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By the way, Seok Jin! I'm glad to see you healthy. We'll get going now. Okay... We should go back before a traffic jam... You didn't have to visit me for an end of the year. (Running Man Role Play.ZIP 3) (This program contains indirect or virtual advertisements.) (At the time of 1962,) (Started with selling gourd bowls in the corner of a market,) Korea's export... Excessively high interest... IMF, International... During the IMF Crisis... It established new goals for the 40th anniversary of the founding. Soonbak Group grew up as a conglomerate like this. (The chairman of Soonbak Group who died not long ago...) (left a will to his sons and daughters.) (So the Soonbak Group family has gathered...) What time is it? Why are these punks not here yet? I gotta give them a lesson. What time is it? (1-0, the eldest son Jee Seok Jin) By the way, should I make a pool in front of this place? (Three people are coming in while complaining.) Oh my gosh. (1-1, the second son Yu Jae Seok) Oh, this man is... (1-2, the third son Kim Jong Kook) - Oh, it's cold. - I'm busy today. (1-3, the fourth son Haha) Why did they call me? (1-5, the second daughter Song Ji Hyo) (The daughter the chairman cherished the most) (1-6, the third daughter Jeon So Min) What's going to happen now? (And... the youngest son) (1-7, the youngest son Yang Se Chan) The seven siblings gathered at the eldest son's house. (Luck decides) Why are they not coming? My gosh. Why are they not coming? There they come. Why are you so late? Well... Hey, you... How old are you? (His younger brothers are coming in under a cold atmosphere.) - Me? - Judging with that hat, you must be the youngest. - How old are you? - I'm the second. Oh, the second? (The second son dressed up like a kid.) - How have you been, brother? - We're a family. Why were you so late? Don't block the camera! Hey, how many years have you been in the industry? Why are you blocking the camera? - Why did you call us? - 'Call us?' - Where do I sit? - It's an important day... - Come and sit here, Jong Kook. - Come and sit here. - Seok Jin! - Why? Why did you not prepare any food...? - Hey, it's just for tea. - What do you mean? I prepared sandwiches for you! Our family don't eat sandwiches!! No, well... He really doesn't suit a character of a rich! Because I've never been rich... - I don't know what to say. - This role play is... Since we're not a conglomerate family... It's not easy. I came here by a helicopter and I was cold. Because we're self-made, it's hard to play such a role. To be honest, We all grew up in poor families. When I was little, my mom used to give me hot water... and I washed up in the kitchen... - Oh, you're here. - What? She looks like Jung Hye Young. Yeah, she does. (Their sister enters.) -ki's mother - She does? - Yes. Joong Ki's mother. - Am I Joong Ki's mother? - It's <AM Plaza>! - She's Patti Kim! - AM Plaza. She's barefooted! It's winter now. Don't they need to change her voice? (She came in barefooted in winter.) I'm sorry but are you wearing a UFO? (No comment) Hey youngest. Seok Jin, I stopped by the salon today... - Why did you go to the salon? - Granpa!! - "Granpa?" - Granpa. I'm the oldest son. Our father passed away... Oh.. None of us were rich... We don't know what a rich's life is. What kind of a rich dress like this? - Are you a painter or what? - Jong Kook also... - How come he's a rich? - He looks like a bodyguard. Nice to see you. No way. Driver Yang! Driver Yang, you aren't supposed to be here. (The youngest son) He doesn't look like a rich at all. (I'll be the one to buy Soonyang.) (What a miscasting) I heard someone over there call me 'Song Choong Yi'! Drive Yang! (Song Joong Ki of Soonbak fall into a harmful insect.) Hey Woong's father, sit down. Hey, you are... He's like the uncle of the friend of the youngest son of a rich family! The most ugly friend of the uncle. - I'll be the one. - Then, will Seok Jin... - be inheriting the company? - No, that's not it. No, I'm the one who'll be inheriting the company! Didn't you watch the drama? - Today I talked with my lawyer. - It's all mine. Why isn't anybody here to greet me? (At that time) I'm freezing to death. (Someone is here to inherit the company.) I'll make an announcement when everyone arrives. - No way!! - Who is it? - No way. - My gosh. Hey, sis! (They're surprised with the guest.) - Jin Hwa Young! - Shin Rok! But I bought the Soonyang Department Store. (Jin Hwa Young..??) - She's the real rich. - Hello. - Shin Rok! - Seriously? Our second... No, third. (The real rich has come.) - Gosh, it's been a while! Why haven't you been in touch! - What are you doing!? She's my family! - What are you talking about? - He's my brother. What's wrong? She's my sister. PD : I will now read the last will and testament. Oh, finally. - It's our father's legacy. - By Chairman Jin Yang Cheol. (Who will inherit Soonbak Group's assets?) - Are you a lawyer? - You're promoted. He's Hype Boy. (The dancing lawyer enters.) - He's Hype Boy. - He dances so well. He dances well. - Are you all here? - Yes. Then I will read... He acts so bad, right? The bottom and the top.. They seem like dancer pants. They're too wrinkled. He'll act so poor. - What's with the chin hairs? - Are... Are you all here.. - Yes, we're all here. - Yes. - You can see that we are all here. - Then, from now on... I will now read the last will and testament... left by the CEO of Soonbak Group. Oh, it's Soonbak Group. The last will. I can't wait. I have watched Seok Jin execute his business projects over the years. And I have decided to abolish the rule of the eldest-inheriting. (There is no more the eldest-inheriting!) No, father..! I showed you such a possibility. Luck decides everything. The luckiest one will inherit Soonbak Group. By luck? You, So Min, and I won't make it. I'm giving you eight subsidiary companies and you'll share it yourselves. Raise it as much as you can and become the true successor of Soonbak Group. (The fate of the successor depends on luck..?) Okay, I got it. - What is it? - What is it? The subsidiary companies. Our father loved the adorable things. He had too many lines for someone who acts poor. You should've danced <Hype Boy> while exiting. Let's check. Oh, we have a rental care company. That's nice. And an investment company. - Electronics. - That's the one. A cultural foundation. - There's also FC Soonbak. - That's mine. We own a soccer team. - Soonbak Entertainment. - Oh, I want that one. And Soonbak Daily. So there's a newspaper company too. And a pension. (The shares for each subsidiary will be revealed after dividing the companies!) Brothers. I don't want much. - I just felt like... - Really? Then you can have a pension! (He got a pension.) Doesn't he run one? - Just go and cook some meat for us. - Can you start a barbecue fire? Go out and start a fire for us. I'll take the entertainment and get lost. Give it to me! - "I'll take the entertainment and get lost." - Entertainment? - Then... - Oh, let's divide them together... Entertainment. - Why are you sharing them to us? - Shouldn't we play rock-paper-scissors or something? We should get what we're interested in. - I.. I want the electronics.. - What? You want the electronics? Seok Jin is the only one who graduated from a four-year college... among us. He's a well-educated man. He learnt a lot so... Let's give him the cultural foundation. Hey, that was the worst one in the drama. This is what they offered to Joong Ki's father! - I don't want this! - But it turned out to be a good one. I don't want the pension, too!! Hey, it has three rooms! - It's better than just a pension. - It's just a cabin!! Hey, list it on Airbnb. - List it on Airbnb. - You said we're rich. - You can earn 1,000 dollars a month. - Okay, then let's share these again. Shin Rok. What do you want to have? I want the electronics! Everyone wants the electronics. Let's just decide randomly. - I need to make a money. - It's a profitable. Okay, wait. Since Shin Rok wants the electronics, Let those of who want the electronics play rock-paper-scissors. - Let's do it. - All right. Then... - Play rock-paper-scissors. - Who wants Soonbak Electronics? Rock-paper-scissors. (Scissors) (Scissors) (Rock) (Rock) (Haha and Seok Jin lost.) - The winner gets the company? - Yes, the winner. Rock-paper-scissors. (Screaming) (Desperate) Hey, just give it to her. Give her the electronics. - You heard her screaming. - The 1st person to win 2 rounds. Just give it to her~ - Okay, this is... - No, it's fine. - Just take it, Shin Rok. - You can have it. Really? The former is the biggest (Kim Shin-rok inherits Soonbak Electronics) - I want the entertainment.. - I want it, too! Since So Min was the first one who said she wanted it, - she gets the entertainment agency. - Thank you, Jae Seok. Jae Seok, I want the daily. - The daily? - Yes. - Okay. - Okay, the daily. - How about the Investment? I want it. - Here you go. This is good. Give Jong Kook the soccer team. You can have this. - FC Jong Kook. It sounds so nice. - That's right. Hey, give it to me. (Rental Car Company, Cultural Foundation, and the pension are left.) Rental Car Company. Give me the Rental Car Company! I might get the pension. (Haha doesn't want to get the pension.) Well, let's... Let's choose them randomly. Okay, that's a good idea. You choose first. - I want the middle one! - The middle one? The Cultural Foundation. - That's not bad. - That sounds cool. I think the pension is the worst one. (Who'll be the owner of the pension..?) I got the Rental Car Company. I got the pension. By the way! I'm glad to see you healthy. We'll get going now. Okay... We should go back before a traffic jam... You didn't have to visit me for the end of the year. You didn't have to. Seeing you doing good after retiring... ​​(Jee Seok Jin (58) / Yangpyeong resident) ("The rooms are all empty.") - I'm glad I came to see you though. - Isn't the floor warm and nice? We could come here sometimes. There are many rooms here. Do you remember that you said you couldn't do it anymore after the award show... That's right. It's already been ten years. (Jee Seok Jin (68) / Retired Comedian) Ji Hyo, you still don't have a boyfriend... - She got married! - I have a baby, too. Really? I didn't know that. Her child is going to elementary school. - After I retired... - I didn't think you would participate this skit. - You must have gotten married right after I retired. - That's right. You're right, Seok Jin. Seok Jin, well I... I'll have 30 grand awards if I get one more. (Bitter) He kept receiving it. - You must've received one every year~ - I worked very hard. - I worked hard. - Yeah, you always do your best. - I... - Gosh... Excuse me... It's comfortable. Oh... This reminds me of my grandma... Okay! You should get up when I have a cramp! Okay, because you're Cramp Seok Jin! I'll get up when you have a cramp. (Other opinions) PD : A man who doesn't get nervous even when he sees a pretty woman. Why? - PD : It means that he pretends he's not interested in her. - Because he's sly! But women hate it when a man shows his interest too. - If women hate both things, what should we do? - They hate everything. What should we do? Is there a halfway point? You shouldn't compliment the beautiful woman - until that makes your girlfriend upset. - That's right. - But it'd be weird if you hide it. - Then should we share? Oh, my. Can you be that confident? I mean... you shouldn't react whenever you see a pretty girl... "Wow." "WOW!!!" Honey, look at her! She's damn pretty! You shouldn't do this. When your girlfriend asks you... What would you say? "She's stylish." "How about I dress like that?" - How about I dress like that? - I don't think it suits you. Why? You said she looked pretty. That suits her... Are you saying that I'm ugly? No, that's not it. You have your own style. But you said she looked stylish. He messed up. He fell into a hole. - Since you like her style, I want to try it. - I like the way you are. You don't have to follow her. - But you never said I looked pretty. - Just tell her that she's pretty. I can't... I can't say you're prettier... - "I can't say you're prettier..." - He isn't good at improvising in a situation like that. You shouldn’t overdo it, but I'm being honest. (Q. When you want some alone time, What to say to go home on a date?) Can we start right away? - Let's begin right away. - We're ready. Saying that I'm not feeling well. Pretending to be sick! Pretending to be sick. I'm sick♪(??) You can say it two days before... You can pretend to be sick two days before. But strangely you actually start feeling unwell. You get sick for real. I'm not feeling well. I'm sick. PD : It's ranked second! Oh, the second. (They need to get the 1st, 3rd, and 5th to get scores.) Let me answer!! Something happened at home. - Such as "My parents need me home." - A memorial service. - "A memorial service" must be the answer. - Something happened at home. (Correct) (Rae Won got the 3rd-ranked answer.) A memorial service. - Something happened at home. - Oh, "Something happened at home." I think he has said that as an experience before. Have you ever told that lie? That your parents need you home. I... No... - Really? - Yes. To be worse, You pretend to answer a call. "Can you stop by a market and get me something?" And you're like, "Oh, right now?!!". - He's acting... - You start putting on an act. "Yes... What?!" He's too obvious. - You got caught!! - Your acting went on for too long. - "Now?" - She suddenly says, "Hello?" - "Okay, I got it." - Why? What's up? He can't make eye contact with her because he's not a good liar. I should go now. What's going on? (Laughing) He can't tell a lie. (He failed to act.) - He got caught. - No. Why is it always So Min who plays my girlfriend?! She was so natural. And serious. I was so surprised. You can't get out of it. It's like an ant hell. I'd be worried first. "Is everything okay?" No, but... Your eyes... It's as if she were saying, "Look at you trying to fool me." She's like an investigator. She looks like an investigator. Let me answer! This is from my experience. "You don't look well. Why don't you go home?" (Suggesting to go home) Am I correct? "You don't look well. Why don't you go home?" PD : It's ranked 4th. Wow, it really is on the list. - How come we got the 2nd and 4th right? - It's on the list. - It's on the list. - It's a self-fabricated scenario. It's so funny. "You don't look well." "You have dark circles under your eyes." - Even though she feels so well. - So energetic. She even got a massage before meeting him... Let me answer! While driving... - Seok Jin is... - What? - He's very active right now. - I don't even remember the previous questions. Let me answer! Saying you'll take her for a drive and taking her to her house naturally. - And dropping her off at her house. - "Oh, We're at your house." - "Go on in." - He's so good at acting. "How about we have canned coffee?" Like a salmon. - Naturally. - You open the door for her. It would be so sad if I were his girlfriend... He took me for a drive and went to my house. But this is... (Answer(??)) Is it on the list?! - It's ranked 5th. - Really? - It's on the list. - Really? Do some people really do that?! (5th - Taking her to her house secretly) (E Bio once again...?) E Bio was about Trump doing something... Wouldn't the stock price drop for E Bio now? It might go up again, Ji Hyo. It can go up again. - Hello~ - Oh, hi. - I am looking for an SUV I can use with my family. - Oh, you're here for an SUV~ Please come this way. (Used car market opens.) - I've talked with my family. - We have everything from super cars. You look like you know quite well. We have an amazing one that just came in. - Oh, really? - If it's for the family, an SUV super car will suit you well too. Actually, I am a model for a used car company... I'm sorry. I got to buy a car from the company. Then why are you here? I just forgot. - Oh, let me know if there's anyone to introduce me. - Oh.. - I'm sorry. - You've wasted my time.
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 999,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Runningman, #런닝맨, #보필PD, #예능맛ZIP, Gary, Haha, Jeon So Min, Ji Seok Jin, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, RunninMan, Runningman, SBS, Song Ji Hyo, Yang Se Chan, Yoo Jae Suk, runningman, sbs, 김종국, 레전드, 본방송, 비하인드, 송지효, 애드리브, 양세찬, 예능맛ZIP, 예능맛집, 웃음참기, 유장꾸, 유재석, 이광수, 전소민, 지석진, 최신화, 런닝맨, 형인PD, 런닝맨둘이합쳐
Id: sC__I0GMkdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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