假如你有呢啲徵兆出現,咁你嘅腸道好大機會已出現問題?3個簡單習慣改善腸道健康!唔洗錢都可以延長壽命?|#117 好書推介《健康研究室3 大便篇》丨Lorey讀好書 _20230630
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Channel: Sun Channel
Views: 151,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lorey Chan, 十分鐘讀好書, Lorey, Sun Channel, 好書推介, 閱讀節目, 傳媒, Facebook, Twitter, Social media, 人物傳記, 歷史, 個人成長, 心靈成長, Reading, 暢銷書, 哲學, 當代思潮, 人文社科, 暢銷著作, 生活習慣, 咖啡, life, 名人, 生活健康, 養生, Health, healthy diet, healthy diet menu, Healthy diet recipe, 減肥, Aging, 營養, supplements, Why we sleep, 延長壽命, 大腸, 消化系統, 腸道健康, 益生菌, 乳酸菌, digestive system, 健康研究室3大便篇, 石倉裕幸, 飲食習慣, 做運動, 肚痛, 便秘, Can't poop
Id: QWFdQ1kfUK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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