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Look at him, look at him, he's real.. -Standard, just standard. He was so perfect and so funny. Wow, that's... -I think you can go in a light way. -I think you can just go in a light and mild way. -Yes, yes. -We'll keep it light and mild. -You can go in a light way. -Really. You don't have to be funny. It's light here. Hey. -Hi. Why are you drinking alone? I'm in a bad mood today. -Why? What's going on? I broke up with my boyfriend. Boo... Hoo… -She's getting, she's getting immersed. Me, too. I must have a drink, too. I can't hold it. Why are you drinking? I'm going to get drunk today. So take me home safely today, okay? Boo hoo… Let me have a drink first and then think. -Hahahahaha~ Hahahahaha~ What? Bring me a cup. Yes, honey, I'll pour you some. Thank you, dear. You like plain water, so don't give him any. You're... Nothing. He doesn't like these. - Honey, what do you want? I'll pour you a cup of juice. - Bring out some cups here. -Yes, yes. Honey, I'll pour you a cup. He just drinks water. No, I like it, I like it. - I like it. I like it. - No, no, no. He doesn't eat things like this for his health. -You... No, no, no, no. He can't drink it because he's worried about his health. I like drinking juice. You haven't changed since you were young? -No... You just drink water. What? You just fell in love with her. In love with a girl? -Honey. Watch and learn. What? How nice am I to you? - 'Watch and learn' she says. -Watch and learn. What? How much do I, huh? Honey. -What? How much... Huh? Honey. - Ooh-oop! Honey, what happened? -Oh, what's wrong? - Whoops! -Oh, what's wrong? What's wrong with you? -Hey, man. -Oops! What's wrong with you? -Hey, man. Dude. Dude. Dude. Yo! Yo! No, already? This is fine. No, already? - No, already? - That's fine. - No, already? - That's fine. -You little thing! -No, Father. This is fine. Hey, you! No, father. Hey, you! -Oh, my God. It hasn't been long since you've been on your honeymoon. -Wait a minute. What's wrong with you? -My family. Are you drunk? -Hey, this is a weird setup. -No, it isn't. Aren't you drunk? - Are you drunk? No. He was hiding it and ate a raw egg. No. She must have had a raw egg. He was hiding it and ate a raw egg. Hyung. - Uncle, we are here. Brother. -They're here. No, they're already fighting. Why Uncle, why are you fighting so soon? Oh, he got really, really dirty blood. Again, again, again. -Gwang-su, what? What else. -No, let's go to the end. -A family fight. -Really. Don't do anything like that... What? Not here. Don't do such a thing. Don't do such a thing. What? Not here. Don't do such a thing. -Why are you confused? -It's habitality, habitality. Move over a bit. Should I call you So-min? No, it's... -Daughter-in-law. -Yes. You can call me new daughter-in-law. -Daughter-in-law. -Daughter-in-law? -Yes. -She seemed pregnant just then. Really? -Yes, yes. She said she couldn't cook today. -She asked Ji-hyo to cook instead. -To relax. Yes. -She was counting the number of days, too. That's great. -Our protruding mouth. The birth name is Protruding Mouth. -Protruding Mouth. -Protruding Mouth. I didn't know. -That's big news. What is this? -Oh, I feel dizzy. Did we go to 11 p.m.? -We're going to do the first mission in 10 minutes. -Sir, I'm in the student council. -How can you look down at teacher? -Yes, sir, I'm in the student council. - Uh, yeah, well, I see. -Teacher, his hair is too long. -He doesn't wash up. He's too messy. -He needs to cut his back hair, sir. -Teachers usually cut it themselves. -I'm willing to cut it if you cut it for me. -Where are the scissors, scissors? -Give him the scissors. -I'm willing to cut my hair. -Uh, where are the scissors, scissors? -Give him the scissors. -Don't you know the rules of our school? - Sir, I'll get it cut if you cut it for me. -Really? -Yes. -Okay. - If the teacher cuts it, I have to get it cut no matter what. -Sir, here you are. -It's grown a lot longer than when I saw on TV. -Really? -Are you serious? -Isn't this a skit? -Is it real or what? -No, I can't help it now. I can't help it. -Your done shooting your movie. -Here you are, sir. -You should cut it if it's over. - Just cut it short. -You've grown it too long. You should get a hair cut. Isn't this a skit? Is it real or what? -You didn't get hair extention, right? - Just cut it short. - Cut it, please. Teacher, if you cut it for me. -Looking at this, it looks like you've grown it out for years. - Yes, you can cut it. -Can I cut it? -Yes, yes. -I think he's really going to cut it. -Uh... -No, he's really doing it. It's real. - I'm really cutting it. - No, yes. -I'm not so good at things like this. I really cut it. -Hey, really cut it. Hey, really cut it. - This is your last chance, the last chance. - You can really cut it, you can cut it. -Cut it, cut it, sir. -Cut it. -He has to get it cut anyway, I think. - Let's just cut it when you're confused like this. - No, but the problem is that if you get it cut, Bo-seong has to get it cut as well. If you ge it cut, it means Bo-seong has to, too. Hey, so just get the penalty points. -All right, all right. - You get penalty points. -Then no, no, no. -Just give him penalty points. -The I will give you 5 penalty points. -Wow, is that a sword? -Yes, it is. -All right, we're going to dance now. Min-yeong will dance. -What kind of dance? -Something upbeat and exciting. -Is she going to do a sword dance? -Wow~ -Wow, what is that? Gosh. -What is that? -More, more. -Wow~ -What's going on? She's coming out now. -It's a nightclub. -What's she doing? -The drunkard is here! -She's in a nightclub. -Ugh! Ugh! -What is she doing? -Oh, is she throwing up? She's good. -Hey, hey. -Spray water, spray water. Spray water, spray water. -Oh, is this what you wanted to see? -You should've told us sooner. -We'll try. We'll do it again. -Anyone can pretend to throw up after drinking. Come on! -Right, right, right. -We'll all take off our shirts. -Okay, okay. -Okay. -They're taken aback. -Jump in whenever you want. -All right. -He's coming. -This is awesome. -Is he entering the club? Is it a club? Is he entering the club? Is it a club? -Hey, what's with your face? -What is this? -Hey! Hey! Hey! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! -Woo hoo~ -Oh, this is disappointing. -You should've killed me at once. -Oh, this stage is disappointing. -You should've killed me at once. -Why? It was all right. -Stabbing me three times didn't look good. -Honestly, it was funny until Seok-jin showed up. -Se-chan. -Why did you bring a sword? -It will be funny when it airs. It's all right. -Gosh, seriously. -We're in trouble. -We'll play the music now. -This is hard. -Here they go. -Oh~ -Oh, oh~ -Yu-jeong is good at dancing. Yu-jeong is good at dancing. -Let's go! -Oh, they're good~ Come on, twerk with her. Ji-hyo, twerk. -Ji-hyo, just copy her. There you go. There you go. Ji-hyo. -We did well. -Good job, Yu-jeong. -We did everything we could. -Jong-guk is showing his special talent. Oh, I love this time, yes, I'm happy. -I'll just… -Please just stand there. Oh, is that a boyfriend style? It's a boyfriend style. It's a boyfriend look, wow. -Ooh. He looks different. Oh, that's a real boyfriend look. -Hey, So-min. How are you doing? Hey, hey, why are you drinking alone? You should've told me. -Oh, I don't know. -I. -Oh, never mind, let me drink. No, give it, give it, give it to me. I'll give it to you. -Why, why? Why, what happened this time? Didn't it work out with him? Talk to me, it's okay, everything is fine. Phew, slow down. Don't drink to fast. No, it's not that. Okay, no, wait a minute. Take it slow, I'll give it to you. What's wrong with you? You've never been like this. What's wrong with you today? -You'll get drunk, don't get drunk too fast. You'll get drunk, don't get drunk too fast. -Oh my... Haha! Haha! Is this a youth drama or what? Haha! Haha! Is this a youth drama or what? It's not that. I just want to get drunk today. -Oh, you can't drink it when you haven't eaten anything. I'd like some of tropical fruits here, please. -Hey, Yong-jin. I'd like some of tropical fruits here, please. -Hey, Yong-jin. Where is this place? Is this a nightclub? Is this a nightclub here? I mean, why are you guys interrupting us? No, it's not that. It feels like it's. I have my own taste, too. -Tropical fruits. -How can you order tropical fruits. I'd like some tropical fruit, please. No, it's not even a dry snack. Where is this place then? -Tropical fruits. Where is this place then? -Tropical fruits. -I mean. Hey, Lee Yong-jin. -Talk to me. Lee Yong-jin is so funny. Oh, me, no, come on. -Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine. No, come on, all of a sudden. It's because I'm upset because you're upset. You didn’t used to be like this. Why are you overreacting today? Tell me everything. What's wrong with you? How did it go? Why did you break up? -Oh, he said he can't date me anymore because our personalities are so different. -Ah, look at So-min it's so fun. So-min is immersed in this situation. -Hey, then. So-min is immersed. I told you. There aren't many people in the world who can fit your personality. Hey, but we're getting along so well. It doesn’t make sense. Hey... That's not it. -You... It'll be nice to umm… What? I think it'll be nice if...you...meet me. What is it? What? What's he doing? I think it'll be nice if you meet me. I think it'll be nice if you meet me. -Ooh~ Wow, that's just my style. -Not bad. -It's okay, it's okay. So cute. It's okay, it's okay. No, it's not that. Ok, that's enough. Hey, never mind just drink it first. -You want me to make ramen? No, I think it will be nice if you meet me. What's wrong with you today? -I... -Oh, I... Wow, look at that Water is running on his chin. I mean, you're kinda weird today. So you regret it? Are you gonna call him back? I called him but he didn't answer. Don't call him from now on, then. How can I not, I want to see him. I want to date him again. It's not that. When you miss someone and, or, you're having a hard time, then...ca..ll me… -Oh, there is a man like that for real. It's possible. He's doing that again. -Good, good, good. What? To be honest with you. What did you say? You want me to call you? No, just listen. I'll be the one who can answer from now on. What do you mean, what's wrong with you? -He pretends to be a tough guy all of a sudden. What's wrong with you? -All of a sudden. He's pretending to be tough as he thinks it works. So-min likes this. -He is the trend. So-min likes this. I told you before, didn't I? -Why? So-min likes this. I was the only one in the world who understands and knows you the best, ever since we were a child. -Oh, I know. But I've been watching you for 20 years. I know, you were always behind me like this. Whiled you met a lot of guys, I didn't meet anyone but waited for you alone. Hey, that's not true. You dated Ji-hyo. You've been dating Ji-hyo for about 3 years. (Singing) Maybe once someday~ You've been dating Ji-hyo for about 3 years. (Singing) Maybe once someday~ What is it? What's this, all of a sudden? I'm sure she'll look me back. I mean, he's just singing not answering her question. He's a robot. (Singing)Waiting behind her back forever~ I couldn't tell you today, either. -Good, good. (Singing) A short word in my heart. -Yong-jin is doing good. (Singing) The word that I love you~ -Ooh. What? Never mind. I think I told my heart to you with singing. Hey, I'm not in the mood to laugh today. Yong-jin, I'm really not in the mood to laugh. I'm serious. Enough, enough. -It's not that, what do you think of me then! -Looks, looks like a wack now. That's a wack. You wack. -Why, he's cool! -Oh, my man. -Stop, stop. No, he's cool, he's cool. Yong-jin, you did a good job. Look at him, look at him, he's real.. -Standard, just standard. He was so perfect and so funny. Wow, that's... -I think you can go in a light way. -I think you can just go in a light and mild way. -Yes, yes. -We'll keep it light and mild. -You can go in a light way. -Really. You don't have to be funny. It's light here. Hey. -Hi. Why are you drinking alone? I'm in a bad mood today. -Why? What's going on? I broke up with my boyfriend. Boo... Hoo… -She's getting, she's getting immersed. Me, too. I must have a drink, too. I can't hold it. Why are you drinking? I'm going to get drunk today. So take me home safely today, okay? Boo hoo… Let me have a drink first and then think. -Hahahahaha~ Hahahahaha~ -Oh, this. You're doing this again? Wow, it's... it's... -Ah. -Oh, you laughed, you laughed. She laughed, she laughed. -Wow, that was such a critical hit. -Wow, it's almost forgotten. Humors must be repeated to be fun. It's a repeating humor, brother. Humors must be repeated. -He's, he's an expert. Wow, this, this is. -You look beautiful the most when you smile. It's like, no, it's not that. I'm serious. Hey, hey, what's wrong with you? I'm really laughing because of you. I'm laughing because of you. Thank you. Thank you. I should have listened to you. You once told me that…. -Bro, it's time. It's time, now. (Singing) She maybe look me back once someday. Waiting behind her forever. -We know, Si-gyeong is such a wonderful singer. So nice. -Oh, he's so good. Wow, it's over. (Singing)Waiting behind her back. -Si-gyeong is a great singer. He was a bit buttery, though. -Anyway I'll sing and do a lot of things for you today, so refresh yourself. Why didn't you stop me? From dating him? I couldn't stop you because it seemed like you really liked him. -Ooh. This is a drama. It's good for you to meet someone you like. Kiss her. (Together) Kiss? Hey, bro! It's good for you to meet someone you like. Kiss her. (Together) Kiss? Hey, bro! That makes sense! Hey, you punk! Hey, don't get too into it! No, why, why, why? It's the climax now. Hey, don't get into it. No, I'm enjoying it. Why! What, are you crazy? -You've been doing this. You're immersed, aren't you? What's wrong with you, all of a sudden? What do you mean he should kiss? -Time's up! -OK. He was fine, too. Si-gyeong. His humor was so great. -Wow, we had some important moments. -The ending. The ending was. -Well... First of all, I should've acted drunk. So that I'm gonna look better... -So. It's Song Ji-hyo's turn now. She's sitting in a cafe, and there's a man who got a crush on her. We have... -It's obvious. We have one here. We have a secret, or whatever, anyway we have an ultimate weapon. You do have, you do. -Seok-jin can do this. -Wow... -Ji Seok-jin. -Nananana~ What is it? Is this you? Jeez. -I think I'd be more playful in this situation. I'm sorry, but I like it so much. Rather than this, I'm just saying, "Oh pretty, what are you doing?" Oh pretty, what are you doing? Hey... This is... I hate it, it's the worst. I hate it. -Wow, isn't that like, like a bully? -It's just a bully. -Oh, are you having fun~? Oh, isn't this a little more relaxing? -Starting with Yang Se-chan. Starting with Se-chan? -It starts right after he comes out. -Go for it. I'm looking forward to it. This is a cafe, isn't it? I'm looking forward to Se-chan. -Se-chan, go for it. Yes, it doesn't really happen much. And I don't think it can. -It's all about who does it, what matters is which person can do this. What's going on here. What's going on here. Hell, I love this fresh air here. Huh? Oh, this... Oh, my god. -He's so cool. Something's... What, you got a problem? Pardon? No, you're... What, you got a problem? -How can he be a character strong like this? -He's so cool. Bring me a beer here. -He's so tough. What the, who is this? Oh, my god. I shouldn't have bought this flower. I have flowers over there. Here you go. I fell in love with you at my first sight. Well umm, this is… I'm getting a little shy. Take it first. -Let's hear what he says first. -Just, just take it. Seriously. -Ji-hyo, first of all, Ji-hyo seems a little angry. Can I have a seat next to you? Can I? -Ah, yes. Bring me a beer, quick. Where is this neighborhood, and what is this dialect? -Nice to meet yall. What does he mean "Yall"? -Nice to meet you. Why are you being alone in this place? I just wanted to be alone today. Do you have a boyfriend? -Boyfriend? No, not yet. If you don't have one, why don't you have a drink with me today? -It's the worst. That's so rude. What do you think? Hey, that's so rude. -It's the worst. Hey, this isn't it. Oh, this is the worst. What do you think? Having a drink with me? But it feels somehow addictive to me. -He's attractive. -Oh, my God. How can we drink together? We just met today. It's fun. -I know. I'm a fine person, so there won't be any problem. Here's your beer. Wait, wait, wait, wait... Why did it take so long. Why did it take so long. -Today... There you go... There you go... That's it. That's the way, that's the way. That's how we go. Why is it so wet here? Where I'm hit is so wet. What are you doing not leaving? -That's how it goes. -You should've brought it quick. Quick. So that I can drink it cold. Hey, you have to serve him quick. You have to go like that. -Quick quick… Just leave. -Wow, this is. -That expression. That expression. Yes. Ji-hyo didn't say a word, what the... It was hard to find her taste. Good, good. It was difficult. Wow, it was so good. It's so funny. -That was a perfect timing. -Gwang-su was a perfect partner at that moment. It's so funny. You guys prepared a short comedy. Thank you, bro. Oh, it was a tough fight again. It was so tough. -Oh, it's too burdensome. Are they done there? Is it my turn? -Our member Seok-jin has years of experience. Yes, yes. -Seok-jin will go smoothly from the start, probably. Yes, it's too, too loose. Wow. -Oh, I'm scared. -Oh no. Hey, there's even a tattoo. It's a tattoo. -Mom. I'm going crazy right now. -First of all, he got the wrong start. I had that thought. If there's someone you like, I'll definitely ask her for a date. -He reset his settings. -Mom, mom. You like me, to be honest. What? You like me, don't you? Honestly, you like me. Hell no, were you here, Ji-hyo? What? Who the hell are you? What are you? No, I need to give you some tips. I'll give you some slap tips. I got no choice. -Ice, red bean, rice cake. Ice, red bean, rice cake. Ice, red bean, rice cake. - Why, why. -It doesn't end. I just went and ate quickly and finished. Let's do that. - Can I turn it over instead? - I can't turn it upside down. I'm not here right now. I don't have any money to turn it over. I know. Jae-seok, where did you go? Where'd he go? Huh? What? What? - Plotting a scheme. Do you want me to go over there? - Let's go. Where's Jae-seok? -Stop chasing. Huh? -Why? What, what's the setup? Let's see, let's hear. Let's hear it, let's hear it. What happened? Let's see, let's hear. Let's hear it, let's hear it. What happened? How could this be? You can convince him of this? - Sir, Seok-sam's in a good place. - Seok-sam in a good place. - No! Oh, Seok-sam! - No! Seok-sam! - Win it! - Oh, my God. You promised to be healthy. - You can't even eat the patbingsu -Seok, Seok-sam. We're almost there. Seok-sam must have become crow food by now. More for us to eat. Yeah, more for us to eat. - I thought it would be better to shorten one mouth. - Better to reduce one mouth. That's right. Good job. Oh, my. - You and I just shouted Feelchok Cross. - First, you went before me. - He left first, he left first. You went before me. -OK, good. - Can I sit down? What? - Can I sit down? - Sit down. Please sit in a straight line. They want you to sit in a straight line. Is it mine? - Seok-sam... -OK, good job. - Now, Song. Go and the sticks. Please balance it out. - Okay. No, you sit down. Hey! What is there? Look -It's Seok-sam, Seok-sam. - Seok-sam is here. Seok-sam is here. Seok-sam came back alive. What is it? - That's Seok-sam It's a ghost! You're not Seok-sam , are you? It's a ghost! - Why? It's a ghost! It's a ghost! You're not Seok-sam, are you? - Why? Seok-sam is dead. Seok-sam Is this real or what. I'm dead? This is real. I can't touch it. Seok-sam. Why would I die? Seok-sam…. How did the story go? Please go up. Seok-sam! Please go up. Seok-sam! We're gonna let you go, go! - How is the story going? Please go up. Seok-sam! - We'll let you go, go. You're dead, Seok-sam-mamamamama. - How can I die? No, how did the story. Stop it now, stop it. Hey Seok-sam, where's the rice cake? What? What's this? Why is it so small? Rice cake. Sir, this is too little. Is this rice cake underneath? - Not that's not it. - How did you get the rice cake? - Everything's possible, why not me? Here's the machine. - Ah~ -(Singing) I love you~ - What is it? What's wrong with you all of a sudden? What is it? -Let's have a drink. -What's up with Jeon Somin? Why all of a sudden? That's very annoying. What are you doing? - It's so funny. -I thought it was Seokjin. - It's so funny. -Hey, I'm reminded of the past. -Old memories. -Oh, I love it. - I like 'Me to you, you to me' by Jatanpung. -I'm actually really tired right now, but I can't stay still because of the music. -Seokjin, was it Jatanpung? -Yes, that song. I want to reminisce about the past. - Okay. - Hyung. - It's raining~ - Oh~ Woah~ -If you go, just. -Korean Thanksgiving. - With Sechan. - Sechan follows along. - Sechan follows along. -Me to you~ - He follows along. -Somin is a real gangster. - Hey, really. -She's a singing gangster. She comes out on every situation. - That's amazing. - She has a situation for everything. - That's amazing. This is why I like Somin. Wow, there are different stories for each song. -That's why I like it. -It's funny. -This song is making me cry. I'm tearing up. -You're tearing up, right? -(Whistle) -Sighs -It's coming, it's coming. -That's right, yes. I think you'll do well. -Hey, hey! Hey! You're there and I'm here. -You're there and I'm here. -Give and take again. Go back and forth again. -Are you there? -I'm here. I am here. -Wait, I'm falling down. My mentality is shaking here. I think I saw it wrong. -Jeon So Min is amazing. -You're great. -It's really great. You're a great kid. -I'm here. -She is a great kid. -You have to give her a prize. You have to give her an award. -Oh~ -It's coming, it's coming, it's coming. -Hey, you're just desperate to win love. -It's love power. It's love power. -Hey. -Do well, do well. -Oh, he's doing it, Sechan. -It was good. It's done. -OK, OK. It's done, done. Wow! -This is delicious. -I think this is short rib patties. This pancake is so -Did you two come to visit your in-laws? -The food suits my taste. -Really? -Yes, father. You don't fit in with our house. -Let's eat in silence. -You don't fit in with our house. -Dad, can you tell me the recipe for this? I want to make it for my hubby. -Oh, yeah. The recipe for this? -Yes. -I ordered it from a Korean restaurant in front of our house. -Yes. -If you want to find out, ask the chef yourself. -What should I do? -Women... What should I do? -Jeon Sobari is out from our team. -Yes, we should go for the women's round. -Now, let's love Cho Junho once. -Rival, rival. -Let's go Jihyo. -Yes, Jihyo, you should go. -But Jihyo is really strong. -Jihyo looks like a player right now. -Jihyo. -She's a real player. -Really. -Right? -You're -Don't think about anything else. -Right now. -What's wrong with her? -She was immersed. -She's so into it. -What's the reason? -Brother! -Please stop talking to her. Stop giving her a cause. -She's not going to do it. -Just do it, just do it. -Just do it! -She's so funny. -Are you gonna be okay? -The posture is good. -Way to go, Neunggok. -Go for it! -Go for it, Mapo! -Mapo! -Go, Mapo! -Jihyo is. -Take it off! -Wow, she's so manly now. - Seoi-nage, Seoi-nage. -Somin, you're doing well. Inner legs. Inner legs. Inner legs. -Wait, wait! -Inner legs. Inner legs. Inner legs. -Wait, wait, let me take it off. I'll take it off, I'll take it off, I'll take it off, I'll take it I'll take it off, please. -Hey, hey, hey! -I'll take it off, please. -Hey, don't! Don't do it! -Hey, how can you take it off yourself! -Jeon Somin. -Hey, don't! Don't do it, hey! Hey! -Hey! -Cover me, cover me. -Hey, stop it! -Jihyo. Jihyo. - The possible points are all given out. -(Whistle) -Ah, I really... -Wow, she's good. -It's hard, right? -You're too strong You're too strong Kwon Yuri. -Wow~ Wow, he's the national representative's visual. -OK, OK! OK! -How many? -OK. -I can't count. -(Laughter) -Shaved hair. - There must be some stories. -The start is good, the start. -Sechan, you have to shake that off. -Hey, Sechan, finish it. -Haha, you're strong. -What's with the look. -Hey you know Haha doesn't have any strength, right? -Look at his eyes. It's so scary. -Wow, Haha oppa. -Ha Dong Hoon is impressive! -He looks like a pro. -Finish it, finish it. -Let's go! -What's wrong with him? -I'll give you 3 points for pants because it's hard to get a top. -OK. -Get ready. -(Whistle) -There you go. -Good, good. -Win, Yang Sechan!
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 1,484,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Runningman, #런닝맨, #보필PD, #예능맛ZIP, Gary, Haha, Jeon So Min, Ji Seok Jin, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, RunninMan, Runningman, SBS, Song Ji Hyo, Yang Se Chan, Yoo Jae Suk, runningman, sbs, yt:cc=on, 김종국, 레전드, 멈추지않는토크, 본방송, 비하인드, 송지효, 애드리브, 양세찬, 예능맛ZIP, 예능맛집, 웃음참기, 유장꾸, 유재석, 이광수, 전소민, 지석진, 최신화, 런닝맨, 상황극
Id: 7b3wflddmXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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