🔞從中國留學生,變風俗業最強「案內人」!歌舞伎町傳奇人物「李小牧」來啦!@leekomaki 《神秘職業大揭秘》EP022|志祺七七

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Back in Kabukicho, there were 22 designated gangs, and every street was controlled by people, so you had to deal with many people. I was kidnapped before, which was not good. The Shanghai gang, the Beijing gang , and the Northeast gang also came to kidnap me . The Japanese gang also kidnapped me. It was only tied for half an hour , how did the other 3 come out ? I was on the second floor and saw that the streets were full of people who came to save me. I went out in half an hour , and then we 3 because of this incident. The team asked them for money and asked for 10 million. Hello, everyone. I am Zhiqi. Welcome back to our mysterious occupation. The occupation we will introduce today is very special, especially our Japanese Kabukicho case. It is an honor to invite us today. A legend. He is a writer, the owner of a dancer restaurant , and he has been elected as a city councilor in Japan. More importantly, he is a professional insider who has traveled through Kabukicho for 30 years. Today he will come to share with us the secrets of Kabukicho. First, Mr. Li, please introduce yourself to our audience. Hello, everyone. I am Li Xiaomu. Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for giving me this opportunity to meet you. Generally, Taiwanese people may be quite unfamiliar with the term "insider", so can you briefly introduce it first? What kind of things are the insiders doing ? In fact, the insider is the tour guide. The guide explains the way. The abbreviation means that the person in the case is the night tour guide. OK. In fact, what the night tour guide will do. I am in Kabukicho. I call it It’s called the University of Utah for short , each subject , each department , and each different store helps it to be a tour guide for the university. That ’s right. Mr. Li actually lived in China before he was in his 20s. How did he go to Japan and become a Kabukicho case? In December of 1987, my wife said that I was locked up for one night , so I thought I couldn’t stay there any longer, so I really absconded?! This "abscond" is "absconded" in quotation marks , and then I arrived in Japan What is the first job in Japan ? Because I came to study abroad. I still have time to work in a restaurant. They don’t want me because I don’t know Japanese, so I just work as a cleaner in a love hotel. How did the workers transfer to the custom industry? I was working as a cleaner in a shop that happened to be in Kabukicho, and I also had a second job distributing paper and napkins on the street. When there are foreigners , I’m handing out napkins. When I see foreigners, I point my finger. He said, “Take me there, take me there.” They also tip me . I think the tip he gave is my hour’s wages. I pointed like this. It means that it costs 1,000 yuan to walk back in 5 minutes. I stand there and distribute papers for an hour, and it only costs 1,000 yuan. I said that I should do this independently, so I invented this job and profession that foreigners lead the way for foreigners . I feel that some audience friends here may not know what kind of place Kabukicho is , so can you also introduce to us here why such guidance is needed in Kabukicho and what kind of environment it is like Kabukicho should be said like this. It is 600 meters long and 600 meters wide . There are 5 streets, which is equal to 0.5 square kilometers . There are 5,000 stores in this area. The hotel also has international cuisine for food. There are a total of 5,000 shops in a large hotel . Between weekdays, there are 300,000 people who go to Kabukicho every night. If there are 500,000 people on weekends , it's crazy. So it's a big tax warehouse. Which is legal? Which ones are illegal and which ones are legal and which ones are illegal ? In fact, in Kabukicho, the bubble baths we talked about are actually licensed. There were only 4 of them in the Showa era. There were only 4 of them , and there were those. There are also regulated licenses for massage massage , and there are only 2-3 or 3 strip clubs that are directly related to sex. Back then, there were 3 strip clubs that could only open until 12 o’clock, so it’s okay to be naked. It belongs to the second category of custom shops that have something to do with sex. They are just to accompany you. Some of them can sit next to you. Whether it’s a woman with a man or a man with a woman, there is a Cowherd shop. We are called Cowherd and Weaver Girl and the one across the bar is called スナック (sunakku) キャバクラ (kyabakura) is sitting next to you スナック (sunakku) is sitting opposite you. The type of license is also different. Just now in such a small place There are so many stores in one place , I can imagine that the competition should be very, very fierce . Of course, this reminds me of another thing. In my impression, Japan is a very, very exclusive nation, and it should be a very small minority at that time. Maybe even the only foreigner in the case, how did he survive in the environment of all Japanese ? Just deal with them. At the beginning, I didn’t know. You see, my nose is crooked. Did you see this ? The bridge of the nose is crooked. This is to grab the territory . The blacks (gangsters) robbed my territory. I deal with the Japanese because I am 63 this year after all . I was born in 60. China’s Cultural Revolution started in 66. I saw that scene of those adults fighting and those things, so if I go to Kabukicho and compare it, I think Japan is okay and very simple (゚∀゚) Even if it is a gangster , or I treat him to go Drink a coffee , or he pays the bill to drink a coffee. There are several famous coffee shops in Kabukicho that are the stronghold of these people. Didn’t it mean that at the beginning it was just scolding and beating or even being able to do it, or it was the last option ? When talking like this, are there any eyebrows or some unspoken rules to pay attention to? Of course , it’s because you didn’t know it just now, so I will After being chased by Japanese solicitors, I knew I needed to find a backer There is also a supervisor in the upper half of that street, and another supervisor in the lower half. This corner is also a supervisor, so you have to deal with a lot of people. Of course, some are benefits and some are favors . Because I am the earliest, I am even older than some gangsters. It was early so they greeted me Anyway, I have a gangster who walks with me and they say I am with him and don’t bother me so I just deal with them and it’s easier to fight . At first, it was the Fujian gang, and then the Shanghai gang, the Beijing gang , and the Northeast gang also came to kidnap me. The Japanese gang also kidnapped me for only half an hour. How did it come out? The other three were my backers. I was in that second gang. When I saw the building , I had just entered for half an hour. I said I wanted a cigarette, but I didn’t give it up. Later, I saw that they were all here to save me. I felt relieved when I saw it. I asked him for a cigarette. At this time, he might sense someone. Save me and give me a cigarette, I went out for half an hour, those who want my site for the street, for the benefit Just dragged me from the ground. My suit was 100,000 yuan. The suit I just wore was ruined , and then I was compensated 100,000 yuan. It wasn’t him. Later, because of this incident, our 3 groups asked them for money , but they didn’t give it to me . Gave me 100,000 bucks so they used me to get kidnapped How much does it cost to be kidnapped 3 groups have to be divided but after going through these things my status is more secure why why is this more secure is everyone knows me I have published books since 2002. I have published 21 books in Japan. Everyone knows that you don’t bother me, so this is a rise in reputation or speaking power, so you are not easy to be troubled by , because you are a celebrity after all . You are in trouble. He knows that there are policemen behind me. They are afraid and unwilling to cause such trouble. Even if he tied me up for a week, I will meet him on the street and I will say hello to him first. When it is evening, it will be good morning. He scares him. Jumping , he wanted to hide his eyes, he was embarrassed, just like this, I have no enemies, I have not reported the crime, and I took the initiative to say hello to him, so I don’t think it’s easy to provoke me, so I understand, so many people, including the Northeast Gang who kidnapped me, are Chinese who kidnapped me. I asked him to tie me up, and then I became friends with the boss. At the moment I was tied up, did you think wow, this is the end of my life ? Who was the other party? Later, I knew it was the other party. I was not afraid of talking badly. The first time . The first time. The first time. I rented a building . I was running a newspaper for the Chinese in Japan. I was driving a car. My girlfriend sent to that building first, she first went to the parking lot, right? When I changed my clothes and came in again, she was tied up by someone as soon as she entered the elevator and went in. She opened the door with her key cover and waited for me to go in . When I said why there is no light in the outer hall, there is a light inside, I turned around and closed the door, and when I turned around again , 5 people ran out with a knife against me and spoke to me in Mandarin , which is not pure Mandarin. When I saw it, I knew, oh, this should be Fujianese. Don’t move . I knew I was kidnapped because I have experience. I also told my girlfriend that if you are kidnapped, you must tell the truth. What is telling the truth ? With your card, he must use your card to withdraw your money. You must tell him the real password. I just listened to the first lie I was kidnapped by them in Osaka. Cut off a nipple and cut it off again. A nipple or a fake one. They took the money. My girlfriend and I both had our eyes and mouths glued together with tape. My hands were tied with my tie and my feet were all tied with tape. About 3 For more than an hour, because I have a police card in my business card holder, I have police friends , they saw this person can't kill him, forget it , it will help, just put a police card , of course, that little amulet 90 Back in the 1990s, I didn’t use business cards very much, because I wanted business cards for my newspaper, so I always carried a business card holder, just because I was afraid that something would happen one day, anyway, anyway, I happened to have a few friends, so I just put them in it to show off . Knowing him , right? It’s also convenient to talk about things , so the first time he just wanted to steal money and profit, so he took away all the valuable things from my house. I bought a newest shaving knife, and he ended up The charger is not taken away , so I can imagine that the relationship between doing business there and the underworld may be very close , because there must be some passages that use evil to fight evil , but it should be apart from the gangsters. The ground management is like how to establish these relations between the police and the local police . Of course, you say it is accidental, but it is not accidental, because I stand there every day. When there is no camera (camera), I am a live camera , because there are many things happening every day. Events special to me in previous years There were homicides, shootings, and even the Chinese shot and killed the Japanese hooligan leader and seriously injured him, but when there was no camera, he had to take a photo and ask me if I need evidence , right? He needs to come and I will assist him in investigating you. Whether you are a regular Japanese citizen, as long as you are working, you have the obligation to investigate whether you saw this person killing people in other places last night . Did the murderer come to Kabukicho? If he has photos, he will ask you. See? I’m a live camera. There are a lot of policemen who know me. If I have something small, I ask them. They will protect me. So once when the Northeast Gang kidnapped me, I just entered a coffee shop for 15 minutes. The two gates were blocked by plainclothes policemen because I was walking and passing by. I can still make calls. My Japanese is already pretty good. The people at that time were not very good at Japanese and they didn’t know who I was talking to. I said I was calling my wife. Understand, I don’t understand. I’m speaking Japanese. I said to call my wife. I’m going back later. The police speak both terminology and professional terms . Then he called me again and he said you don’t want to hang up the phone, you go outside the door because there are a dozen people sitting inside because when there are more than a dozen people sitting inside, when the two doors are blocked , the eyes of the police are different. So I didn’t wear a uniform. As soon as I walked to the door, two policemen grabbed my hands and dragged me out like a prisoner. In fact, I did it for them. I have a policeman. Don’t tie him up , don’t try to threaten him. Generally speaking, if a guest wants to ask you to take him to a hotel, how do you decide what kind of business you should recommend him ? First, you need to understand how much money is in his wallet. OK , you have to chat with him, right? You just chat with him about what he thinks , for example, he wants to play tens of thousands of yuan , but you only bring him a few thousand yuan to watch the performance , which is not interesting . I think work is a psychology, a language ability , and various sciences (?) A comprehensive art can chat and talk short because he can’t always listen to you when he stands on the road. What he wants to play First of all, you can’t say Do you want to play a bubble bath? That looks very vulgar. Hello, Mr. Taiwan. Do you want to eat something Japanese? Can you say hello ? This guy is okay. Give him a business card like I just gave you. The business cards all have my photo on them , and people don’t believe this is your real name? I’m always me, so I can listen to you for a few more minutes. Here, I’m suddenly curious about another thing , because some of my friends of course they love it very much. If you go to Kabukicho or some other places, they will specifically mention that if you want to play, you should not go with the insider . It is easy to be scammed or ripped off. What do you think about this matter ? People are just pretending that my little brother Li Xiaomu is my big brother. It’s okay to add a WeChat and something. After taking him with him , wait for him to cheat. After the WeChat is gone, he won’t send a business card with a photo, and he doesn’t even have his own ID card for others to check. Even a large number of black people standing in Kabukicho, who come from Guangzhou and can speak Chinese, all say that they are my younger brother and have nothing to do with me , so there are a lot of scammers and deceitful people. You must beware of this. How to judge it ? If it is an ordinary foreigner, it is best not to go with them (´・ω・`) It is really best not to go with him, basically cheating a lot. I can say this . I have another foreigner here. Is there any difference between the demand and the demand that the Japanese like ? Of course there is a difference in the store they go to. For example, those who come from the mainland want it directly . A little bit more , for example, the loli with make-up on the train shakes all kinds of tricks. Japanese people still like to drink first or go to a shop they are familiar with. That girl often drinks with him, so he can take it with him no matter what . Is he married or not? I want to ask Mr. Li. I saw you in other interviews before. To ensure that the quality of the stores you take is good, you will go to experience it yourself . I must know whether it is suitable for foreigners and it. What are the rules? What is the price like for me? First of all, I think there are many Japanese here. I think the decoration is not bad. I will go to play once, and I will pay first. I think it is suitable for me, and then I will talk to their boss about whether it is suitable or not. It is useless to talk about it. Some just need language, some just use body language, you don’t need to use language, then you talk to him about the rules and requirements, I’m curious about the source of income for this profession , except for the possibility of clients as mentioned just now because of intermediaries I will give you some money, and then the store will give you some things, mainly because the store will give Taiwanese and Hong Kong people to let me show you the way. He will give you a tip. Sometimes a handful of change will be given to you when you get on the plane tomorrow. Anyway, one cent and one piece is also included, 10 yuan is also included, 100 yuan is also included , and I will simply give you a piece of 1000 , and the generous one will give you 5000 , and the others will simply give you 10,000 yuan to accompany you . When he goes to drink, he wants to translate . The tip is part of it. It’s not the main thing. People from mainland China don’t give tips, so it ’s mainly the store. Where is the income range? My monthly income is about 1 million yuan a month when I only do it for two months. 1 million yen, Komaki, you are the highest in your own record. How much did you earn in one night? I’m almost 1 million a night. But I haven’t done it in the past few years. In Japanese, sex is called せいじ and politics is also called せいじ The same pronunciation I used to do at night せいじ , but in the past 5 years and 10 years I have done daytime せいじ. When I was doing it, I also did hundreds of thousands and 1 million at night . I was rich and very poor. At the beginning , I thought of another A turning point is how it was noticed by the media and then became this well-known insider in the case at home and abroad. You asked a good question. In 2001, it happened to be the 911 fire. In 2001, it happened to be the 911 fire. That’s right. Our Kabukicho also caught fire and 44 people died. On September 1st and September 11th, there was an accident there, so at that time, Kabukicho also attracted people’s attention. A TV station went to the road to interview people. It was terrible. 44 people were set on fire and 44 people died every day. There he said I can blur your face and change your voice can I ask you a few questions I said you don't need it doesn't matter I said it doesn't matter he said what is the scariest thing you have ever met here I said I I was kidnapped before How did you get kidnapped I talked for a few minutes about the most wanted topic in the news and he let it out but he blurred my face and my voice didn’t change so I knew I was on that street The picture of soliciting customers was seen by a publisher, so he took a photo of the picture and printed it into a black and white copy, and went to the street to find me and asked him for a comparison . I said yes, you were kidnapped. He said come, come , let me buy you a drink, a meal, and a coffee. I wrote the first book in 2002. It became famous just like that. With so much experience, if you could say something to yourself when you first came to Japan, what would you say? Come on, you should come to Kabukicho, you tolerated you, you endured your education, you gave you back wealth , whether it is money wealth or wealth in life, in this free and democratic Japan, Kabukicho Uta University in Tokyo, Japan, I haven’t graduated yet In the next life, I will still be the insider of the Kabukicho case. In the end, is there anything you want to say to our audience? I remember a friend of mine who said a word. He made a magazine title that said the most beautiful scenery in Taiwan is People , so I hope that more people from Taiwan will come to our song university to study ♥ Welcome to come ♥ Don’t be fooled , I know you guys are more active, I feel very relieved, I found your driver yesterday when I suddenly uttered a sentence in Japanese in the taxi The attitude towards me suddenly changed, and I felt very enthusiastic. I have been here for the third time. When I brought my son here for the second time, because I spoke Chinese with me the previous few times , my son could only speak Japanese. The driver wanted to take us. Going to Jiufen is very enthusiastic. He said that we will give you one more hour without my money. I think Taiwanese people are like us Japanese. Because my nationality is Japanese now, I can say that we Japanese are very friendly . I hope this kind of friendship will be maintained. Go on, I hope you will come to me more. Next time I go to Japan, I will also go to the University of Songs to study abroad. OK Today, thank you very much, Mr. Li Xiaomu, for sharing this episode so wonderfully. If you like today’s video , please share it with me. Go out or click here to see more related videos Today's Zhiqi Qiqi will end here and we will see you tomorrow night
Channel: 志祺七七 X 圖文不符
Views: 231,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 紅燈區, 中秋烤肉, 風俗店, 泡泡浴, 成人, 中國留學生
Id: yPuIzo53a3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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