's a little revealing seeing him getting surprised. -He was human after all. -Oh, he was human. -So cute, so cute. -Oh, it's so cute. Why is this so funny? -Oh, my stomach~ It was so funny. -Oh, that's funny. -Tell -Do you happen to know where the list is? Ahhh! Oh! Oh, my! So Min, So Min, So Min! Somin! Hey, why is this so long? Oh, look at this. Wow. -Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me! -Oh, I found it. -Is it yours? -I found it. -Help me! Help me! -Oh, I found it. -Is it yours? -I found it. -No, no, no. -I found it. -Oh, don't go! Oh, please, don't go. -I found it. I found it. -Oh, don't go. Is it yours? -It's mine. -Isn't it mine? -It's mine. -Don't go, seriously. -Okay, So Min. -Oppa, don't go. -I found it. So Min, I found it. -Oh, come on. Oppa! Please don't go. -What did you say to me? -I'm telling you, if I find my book, I'll just go right away. -What did you say. -Oh, I'm sorry. I was wrong. -What did you say to me? -I'm sorry, oppa. -You said, if you find yours you're going to leave right away, so don't stop me, right? -Oh, don't go. I'll be nice to you. Don't go. I told you not to hold on. -Oppa, please. I beg you. You really can't go, okay? -Move on for now. Move on for now. -Where is mine? Where is mine? -Move on for now. -Where is mine? -What is this? -I'm sure it's somewhere we can see, right? -What is this? Damn. Oh... Ahhh! -Ah! Ahhh! -Ahhhh! -Ah! Ahhhh! -What should I do, then. -Oh, I'm going crazy. -It's alive, it's alive. Oh, it's alive. It's alive, it's alive. -Oh, my. -It's alive! It's alive. It's alive, it's alive. -Oh, my. -It's alive. -Wait a minute. -Wow, I. Wow, I thought it was a doll. I thought it was a doll. -Oh, I'm going crazy. Why is it yours, not mine. -I'll leave. -No, oppa. Oppa. -No, I'll leave. -I'll leave. -No, oppa. Oppa. -No, I'll leave. -Oh, really. Oppa! I'm sorry. -If you talk like that, I'm going to leave. -Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. didn't even get to -When dose this end? -It's still not over yet. -So Min, when will this end? -Oh, really... -When will this end? Oh, here it is! Ahhh! -Oh, my God! -Oh, here it is! Ahhh! -Oh, my! Oh, what should I do? Ah... -Hey. Hey, it's here. Jeon Sobari. -Ah... Ah... -Hey. Hey. -Oh, oppa. -Hey, hurry up and go. Hurry up and come out now. Hurry up and come out. -Wait for me. -Hurry up and come out. We have to leave now. Let's get out of here. Oh, my God. Oh, oh, oh, Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! -Please. Oh, please. Please. Oh, please. Please. Please. -Oh, it's so scary. Oh, She's telling us to get out this This way, this way. This way. This way. How do we get out? What's wrong with the door? -It's just the beginning, you guys. -What, what? What is. Ahhh! What is. -It's just the beginning, you guys. -What is, what is? What is. Ahhh! What is. -The door won't open. The door won't open. No, what's wrong with this? The door won't open. -How do I do this? -Oh, what's wrong with this? -Wait, wait. -What's this? What is it? -Please open this. -The door won't open. Ahhhh! -Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh, my! Oh, I really can't leave. -Wow.. -Ah! Please stop. I'm sorry. I'm so angry. What should I do? -Hey. You honestly didn't do -No, oppa. -I picked up all the books, too. What? -I'm so scared. I was so scared when the old lady followed me at the end. So scared. -Oh, this person is so scary. -Oppa, I think I lost my voice. -Now, HaHa and Yang Se Chan, please head out. -Wow, it's completely dark. -I kind of want to show the new side of me. Me making such a fuss on variety shows, it's a bit... -You? -Yes. -Bro, the 'Ah~'. Are you going to do this? -I mean, it looks a little childish. Blahlalaalalala~ -Can't we start at the entrance? -Oh, damn. Hey, it's too dark. I can't see. -How do we go? -Go where the Chinese characters are written. -A patient? -Chinese characters. Kick it, kick it. -Oh, it worked. -Oh, here? I'm sure something will come out here. Right? -Brother, take the lead. -Ah! Hey, dude! -Ugh! -Hey, damn! -Go, go, go. You go first. -Hey! -You go first. You go first. -Hey! -Take the lead. -Hey! Hey! Since I took the lead once, you do it once. Hey, damn! Hey, damn! Hey, damn! Hey, damn! Hey, damn! Hey, damn! I will. I don't want to do it with him. I don't want to do it with him. -All right, all right. -I can't, with him! I can't trust him. I won't do it with him. I'm serious. -Okay, I got it. -I'm serious, I won't do it with him. -I saw you. I saw you. -I really don't wan't to do it with him. -All right, all right, all right. -Oh, really. You go first then. -All right, all right. Okay now? Come, come, come. Come. -Go, just walk. Just keep going. Just go! Do you know how good we are at fighting? -Beat them up! -He used to be a amazing fighter back in Dongducheon. -Wow, damn! -Huh? Don't you know how scary we are! -(Together) Ahhh! -I'm sorry. -(Together) Ahhh! -I'm sorry. -Wow.. -I'm sorry. Huh? Oh, I'm so scared. -(Together) Ahh! -Ahh! -Oh, oh! -Why, why, why, why! -Why! -Wow, gosh! Wow, gosh! -(Together) Ah! -Wow, thank you so much. -Thank you. Where is mine? I have to find mine. -I'm sorry I have a sore throat, but you're a human being, right? I'm looking for my book over there. Can you look for my book? -It's telling us to leave. My throat hurts right now. -We're so scared. Let's hurry up and finish it. What is there to be scared about? -Wow! -Hey, you OOO! -Why, why, why. Ah! Ah! -Ah... Ah... -Oh, my throat hurts. Hey, just pass by. Go. -Ahhhh! -Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! -Ahhhh! - Go. -Ahhhh! -Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! -Ahhhhh! -Ahhhhh! -Ahhhh! -Ahhhh! I mean, it looks a bit childish. -Come here, bro. -Why, what's wrong? Hey, hey, I have to go to the bathroom. -Wow, gosh! -Why, why, why! -Ahhhh! -Why! What is it! What is it! Why, why, why, why, why. Se Chan, why? Se Chan, why? No, I mean, what's wrong? Why? Wait, I have to go to the bathroom. Hold on, wait a minute. Let me fart once. Ahh OO! Hey! Hey, next to me! Se Chan, next to me! -Please, don't do it. I'll just go by. -Isn't it that kid from earlier? -It's that kid. -I'm sorry. -I'll go, I'll pass by. -I'll go. I'm sorry. Do you have anything in your hand? -No, there isn't, there isn't, there isn't. -I'm sorry. -I can't see, I can't see. -Ahahah... -Don't do that. -Do we go this way? -Uh, here it is, here it is. Oh, it's here. It's here it is. -Isn't it this? -Whose is it? Look. -Wait for me. -Hey, look for this book there, look for it. There must be more. -No, there isn't. I don't think so. -It must be over there! What, why, why, why, why, why. -Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Why, why, why, why. -Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why. -Oh, I have a cramp. -Do we go this way? Which way do we go? Just tell us that. -Oh, I have a cramp. -Which way do we go? -Come here, come here. -(Laughter) -Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hey, damn! Don't do it! Oh, I'm so sorry! -I got a cramp. I got a cramp. I have a cramp. -Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhh! -HaHa, wait for me. HaHa, wait for me. -Ahhhhh! -Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh, wait for me. Wait for me, bro. Wait for me. Hey, please look for mine. -Wow, what the heck. It scared me. -Come here. -What? -Come here. -What? -Come here. -Where? -Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! -Ahhhhh! -Oh, my God! Wow! Wow! Wow! -Wow, this is powerful. -Se Chan, we have to find yours. Hey, I'm better than I used to -You? You've gotten cooler. Oh, it's impossible to find the coins. -We haven't found yours. -I know. You have to find mine. I'm going to die. -Ugh! -Ah! Ah! Ah! Gosh! -Wow! Wow! I'm really sorry! Wow, it was so scary! For real. This one was serious. I actually was about to shit myself. -Hurry up and walk past me. -Yes, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. -Before I move. -Where is mine? -(Together) Ahhhhh! -All right, all right, all right. Oh, please find mine. Where is mine? -I'm looking for it. -Bro, I need to fart once. -Uh, wait, wait. -I'll fart once. -Okay, fart, fart. -(Fart sound) -I farted too, earlier. -You guys haven't gone yet! -We're about to! We're about to! -I farted. I farted. -We're leaving, grandma! -I farted. -Grandma! Grandma! -Ahhhhhhhh! -Why, why, why, why. -Ahhhhhhhhh! -Why, why, why, why, why. -That this is moving! -Something's moving. Hey! Hey! Hey! Ahhh! -Ah! -Thank you for your hard work. -Oh, I couldn't find mine. -You should've look harder. What? -Mines not in there, bro. -No, you should have searched the books. -Then I'll go this way. -It's pretty. -Why? Then take me with you. -Ahhhhh! Ahhhh! Hey! -I just passed by quickly. To find the coins. -You scared me! You scared me! -Then let's go together. I'm scared, too. -I'm scared, too. -Oh, yes! Oh, I found it. -Wow. -Ahhhh! -(Together) Ahhhh! -Ahhhh! -(Together) Ahhhh! -Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhh! -Ahhhhhhhhh! Oh, Se Chan. We found the coins at least. Let's go in. Let's go in. -Why are you such a coward? No, what's so scary? -Yes. -What's this? -Hey, there's a nine tailed fox. -What is this? Foxy sister. -What? No, Seok Jin. -Foxy sister, we're the same. We are both ghosts. Can you -How should I ask for this? -Please give me one. I'm really... -Brother. -Yes. -Come here. -Why. -Don't you think there's something here? -Oh, definitely. -Right? Hey, go inside. -How can I get in? Do I take off my shoes off? It's definitely here. -Brother. -There must be something there. -Oh! -Oh, it's a cameraman. Is there anything? Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, coins. -It's empty. -It's empty? -No, it's empty. -Oh, you scared me. -There must be fake ones. Hey, me too... -There it is. -Oh! -It's over there. -Where, where. -Money. -Ahhh! -Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! I'm a ghost. Why am I getting scared? Oh, my God. I'm bare feet. Oh, stop I'm a ghost as well. -Wait a minute. I need to take that money. Thank you for your hard work. -Oh, I'm out of energy. -Brother. -Why am I getting scared when I'm a ghost? Oh, their the same ghosts as I am. -There's nothing. It's all fake. -I think the one that the nine-tail fox has is also -Close this. Someone else has to do it. It's scary here. -Oh, it's scary. I lost my voice. Oh, I'm full. I ate too much muffins. -(Screaming) -Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhh! -(Screaming) -Ahhhh! Ahhhh! I'm full and oh, I'm going crazy.
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 1,261,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Runningman, #런닝맨, #보필PD, #예능맛ZIP, Gary, Haha, Jeon So Min, Ji Seok Jin, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, RunninMan, Runningman, SBS, Song Ji Hyo, Yang Se Chan, Yoo Jae Suk, runningman, sbs, 김종국, 레전드, 본방송, 비하인드, 송지효, 애드리브, 양세찬, 예능맛ZIP, 예능맛집, 웃음참기, 유장꾸, 유재석, 이광수, 전소민, 지석진, 최신화, 런닝맨, 공포특집, 런닝맨공포
Id: tiIK1IsFX1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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