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Hello everyone, I am a sweeping monk! Some people who can't afford a house like to laugh at those who buy at the highest price point! Actually this is normal, right? But the saddest thing is that those who bought at the highest point actually listened to the opinions of those who could not afford to buy a house and sold the house when the economy was at its worst and housing prices fell back! This world does not mean that if you can afford a house, you are an investor! You may also be just a poor man who can afford a house! In fact, all transactions are a game! Assuming there are five people in this world, the rules of the game are very simple , just guess the front and back of the coin! Everyone puts out ten dollars, if you guess wrong, your ten dollars are gone! If the guess is correct, the person who guesses correctly can share other people's money equally. At this moment , you suddenly discovered a very interesting thing . The other four people always like to keep the same opinion. This group of people is called a flock! They like to agree that the coin is heads or tails! So you adopt the simplest strategy and you do it the other way around! The four of them say negative, you say positive! So now let's do the math. How much money do you lose if you guess wrong? Lost 10 bucks, right? But what if you guessed right? Then you get 40 bucks because that's all the money on the table and your yield is 400%! And what about the others? If he guesses wrong, he also loses ten dollars, but if he guesses right, each person can only get 12 dollars , because there are 4 people who have to share the income of 50 dollars , so the rate of return is only 25%! From this point of view, as long as you simply stay against most people, your return on investment will be 16 times that of others . In fact, all people who have really achieved results in entrepreneurship, investment, and even politics will tell you this wealth secret! We will always sing against the poor and the flock! The vast majority of people do not have their own strategies for buying houses, stocks, and coins! They like to look at other people's opinions. If others say this stock is good and should be bought, he will buy it. If others say this stock is not good, he will cut it. Let’s not talk about whether the housing price will rise or fall in the future. A person’s mind is filled with the idea of ​​the poor, and he chooses to be with the sheep . Even if the housing price and stock price rise, he will still have a way to lose money! And our investors were right at the beginning ! The funds may not be enough to buy a house , but we have a way to buy the first house when the funds are not enough , and then let this house help us give birth to more houses! The most important thing is that we have a plan before investing any money in any investment . No matter whether the house price rises or falls, we will only follow our plan to implement! Because our plan has already been calculated. When the house price rises, what should we do? What if house prices fall back down? We will not be affected by anything, and we can make money even when house prices fall! Those who can only play against the wind but not against the wind will never be able to become masters in their entire lives! And in today's video, I just want to tell you my strategy for investing in real estate! If you are willing to be with us, you can like it to accept my blessing for your wealth and freedom! And if you want to solve the problem of becoming a boss, an investor, and a rich person first, you can subscribe to my channel for free like other more than 400,000 brothers and sisters, and then turn on the little bell! Alright, first things first! How can I buy a house if I have no money? Remember! Even if we have a million dollars now , but we buy a one million dollar house , we will never buy it in full! If we buy a house, we must take out a loan, otherwise we will not buy it! Let me state first, some people think that I have received a job offer from a real estate agent or a bank . In fact, I have not received any job offer! My original intention is that no one in school teaches you to start a business or invest, so I will come! Many people have been brainwashed by the noise around them, thinking that the house price is too expensive. If you don’t eat or drink for the rest of your life, and you have to raise your salary every year, you may not have the opportunity to buy a house of 20 million NT dollars! Yup! I guess you have to live to be 80 years old to earn 20 million Taiwan dollars! And history tells us that when you are 80 years old, this house is no longer 20 million , it may be 100 million, 300 million, right? Well if you do the math, of course you can't afford it! But I tell you! Even for an ordinary person, the bank is willing to lend you money to buy a house now! In other words, for a house worth 20 million yuan, the bank will help you pay 80% of the money first, and you only need to pay 20% of the down payment , which is about 4 million Taiwan dollars! The bank promises to let you pay it back slowly in 30 years! In other words, you only need to pay 4 million upfront to own a 20 million house immediately! Right? If you change your mind again, you can use this 20 million house to make money now! Then we investors will calculate an account, everyone pay attention, it is very important! If you want to be a professional investor, you must know how to settle accounts! Because only numbers will tell you the truth! First of all, the rental return rate in Taiwan is higher in some places! But there are probably about 2.5%! That is to say, if you rent out a house worth 20 million yuan, you can collect NT$500,000 a year , and the monthly rent is 41,000 yuan! But how much did you actually pay? Only 4 million! Regardless of whether the house price rises or falls every year, you will receive 500,000! What is your actual rental return? 500,000/4 million, equal to 12.5%! Can you understand this? Of course, we also need to calculate the monthly payment to the bank every month. You have to pay back 57,000 Taiwan dollars to the bank in the first year! At this time, you will be very worried, because even if you rent out the house and subtract the rent of 41,000 from the 57,000, you will have to pay an extra 16,000 per month! But what many people don't know is that out of the 57,000 you have to return to the bank, 33,000 is your principal and only 24,000 is the interest you have to pay to the bank! In other words, 57% of your monthly payment in the first year is your principal! 43% is your interest! What does principal mean? You can understand the principal as your income! When you sell the house, you get that principal back! And interest can be understood as your expenditure, which is the money you have to pay to the bank every month! What more people don't know is that your interest payments will be paid less and less , while your principal income will be paid more and more! For example, in thirty years, your monthly interest repayment is only about NT$1,000, while your principal is NT$56,000! Hearing this, smarter people will have a feeling. The interest of NT$1,000 you paid every month for thirty years is no longer money! Because of 30 years of inflation, this 1,000 Taiwan dollars may be equivalent to about one or two hundred today, or even less, right? So many people think that borrowing a mortgage from a bank is a house slave, and they have to work for the bank all their lives! In fact, you are working for yourself! Because most of the money you return to the bank is actually yours! And this money is your rental income, someone else paid for it for you! Then you may ask, if I don't rent out this house, but I use it myself , is it a liability instead of an asset? "Rich Dad Poor Dad" tells us that debt is something that takes money out of your wallet! An asset is what puts money in your wallet! If the house is self-occupied, is it a debt? Because I have to take 57,000 out of my wallet every month to return it to the bank! correct! In the 30-year mortgage, the house is a liability for self-occupation! But as I said just now, the 57% that you return to the bank in the first year is your principal, your money! In thirty years, 98% is your principal, your money! And thirty years later, you don't need to pay back the money to the bank because the house is already yours! At this time, it is your assets. You already fully own this 20 million house! And what I said is based on the assumption that if the house price does not rise, in the 30-year mortgage, you are in debt for self-occupation! But what if house prices go up? I have never seen an investor hold a house for 30 years. History tells us that house prices can double every five years , especially when we buy houses in big cities with very rare locations . In other words, I It may only need to invest 4 million, plus 5 years of contributions! When the 20 million houses turned into 40 million! I just made 10 million directly! 10 million/over 4 million, my actual return on investment is more than double! At this time, even if the house is for self-occupation, it is actually our asset! Especially if you have a subscription, follow me all the time, you will know a lot of financial skills, why we make money as soon as we buy! You don't have to wait five years at all! In fact, this is a very extreme statement! Because even if you don’t buy a house, you rent a 20 million house now, and the monthly rent is NT$41,000! Then you still have to spend 41,000 yuan every month to solve your housing problem! Then this rent is also your debt! But after you pay the 41,000, it is not yours anymore! It's gone! And thirty years from now, what will that rent be like? Every year, the rent will only rise with inflation , but your salary will not keep up! You will definitely be more stressed about renting than paying your mortgage! Therefore, in the eyes of our investors who have made money, renting a house is the real house slave! Buying a house or renting a house, I believe I don’t need to say more! Then you might say, I don't even have 4 million! And you have to pay a monthly payment of 16,000, which you may not be able to afford! Why don't you find a woman to pay with you? If it doesn't work, ask your parents to pay with you! This is a family investment that can change your family's destiny! What's the shame? And as a man, why can't you even pay for a down payment? It's because you can't save money at all! Why Do Most People Feel Like Living Like A Slave? Because you wake up every day and go to work, you are making money for our business boss! Every penny you earn is actually ours! And the salary we give you, to put it bluntly, we pay more for a dog than your salary! And half of your monthly salary is already used in rent! Even if you are dating a girl, let alone you dare not go to some high-end restaurants , let alone give bags and clothes to girls! Dress yourself up, buy some high-end clothes, go on a trip, or spend more on activities , and pack up your IG, you are reluctant! It's because you don't have a career of your own! Many people tell you that it is difficult to start a business , and tell you that Internet business requires high technology to do it! But the people who told you, did they succeed? Have you actually touched it yourself? Let me tell you, on the Internet, we can take advantage of its free and contagious properties that are more terrifying than viruses to build our personal brand that earns seven figures a year! I said dollars! That is, we can buy a house in full before our money is swallowed by inflation ! And once established, all income is passive income that collects money while lying down! This is not Cambodia, or an illegal industry. In fact, it is a set of marketing methods to make customers chase us . It is just that we have grasped the trend of the mobile Internet! If you are interested in my set of trade secrets, I will record it in a course! You can sign up for free at the first link on the video description column. The good news is that it is free now, and you still have a chance to become my disciple . Let me take you hand in hand! The bad news is that this course will be taken off the shelves by my team or start charging in December! Just don't listen to it! I tell you! Buying a house in full is ignorance of economics! Many people have been told by their teachers or parents since they were young that they should not take what is free! but you know what? The bank lends you money, but he is actually losing money! Those who do not take out loans think that the capitalists in the bank designed a mortgage to make them become house slaves and let them work for these capitalists for the rest of their lives! In fact, this is not the case! You will find that even if the United States has raised interest rates so many times this year, its mortgage interest rate is only 7%! But the inflation data he has released now is 7.7% and the highest reaches more than 9%! In other words, today I ask you to borrow 100 yuan! Next year because of inflation, it will take 109 yuan to buy something of the same value as last year’s 100 yuan , so it is reasonable for you to pay me more than 109 yuan now! But the bank tells you that you only need to repay him 107 yuan! The actual inflation is even more exaggerated. If you don’t understand it, you will know it when you go to the United States for a meal! You will find out how much more you spent when you went to have a meal two years ago compared to what you have now! Right? In other words, from the perspective of purchasing power, the more money the bank lends you, the more he will lose . Not to mention Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China, the mortgage interest rates are only 1.8%, 2.8%, and 5%. about! When a bank lends you money, it's almost like giving it away for nothing! Why is the bank willing to give you such a low interest rate to buy a house? Because the house is a high-quality asset, you can only get such a low interest through the house . The loan is a demon mirror of assets. You can see if it is good or not by looking at the loan interest and the loan amount . You are holding 10 million stocks, gold, Go to the bank to mortgage Bitcoin, and you will find that the money you can borrow is pitifully small! And the interest rate you have to pay back to the bank is too high for you to accept! What does this mean? It means that stocks are unreliable in the eyes of bankers! And an ordinary amateur just needs to walk into the bank casually and say that the purpose of his borrowing is to buy a house , and the bank is willing to help him pay 80% or 90% of the house first! In other words, the only way anyone can do business with a bank and leverage bank money to help them make money is to borrow money to buy a house! Then the second thing is to reduce our fault tolerance rate! Suppose you follow me to start a business on the Internet and you have 3 million US dollars in your hand. If you buy a house with all the money , you will have no money left! And my approach is that with a down payment of 500,000 US dollars , you can use leverage to buy a 2 million house! I will spend two million dollars to buy four sets, one set in my own name and the others in my family’s name . I still have one million US dollars in liquidity, which can be called at any time! I can do my own business with this one million, and now that the interest rate is rising, I can use it for other investment hedging, even if it is an exaggeration! The housing price has completely collapsed. I can use this million to pay off the mortgage for five years, and I can do it with ease! As long as I have money to return to the bank, I'm not afraid of your collapse! Because even in the financial crisis of 1997 and 2008, housing prices did not completely collapse, and they rose back in a year or two! The increase is higher than in any previous period. With this overall view and mentality, you can watch my last video! And even if my million dollars is left in the bank, I am very at ease! Sometimes when you are unhappy, you open the bank and look at the 7-digit number, right? In other words, the loan allows us to have the right to be backward compatible. The initiative is in our hands. We can dispose of the 1 million funds at any time. When it is difficult, we can turn it around. When we encounter problems, we can make an emergency . Even if you don’t need it, Early repayment is also possible! But once you put all of it in the house, it is equivalent to locking it. It will not be so easy for you to get a loan again . You have no chance to make mistakes in the funds! Remember! Li Ka-shing also said that a company goes bankrupt not because of losses! It's because the capital chain is broken! Each of us is an independent company! When you really need money urgently, if you have no cash flow, you have to sell the house at a discount. Do you think you are losing money? And as I said just now, we can rent out the house. This is the first safety net to prevent us from cutting off the supply! And the current 1 million liquidity is the second safety net! We have no chance to repay the loan in advance , but we can buy a few more houses with the same funds and keep an extra 1 million in our hands, so we can use it whenever we want, isn’t it good? And third, if you buy assets with debt, you can go against the general trend! What is the big trend? Inflation! It is money that is becoming less and less valuable, it is the price of human beings, and the price of assets keeps rising! If you are in business, you will feel that the prices of raw materials are rising! If you are a part-time job, you will feel that the prices in the vegetable market are rising , but inflation has an advantage, it will reduce debt! That is, you borrowed 2 million US dollars from the bank, and you don't need to repay the 2 million US dollars at that time! Calculated according to the discount rate, it may only need to pay back 1 million! The 1 million was paid by the bank for you, and their purchasing power has shrunk! Many people like to stare at the numbers, feeling that there is a lot of money with interest! Those are illusions! If you switch to pork, it’s easy to understand. In 1950, $15 was equal to 135 catties of pork. In 1990, $15 was equal to 21 catties of pork. In 2022, $15 was equal to two catties of pork! If we change a reference object, you will understand that we can actually borrow 100 catties of pork and only pay back 20 catties after 30 years. In this way, we can earn 80 catties and keep them for ourselves. Is n’t it delicious? That's the reason! Numbers are worthless. What you need to see is the corresponding purchasing power behind the numbers, which is valuable! And in terms of time, it will be more beneficial to the lender as time goes by, because as time goes by, house prices will rise steadily and your salary will also rise steadily. In this way, your repayment pressure will become smaller and smaller. Small It is negligible , but once you pay the full amount, you will throw away all these discounts . Of course, the level of interest rate will also affect your monthly payment! It's like raising interest rates in the United States now! And I also said in the last video, when the interest rate rises, the house price will fall back. How can I buy a house and make money as soon as I buy it? But if you still can't figure it out, let me give you another example! That is to say, you want to do a business of buying and selling apples. The cost of your apple purchase may be 4 yuan, 5 yuan, or 6 yuan , but you know very well that one day your apple will be sold for 15 yuan. When you go out , what are you struggling with at this time, is the purchase cost? Or should I buy as many apples as possible? The same is true for real estate investment. Your interest rate is your purchase cost. The appreciation of your house every year is your profit from selling apples . Since history tells us that the average annual real estate investment income is 15%. I’m talking about the whole. If you follow my channel Go learn and buy a better house, and your rewards will be more than just! In other words, as long as our cost is controlled within a reasonable cost line, such as 15 yuan, my cost is 7 yuan, and we will earn double! And the current mortgage interest rate is less than 7% in Asia! Taiwan is only 1.8%, but our income is 15%! At this time, do we need all the funds and all the money? Do you want to raise as much money as possible to buy Apple instead of worrying about whether the interest rate is high or low? And if you rent out the house, the cost is paid by others for you , and the more you pay, the less you pay. Even if you double it in 20 years, you will not lose money . Many people usually buy clothes that cost $100 and get $20 off, which is better than anyone else. Clear , but when buying a house, I feel confused, afraid of this and that! That's because they haven't settled their accounts clearly. What is there to be afraid of? Right? And fourth, you give up a better living environment! Of course, $3 million can buy a house in full , but is this the best choice? Why can't I take out a loan to buy a bigger house? Why can't I leverage to buy a villa and let my whole family live in it for generations? I can make the living room several times bigger, have more rooms, add a slide for the children, and hire more nannies! Of course, for myself, I would like to buy a few more houses and rent them out , and let my parents live in one of them! Because mother-in-law and daughter-in-law live together, friction is unavoidable. Husband and wife can’t find a place to make out . You buy a house for your parents and live next to you. together? Right? Hearing this, some people may say that buying a house is not the only choice in my life! So let's take a look. Besides buying a house, do you have any other options in your life? First, if one day you don't want to work part-time , it is very likely that you will start a business or open a store! Then you will most likely step on a few entrepreneurial pits , such as coffee shops, flower shops, bakeries, homestays, and hot pot restaurants. The usual way is this . You first set up a big stall and open a store! Or start a company, rent a high-end office and then recruit employees, they are very prestigious! and then? Just hang up! And then what? Then maybe you want to go home and sell the house, continue to start a business, one mistake saves another mistake! As a result, a more serious mistake was made! Remember my words: the number one loser in the past is to sell the house your parents gave you, and then start a business! You take a definite result and go for an uncertain answer. You lost a watermelon, but you didn't find any sesame seeds! What is the real purpose of starting a business? My sole purpose of starting a business is to support the cash flow for buying a house instead of selling the house to start a business! This is putting the cart before the horse! And if you need money to start a business, then you are not called starting a business , but investing, plus working for yourself! "Rich Dad Poor Dad" has four quadrants of wealth! The first is the staff! The second is self-care people! If you spend money to start a business, you are at most just a self-care person! And the risk is the greatest! For example, if you want to open a restaurant , you just do what others will do , but there is a threshold for doing this, which is the start-up capital! Then you will only work hard and earn no money! And the real entrepreneurship is self-made with zero cost! We rely on brains to make money. We think about how to gather people together in the most visited places in the world, and finally let them become our customers! And do you know this? Many children of a few years old have already done it, and are worth over 100 million! I said dollars! They rely on the platform Youtube. Most people like to live in the virtual world of Youtube . These children only need to play games and play toys, and make videos to bring them an endless stream of passive income. ! And why is this a stepping stone for us ordinary people who want to buy multiple houses? Because we only need to know how to convert these flows into cash, then this is a perfect business! And if you have never been in contact with entrepreneurship, from the media, you are not saying that you will not try because those people around you who have no results tell you that it is difficult! It means that you need a master who really has results, and he will lead you to start a business at no cost! Because there may be only one life and opportunity. What we do is a very low-risk business . Even if you fail, you won’t say nothing! Even if you go out to find a job with your self-media skills , such as marketing, SEO, drainage, speech, market research, etc. , your monthly salary may be several times higher than that of ordinary office workers! Because these are currently the most scarce skills! And if you are successful like our other disciples, you will have the opportunity to build an automatic money-making brand with an annual income of 7 figures! And the whole thing can be very scientific, which means that if I summarize everything you have to learn , including how to edit, design, what content to make, how to do it, etc. , as well as my way of starting a business on the Internet, I can summarize it into a McDonald’s-like The system allows you to directly copy my fast food model and adapt it to your own business! And I put the whole system in the Entrepreneurship Business School, and I will take you to start a business forever! You only need to spend about half a year to build this system, as long as every time someone watches your video, even if you are sleeping , you will have an endless stream of passive income! You change your destiny overnight! In terms of improving your entrepreneurial quality, if you join now, I will give you a permanent membership of the Fortune Free Book Club as a personal gift . You don’t need to read any more books, you can just listen to our team dismantling the essence of one hundred books for you. Go and listen to my wealth free courses on emperor art and sales that I update from time to time! In addition, those who are close to Zhu Chi are close to ink are black. We have an elite group of thousands of students . Everyone will share first-hand information and resources on making money from all walks of life . They may become your partners or even soul mates. ! The good news is that if you join now, there will be a very big discount in the early stage! And the bad news is that this promotion is about to be canceled by my team because we will only keep increasing the price as the content is updated! So those who are interested in becoming my disciple must hurry up and join in the link on the video description column! In the second case, some students may say that I don't buy a house , but I am very good at financial management! As I said in my previous video, the essence of financial management is a scam. All financial masters will give you a form to let you clearly list all your assets, such as real estate, stocks, bonds, deposits, and then tell you the power of compound interest! Compound interest is known as the eighth wonder of the world . It is said that it was said by Einstein! What does compound interest promise you? You only need to have a very small principal, such as depositing 500 US dollars every month. After a long period of time, such as 30 or 40 years , you can grow into a huge fortune in the end! So ordinary people can also become multi-millionaires! But have you ever seen ordinary people around you become multi-millionaires or billionaires through financial management and compound interest? You ask yourself, we speak with facts! Have it? no? Right? why? Because there is a fatal logic here: inflation is also compound interest, and all financial management that does not talk about inflation is hooliganism! If you are interested, you can watch the previous video! And third, speculate in coins, foreign exchange or stocks! I don’t need to say anything about this! I made a video eight months ago , saying that Bitcoin has a chance to fall from the highest price of more than 60,000 US dollars to 19,000 US dollars! Tell everyone to go short and speculate! 7 months ago, I told everyone to short the yen for speculation , and then told everyone that the stock market has reached the stage of bear market! Then those brothers and sisters who listened to me will come back to say good news and thank me now! These are all video evidence! However, there are also many people who have never heard of my videos and even deliberately contradict me . They think that long-term investment in stocks and bitcoins can make a fortune! As I said, these investment products are essentially paper assets with no real value! It is possible to earn the price difference by speculating and run away as soon as you make money. This is called speculation! But this requires technology, if you are a novice, you may want to watch more of my videos! And I observe the people around me, the novices who made money by investing in stocks in the past two decades are the same as the novices who lost money by buying houses! Very rare! What is the biggest difference between the stock market and the real estate market? The stock market is to make you lose money clearly! And the property market makes you money in a daze! Everyone should understand this! It’s just that most people can only afford stocks and they bought stocks, so if you tell them stocks are unreliable , they will oppose you! man! It is normal to always think that you are right! But when you have suffered a loss, you should wake up! You will find that because buying a house itself has a threshold of capital and courage , this has already excluded 90% of the flock! So you will find that the extent of the fall in house prices is much smaller than the fall in stock prices . It is because most people who can afford houses will not sell their houses in fear because some sheep who cannot afford houses say that house prices are about to collapse. ! And in the entire real estate market, there is no banker manipulator! If the only banker is the government! And what every government fears most is not that young people cannot afford housing, but a real estate collapse! Because this means that there will be a lot of unemployment , they are not allowed to have an economic depression during the term of the fund , which will affect their subsequent elections! So you will find that every time the economy is at its worst, the government will act as a representative of justice and introduce some policies to stimulate the economy! Every time there are these actions, every time the housing price rises so that we sleep with our eyes closed, we will laugh out loud! Do you understand? And the fourth is to buy a car. Of course, most of the cars are bought by boys . This is not discrimination! But men and women are really different. I found that men are born to love cars, little boys like toy cars more than little girls , and little girls like some dolls more than little boys! When your family has a little money, a man will buy a nice car sooner or later! But the car is really a consumable item. It will be discounted by 20% when it hits the ground , and then you have to keep feeding it! In less than ten years, this car will be scrapped! But the houses we buy in big cities can be doubled! In the fifth case, you don’t start a business or invest in stocks, but you don’t buy a house, then what? Your little money will always be missed by others, either by your relatives and friends, or by your friends! In the end, I couldn't save face, so I lent the money out. The loaned money is like a meat bun beating a dog, and it never returns! You pay for a nemesis and then there's no more You know what's the best reason to say no to someone borrowing money? Just recently I bought a suite, very poor! Ask him to borrow some money! So excluding all the above options, you will find that if you have money , besides buying a house, what other channels are there for maintaining and increasing value? Welcome to leave a message to tell me! In fact, the trajectory of wealth freedom is very simple . It is to change from the quadrant of employees and self-care people to the quadrant of entrepreneurs as soon as possible. Invest the money earned, and switch to the investment quadrant as soon as possible! The scariest thing in life is that you have worked hard to climb the ladder for decades, and when you look back , I leaned on the ladder and put it on the wrong wall , so I went to work seriously. Buying a house casually is a major strategic mistake in your life . Your income from real estate investment is on the order of millions , while your income from going to work is on the order of hundreds of thousands to millions! These are two things with a difference of ten times, but you ask yourself, how many times is the difference in the energy you spend on these two things? How many people go to work seriously , work overtime seriously, and buy a house casually? This kind of behavior is completely a crime of family finances , so don't pretend to work hard, wealth will not accompany you in acting . People who really work hard don't go to work! So those who laugh at house slaves, think carefully about who bought a house 20 years ago, and who didn’t buy a house 20 years ago . Who should laugh at whom? If you have this basic logic, you won’t be scared to death by the so-called news and the so-called policies all day long, just ask yourself if you don’t believe it, don’t buy it, and I’m not saying I’m begging you to buy it! It doesn't matter to me whether you buy it or not! Some people say that I have bought many houses myself, and that I advocate you to buy houses just to let you take over my house! Anyone with a brain knows this is nonsense! It's that simple! So I really don't want to spend a long time debating the rise and fall of housing prices with some stupid people. A person who doesn't buy a house is because he doesn't have any spirit of seeking truth from facts. He doesn't recognize the overall trend of housing prices, which is really rising! Once a person falls into a demon, he is unreasonable, he does not speak logic, he does not admit the facts, he only sees what he wants to see, what he wants to believe is not correct, so he deserves to be poor! And what we investors have to do is to settle the accounts before buying a house and entering the market! Even if house prices fall, we can earn more than others! Finally, I would like to emphasize that the lowest goal of brothers and sisters who subscribe to my channel is to open positions in big cities as soon as possible! Practice a 7-figure passive income per year, and achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! Well, if you have any questions, you can leave me a message! As long as you can find a sentence or two in what I said today that is useful and can help your life to live better, I will be satisfied~ Then, I will continue to share about the next Thursday at 8:30 Become a rich man, an entrepreneur, an investor, free information on achieving financial freedom If you don't want to miss it, I still appeal to you to subscribe to my channel, and then turn on the little bell! Then selflessly share the video! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve wealth and freedom as soon as possible! Well, we will see you next week, Bye!
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Id: fpDPtdqQYIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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