暴走族其實是愛國青年?動漫演的都是真的?前暴走族成員大揭秘!ft. 大嘴巴「坂本宗華」《神秘職業大揭秘》EP022|志祺七七

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We want to maintain the dignity of the bosozoku. You can’t wear helmets . They run red lights and block the road. Pedestrians will choke them when they see it!! Blocking a car and forcing a car, you have to know it. This is our dignity. We are doing these things . Hiho, everyone, this is Zhiqi, welcome Back to ours, the job I’m going to introduce today is a bit special . I’m not sure if it’s a job , but today we’re honored to invite the former team leader of Big Mouth, that is, Sakamoto Soka, who used to be a bosozoku in Japan, to join us. Let’s share the secrets of the Japanese bosozoku together . Please let Zonghua introduce to our audience . Hello, I’m Zonghua Sakamoto, Sakamoto だぜ!!! It’s great that we have a period of business service time before we start. You can talk to us all at the beginning Let me introduce what is a bosozoku . The bosozoku is actually quite similar to Taiwan... The motorcycle race is a team that our teenagers will admire . In Japan, you can take a motorcycle driver's license at the age of 16 , so everyone will quickly think that after graduating from junior high school, it must be We have to take the motorcycle driver’s license test. Before we graduate from junior high school, we will go to try to ride a motorcycle. How did you join the bosozoku clan ? How did you join the bosozoku clan? I’m also a senior at the school. I think I’m bad enough. I transferred from Taiwan in the second year of junior high school. When I go to Japan, when I turn around, people will think that I am a foreigner , yes, then they will... bully me, the Japanese are quite united, you know, they will be a very xenophobic race , yes "Why did you come to Japan? " "Why do you look so strange? You don't look the same as us?" But to me, you are also... you are not tall, but there will be conflicts , and it is always like this anyway. The first time I was caught The problem with ridicule is that you can't even say that you want to go to the bathroom. "His Japanese is terrible!" " He can't even say that he wants to go to the bathroom !" Maybe I just don’t study much in Taiwan , but when I come to Japan, I need friends . Do I have to learn Japanese well first ? Do I have to learn bad Japanese first? Why ? Yes! How do you scold people? curse? バカヤロウ!! バカヤロウ What accent? バカヤロウ You have to roll your tongue , just learn one by one , and then slowly the seniors will trouble me , and then there will be fights for what ? Yes, in the middle of the fights... get a good grade? Actually, we can accommodate him. He is quite It’s useful, and then I’ll go to the senior’s house , and he’ll show me their photo albums. They used to be the ones that you can take photos with, right, and then he’ll show me the photo albums , saying that this is a Japanese bosozoku . Look, our car needs to be changed like this. It’s just an introduction one by one . This sounds like persuasion or something . He wanted to lock you up at that time . Yes, I told you that you will join us after you graduate from junior high school . You should go to get a driver’s license first, yes, and then you will not be there. The driver’s license, the senior, is very generous. I have a car to borrow from you first. Yes, and my first criminal record is because of that car. I went to the police station and stamped my handprints . In the comics, there will always be handsome gangsters . Will there really be a team at that time? There must be a special attack uniform , but it is what you have to... be taught. It is passed down from generation to generation . For example, they will talk about how many generations . What is it like? You are the third generation special attack captain . After I retire, I will pass it to you . In addition, I have another impression of their hair . At that time, because they joined the Bosozoku, did they have to make their hair special? Hair has its own points. Like before I joined , at that time there was no need to wear hard hats. We had to Combing the nose of the plane means that you have to push the side up first , anyway, roll it up , and then the tip of the beauty will be exposed . The longer the beauty, the more handsome you are. I don’t know why you just want to do it like that. You are a handsome guy. Now thinking about these things, you will feel Is it a shame? It's just ... um. It’s just that they just want people to see it. For example, our front hood will be very high , yes, yes, yes, I ’ve seen the three-story one. He has to bypass the traffic light because it will be too high. It ’s a lot of exaggeration . Do you think it’s too exaggerated? You’re so handsome. How can you be like this? Right, what kind of job does a bosozoku probably have or how big is it ? Our side , yes, and then the three high schools will also be very, for example, at the garden party , when you hold a school celebration, we will go around your school like this, and then they will say "Hey!" My brother is coming! ! ! It’s just that they will listen to the Tempo and they will know they are coming . There is a sense of ceremony . I used to think it was really handsome, but now I think it ’s okay. Why was it so stupid before? What was I doing before? Waste of gas and then I have to ride very slowly , but you have to be big You have to ride very slowly, yes, it ’s very difficult, it’s very difficult, you have to use a slippery one , you have to use a clutch, for example, after you speed up, you have to use a slippery clutch , and then you have to play your Tempo while skating , just keep walking like this the whole time Everyone in the group will play this rhythm together, everyone will , no of course you have to go home and practice , then we have a textbook called because we live in Ibaraki Prefecture and our capital is Mito , there is a play called "Mito Yellow Gate" and its theme song we Use the gas pedal to urge the theme song. Everyone must know how to do it. For example, there will be a commanding role in charge of the beginning. Some of them are the chief. That is the chief, so the chief must be very strong. Yes, the chief is that he is almost every day. He has held all these positions before he can become the all-rounder . I am not good at fighting , but I am good at riding a bicycle. Then you are the captain of the special attack . The chief is that he is good at riding a bicycle and can fight and quarrel . So He can be the chief and we will listen to him. Like what we just heard , there is the chief and then there is the king of quarrels. Yes, and then you are the captain of the special attack team, and the special attack team rides. Then what else is there? Running, running , there is a leader for running away, because the police will follow behind, and at a certain point, the chief will sound a horn, you know what we call an air horn , when you hear this signal, you are ready to run away, and then there will be a leader who runs away of He knows the way to go home so it's Google map - he'll rush us all to follow him will it spread out like that so there will be many of these or just one will there be three run together like this for three and then we all run together also Is there any other interesting positions? There are also musicians , musicians, musicians who are the ones we push the best on the throttle , everyone, they will worship you. After we play the musicians in the later stage , many people come to play the music. Join the Bosozoku I don't want to fight I just want to learn this sounds very... artist yes and because of that we will do that kind of competition this will also have a competition!? There will be competitions so there will be selection yes male and female we will be selected Just compare them together , and then what type of car is there? There are four cylinders, three cylinders, and twin cylinders. The sound is different . Yes, and then there is a difference. The jet car will have a high pitch, do you know? Then compare the two-cylinder car because its sound is the same Dudu Dudu , so what we urged to feel like a symphony , right sound , and then we group it . Inheritance means that they are the inheritance of special attack uniforms . If these people have just said that the general is ready, after passing this thing on to you , at what age will he be able to perform the action of inheritance, and what will he do next? 18 Let's be 18 years old, we can only play until 18 years old . The 18-year-old group of seniors just... retire together. They can't...Can't play when they are over 18 years old? Bosozoku is... 18 years old, if you still want to play... you're super useless, yes because it's just... you can only be crazy that one time, yes , when you were 16, did it make you think that you have to be crazy Until the age of 18 , every Saturday night is to ride until dawn . I just heard that it is the crazy age of 16 to 18. I have a Japanese friend who told me before and he said, I said why your high school seems to be so prosperous, he said because We are now the most critical time , that is, we can only be crazy at this time , and then we may start to socialize when we go to college , and then we have to go to work , so all your crazy things are only at this age, and the crazyness of student days will be true After you are allowed to be 20 years old, you are crazy and you are terrible. Everyone will look down on you. You are a social problem! Why do you want to be like this? Before the age of 20, what do you actually want? So they will allow you, and we also feel that they will forgive us anyway , so let’s do it , because it may also be that the social system on their side is very tight, so this is a small outlet , so that everyone can relieve the pressure, so I will leave the society. You will feel that I was bullied when I was a student , and being bullied when I was out of society is two different things. You are bullied when you are out of society . It is the whole society that excludes you. Why do you want to be like this ? Why can’t you be like us ? What is the approximate ratio of male to female? Because in everyone’s imagination, the established impression is that all men are male . In our era, our era was hardcore , that is, only boys. When we ride heavy motorcycles and exaggerated combat vehicles, we can’t carry girls because we are For hardcore, we can only carry boys . If you want to carry girls, you have to ride a scooter. The exhaust pipe of the gear car is ours. We all call it straight pipe . It’s a fighter jet , it’s our Bosozoku’s , the origin is actually our admiration for the kamikaze , the motorcycle is our fighter jet , that’s why there are those big windshields , yes, yes, we are imitating the feeling of a fighter jet, and then we go to sing karaoke We bad boy bosozoku go to sing karaoke, we sing military songs, yes, we want to sing some military songs of Japan’s former kamikaze ♫ 贵様とととは♫ just keep singing some, it feels good, right , so bosozoku are very patriotic? We are patriotic So our badge will have a chrysanthemum. That chrysanthemum is the emperor’s family crest . Each region has its own theme song . How will this relate to the community ? Because it sounds like it actually has a very local cohesion. I feel , but will the community think you are annoying, or will there actually be a friendly relationship, and no, we will always be scolded, and they will say that you want to ride this , and it is safer to go to the racing track , or you will be noisy and obstruct traffic over there. But at that time, we felt that obstructing traffic is very handsome. You will look at me. I have the feeling of a junior high school. I am super handsome . So in fact, the bosozoku may not ride fast. For us, the ride is actually very slow . I want everyone to look at you . People can’t see me. To you who are you today? We are very slow , but the car is super slow but very noisy. We want to maintain the dignity of the bosozoku. You can’t wear a hard hat . Run through a red light and block the road. Pedestrians will choke them when they see it !! Dignity is what we do. If there are four cars going out to play today , there are four traffic lights at the intersection, we have to start from here and go around the circle , so all the cars at the intersection will stop, and you have to go around and stop in the middle. At the position of the traffic policeman , you have to stop in the middle , and then the seniors pass by and I will leave before they can open to traffic. Do you know that it really has a strong sense of presence? Yes, everyone should stop and let them go around like this. If I drive my car again, they allow it? Why don’t they lose a bat or something like that ? You may have gotten used to it when you were young , and you’ll think it’s just like this , so what other activities are there? For example, What other temple fair is the most conflicting , that is, there may be seniors who have retired , but he will feel very noisy when he sees our farts coming. Like this, the senior just now is the senior who is still in the bosozoku clan, or the senior who has graduated . Without him, he may be the head of a certain generation. He retired , and you do it like this You guys have to be handsome when you come here. You’re not handsome, you’re so loud , and you’re not powerful . You just scold one by one . It’s really an army. It’s an army. We wear special attack uniforms. It’s really a kamikaze team . Then you scold one by one . Will there be some that will be very touching? Happened in it. Every generation, someone will die in a car accident . For this, there will definitely be. We may be in March and April every year . During the cherry blossom season, we will buy a lot of flowers to pay homage to the seniors . At that time, it was pretty... pretty Tear-jerking because they have a story saying that the kamikaze team is like the cherry blossoms, people will be honored that time , after you are honored, it will fall with the seasons, just like our kamikaze team , one by one, yes, so we are like the cherry blossoms, so They have written a lot of songs , that is, the kamikaze is the cherry blossoms , so we like the cherry blossoms very much. The cherry blossoms are also the national flower, and then everyone will stand together . The scene should be very exciting, and then they will wear special attack uniforms , and then you will see the cherry blossoms come down like this, and you will feel very touching. You Japan Why are people so perverted ? That ’s why people are described as cherry blossoms. But more people want to be this kind of person. As I said just now , this kind of honor is something very impressive. Is Suguang going berserk? Suguang Runaway is after the new year is over . When the new year is coming, we have to watch the sunrise. We have to ride a motorcycle to Mount Fuji to watch the sunrise . This is really the whole of Japan . How to get there? You have to take the expressway and each expressway you go to a ramp. You will see a convoy rushing up , how did they come up , we are going to rush to the toll booth , and the toll booth is full of police , and then we still step over the police, just rush , and the police will take the strip of nails, and he will pull it directly to the ground , so you When the car passes by, you will blow the tire , yes, then the car will be lost, and we will run, no matter what, at that time , I think you want to know this, it is impossible , if you go in, you will be arrested , but you just want to go to us I can only be crazy this time, you were arrested, you have a record , you are handsome, how many times have you been arrested, I have been arrested 5 times , wow, you are so handsome , have you ever managed to reach Mount Fuji like this? No, no, no, it should be a legend. It’s a lie at all . It’s just that we were arrested together on the first day of the new year . It’s a lie. After experiencing so many interesting things , everyone’s relationship should be very close. Will you still be in touch now ? Even my classmate, he also I have been in Taiwan and have always been in contact . I said that you used to bully me. Do you dare to go to my country ? I am so happy in your country. Do you dare to come like this? It becomes very polite . The first time you meet you see someone you don’t know. We just use honorifics . You’re younger than me, so start bakayarou, how can you be like this when you’re younger than me ? It’s that feeling from the beginning You see , you will learn to switch and then you will see Atmosphere Now I can’t say anything , so bosozoku are not very good at fighting with ordinary people, yes, we gangsters can’t bully ordinary people , because if you do something in the gang, you will be “broken” and you will be expelled from the gang You can’t join other gangs , after that you will become common people . The gangsters can’t bully the common people. That ’s our last way out , so the common people are the biggest. The gangsters will bully the gangsters, right? The gangsters will still bully the common people, won’t they sell ice cubes? Is there anything like that? It’s protection money . I protect you. I’m not bullying you. I want to maintain law and order . Well, if you want to talk to yourself at the time today, what would you say? I think you should play DJ seriously when you were in middle school. Well, I started playing DJ in junior high school because I think Bosozoku inspired me that Japanese people spend time on practicing this thing . I used to play throttle so seriously. I directly applied this method to DJ . It actually works. If I Going back to the past , I think I should have been a DJ prodigy when I was 13 years old. Yes , because I used to DJ to a certain extent , I discovered that many Japanese champions in the past have been DJing since they were 13 years old. It was very early , so I did some research . So when they were in junior high school, they were divided into two groups , that is, whether you want to play hip-hop or go to play bosozoku . They are two groups of people, so they are linked together . They are linked together. It depends on what the friends around you want to play. For example , my friends here like to ride bicycles , and I will play with them . This may be why the Bosozoku began to decline , because other things became more and more cool . Yes The government also has something to do with it. The government later changed the bosozoku to ダサい民. What does it mean ? ダ サい is a very vulgar and vulgar group . They are from the Showa era. We don’t want to play anymore. Now what are you playing now? Hip-hop music is more fashionable. Now you want to dance. They can dance like the Wandering Brothers. Many boys dance together and they are very handsome. They have won music awards , so they are established in the industry . You can learn to dance, so they even have to have a dance choreographer . There is no such thing as a license in Taiwan. It’s just that many of them are very specialized. I think this aspect is pretty good. Thank you Zong Hua for sharing so much content with us today. If you like today’s video , don’t forget to share it. You can also click this place Watch more videos Today 's Zhiqi Qiqi will end here and we will see you next time 311 After Taiwan donated a lot of money to Japan, they like Taiwanese very much , but I was not like this when I was in Japan, so It’s really because 311 has a huge change. In the past, the police came to check me or what they said I was Chinese. I said I’m not Chinese but I’m Taiwanese. No no no no no : Taiwan is China without you look at me Passport, the Republic of China , you have to look clearly at China , I was dumbfounded and I said no, I’m green , no no no no no you are just that when we donate money , we suddenly become Taiwan, donating money is useful , we buy it, we buy dignity We really bought dignity. From that time on , I like Taiwan. Taiwan is so good . I really want to go to Taiwan . You are not like this . You were not like this when I came here. In fact, the Japanese are very xenophobic, do you know that you can just go and talk to him in English ? Picture OK Video OK . I’ll show off after that. Then he will show it to you. You can take pictures of him. I have. A friend works in Japan and he is very fluent in Japanese , but he never speaks Japanese. He said you have to make them think that I speak English , but I can understand what they are saying from the beginning to the end. This is the key. Student period You have to pretend to be Japanese so you won’t be bullied . But after you leave the society, you have to pretend to be a foreigner . You don’t speak much Japanese. It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll teach you . It’s just that the treatment is different, you know. It’s easy. We want to maintain the dignity of the bosozoku . You can’t wear helmets. You can’t run a red light and block the road. If you block the road, pedestrians will choke them when they see it!! You have to know how to block a car and force a car. This is our dignity, and we are doing these things
Channel: 志祺七七 X 圖文不符
Views: 1,041,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, 東京復仇者, 八嘎壓肉, 夜露死苦, 愛羅武勇
Id: 4e0s0qX33z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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