終於吃到了!澳門道地美食!一次吃到夠!人均消費100元!吃7種美食!最美味豬扒包!人氣牛雜!超抵食!CP值極高!排隊美食!街頭小吃!交通路線!美食旅遊攻略!Canton Food Tour|Macao

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Because the weather is getting warmer now, many people come to travel and use banknotes to see if this loose money is enough. It is definitely eight yuan. One person doesn’t know the number , but you must hold the paper bag like this , otherwise it will fall all over you. If you are a tourist, eating like this is the best or alternative. It’s 65 yuan. It ’s radish and beef offal . I’ve seen it. It’s not a lot of radish. The radish is just interesting . It ’s just a pork chop . It’s worth the price and the bones are exposed . You won’t have to bite your teeth when you bite the bone. I'm looking for a dentist. Hello, everyone . We woke up and are having breakfast. We haven't tried breakfast before. It's so close. It's right here. We also asked about the coffee shop that opens at 6 o'clock. Of course it won't be available now. Let's just have tea. It's usually here. There are also many photos of famous actors on the singing wall . Of course, when you come to Macau, you can eat some nostalgic and unusual dim sum. Last night, the information we read seems to say that the barbecued pork buns here are also very famous. Thank you , you can scan the QR code to place an order. The stir-fried dishes are not ready yet. Thank you for taking a look first. We come again and read the menu dizzyingly. Time: 6 am to 2 pm. During the tea time, for dim sum, we will order nostalgic dim sum . Seeing that there is no way to compare with the 50% off teahouse in Guangzhou, the price is impossible. I think they are all cheap, and they are quite cheap . The chicken skewers are more than 20 yuan, and the chicken skewers are quite special . There is also rice chicken, which is glutinous rice, chicken, shrimp dumplings, rice rolls , and preserved egg and lean meat porridge is 32 yuan . The minimum consumption is to add a water chestnut. Cakes, pan-fried shrimps, sausages, and the like are all these. We don’t win with more, we win with nostalgia. As for the Chinese kitchen, the lunch part is not available yet. Most of them are... Stir-fried pork ribs 80 yuan. Special snacks. We plan to order some early in the morning. It's a good idea to come and have tea and talk about the hotel last night. I walked a lot yesterday and basically didn't wake up much. I woke up once to go to the bathroom . That's how I slept. It was very comfortable. I was very satisfied with the bed , but it was really narrow. I don’t have any slippers. Do you know what I should do ? I just use a towel and lay it on the floor. I just need to lay two towels in the bathroom next to my bed. I don’t need to bring in slippers . I have already placed an order on my mobile phone. There are a few shrimps that I want to eat. I would like to compare the difference between what I often eat here in Macau . The shrimp dumplings with chicken balls and big dumplings are the typical brand. Usually when we go to a more special restaurant, we will order shrimp dumplings. The price is very reasonable at 30 yuan because the Portuguese come here. It has a longer history than the British who came to Hong Kong because the Portuguese came in the Ming Dynasty . This teahouse has a history of 70 years and is used for singing opera. The one in Guangzhou has a history of hundreds of years and a history of 150 years and 140 years. The history of more than 10 years is so exaggerated. What we are talking about is that Ronghua Building is located on Longjin East Road opposite Longjin East Road. After all, it is the provincial capital. It is very good to come here to drink tea in the morning and sing opera in the afternoon. After waiting for a while, our breakfast is here . Try this shrimp dumpling first. The shrimp dumpling chopsticks have been soaked in water. Normally, they need to be soaked in water so that the skin will not peel off. It is not expensive. It is 30 yuan and has a discount of 24 yuan. 4 pieces. Where is the discount? It’s not the 10% discount I’m talking about. It’s the exchange rate. What I’m talking about now is Try the RMB first . It should not be handmade. Handmade cannot be at this price . Moreover, this is Macau. The shrimp dumplings are not so easy to explode. The skin is thicker. This is the thicker kind. The skin is thin and not easy to explode. Of course, it is the best. But it won't be like this. The price is between the two. I prefer this one because it has a thick skin and is not easy to burst because it will feel juicy when you bite it. The shrimp is wrapped in it and there is no celery in the shrimp, which I don't like very much. But because of this The shrimps are too big, there are two big shrimps , and they are very delicious. The quality is very high. The shrimp dumplings are very delicious and chewy. The shrimps are in it , but there are some missing... Bamboo shoots, but the shrimps are big enough. We will go to Guan by rail transit. Yejie turns out to be not too far from our place to A-Ma Station, Jinbi Civic Center. We took the bus there yesterday and headed south for a few stops. There are many buses on No. 2/5/11/10 to get there . It doesn't take long. If we walk there, it will take 26 minutes. It depends on whether we walk or take the bus. Walking will only take 10 minutes. After getting on the rail transit, we will take it... It should be considered that the name of the Skytrain is different in each place. Thailand is called Skyline? I don’t remember the name of the Skytrain. I went all the way to Guanye Street. Maybe I can go there if I have time . It doesn’t matter if I go to Paris or Venetian or not . I haven’t been to Mazu . Of course I have to go. I went there once a long time ago. I should go there. When Shao Xing goes there, besides going to Guanye Street, we can also go to A-Ma to see the fried shrimp and pork cheong fun. It’s been a long time since I’ve had it in Guangzhou. I like this food very much. I’ve had it since I was a kid. Now there are almost all the dim sum restaurants. If I don’t know how to do it, where did I eat when I was a kid? Sanyuanli Yuncha and my dad would eat this when we were kids. It was my favorite snack. Add a little chili sauce and pan-fry the puddings very crispy. I could smell the fried puddings like the aroma of carrot cakes. What I ate when I was a kid was not pan-fried chee cheong fun. It’s pan-fried rice rolls, this is pan-fried pork rice rolls. It tastes the same as pork rice rolls . It’s good. Those in Guangzhou can get the garlic chili sauce. It’s also very spicy. It’s special. If you eat the chili sauce in the morning, add some soy sauce and dried shrimps, it’s not very salty. If there’s soy sauce, it’s not very salty. The oil is great. It is always different. The pre-made dishes are not delivered very quickly at the restaurant. They are all well prepared. There is no reason to cook the chee cheong fun in there. I don’t believe it. Even if it is not fried and left, it is fried after the customer places an order. It is very fresh. There is something inside. Onions and other foods deceive me. These ones cannot deceive me. If they are not fresh enough, the foundation will be very loose after steaming and frying. Then I sip the tea. There is soy sauce at the bottom. We added a little more soy sauce. There was a little too much at the bottom. The customers didn’t like it. If not , you can add it yourself. It tastes very salty when we eat it. We need to add some soy sauce to make the pork cheong roll delicious. Would adding a little soy sauce make it taste more delicious? If we eat pork cheong fun in the morning and add soy sauce, we will eat pig intestines in the afternoon. Powder and chili sauce. It's morning now, so add soy sauce and dip it in. The skin is a little fried, not bad, not very hot and greasy. Our beef balls have come to 20 yuan, so we don't want to use the best to compare and be picky. Freshly steamed. The most expensive one is shrimp dumplings , but the cheapest beef balls are pretty good. Just now when we were discussing where to go, my wife said that she had never been to A-Ma, and she wanted to take her there to see what it was like. There were a lot of corianders , which showed that it was not far away. It’s the kind shipped from far away , even if they don’t make it by hand themselves. But I haven’t seen the water chestnut yet. Why haven’t I eaten it yet? Because it’s too hot. Wait a minute. It’s very hot. It’s just steamed. There’s also yuba to try. Very fragrant coriander flavor This is October 5th Street. It has a very fragrant beef smell. I originally thought it was so bouncy and scattered and not very solid. I thought it was average but not very fragrant. This beef smell is special. The nostalgic big bag is the most special thing in the whole place. The duck feet. I had to choose between the big buns and the nostalgic buns, but I decided to get this one . It looks like glutinous rice chicken. There are a lot of things wrapped in the buns. Some of them look like pork ribs. I originally wanted barbecued pork buns. I thought about it, so I decided to try this kind. This is the type of barbecued pork buns I usually eat . As for my continuing to eat beef balls, it is different from when I returned to Guangzhou. Why is the food we ordered like this? For example, if we don’t call it porridge, we can’t pack it. We have to finish it here. If we can’t finish it, we can’t pack it. We eat while riding in the car on the road . But we shouldn’t eat in the car. The beef balls like some eggs are very good . I can't wait to try this one. There are also sausages like this . Turn around and see. There are salted egg yolks and mushrooms. I want salted egg yolks. There are ribs so special. I rarely do this . You can also stuff a piece of beef. The pills are not good to eat. There are very few in Guangzhou. There are only one or two. I forget where I have eaten. It seems that I have eaten in it and forget which one . But it is not a selling point and it is not this kind. Guan Green Tea House may have it , but even if it does, it is all There seems to be a big chicken ball bun. There is this one there. It is stuffed with stuffing, just like glutinous rice chicken. I have had a full breakfast. It is now 9:12 and I can walk back in one step. If it rains heavily, I don’t need to hold an umbrella. That’s good. It 's very convenient and special. It's right across from Dalongfeng Teahouse. Isn't it here? It should be, I guess I don’t know , but it may be shooting in many places. We have packed all the luggage, checked out the room, and put it in the hotel. Now we are walking around . Our plan is as follows. Now let’s go to A-Ma in front. Let’s take a tour and then take the intercity rail, which is the subway. If you go to Taipa, you will go to Guanye Street. My wife said that there are some good food there, which is basically like this. As mentioned just now, those few people can’t go there even if they go there. Because we have already checked out, it doesn’t matter if we are a little later than 3:00 or 4:00. We don’t have to rush back to check out at 12:00. What do you call this amazing room? You can't see the words "Guangxingtai" . The firecracker factory should be from the old days, and it should be no longer used now . The biggest help for coming to Macau this time is that we bought Internet cards , so I shared the Wi-Fi with my wife during the whole trip. It is very convenient for me to use it to look at the map and she can look at the map together to find food. Dear viewers, no matter where you travel, it is best to have an Internet connection. If you don’t have an Internet connection, it will not work slowly as we do. You must first do it first. Buying an Internet card includes buying an Internet card if we go to Malaysia and Southeast Asia in the future. It must be purchased occasionally in the past. Most of them are bought for one day , but then there is no reason to buy it for one day. For example, when going to Kuala Lumpur, there is no reason to buy it for one day, so it is all There is also a pier here that you have to buy. This is the fish bar Wai Ji Fish Bar, which is supposed to be a place that sells fish. It should be really rare. Maybe when I came to Macau a few times before, I took a tour bus and saw it. I just knew how to go. Now we go to the casino area. This is the area where most residents live. Cross the road. The road we are taking now is called Hebian New Street. It takes about 20 minutes to get there . In fact, you can take a bus. The weather is so nice that we want to walk nearby, which is good for our health . There are so many things to eat and we need to digest them. And it’s only 9:42. We found many restaurants in this section of the street , such as pork chop buns, so let’s take a look at the door. We just want to come and eat. These booths have cups of frozen milk tea, coffee, and hot milk tea. Thank you for meeting the audience in Macau. I am still watching the hot milk tea. There is a special room here called the Mass Alliance for the Construction of Macao . It should be a place for some political parties. The architecture in Macau is very special and preserved. It's very new and complete. My wife said that the buildings in Macau are very well preserved. If the TV air conditioners in the high-rise buildings at the back are taken away, it will really feel like the 1950s and 1960s. When we returned to Guangzhou, it was in Xiguan that we found those old Republican-style houses in Xiguan . Even Guangzhou. They can't be demolished, let alone here because many of them are private, even if they are not privately owned by the government, they are already within the scope of conservation. Who can demolish them? Those that cannot be demolished can only continue to be conserved. It is a good thing to have people living there, but it is good for tourism. If it is demolished, everything will be like The shopping malls in Zhujiang New Town are actually the same as those in other provinces or other places. There are high-rise buildings and high-rise buildings. These are our Lingnan-style buildings . We also found that many Southeast Asians here should be Filipinos and Thais. Some of them look like tourists, some of them look like they are here for work, including where we ate fish eggs last night. Most of them look like they are here for work , but they are not tourists. This is like the intersection of Yide Road. It is so wide here. Turn around and it should be Changdi Avenue. The location of the second road is very similar . The whole street is full of cooked food and snacks. I was too full last night. Otherwise, I would have walked here. There are three lights and we can't go there. But it doesn't matter. We can come back in two months and this trip is here. Now the most dissatisfying part of the entire trip at this second is that the parking part is completely out of budget and unplanned. The parking part in Zhuhai costs 240 yuan. Isn’t that what we don’t see ? How can we pay 240 yuan to park? It’s stupid. The point is that the parking space my wife found It's 15 yuan , and the one issued earlier was last year, but it's not important. The point is that it doesn't have parking in Zhuhai, and parking is free. We don't dare to park, and someone will copy the license plate and tow it away. It would be terrible, isn't it? One thing I’m not very satisfied with is that some parts of Fat Choi Ba seem to charge money. Those are the two points. But Fat Choi Ba charges money for other people’s business. We don’t take the seats. It doesn’t matter. There are so many things that I’m most satisfied with. It’s the biggest in Macau we’ve ever been to. The difference is that we have seen a lot, walked a lot, and walked many roads. We wanted this feeling when we made the film. On the one hand, we wanted to show the audience that we also have a familiarity with the places in Macau , but we actually had to walk around the old town. This feeling is very different from others. I have an idea of ​​what taxis are like. Even if I chat with old friends and have dinner in the future, I can say a few words . Macau also has anti-theft nets, and there are many signboards with other English words besides Chinese , but many of us can't understand it. It should be In Portuguese, because there is no reason for us to know Portuguese, we can also guess that it’s almost the same in English, right? In Portuguese, I can’t guess that there are many of these motorcycle shops. The two walls are cracked in the middle, and there is a little reinforcement on the top. Look , that pillar is starting to crack. We have to do it here. Of course we have to do it here because there are no pillars here. It will be very bad if you go to the right. Also, the motorcycles in Macau drive much faster than our Guangzhou electric chicken. But it has a sound, but Guangzhou Electric Chicken has no sound. And if it is illegal, Guangzhou Electric Chicken is illegal and does not need to be copied. One of the subjects is to take pictures of us. Mobile phones and mobile phone maps are very important. If you are in Hong Kong and Macau, you can also have Chinese characters. If you go outside, you must recognize it. After learning English, we will go to Mazu Pavilion in nine minutes. Looking at the map on the mobile phone, we will know that we can go to Mazu Pavilion in nine minutes. Walk slowly . More than 30 million 167 square feet are the company's land and the labor quota is the company's... alone Let’s look at the building on October 5th Street, where we just lived. The single-family house nearby is equal to the one we just lived in. 25 million is equal to the one in Xiguan. Those still write Hong Kong dollars and there are restaurants. This area is very good. There are a lot of people in the two-piece porridge and fried chicken. I saw Haiquanwan, which is the one I just saw. It's a residential building. There are more than 200 buildings below. These are new ones. These are the ones we wanted to come. We just drank tea there. Watch these tea stalls on the roadside. Remember to come back next time . We are on the way to A-Ma Temple. I don’t know what to eat. These are not important unless we eat rice rolls, fried rice noodles, fried noodles, fried noodles and porridge. We came to A-Ma Temple again. This place is called the A-Ma Temple. In front of the ground is the A-Ma Temple. This is my second time here. I already have an impression. The last time I came with a group, this time I went on a free trip. This building has such a unique Southeast Asian style. Look at this one... This one is called the Port Authority. The Macau Government Port Authority Maritime Museum. Macau needs a maritime museum offshore. The Port Authority will know we are in the right place as soon as there are tourists. There are people working on it. We should not be able to go up there because we are tourists. Also... there is a Portuguese taste of Eastern and Western food, which is enshrined in the A-Ma Temple. Mazu is the patron saint of the sea. The Ruins of St. Paul's that we went to yesterday has a long history. It has a history of more than 500 years , and the history where it is located is even older than that of Ruins of St. Paul's. This is where the Portuguese landed in Macau. It was the earliest place because it is close to the pier. Today it has become a favorite place for tourists. The best season to visit here is from October to December. As for my wife, I don’t know where she went. The most important thing is to see this stone lion carving that is exquisite and lifelike . I went up to see the incense sticks. It was really different . It was really full of incense. I happened to meet tourists again. Many people were praying very high . The top of Hongren Hall seemed to be as high as an ancient mountain. When tourists came here, they prayed devoutly here one after another . It can be seen that "the sea is calm". We will see these words at the Nanhai Temple and Whampoa. After reading it, because there are many believers praying for blessings on it, usually we don't get too involved in these pictures. Now let's take the rail transit to Taipa right away, okay? To this day, it’s like a special forces tour because time is very tight and we don’t know each other very well. I also saw a dragon boat here. This is the South China Shipyard Maritime Museum . It is closed on Tuesday . Many museums here are closed on Tuesday. I am very happy. There are children from kindergarten who come here to learn and take classes . A teacher at a tourist attraction is teaching children. There are busloads of tour groups getting off there. Yes, it’s really an exaggeration. Macau’s tourism industry is booming , and it’s still Sunday... Today is Wednesday . Because the weather is getting warmer, many people come to Macau for tourism. Maybe we were walking nearby again. On the way, we saw the A-Ma Transportation Hub. The directions were very clear. Later, we saw a tourist tower. It was said that there was a Bengzhu Leap there. Let’s continue forward. This is where we are going to take the rail transit. It’s called LRT . It should be called LRT . It stops here. The tourist bus is the tourist we just saw. It only takes about five or six minutes to walk there. The weather is good today. It’s not very far and it’s very clean. There are not many tourists because the lines passing through are all in the south. It should be called Taipa MRT A-Ma Station . You know the name of the subway . Here, I see this picture on all the social media. It’s A-Ma . This is the main station and it’s not cheap. To be honest, you have to buy tickets with cash. We bought the tickets and we should have gone to a place called Paijiao. We had to use banknotes to see how much loose money there was. It's not enough, it's definitely enough for eight yuan. One person doesn't know how to count. The thing is like this. Fortunately, the vending machines don't recognize Hong Kong dollars, so you have to ask for Macau patacas. Just ask for Portuguese dollars and go to the self-service machine . You can buy tickets and pay electronically . This should be The passenger in front of the queue at this location finished his purchase and we bought it and came in. We don’t have to worry about taking the wrong seat. It should go from here to that group of tourists or here should be OK . It’s very comfortable to open , but we found that it should be There are no locals on the bus, but only tourists. Many people have to change coins because the more Hong Kong dollars they have, the less Macau patacas. I just paid with Alipay and paid this amount. It is very convenient. This is the stop here. It's behind the platform where the tracks are underground. Those are those that go up. You can go to this station at Taipa Pier. The wait is quite long and it takes nine minutes. Yes, let's sit for a while. I'm not familiar with the names of these places, but I only see the pictures above. I can guess that this is a rail line specially opened for tourists. It is not cheap. We went to... How many stops are there? One, two, three, four, eight yuan. Taking the bus is six yuan. It is also six yuan by bus. It cannot be combined. Guangzhou is so cheaper and shorter than Guangzhou. It seems that the BRT (APM) that goes to Canton Tower should be driverless . It seems that our BRT (APM) in Guangzhou is short and does not drive very fast. The carrying capacity is not strong and you can see the scenery. The carriage is very small and I haven’t seen the scenery yet . Moreover, the Guangzhou BRT (APM) has no scenery. The whole journey is underground. As far as I know, you can’t see the scenery on the road. Finally, I went outdoors. This part went very quickly. And each station is also very long. We thought it would be like Guangzhou BRT (APM), which only has one station in a while. Now we are going to Haiyang Station. After driving for a long time, we have been outdoors. We finally arrived at the ground. It takes about 9 minutes to go to Guanye Street here. In the past, I saw many tourists along the way. That's right. We had map software to guide us very quickly. There are more European-style buildings here than near our hotel. Everyone knows how the word "Guanye" came from Guanye Street . It also turned out that he was a naval admiral who was the 81st Governor of Macau. Guanye Street was named after him. It is actually a souvenir street and there is the Tin Hau Temple . If I am not mistaken, there is also a very famous coffee shop. I don’t know if there is one. I’m not lucky enough to get a drink because it’s morning, so I might as well have a drink. The most famous casino is probably the Milky Way, which is right next to it. We’ll walk slowly along this street and take a look. What do the uneven stone bricks on the ground look like? When we returned to Guangzhou and came down from Haizhu Bridge Haizhu Square, the entrance of Guangbin was like this. The purpose was to prevent cars from going too fast when passing by. There were many restaurants here with motorcycles and fins. Boston lobster is not cheap. Bao tastes Shunde cuisine. It’s quieter here. And look at the trees. Are they very historical ? Were they built in recent years ? I'm hungry. There seems to be an ancient temple in front of me called Taipa Chinese-Portuguese School , which is the Portuguese and Chinese school? I don’t know that yesterday before we went to have dinner, we passed by a school and saw many Portuguese people waiting for primary school students to finish school. It should be a Portuguese school? I guess there are many of these porcelain paintings telling how they came to Macau by boat. Another thing is that we often see those European-style buildings in Guangzhou. As for Macau, they are everywhere casually. I can see it all , so I have some viewers from Macau. They rarely ask if they are very interested in this aspect because there are many around them. Instead, some Hong Kong audiences will pay attention , or overseas audiences will be interested . For example, These are exactly the same architectural styles on Shamian Island. Those on Shamian Island are exactly the same. There are more trees on Shamian Island. I am just talking about this street. These cannot be built later. Today, it is open for free. Here is the Cotai History Museum. We have limited time to go ahead and the Beidi Temple, so we can’t take a closer look at them one by one and rush home... Let’s take a look at Zhuhai. It’s already 11 o’clock. We’ve eaten something and looked at those people. What’s the matter? Okay, let’s take a look at the place we want to eat. We came here for it. Don’t go there. It closed again for two minutes and is 141 meters away . Then I have another option, which is Mong Kok Coffee Shop. I don’t know if I have gone there before I know the meaning of tourism. You may actually go there... The one you want to go to doesn't exist, but if it's in a nearby tourist area, even if there isn't one nearby, there may be other restaurants. Second Uncle's Pawn Shop , look at those pawn shops with small windows. There are a lot of treasures hidden in the pawn shop. It's not possible to open it as big as it is. The place next to it is called Yedudi Lane. The wife who was queuing said she didn't know when she saw the front, but I saw it was a left turn. We came to explore the delicious food. We were afraid that there would be no one and that there would be many people asking for it. Wait until no one doubts whether they have made the right choice. Besides, there is a bus stop here and we should be able to go back to our hotel. This is the coffee shop I chose. The durian ice cream my wife chose should be at the back, right here with Ruins of St. Paul's. The place with the same name is Guanye Street (the subtitles are wrong). You can buy souvenirs from Wangji Coffee or the durian ice cream and Cheung Chau Nuomi Ci. The place we want to choose is the one we want to choose, even if it is not open. The problem is that there are a lot of food here. My wife found the one she wanted to choose at the Macau Portuguese Spicy Fish Restaurant. The Cheung Chau glutinous rice cakes are good. The glutinous rice cakes someone bought are so beautiful . Look at the cantaloupe glutinous rice cakes, red bean glutinous rice cakes. What else is there? Two kinds of glutinous rice cakes with freshly squeezed mango juice are enough. I'm afraid I'll eat too much ... One person can eat one glutinous rice cake... It's only 20 yuan a piece. We bought these two. How much did you pay? 20 yuan 20 yuan This is 15 yuan mango juice. My wife has raised the price, which is normal. It cannot be compared with the epidemic . There is also a green coffee shop Starbucks . There is a place to sit and eat, but it is already full. It is definitely not to save money, so I only buy one. Is it just to save money ? She asked how much the original price was for 20 pills? How much is the original price for two pills ? When he saw 20 yuan, he couldn't bear it and bought one. He was so angry that we sat in front of someone else's shop and the food was expensive. It was really expensive but the durian flavor was very fragrant . I ate the big one? Are you so good at eating a big food ? so good? I bought an extra piece of delicious food and bought it right away. The glutinous rice cakes are right in front of me. They are just glutinous rice cakes on the outside and are filled with durian inside. My wife tried it and she said it was very good. You are just eating a durian. This kind of durian is not a slap in the face. The durian is put in whole, just like making dumplings. It ’s not expensive. It’s 20 yuan. It’s hard to go back to Guangzhou, and the durian is very good and has a bitter-sweet taste. It’s 20 yuan . Then I’ll try this mango juice. The mango meat is simply delicious. The mixture is very pure and the proportion of mango is very high . It seems that this is more cost-effective than eating glutinous rice cakes , but there are not so many places to eat glutinous rice cakes. We definitely can’t eat so much. If you don’t eat, I will show you whether the restaurant is worth visiting. This is the stall with the most people. The queue is like this because we Guangzhou people are not very keen on it since we have snacks. It is also not cheap. The small portion is 55 yuan. When we were sitting there just now, the mother and son were eating. She sat down as soon as we left. I bought this right here. I wonder if you want to eat this? This one is 65 yuan. There is a box here for people to see, but it is expensive. It is all meat. There are not many radishes in it. You can also get one for 1,000 yuan . Those who are queuing suddenly have less people, so you can try it. This one is also famous for being eaten by many people. Soda drinks are also famous. Should you try it? In addition to the Portuguese tart shop, there is also a souvenir shop. The children were very happy with the food , so we also bought two. There were many people. I remember it was 6 yuan? 8 yuan? I don’t quite remember coming here. It must be a Portuguese tart for tourists. I remember that many people have been eating Portuguese tarts since before. As a tourist, I must check out the Andrew Portuguese tart. I got it for 11 Hong Kong dollars. There were many people inside and the attitude was good. No problem. Let’s try the food at these bungalows first. It seems like today is also a snack tour. Is it good? Good food , very good food, very good food. When you bite into the aroma of those butter-flavored eggs, you must hold the paper bag like this, otherwise it will fall all over your body. If you are a tourist, it is best to eat like this , or sit in a restaurant, drink a cup of coffee and sigh while eating . Especially It’s sweet enough. The coffee doesn’t have any sugar. But we can’t help it. It’s so delicious that it’s worth waiting in line for 11 yuan each. We already came to Macau in 1989. We were already full and tired of the delicious food. We continued our snack tour. Continuing, my wife wants to eat beef offal and I want to eat pork chop buns. She ate them yesterday. I have high requirements for pork chop buns because it was the first time I ate pork chop buns. The quality was very low because I didn’t know at the time how to choose when I was young. Now I'm trying to see if I can pick up a better pork chop bun and Fengcheng coconut ice cream on Guanye Street. Many stores in Fengcheng are mainly souvenir shops. I just saw a pork chop bun shop and I don't know. Is that okay ? Maybe try here first and continue to sell beef. There is also a vegetable seller in Taipa Market here? Many shops are closed. We originally wanted to come in and check the food prices , but we didn’t care. If we want to eat Portuguese food in Asia, I think there are many good choices here , right? It should be right. Are there Portuguese dishes in Guangzhou? Which one is the most famous? What's that called? What is the name of the one that has been open for many years and is not Portuguese cuisine? Compared with these, what do I call that? I don’t remember what the Taiping Pavilion is called? Isn't that called Portuguese food? Don't open a bar with a very negative name. Why don't you just call it the one on Macau Street and it counts as Portuguese cuisine? In the past, it was Portuguese cuisine, such as plain-cut chicken... Aren't there some people there who also had Portuguese dishes and some had Portuguese chicken? Don't talk nonsense, right? I don’t have any impression that we used to eat Portuguese food with my colleagues. We just knew that we were going to Macau. There were only a few of them . But when we came to Macau, there were a lot of them. At that time, all the Portuguese food was really lively. We went to the front to have coffee and eat beef. After we finished eating That’s almost enough. There is another place at Black Sand Beach... I don’t remember if it’s Black Sand Beach or Black Sand Bay. We’ve been there once before and took a bus to eat grilled chicken wings , but we probably won’t go there again today if I remember correctly. It should be around here, at least you can take a bus , and there are no tourists there. I remember the last time I went there, I could still receive China Mobile's signal when I went out. At that time, it was still 3G, and it should not be available. One thing happened when we went to the restroom there. The police noticed us for a long time. We were sneaking here, but they heard us speaking Cantonese. After observing for a while, we knew it was not the case. But we will not go there today and it is a bit far. What should we do there? ? The egg waffles are made on site. There are also these Thai ones that I used to eat when I was a kid . Go buy them in Thailand. I can’t forget the pork chop buns. There is one here. I want to eat the pork chop buns. You eat beef offal? Try it with some coffee or milk tea. Frozen coffee or frozen milk tea? There are pork chop buns here , but there are not many people, so I don’t want them. As for the most people, they still line up here like this. What should we do if the line is like this after we finish the round ? Either I stand in line and you go eat. We choose the 65 yuan one, right? I want the radish and beef offal because I haven’t seen many radishes. The radish is an interesting part. I choose the beef guanciale. I don’t know what it is. Can I skip the burdock ? If so, yes or He said you can mix and match freely , right? You do n’t need burdock... anything else is fine , but it doesn’t matter if you want it. It won’t be too much, and if it’s not enough, you can add mild/medium/little/very spicy. If you have more than 65 yuan , you can buy two for 12 yuan. Cans of soda because we plan to drink coffee again , so we won’t buy soda. 12 yuan for two cans of soda is not very cost-effective. 6 yuan for a can and a lot of food. 10 yuan for three pills is not bad and not expensive. No wonder there are so many people. It costs 12 yuan to add noodles. I don’t think so. You don’t think so? No, as we said before, there are not many radishes. When I was a kid, I ate beef offal on Cheong Hing Street. It was a lot of it. It was 65 Hong Kong dollars. Our food was 65 Hong Kong dollars. It was so much. I told them that it was okay to not have some parts. Tourists are also here to enjoy the food. Most of the money tripe is very fragrant and very soft when stewed. Firstly , the five-spice powder is still... secondly, the five-spice powder, peppercorns, star anise, and multi-column sauce are not too much. It is very special and really worth more than 60 yuan. No wonder there are so many people who just kept talking about not eating it. We have a lot of them in Guangzhou. Actually, it depends on the portion size. Later, I went through it and looked at the portion size. Each box was large and beautiful. I decided to take back that sentence , so now I bought one. I can't even imagine that the sauce is so special . We have a whole box of meat. It’s not called burdock. Can we not use burdock but beef lung? They processed it in such a big piece. Is this beef intestine? I don’t know, right? It’s not beef lung. It should be like intestine . If you can’t stop smelling the medicinal herbs, you have to sit under a tree. This is the best way to eat. Eat a lot of tripe. This should not be tripe. This should be the part of beef just now. What kind of melon? It's called...shagua? It's not surprising . It's very good . It's delicious . It's not too salty. There are a lot of five-spice powder in Guangzhou, so everyone sees that we rarely eat it. It's a big portion. Yesterday, we had a bowl of five-spice powder for 60 yuan . It's not that big. More of these... it looks like it's a lot of tripe. No wonder there are so many people queuing up to go to the spicy fish restaurant. If I had known, I would have added an extra noodle. But don't eat so much starch. I really want to add an instant noodle , instant noodle dipping sauce , and an instant noodle. Is this a delicious plate of delicious food? The food is really good. Audiences will have the opportunity to come here in the future . Since we are all queuing up, it is actually not a long queue. Because each location does different things, four people do it together and everyone handles their own money collection , so it will be better to add doll noodles soon . I remembered that the pork chop buns seemed very good, so I bought a pork chop bun. The last snack trip was this clay pot coffee, clay pot milk tea and pork chop buns. I decided to buy the clay pot pork chop buns here. For the brother who has a car , but the car is right next to me, can I afford it? Is it okay to eat pineapple oil for 18 yuan? If you can eat it, just buy it. If you can’t eat the pork chop buns, can the pork chop buns be cut up? It’s troublesome for the two of us to eat. The second floor is very good. If I didn't eat just now, I think I will finish it here at noon. There is noodles and a toast sandwich. When you order, you have to go down to get it . Milk tea is 20 yuan . Coffee and milk tea are 20 yuan. If it is a bottle, it is 26 yuan. So I just calculated I miscalculated ... Why are they so cheap? There are also pork chop buns. He helped us get a second order. The pork chop buns were just fried here and cost 48 yuan . This time I want to try this beautiful pork chop bun. It must be better than the first time I ate it. My wife ate better yesterday because what she ate yesterday was prepared by the bakery for a long time. Ours is made fresh by the proprietress who fry it on the spot in the kitchen, right ? The pork chop alone is worth the price of admission , and its bones are exposed. You won’t break your teeth when you bite it, and you won’t be afraid of having to go to the dentist again. It turned out to be one, and we asked him to cut it in half so that it looked right . The bread was baked, right? It was very good. It was super good . There was nothing to say about the meat . Yes, I had eaten pork chop buns several times . This was the best before. None of the above ones I have eaten are crispy here. Only here, the food is worth the price . I dare not dare to buy it at this price. Although it is a tourist area, it cannot be so casual , not casual, not casual at all, and it is worth taking a special car to come here. The pork chop here is very soft. Come try the hot milk tea. The wrapper is very crispy. The coffee is very hot. In summer, you can ask for bottled milk tea or coffee. However, I don’t like to drink coffee and milk tea in summer. I always feel that they need to be hot to drink . In the summer, I might drink a glass of lemonade with this. It’s a pity that I can’t eat it . Otherwise, pineapple oil would be better. I ca n’t help it . This pork chop is very slippery and not solid. Everything I’ve eaten before has been solid. This one doesn’t taste good from the crust of the bread at all. As for the pork chop, everything is very good. The pork chop has bones. This part is particularly delicious. The sauce seems to have a bit of curry flavor. I don’t know if it is. We continue to eat slowly. After we are full, we go back to the hotel to pick up our luggage and return to Zhuhai. We will have a small portion in the next section. We took the bus to travel around Macau and then passed through the border. This time we wanted to try it at Qingmao Pass because we don’t have to travel so much there, okay? If not, go to Gongbei, then go to Gongbei. It doesn’t matter. By the way, I ’ll go and see how crazy the parking prices are in Gongbei. I ’m in the market and I’m brave enough to accept the episode. Share this video. It’s for your friends. We’ll see you in the next episode.
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 63,386
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Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, walking downtown in china, busy street, dim sum, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, 点心, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 澳門, macao, 美食, 官也街, 豬扒包, 牛雜, 牛肉球, 蝦米腸, 雞球大包, 鮮蝦餃, 媽閣廟, 輕軌, 糯米糍, 芒果汁, 葡撻, macau food, macau food tour, macau food 2023, macau food vlog, macau food blog, food tour china, 豬扒包 澳門
Id: Hr2Kd6Ey5cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 20sec (3320 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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