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been working pretty hard at getting myself accustomed to being naked but i guess i have to get used to it my friends always see me as someone who i'm considered by the toughest situations i don't know what i'm getting myself into [Music] just four degrees south of the equator the amazon rainforest is home to the most biodiversity on the planet cayman anaconda and piranhas skulk in the lagoons while two million species of insects attack from the ground the question isn't am i ready for the amazon the question is is the amazon ready for me i'm very confident that i will be able to sail through the 21 days i'm planning on gaining weight put that in your pipe and smoke it [Music] i have to pee but i always have to pee when i'm nervous and not only have i taught primitive survival skills to teens i'm also a certified wilderness first responder i worked hard to get here topping out's not an option for me well my whole life has led up to this one moment bye close i'm nervous i am very comfortable with my own nudity i'm shy when it comes to my partner's nudity that's a different story i haven't seen a naked lady in probably close to 30 some years so whoop there it is [Music] i think being attracted to my partner would be a bonus i can only imagine what's going to come next hi hello i'm jake jamie nice to meet you jamie it's hard not to look at all of you sorry i had to tell jamie about 20 times eyes up here sweetie you know as well as a magnesium fire starter jake and jamie have each brought one survival item a little machete not so little how about you would you bring i have my cookery oh i get you do you do a lot of outdoor activities no first time yeah just kidding way to ease yourself in this is not my first outdoor adventure yeah i like that so far i think that we've got like a good thing going we're driving right now as partners i'm not out here searching for a romance but he's a good looking guy too and that's that's a bonus for sure my first impressions of my partner is she's great she's out there working her ass off so i i like that about her positive attitude and a great work ethic that's all i can ask for and a partner [Music] we're just really feeling refreshed today we're excited it's day two refreshed solid 15 minutes of sleep uh i think you got like 25 minutes of sleep okay it might have been 25 i do feel amazing today it's really a dream out here honestly it's kind of everything i was hoping for well this is going well yeah we've been having a lot of fun job's finished we're thirsty we haven't had water for a full day going into this i did say that one of my fears was not having water afternoon goal must get a fire have to boil some water and uh i think we'll both feel quite a bit better if we do that hey look i got dinner oh nice that is a meaty grasshopper that is yeah i just need to get a fire going and we'll be set i'm trying to get a good pile of magnesium because it's a really good tinder we have this cotton stuff that we've been drying out from the tree and this will go on the top of the cotton and we'll start the fire that way i've never not gotten a fire in this way but i've never been in the rainforest trying i'm dead oh shoot [Music] drink some water just like let it fill up and like taco it into your mouth this is like the best rain taco i've ever had that's kind of amazing at least we got some water i i'm i am really concerned about my partner we can't get fire it won't stop raining and jamie's breaking down so my goal is to improve the shelter dramatically i want it completely enclosed both for mosquitoes and rain and warmth we need to re-angle the roof restructure it reline it so it's waterproof please don't leak the love of god i must say my roof was kind of amazing perfectly dry the nights are freezing for me and there's no way i could sleep and i'm really hoping to take a nap during the day today [Music] i don't want to just sit in camp all day i want to be out i want to be active and i want to be successful at this i'm still planning on taking the amazon by storm mark my words the amazon's gonna be my i really want to get some repairs done to the shelter before night falls but she's in there sleeping i don't know part of me wants to wake her up so i can make her shelter better for the both of us but the other part of me knows that she needs the rest but going out and picking six leaves and considering it you know one of her chores for the day that is the kind of activity i'd give to like you know a small child to make them feel like they're doing something the shelter is like not 100 it's definitely feeling some drops but much better [Music] that's gonna change soon [Applause] thanks for bringing in all the bedding listen i do have to say i mean you know for seven days now you've been really cold in here but i haven't done a single thing about it and that's what upsets me you know if something's really bugging me i go out and go after it and solve it i don't just let it take me down i think i'm really feeling like it's like nothing's gonna help i'm gonna be cold no matter what well i mean that's the worst attitude to have out here everything is trial by error if we know there's a possibility that we're going to be warmer for the night why wouldn't we at least give it a go is there something i can do right now i think it's more mentality thing with you it's kind of like you're just owning the misery and being like whatever you know it is what it is you know we're not going to be able to make it any better and i think that's a attitude to have out here okay i'm not like a back and forth drama person sorry i like to digest what someone's saying before i like that's fine i totally understand that but please digest before 21 days is up that's all i ask for i needed her to know that it's time to get off the pot i think i worry about resting so i can store energy for later but i just decided that i'm just gonna tap into that reserve now and i'm gonna use it just not worry about later just worry about now [Music] i come back from cooling off a little bit and lo and behold there is jamie working her ass off just seeing her out there working and you know for the first time really in nine days being a part of the team is is fantastic let's get the hell out of this thank you for putting me in my place no i'm sorry you know what i mean i know i was like scared of being cold and they shouldn't have been because like you're right it wasn't that bad it's not i mean it sucks don't get me wrong but just seeing like coming back and seeing you busting your ass that motivates me so much more thank you welcome we're gonna be good this tree has these nuts around the base and they have a grub growing in a most of them do anyway it's kind of like rainforest popcorn just a lot worse i'm not chewing it so it's probably crawling around in my stomach which is kind of disgusting but i need protein right now i'm making a little basket and i'm gonna bait it with heart of home so maybe officials swim in there fishing is pretty new to me but i've heard that the fish sleep near the shore so i have high hopes for fishing here i've got heart of palm this i think this last one's gonna probably be the softest but the middle piece holy smokes the top part is amazing it feels good oh it's so good oh my gosh this is the best oh my gosh hopefully the heart of palm will be you know enough to give us both a little bit of still energy we have several storms a day and even storing the wood the air is so humid the wood ends up really getting wet so it's a constant battle just to get the materials dry there's like patches of sun and we dry out our tender we have to chase the sun like oh it's five minutes it's right there okay move everything okay move everything it's really difficult several of these items we've been drawing for days now so uh hopefully they're they're dry enough to do the trick [Music] oh my gosh fire like this is amazing it feels so good so our extraction point is definitely out in the middle of water in between anaconda and piranha and cayman yeah swimming does seem risky we should definitely build a floatation device the biggest step to getting this raft done is finding the correct logs that we're gonna use that are buoyant dizzy i hate feeling like this i am a very energetic person i love working hard i love working out and to be in this situation scary [Music] don't go away don't go away yes sir jake's lost a lot of weight i'm losing weight too i'm really worried about him with the grub nuts i made sure that like he ate more grubs than me just by like telling him i already had some that kind of thing um if you don't mind i'm gonna just put my feet up for like five minutes i don't mind okay he really pushes himself really hard and he's completely oh my god it really hurts it hurts so bad out of here [Music] oh i actually i actually know this fruit i actually know the fruit oh my gosh see how it looks like an apple that's them they're called water apples these are actually one of my favorite fruits and i just found them in the amazon pig's going to love it i just had like a dream and it was reality you found some food yes just a little breakfast in bed right here and it's huge that's not even a big one just just try it out oh my god it was so good i've been concerned about you and i only feel good even if the feeling doesn't last i want it i feel just elated that i'm the one that can put a smile on jake's face so there's still some more in the tree yeah they're high up okay ready yeah okay you got it yeah you can step on my shoulder if you need to it's raining apples yes right into the pile hey you hanging i feel like i'm gonna put my brains out tomorrow and i'm so excited about that [Music] today we have to finish building and testing out our raft tomorrow's extraction and if this thing doesn't float we're screwed [Music] there might be an anaconda in this murky water this is scaring them out of me let's just go out a little bit okay what's going on holy you might want to get off [Music] yes we are seizing the day i'm not used to cooking rotisserie tarantula it's uh all new to me but uh jamie and i have food and we are rocking it going into this last day so bon appetit i'm gonna have a little leggy [Music] definitely get a charred meat flavor in there it tastes a little bit like burning hair but little protein punch and uh check that off the bucket list do you have children no children nope never been married so it looks like we're gonna have to go through quite a ways of the marshy stuff i think we'll be fine as long as the raft holds together all right i'm like 100 nervous about getting in this water okay oopsies oh that feels perfect in my butt they're piranha there's anaconda there's cayman out here and you do have to take that into serious consideration a nice cold rain it's freezing [Music] i see a boat oh my goodness as new challenges come my way in my life i will reflect on this experience i don't know that i'd say that the amazon was entirely my i will say this if the amazon was a person it would be this like really hot beautiful sexy exotic woman and then you get to know her and she's just this huge i don't miss the cold and i don't miss the rain this is home it definitely feels like the right place for me to be right now it's looking like i came home with quite a little souvenir looks like i got something sexy and exotic something like a little dengue or a little malaria i'm sorry i had to tell jamie about 20 times eyes up here sweetie put that in your pipe and smoke it [Music] do you have children no children nope never been married i am a flaming homosexual [Music]
Channel: 디스커버리 픽 - Discovery Pick
Views: 2,699,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Discovery Channel Korea, discovery, 디스커버리, 다큐멘터리, 다큐, 베어그릴스, Bear Grylls, 디스커버리 채널, Discovery Survival, 에드 스태포드, 알몸 생존, 처음보는 남녀 21일 생존, 남녀 생존, 부부생존단, 생존시그널, 생존 시그널, 생존, 생존 먹방, 물고기 먹방, 우마, 윽박, 최고다 윽박, UMA, 자연인, 채집, 수렵, 사냥, 불, 불피우기, 생존시그널 원본, 던좌, 3주 생존, 생존시그널 나무위키, 생존시그널 오리지널, 미국, naked and afraid, 옷 없이 생존, 먹방, 생존시그널 미국, 네이키드 어프레이드, 네이키드 앤 어프레이드, 물, 스트레인저, 짝, 하트시그널, 반전, 개미, 야자 순, 사과, 메뚜기, 아마존, 아마존 생존, 아마조니아, Amazon, 정글, 정글 생존, 거미, 거미 먹방, 식스센스, 카이저쏘제
Id: pAe2689PdGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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