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Hello everyone, I am a sweeper. The choice to have a fork in life is very important! You made the wrong choice, no exaggeration! It will ruin your whole life, and even several generations below! Are you buying or renting a house? Go to the Internet to search this question, and most people's answer is... whatever stage of life you are in, make a decision! The rest are almost asking you to rent a house! If you buy a house, you will become a slave! Then I'm curious, why hasn't anyone taught you to buy a house? The reason is very simple, the person who taught you has never bought a house! The most disgusting thing I've ever heard from people, these people will settle the bill with you! You take $500,000, buy the house back and rent it out, and your rate of return is only 3%! But if you take 500,000 to the bank to buy a wealth management product, you will get a 6% return! You take half of the 6% you earn to rent a house, and you earn 3%! Then I ask you, have you ever seen someone who bought wealth management products to get rich? Is there 1 out of 10? Have you ever seen someone who bought a house and got rich? At least 8 out of 10! The return on the house is only 3%, who said that? The truth is that people who used the money to buy a house 10 years ago to buy wealth management products can't afford to buy a house now ! This is the truth! everyone! I tell you the truth! I made my first pot of gold through entrepreneurship and speculation. That's right! But my wealth is now doubled by investing in houses! Many people say they can't afford to buy a house! If I have no money, for example, if my monthly salary is 1,000 dollars, how can I afford a house? I just want to ask, have you calculated how much it will cost to buy a house? Do you think you're going to take $500,000 out of your pocket for a house that sells for $500,000 ? I buy a house of 500,000 by myself. I always only need to take a tenth of the money, or even less. Today, I will teach you how to buy a house with a monthly salary of $1,000 ! I'll just say it! Buying a house is the only way for the country and the bank to help you get rich. If you don’t use this springboard, your next generation will have to go to work and then use their salary to help your generation provide houses! Therefore, people who rationalize renting have a bad heart! Well, as I said just now, 10 buy a house and 8 get rich. In other words , a novice with closed eyes can buy it right! But we can't buy with our eyes closed! It's not a small amount of money after all! So in the second half of this video, I will directly tell you how to plan and buy a house! Especially now that prices have been adjusted! And the first half has a higher gold content, you will directly know why it is so easy to buy a house? How to use the least money, get several times the return, and get rid of poverty! It is no exaggeration to say that if you have the next generation when they are still blank, you should show them this film! Because it will directly affect their future! So it is recommended to like it, and then you can find this video in the playlist! And I still want to emphasize that the existence of this channel is to train bosses, entrepreneurs, and rich people. If you don't want to miss these information, you can consider subscribing to my channel and turn on the little bell! First of all, I have heard a lot of people say that they have difficulty choosing! If you don't even know what to eat, how can you buy a house? The reason you have this is because your brain doesn't know what to think about? In fact, when you make any choice, you have to think about what you have to give up and then what will you gain? Many people say that buying a house is a negative cash flow! You see, if you live by yourself, your monthly mortgage is your debt! And even if you rent it out, your rental income will not be able to cover the mortgage payment! For example, if you have a monthly mortgage of 3,000 US dollars, and the rent may be only 2,000 , you still have to take an extra 1,000 out of your pocket to pay for the house every month! Didn't rich dad say that we should buy assets and stay away from liabilities? Then the person who said this must have never bought a house! do you know? You can get back more than half of the $3,000 mortgage! What does that mean? For example, if a house is 1 million US dollars, if you borrow 900,000 from the bank, then of course you have to repay the bank debt of 900,000. We call this the principal, right? In addition, the bank wants to make money, so it will charge you an additional 500,000 interest! But the point is, the bank can let you repay in installments! In other words, you may have 2,000 of the 3,000 dollars you repay each month that you owe the bank 900,000 yuan. Note that these two thousand dollars are not expenses! Because when you sell the house, you get that principal back! That is to say, although you give the money to the bank now , when you sell the house, the money will go back to your pocket , so this is not an expenditure in essence! A lot of people don't even know this! So your only expense is the remaining $1,000. This is the extra interest you have to pay. Simply put, if you rent out the house, you will get back $2,000 in monthly rent, although you have to give the bank $3,000. But there are 2,000 in it that you can get back when you sell the house, and the money you really have to pay is only 1,000 bank interest! If you get back 2,000, you really have to pay 1,000 . Did you earn 1,000 dollars directly? Is this cash flow positive? Do you understand? So why is it safe to buy a house and then rent it out? Because you have positive cash flow every month, but people without financial intelligence on the books will think it is a liability because you have to give 3,000, which is more than the money you get back, and you will think it is beyond your means. Well! But people with financial business know that two thousand out of the three thousand is equivalent to the concept of saving money, which can be retrieved in the future! And according to past experience, when you get it back in a few years, you will not only get back the principal you saved, because the house price usually doubles several times. If you choose a house according to my previous video on buying a house! So just the concept of housing loan proves without a doubt that buying a house is the springboard of our life! So why do we have to take out a mortgage instead of paying in full? I tell you, people who pay in full are people with no financial intelligence! First of all, what does your full payment represent? Are you rich! So who will come to you when you have money? Of course it's the state tax bureau! You'd better explain clearly, where did your money come from? Did you evade tax? Well, I know that everyone is a law-abiding person, but if you get checked like this, you will be in trouble! You more or less have to ask some professionals to help you solve this problem, such as lawyers and accountants, then the money you give out may be able to pay the bank's interest! So all the rich people, especially those who are engaged in real estate like Li Ka-shing, even if they have enough funds for this project, we must borrow money! For example, if I have 100 million yuan, and I want to develop a 100 million yuan project , then I will also take this 100 million yuan as a mortgage, and borrow another 100 million yuan back! Because I borrow money from the bank in the name of the company. Basically , when will it be repaid and how much the interest will be, these are all negotiable! For example, my project will definitely make money after one year, but I negotiated the terms with the bank and said that it will be returned to him after two years! What if the bank promises? It means that the 100 million in my own hands has not been moved. This 100 million is my spare fund . I have enough cash flow for anything, and the capital chain will not be broken! And I asked the bank to borrow 100 million. After a year, I made 20 million, but I don't need to pay it back. After another year, I made another 20 million, and then I started to repay a little principal plus interest to the bank. ! This kind of business is safe for the rich! So why do I suggest that everyone open a company if they have something or nothing? If you say this, you will understand. My company account has no money. I am also a senior customer of the bank . Did you understand this? My own strength is teaching entrepreneurship! I think that financial intelligence can only be improved through entrepreneurship, because this is the most direct way to deal with money. If you want to get rich by buying a house, and then learn from me to start a business and create more passive income, I will prepare it for you for free. A training! You will immediately know where the new money-making trends in recent years are? How can you achieve passive income 24 hours a day? And the whole process is just over the internet, which sounds incredible! In fact, you won't be surprised when you hear it! Because you have been exposed to this trend every day, but you are entertaining and some people are making money! If you are interested, you can sign up immediately at the first link on the video description column! The only threshold for free is that it cannot be replayed and has a limit on the number of people! Then why buying a house is the only project that the state and the bank can help everyone get rich Let's talk about how the state can help you! One thing he does every day is to keep printing money to devalue the banknotes in your hands, leading to inflation! What about inflation? Everyone who watches my channel knows this! Buy a house to fight inflation! The house is the most inflationary commodity! So what if there is too much money? If you want to borrow money, you want to attract people to borrow money, and your interest rate will be low! So now the interest you borrow to buy a house is about 1%-2%. It varies from region to region, but it is definitely lower than inflation! So after you know that housing prices are linked to inflation, you look at the Fed now, doesn't it say that it is raising interest rates? Some people are very afraid that house prices will fall! Then I ask you what is the reason for the Fed to raise interest rates? It's because of the fear of inflation! Are you going to get deflation? Are you trying to get you to go out to buy a vegetable that used to sell for 10 yuan, but now sells it for 5 yuan? impossible! Vegetables that used to sell for 10 yuan might sell for 15 yuan without raising the interest rate , but they may only sell for 12 yuan if the interest rate is raised. Because the problem of inflation certainly cannot be solved! I'm not saying there is no way to fix it, but if it does, America will be wound up because he owes too much money! In detail, and if you are really afraid of falling house prices, you must watch my previous film . You must engrave the concept of my safety net in your head! So when you really have financial quotient, you can't rent a house at all! Many people say that the bank is evil because he is an empty-handed and white-wolf institution! Lend our deposited money and make a fortune by earning the difference in interest! But in fact, the bank is the only partner of us ordinary people from 0 to 100! Especially in the matter of buying a house, because the bank can help me with a house of US$500,000, he first pays 450,000 for me, and I only pay 50,000, and then repay the principal and interest every month according to what I just said is ok! I'll just say it! Buying a house and borrowing money is a leveraged transaction that any novice can operate! Everyone who has watched my videos knows that rich people drive Ferraris and borrow money from poor people who drive bicycles and deposit money in the bank! Then as long as the money we borrowed back brings us more than the interest we have to pay, we are nothing but wolves! So the more money you borrow, the better! You have seen Zhuge Liang borrow arrows from a grass boat, right? This kind of empty-glove and white wolf thinking that borrows power can not only be used in war, but also in business! As I said just now, the state helps us get low interest rates and high inflation. Under this eternal situation, those of us who have no money can cooperate with banks and make money through leverage! For example, for a $500,000 house, I only invest 50,000! If the house goes up by 100,000 after two years, and I invest 50,000 and make 100,000, then you will make twice as much! The most important thing is that I can get back the 50,000 I invested! And if you don't use leverage, you've worked hard for 50 years and finally you can buy a house in full. You invested 500,000, and it went up by 100,000 in two years. You are very happy because you made money! But your rate of return is only 20%, and you're already an old man! I'm only in my 20s and my rate of return is double. If I keep playing like this, I'll be financially free in my thirties! How do you compare to me? That sweeper, you always only talk about the upswing. What if you play leverage? Why am I only bullish? Because this is the norm, falling is the exception! Then if it really falls like the financial crisis, I ask you, how long will this situation last? House prices fell sharply in 2008 and 2009! What about 10 years? Not only did it rise back to its original position, it also broke through the previous high! So have you tried renting out the house? How long is the contract usually, one to two years! When the house price fell and you signed a contract, would your rental income change? Nope! How much should you charge or how much should you charge! Then when the financial crisis occurs, you still pay the bank a fixed monthly basis, and the bank will not call loan (debt collection)! A lot of people were frightened by the financial crisis and didn't buy a house. But have you really understood why so many people jumped off the building because of real estate at that time? Now you can't learn from them if you want to learn! Because at that time, there was no down payment required to buy a house in the United States. Anyone , including beggars, could borrow money to buy a house! So how could the housing price bubble not burst at that time? what about now? You can borrow money from the bank, that is your ability! Because the bank will not only look at your income, but also evaluate the value of the house you bought before considering whether to lend you money! That means you remember! As long as the bank can lend you money, if you pass their assessment and if they dare to cooperate with you, it also means that your investment is guaranteed to make money! When you are afraid that you are in the wrong place to buy a house When you are afraid that the house price will fall, you should see if the bank is willing to lend you money! Banks are smarter than you, right? Banks are quicker than you on information about house price fluctuations, right? The person who lent you money is more afraid that you will not have the money to pay back, right? So don't think it's a shame to borrow money, and you're ashamed if you can't borrow money! So basically I only like to do one investment, and that is to buy a house! Falling house prices is the best time for us to enter the market! Different stocks, I am speculating! Because stocks can theoretically fall to delisting, but houses cannot! you remember! When the stock market is over, the economy will suffer, but it can still function! And if the real estate market collapses, there may be unemployment for all! Because there are so many industries involved, do n't think this is over, now I will fully disclose my strategy of borrowing money from banks! But hearing this, if you live in yourself, why do you still have to buy a house instead of renting a house? What many people don't know is that your monthly loan payment is getting smaller and smaller! It's bittersweet! What does that mean? You may pay back $3,000 in the first year, and you may pay back only $1,000 in 30 years! But what if you are renting a house? Everyone knows that the landlord basically raises the house price once every few years, which means that the higher your salary, the higher the rent you have to pay. This house is not yours! Did you understand this? Then, if you are well-versed, the term of our loan to the bank should be as long as possible, or as short as possible? For example, if you borrow $450,000, you choose short-term! In two-year installments, the total interest you may have to pay is 15,000, and you pay $20,000 per month . The total interest you may pay is 15,000, and you pay $20,000 per month . If you choose long term! In 30 years, you may have to pay 400,000 in interest, and you have to pay 3,000 US dollars a month . How do you choose? Some so-called experts will reply to you to look at your income. If you have a monthly income of 30,000 US dollars , then you should choose a shorter term, because you only need to pay the bank 15,000 in interest! On the other hand, if your income is only $4,000, then you have no choice but to choose the long-term one! I tell you! Such an answer is simply detrimental! Because it will make you feel that buying a house is more scary, and you will feel that if the selection period is short, the monthly payment will be very expensive! Choose a longer term and lose interest to the bank! So how do I do it? Even if I earn $1 million a month, I still choose a longer repayment period! Why? As I said just now, the monthly payment is 3,000. If I rent out the house, I will still have a positive cash flow! But with a monthly payment of 20,000, I have negative cash flow! And the previous video also said, this is very important! Because my house sold after making money in a few years! I make money and run away! I will never repay the loan for 30 years, that is to say, although the total interest of holding the house for 30 years is 400,000, it is impossible for me to hold a house for 30 years! I also said that buying a house is a springboard. If the house goes up, I will cash out. I will use $50,000 to earn 100,000 in two years through leverage . What kind of loan should I pay? Right? And no matter if my income is high or low, if I choose a long-term monthly payment, is my monthly pressure much lower? Well, hearing this, some young friends like me said that their biggest difficulty is that they can't borrow so much money! For example, for a house of $1 million, they may only be able to borrow half of it, which is $500,000! They're going to get $500,000 for the down payment! Because they may only have a salary of $1000! So first of all, buying a house must be expensive, and it’s right to buy a city center! But you don't have to buy a big one. Usually, I observe that the smaller the house in Asia , the greater the appreciation potential! Because the smaller it is, the cheaper it is! That means the more ordinary people grab it! I invest by myself. If I want to invest 1 million US dollars, I will not buy a two- or three-bedroom house with 1 million, but go to buy two hotel-style apartments and see if it can be sold for 500,000? Everyone heard that this place is not self-occupied, so you don't need to look at whether the house is big or small, you are renting it out anyway! High rental yield is ok! But you get 500,000, and you take out half of it, and it becomes only 250,000! Does it get easier? Then you may also say, you still can't afford it! Yes! Of course a salary of $1,000 can't afford it! So the more you borrow, the better! How can I borrow more? Find your family, your lover guarantees it! Don't think that you are hurting people when you hear the guarantee. In fact, you really understand the account I just said. If buying a house is a positive cash flow, basically you will make a steady profit! You are not gambling! You just use the income certificate of the people around you as a guarantee , then you may borrow 80% or even 90% of the loan from the bank! At that time, for a house of 500,000 yuan, you will only get 50,000 yuan, and then you will adjust the monthly payment period to the maximum, which is 30 years! You pay 3,000 a month, you rent out a house for 2,000, and you earn 1,000 from part-time work, which is just enough! If you insist on paying by yourself, of course, you may have to use your savings, but you also have to wait for a few years, and the house will be sold when it appreciates. If you have a girlfriend and family members who are willing to offer a house with you, then you have basically no pressure. Don't feel ashamed to use the money of the people around you because you are just a partnership, investing with the country and the bank! As long as you buy a house, it is ok to make it clear how the house will appreciate and how the money will be divided! Remember! This kind of behavior does not mean that your parents or your girlfriend bought you a house, you are not cheating old people, or relying on women! Because they pay off! They can get back their income, just saying that you have not yet reached the threshold of borrowing money to buy a house, you want to borrow their power! Do you understand? How many families have become rich by buying houses together over the years? And when they both make money, the relationship gets better, doesn't it? So now I will point the way to you directly! If you have a place to live now, for example you live with your family, you can ask your family if it is possible to invest in a house together? After buying it, rent it out to earn positive cash flow, and the value will appreciate after two years. You can use the replacement I talked about in the previous video, or sell it. After the cash is cashed out, buy two more houses, one for self-occupation and one for rent, right? ? That's why I say financial freedom is easy, that's how it works! Of course, this is my idea of ​​giving my brothers and sisters with a monthly salary of 1,000 US dollars. If you earn 1,000 dollars a day, of course, the gameplay is up to you! So in today's Internet age, is it difficult to earn 1,000 a day? Really, you must walk into my free training! I will introduce you to a system that is completely replicable! Just like McDonald's, each branch is different but the method of operation inside is the same! I think that's how an effective startup should be. That 's what I exist for, and that's what I study every day! And the system inside is definitely not just thinking about it, it is all practiced by myself! So you must use the first link on the description column, go in and sign up! Hope to see you in the limited free spots! But hear here! Is it just buying a house, not renting it? Are there any exceptions? I ask you, if you had ten million dollars, what kind of house would you buy? We see a lot of upstarts! They will all choose to buy a mansion, and then sing every night in it! I know it's cool! man! But myself so far, it is very difficult to accept to buy a luxury house! Especially when it's only $10 million! Do you know the characteristics of a mansion? Appreciation is very slow! And it's very difficult to change hands! Why? Expensive! How many people can afford a 10 million mansion? Those who can afford it, why should they buy your second-hand? Right, so you have to buy expensive houses, but don’t buy too expensive luxury houses that most people can’t afford! What does it mean that most people can't afford it? You can see how many transactions he has . If no one takes over the house, even if the house price keeps rising, you will lose money! Your risk is also great! Does that mean we don't live in mansions? Not too! Usually the rent of luxury houses is not expensive! Of course it's more expensive than in the city! But if you have ten million dollars, you can definitely afford it! Even if I take the full 9 million to buy 10 suites and take the remaining 1 million to rent luxury houses, I may not be able to spend the million until the day I drive the crane west, but the 10 suites I bought may be that day. Just help me earn 20 million dollars back! Even more than that if I use leverage! Can you all understand this video today? This is definitely worth watching a few more times! Because unlike the outside world, these are all told by practical experience! And is it really difficult for everyone? The theory can be understood by everyone after listening to it several times! But everyone has a demon! This inner demon has been brainwashed by the news, the media, and those who have never bought a house for a long time! They terrify you, and you can't even take the first step to understand how you can afford a house! In fact, buying a house is really not that difficult, it is difficult or difficult when you think it is difficult! And the pressure of monthly payment will not be very big, because your investment property is rented out, which will cover part of your monthly payment. If you have family members to pay with you, you will have no pressure . If you pay by yourself, the pressure is also the most. Good motivation, because in the long run, it will be bittersweet first and then sweet. Your salary is based on common sense, and it will increase with your working hours! So what if your salary doesn't go up? Don't think that there are some of these, if you don't go up, you will quit! Really, you can definitely think of a hundred solutions! But one thought is enough to scare you to death! We can't say that there is no stress in living, you will definitely be afraid after buying a house because you have borrowed money , especially for newbies! But remember, to be rich you have to learn to borrow money! Since we have to learn the skill of borrowing money sooner or later, why don't we learn it when we are young? When you go to school at 80, can you handle the pressure? Even if you make money, what's the point? Stress is the driving force for our life to move forward. Everyone is an adult. You can’t say that you want to live a carefree life every day . People who have these thoughts just don’t live well, and they don’t contribute to the entire earth society! Remember! Buying a house is a tool for a few countries and banks to help us move up the ladder. If you are not worth 10 million US dollars, you are not worthy of renting a house! Well, if you have any questions, you can leave me a message! As long as you can find a sentence or two in what I said today is useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ Well, if you don't want to miss anything about being rich, entrepreneur, investor Free information to achieve wealth freedom I still call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then selflessly share the video! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! Well, see you next week, Bye!
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Id: 6WOnN4QAQdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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