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you hear that that's probably a lion this is crazy guys Adventure awaits hello there he hi it's a pleasure to finally meet you yes all right going in for the hug go in for it just get it over with it's nice to meet you yeah you too I'm Candace I'm Joe how was your Walkin like mine was God awful going through the grass I was terrified yeah this is just any Wednesday for me now yeah yours is like established and strong yeah all for sure that is one of my assets got like some kind of super model for my partner when my wife sees my partner I can already feel the side eye in order to last in the deadly African Wilderness Joe and Candice have each selected a survival item all right I got our cutting item perfect and I brought a recurve bow right on they've also received a a pot for hydration and a fire starter this is going to save our day cuz keep I actually think I see that is water in front of us yes I'm so excited we made it Joe and it's got some depth too it's not flowing too fast I think there's a BMA right there there's a whole ACAA back behind it right and then all we have to do is secure this door just make a door yeah keep us safe I like it awesome we're going to try to use this spot cuz the sun's setting on as quickly all right smacky smack smack it's buy time let get after it we stumbled upon like a nearly perfect Bulma already constructed by Nature what we're going to do is clear out the growth up coming up the middle here and then what we're going to do is actually create an addition to this wonderful structure and put some Acacia that's going to be on the Rocks outside to keep ourselves safe and that's where we're going to have our fire create a big heat wall that's going to keep us really warm tonight go woo we have fire yeah good job that's bubble then we are going to Ste on oh boiling water pathogen free this was a solid day to have shelter fire and water all in day one kick a butt oh that is good that's good right is so refreshing I'm so happy you're my partner you have no idea really hope I can kill something for in a couple I got to tell you that'll be so badass so what's our next major deal tomorrow morning right at Sunrise I really just want to like sit water huh just for like an hour movie just what sit water sip sit sit water sit water tell explain to me sit sit water is when you just build the blind oh somewhere right next water that's a cool term I've never heard that sit water yeah so then you just literally sit and wait for the animals to come in and get water and get them you know what I like to do what sit couch all right I'm going to bed yeah good night good good day good day I can't sleep I came out here to hunt and provide for me and my partner if I can provide and we have enough meat I can even show him how to use the bow and hopefully he can have some kills of his own so we can work [Music] together this looks like a a heavy game Trail I'm just trying to figure out which is going to be a better blind for me based on the wind and when they're coming down to drink water my approach to survival is going to be very calculated I want to figure out where the animals come in for water where there's game Trails you know just understand the wind patterns let's check the wind real fast take my time to fully understand my surroundings and then put a plan together for hunting based on this I think I would prefer to be Downstream a little bit I can't wait to get out and Hunt I need some real food if you don't get a kill tomorrow that's okay that's so sweet thank you but I am certain that if one gets within stroking distance uh it's going in our bellies it's different when you go out for sport cuz you know when you come home you're still going to eat whereas when you go out cuz your life depends on it it's making me a little nervous it's a lot of pressure [Music] people think hunter gatherer means Hunter man gatherer woman but she definitely definitely destroyed my stereotypes of women which is good I need that stop right [Music] there [Music] going to push [Music] up waves are so terrible spook together went that way I think he might have t my luck and climb up for this huge tur Hill see if they come back I can hear him kind of like barking in the distance right there I can't com in behind me though literally can't from me but if I [Music] back I don't know what [Music] supp I missed a bush Buck it sucks I'm disappointed to let my partner down I know he was counting on me don't worry about it we're still learning this environment I know a big kill would totally lift both our spirits but uh we have quite a road ahead of us I slaved over a hot campfire for that delicacy Jo Jo see it Crossing he's right in the middle of the river cross cross in to the right see his brown body yeah I think it's extremely far but we need some protein I'm going toland and try to come around back side St and catch my way so I'm just going to keep slowly working my way upst stream till I can close my Gap and get a shot ouch oh my God that one hurt it's terrible making my way through here is really hard my feet are already moving there's Thorns everywhere damn it Thorn got me right in the boo that I would go I feed hurt so bad waste of energy I mean it's just stupid of me to go after that I knew better I can't do this it's just getting worse I can't do this I know you can do it I've been trying try to just push through and be happy and be strong for him but last night was really my breaking point I don't know I want to tap out and go home please don't I'm in a little bit of shock right now I don't want to do this alone man that's I I I want to tap want please I don't want to please one day it's enough I just want to go home okay all right so cute guys okay I will hardest part for me is going to be leaving him and I don't want to leave him you know it's going to be a struggle for him to stay here by himself sucks that's it sucks uh she's tough she's Tougher Than This I know it you hear stuff all night long when you're trying to sleep you got to maintain your fire you know without sleep my mind's not functioning right my body's not functioning right thank you so I just I think it's best if I go [Music] home I want to be alive at the end of this if I don't have that fire going at night you know the animals come knocking if you're not burning so I decided to start working off of a 3w concept that is wood water and what's next what are my larger goals give me a second to get some breaths every time I stand up you know it's a bit of a head rush though what's next a meal [Music] man this is first of hopefully many blind hunts I'm up on a giant termite Hill there's about five trails that Junction right around this termite Hill so I'm just going to sit patiently this is where I saw a Candace sitting so I'm just monkey see monkey do now we play the waiting [Music] game today all mud up a little bit to cover yourself in mud tampers down my scent which is really important right now the blind is solid coverage but you know I can give myself away just for my odors I'm always trying to get an advantage out here so doing the old school military camo with the darks on the high spots the lights in the low spots just don't stand up so fast man there's a bush back water Buck came in about 200 yards in front of me [Music] please too far to shoot with an arrow the wind was kicking around and they picked up my scent when they got about 25 ft before me and Scattered and ran that sucks all these things are against us and these animals are super skittish everyone has a plan in a fight till they get punched in the face this place is a punch in the [Music] face this is becoming an endurance competition not even of survival skills and you know body fat and stuff like that just my mental fortitude he's close L's [Music] close shut up keep try leg my last sunrise here I really want to get moving and get some distance under my belt there's lots of cloud cover but things can change here and the sun can heat up real quick got some sleep last night but you know I feel like Morning enery window is just windling I can already feel the exhaustion heavy breathing come on Joe Focus you can do this we climbed 1 th Hills my energy is waning really really hungry come on it would be nice to wrap it up by now yes oh yes F show this has got to be a road oh I have never wanted a sport utility vehicle to pop out of nowhere ever before zebra pattern just how I like it come on baby come on down woo and this is how you ride in style there's no taking it back no one can ever take away the fact that I walked out of here on day 21 that's how you do it that's ambient [Music] Style
Channel: 디스커버리 픽 - Discovery Pick
Views: 38,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Discovery Channel Korea, discovery, 디스커버리, 다큐멘터리, 다큐, 베어그릴스, Bear Grylls, 디스커버리 채널, 에드 스태포드, Dicovery Pick, 생존, 생존시그널, 허리, 허리 협착, 게, 게 먹방, 바나나, 야생 바나나, 뱀먹방, 뱀, 뱀 먹방, 서바이벌 릴리, survival lilly, 생존유튜버, 유튜버
Id: b3O7oSC9_Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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