【澳門兩天遊 🇲🇴】(4K) 澳門美食|貧窮之家品嚐高級葡國菜 | 街坊機茶|廟街大排檔|Hyatt酒店噴水池靚景|官也街之變遷|戀港嘢
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Channel: 戀港嘢 7Up Channel
Views: 123,545
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Keywords: Macau, 澳門, 澳門美食, 澳門格蘭披治, macau grand prix, 澳門旅遊, 澳門景點, 澳門自遊行, 澳門兩日一夜, macau trip, macau spot, macau sightseeing, 澳門觀光, 澳門有咩玩, 澳門有咩食, 丁記大排檔, 阿維斯咖啡, Albergue 1601, 婆仔屋, 瘋堂10號, 澳門賽車, Hyatt macau, 官也街, macau vlog, macao, macau travel, macau formula 3, 金巴, 港珠澳大橋, 婆仔屋1601, 創意園, 澳門歷史建築, 澳門賭場, 澳門食乜好, 新濠天地, Macau spots, Macau food, Macau Hyatt, 澳門大排檔, Miko澳門, Portugal, day trip to macau from hong kong
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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