廣州!老城區!極少人知道的粥品店!始於1979年!鹹豬脷粥?極為少見!吃過嗎?40元3種美食!美食攻略!旅遊推薦!地道美食!鹹煎餅!炸雲吞!最貼地!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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I think what should be appreciated about salty pancakes is that first of all, they are very soft on the outside and very crispy in the middle. It has a southern milky flavor. We have been to Shunde to eat fried wontons and they are also very well done . The skin is very loose and spreads throughout. The plate will break as soon as you pinch it. We use thicker wonton skin here , but the thick wonton skin will not be crispy, definitely not. Moreover, I have eaten the rice dumplings from so many places, and they are all from Zhongshi. I have always wanted to find the best one. I don’t want to talk about Hallo which is better than it and can be replaced. Hello everyone. My current location is Huifu West Road. I will shoot this episode near Dade Road and Daxin Road. It is just after 8 o’clock in the morning and I haven’t even had breakfast yet. Let 's go to Haizhu South Road for breakfast. In front of this is Haizhu South Road. I will go there and go to this snack shop on Haizhu South Road. I have wanted to go to it for a long time , even from the beginning of my channel. Today I finally finished it . Let's talk about Haizhu Middle Road. The allusion is that this building is very historical. In the past, there were many shops selling ivory on Haizhu Middle Road , especially the one in front of it is the most famous. Of course, now there is a consensus in society that ivory products can no longer be sold , so it has become many other floor shops , such as Selling those parts and electronic parts. In addition to this, there is also a very historical building of the Manchu people. I can only say that it is written in history. The Manchu people came to Guangzhou at that time, so they set up this place. It is called Guanyin Tower. I remember it when I came there. The Manchus who came here and the Manchus nearby are all under the Zhenghuang flag. My understanding is that the powerful people around the emperor can understand that to this day, of course there are not too many Manchu compatriots living here. In fact, there are some because I have a friend beside me. Only one. He is a Manchu and he lived near here when he was a child because his mother is a Manchu. Now the most famous thing here is the hospital, which is diagonally opposite to me. I won’t talk about the hospital today . Let’s go ahead and have breakfast first. I want to go there. The restaurant is located in the Xingxing location called Linji Porridge Shop. It is very, very close to Yide Road Subway Station. Let me tell you about the transportation route first because it is only a few minutes away. If you want to go to this restaurant , you will meet at Yide Road Subway Station. The more convenient Exit A or B can be used. One more thing is that we are already there . If I continue to go forward, I will already reach Yide Road. The Yide Road subway station is very close and should be right in front of it. I also checked the location and information. It opened at 7:30 in the morning. I came in. The restaurant is very old and big. I have always wanted to come. The lady boss recommended these two delicacies. I have been thinking about eating salty pancakes since early in the morning. The salty pancakes must be It's delicious only in the morning. Come here early and it's the best. The second one is the salty pork belly porridge recommended by the boss lady. Is it different? There's coriander below. This price is nine yuan. This price is twenty yuan. Except for what I just said. These two delicacies are the most famous. The fried beef river is also very good. Unfortunately, my stomach capacity is limited . The fried wontons are also delicious. Here you can see a correct set meal. If not called salty pancakes, this one will satisfy me. I asked for the information on the wall above. It turns out that the proprietress used to run a late-night snack stall at the Daxin intersection . I tried the salted pancakes first. What do I want to appreciate? First of all, the outside is very soft and the middle is very crispy. Eat its southern milk. The aroma is because the weather in Guangzhou is relatively hot. Why do Guangzhou people like to eat these? If the older generation eats them, they are more refreshing and nutritious. It seems that these are old neighbors, very humane, which is amazing . I have eaten salty pancakes before and also eaten fresh ones. Everyone should know that the middle part is a bit like the beautiful Tang Sha Weng when we went to those old-style restaurants in Foshan. It also has a little bit of white sesame and is freshly fried. It’s really different. There’s nothing like that. It's very hard and feels very soft. Of course, it was delivered by an outside company. Lin Xiaofeng came over and took the photo for half an hour. The landlady was very nice. She also told me that Mr. Lin Xiaofeng, a well-known Hong Kong artist, came over to take photos and taste the food . There was a lot of porridge. I saw it and I ate it first. The taste of coriander is refreshing and refreshing. These are the salted pork knives recommended by the boss lady. They are really good. First of all, let me make it clear that I am not a person who likes to eat pork knives. Everyone who has watched my usual videos knows that it is not as refreshing as pork knives and is very pickled. The strong feeling is that it must have been pickled, otherwise there is no taste. The saltiness is just right, and it feels a bit like a pig exhibition. What does this mean? It should be that it is in stock or the ingredients are used better . Even such small pieces are combined with coriander. It's good together unless you don't like to eat coriander. If you don't add coriander, it will definitely lose its luster. Be sure to add coriander and salty pork ribs . I usually won't eat the same thing I eat for the first time when my mother makes soup. If I eat it well, I won't be able to eat it later. If I come back and eat again, I won't eat if I can't taste this taste. It's a pity that the portions are all refreshing. It tastes better than salty lean meat. A lot of salty lean meat is already delicious. One pork rib only has this little bit. I asked the boss lady about using salty meat. Lean meat is good , but it’s not that smooth . But if you use salted pork ribs, there’s not a lot of pork ribs in it, so it’s normal for the cost to be expensive. I can make salty lean meat porridge myself, so I don’t have to come here to eat it in the store, of course. This is the time to eat something delicious and special. There is also a famous beef three-star restaurant here. Next time I decide to come here with my wife and try the fried beef river and three-star beef soup. In addition, I also decided to order more just now. A small fried wonton is really different. It is dipped in a little porridge because it contains southern milk. It is not very strong and has just the right flavor . This is the taste brand of my childhood. Don’t tell me I also ate it in that store when I was a child. I tried it a few times later , perhaps due to poor timing and various reasons, but it was always better because it was not too hard. I ate porridge and salty pancakes at the same time. Then we talked about fried wontons. I asked the boss lady to fry half of them for me. This was a small meal. The portion is not a half portion. Normally it is 25 yuan per portion, but it is so good. Why? We have been to Shunde to eat fried wontons and they did very well in Shunde. The skin will be very loose and will fall apart on the whole plate when pinched. We use thicker wonton skin here , but will the thick wonton skin not be crispy? Absolutely not, and I ate it. There were shrimps inside, and the stuffing was very delicious. Not to mention the meat fillings inside, which I didn’t like. I suddenly ate a big piece of meat that couldn’t be broken. It was delicious with shrimp skin. What’s the most rare thing about having delicious fillings and being fried right away ? They are not supplying goods. They are not those who ride bicycles far away. I also know where the goods are. I go to Jianggao to bring them back . It is delicious. I go to Jianggao early in the morning to eat. Jianggao is far away. Those who are deep-fried only supply other stores. This is different. It's fried on the spot . I don't want to eat too much. I want to leave it for my wife to sigh slowly. I finish the porridge quickly. I'm full again. What do you think? I have packed it and I really can't finish it. I haven't tried eating it for a long time. Breakfast does not count as tea. Those who want to take away usually choose some snack shops. It is really different . I can only use the word "different" to describe it. It will not taste like other stores. The boss also said that he would rather sell it more expensively and make it by hand. It is better to go and buy the goods. Others will not come here to eat for a long time and he can do it . Also, if everyone can't accept pork knives, I didn't eat pork knives very much before. Good food is good food. If you can't accept it, The salty and lean meat is very delicious. At the same time, there are many meals. It is a very old-sized snack shop. It was older than me in 1978. It is especially delicious to eat under these old houses. Yuexiu. These old houses on arcade streets are not just arcade streets. The old house is very impressive. If you go to Yide Road to buy dried seafood and come over, you will see the red color in front of it . The Michelin shop where we went to drink soup last time should be called Seafood Street. The restaurant is right in front. If you go to Yide Road to buy seafood or not, it’s okay. After that, come here. If you want to have breakfast in the morning, this is the best place to eat nearby. If it’s lunch, they have it. If you want to sit more comfortably , go back to the seafood restaurant. You can also come and take a look at the nearby street view arcades when you have a drink in a street restaurant. Next, I will go to Daxin Road and Dade Road to show you when the name Dade Road that I just mentioned began to appear. I have found relevant information. In the past, Guangzhou was divided into many gates. There should be eight gates . For example, Da Nan Gate is Da Nan Road. Wen De Gate seems to be just over Wen De Road. Dade Road used to be the location of the city gate. In the Qing Dynasty, this gate was at that time. The name was Guide Gate. Later, the Republic of China government demolished it in 1921 and renamed it Dade Gate . As we mentioned when we went to Huifu West Road just now, there were many residential areas with yellow flags nearby , so there were not many restaurants nearby in the markets. To this day, Of course, there are many , such as this Baijia Deli, which is only open for half a year and serves lamb stew. But when Dade Road went to the Cultural Revolution, it was always about revolution at that time , so it was renamed in 1966 to commemorate Xiang Xiuli, so it was changed to Xiuli Road. The current Daxin Road is not Dade Road. We will explain to you slowly in the past. The two roads are parallel. There will be more Daxin Road here. We have these arcade streets in front of us. We will talk about Daxin Road in a moment. Let’s start with it. In the past, Dade Road is now Renmin South Road . I will turn right in front of Dade Road. There are many more stories on Dade Road than Daxin Road. You will see Yudai Hao. I often go there. We will turn right in front of it. If there is If you go straight in front of the camera, you can go to Shangxiajiu. If you go straight to the Inner Ring Road, the viaduct above is the Inner Ring Road, and you can go to Zhongshan Sixth Road. I told you before that it was around the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. In the beginning, this place was renamed Dade Road. After the founding of New China, it turned out to be a place selling coffins and a funeral parlor. There used to be a few famous ones here , of course, they are definitely gone now. For example, the Yue Guang Guang in South Vietnam was called "Yueguang". The light of time, the "Bieyoutian" funeral parlor and the "Lotte" funeral parlor were all here. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, they all moved to Dongchuan Road , which is now the Provincial People's Hospital . Could these be near the hospital? It is not surprising that it was completed because there has never been enough demand. Now there is a big hospital in front of it. But if compared with Dongchuan Road, there are too many, many, many, many. Nowadays, these must have become a lot... where residents live . After the founding of the People's Republic of China, what kind of business was there since this place was moved? For example, the blacksmith's business, hardware and iron industries, many of them moved here. Today, there are many people selling parts. Is it because of the reasons at that time? Of course I don't know. In fact, there are a lot of metal things for sale here. For example, there are several shops where we passed by the intersection of Renmin South Road just now. Dade Road is very long. You can go to Beijing Road by walking all the way. Of course, I won’t do it today. The section of Beijing Road that is so far away often takes everyone there. Today, it is mainly the part of the arcade street in front of the road. Are there any other big landmarks nearby? For example, there are many optical shops near Renmin South , or in front of them. Turn right and go to Tiancheng Road , and you can go to the front of Zhuangyuanfang. This is Shishu Road. Why should we come to Shishu Road? It is said that a long time ago in the Tang Dynasty, there was a Buddhist Protector Ninwang Zen Temple nearby. By the Ming Dynasty, it had been abandoned. But It turns out that where is his old address? It was in Daede Market. We tried to go to Daede Market to see if we could find traces of that time. I can guarantee that we would not find it. Since I like the market, I will take everyone there. After that, we will go there. Daxin Road. If you are very interested in Dade Road, I would like to know more about it. If you keep going in the direction of Uprising Road, you will come to Uprising Road. This side is Renmin Road and the other side is Uprising Road . About where is Uprising Road? The place where we ate Minghua egg tarts is near Haizhu Square. If you are very energetic and walk slowly, you can walk to Haizhu Square and go around Yide Road , but the nearest subway station is Yide Road where we just ate. Exit AB of the subway station is the same. This is Shishu Road. The market I want to go to is right in front. Turn right at about this direction. The map shows that it should be nearby . Because usually when I go to the market , I don’t remember other people’s names. Is it possible? Not surprisingly, according to the map, this is where I transferred. Let me take a look. Based on my impression, there seems to be no market nearby. It is called Boai New Street. It is obviously the name of the Republic of China period. Although the house is very old , it is definitely not in the style of the Ming Dynasty. It may not be possible to continue to use it until the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China , or even after the founding of New China. It is not surprising that the more you travel, the less likely there will be a market. It is good to take everyone there. At least there are many historical sites here . For example, this house is very old . There are people living here. There are many glasses warehouses like these, which are very cheap. As for whether they are all processed, come back to the front. This place is awesome. I don’t even know if I come in . It’s called Dade New Street . It’s nearby Dade Road . There’s also this one called Cai Lifuquan. But the door is closed here and there is a sign saying "Guangdong Provincial Martial Arts Association Cai Lifu Boxing Gym", so I can't find it because I just saw that it is the end. When I go out here , it is not the bustling Shishu Road. It seems that the place where Guangzhou Daily used to be is still used by them and is just rented out. I will continue walking here for a short section of Dade Road. I often make mistakes. I grew up here when I was a child. The kindergarten I went to was also near here. I have many places. I can’t even figure out Dade Road and Daxin Road every time. I will only remember that they are parallel and Daxin Road is relatively close to Renmin South Road . I returned to Dade Road and tried to continue walking in the direction of Yiyi Road . However, I remember that there was also a market in front of it , but there were many new ones nearby. Will there be residential buildings ? The Huguo Temple I talked about before is gone. It’s normal. It’s normal that things in the Tang Dynasty or Ming Dynasty are no longer there today. However, there are still many tile houses and bungalows and charcoal stove chicken pot buildings opposite. That's it. If you continue to go forward, you will go to the direction of Uprising Road as I mentioned before. Of course, it will take a long time, about 20 minutes if you go slowly. The number of arcades you will see along the road will be relatively reduced here. It's the location that used to be called Xiuli Road. If you don't keep going forward, turn around and it's the location we came to before. It's Haizhu Middle Road and Haizhu South Road. If you go straight in this direction, you can get to Yide Road. I hope you all know and can help. Let's go back to the front, here is the big hospital. I have told you before that you should try not to rent a hotel near the hospital. At that time, I used the cancer hospital as an example. The audience may have misunderstood that the cancer hospital should not be contagious. What I meant was not contagious but contagious. ... In the hotel, you may be full of joy for traveling , but nearby guests may be in a heavy mood all the time. Will it be a disappointment if your family members are sick ? At the same price, it is better to rent other ones and they are not cheap. There is no need, right? I will try them all. I have tried to stay in a hotel when a family member has been sick. The feeling is very frustrating. It is normal because I am nervous. How can my family be so happy when they meet other tourists in the hotel ? I don’t believe what I said at the time. That’s what I mean , not that it is contagious . Of course, there will definitely be many hotels near the hospital, and the prices will definitely not be too cheap. But there are enough choices. You must be clear about it when you choose. That’s it. Please pay attention. Have I recommended to you that there should be relatively few hotels near the hospital ? It’s just based on my impression. I don’t even remember there are many. Continue walking back to Dade Road. I remember that there will be a market in front of me. I might go there. Look or don’t look, just turn right ahead and cross Daxin Road. Don’t worry about it until you arrive , because I remember that if you go out of the market, you will go to Huifu Road, and it is far away from Daxin Road. It doesn’t seem to be very good. There is a lot of food near the nearby hospital , but There are also hotels, but they are usually apartment-style , or these Yinji rice rolls. Yinji rice rolls are not a big problem , or this one is for Yuncha. There are many fast food restaurants . Yuncha and my wife and daughter went to Huizhou to eat there. It's better than expected again . It's better than expected. Let's take a look at the opposite. Are there many hardware stores ? As I said just now, there have been many changes since there were no funeral parlors here after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Could it be for this reason that in other city centers in Guangzhou, I'm talking about blacksmithing. There seem to be so many hardware stores and not many electronic parts stores. They are mainly concentrated around here. There is a reason for this . In the nearby business district, there seems to be a lot of clothes, seafood, and glasses in these wholesale markets. It is not surprising that there are ten or eight of them. Here, I remember that entering here is the market. I won’t go in. I’m not here to buy food today. It’s not interesting. But if you come back and want to see these Yuexiu old streets and alleys , there are many here. I will continue to move forward. We will go to the right in front. Turn around and go to Dade Road, which is on the other side of Daxin Road. It should be basically the same as everyone has seen. It should be a valuable and meaningful place for all viewers. It should be about 77 or 88. It is nothing more than food and beverage or transportation routes. It is far away from the subway station. If you take the bus, there should be bus No. 6 opposite the hospital, and you can go back to Huanshi Road. When you get here, you will find Zongxiangyuan Snack Shop, which seems to be famous for its wrapped steamed rice dumplings, which are not lively enough here . Xiangyuan should be from the same family. Many neighbors buy rice dumplings here. It should be delicious. I will buy some next time. We have eaten in so many places. The rice dumplings from Zhongshi are the best. I have always wanted to find them. Don't say they are better than them. You can substitute them. I don’t know if I can buy it here. If I don’t buy it this time, I can still sit and eat like this. All the old neighbors are admiring it and can’t talk about it. They have already come here. In front of us is Jiefang Road. This is the immigration processing center. If we want to go If you enter Hong Kong and Macau, you can apply for a visa here. The location on the way forward is the end of Dade Road as I mentioned before. Go back to Yiyi Road. Here you can already see the location of the egg tart shop. If we don’t go there, that building is already Da Nan Road. I will be in front. Keep going and turn right. If you keep going without turning right, you can go to the Long Causeway or to the direction of Yide Road. We will turn right at the Bank of Communications in front and slowly cross back to Daxin Road to show everyone . The road sign above already says that Daxin Road and Haizhu South Road are where we go to have breakfast. If we want to go to Yide Road, it will not be very difficult to walk there. Just go straight and turn right and you will arrive. At the same time, it says Guangzhou City No. 1 on the front. No. 3 Middle School, that's right, that's where No. 3 Middle School is located. There is a tea shop and a fast food restaurant here. If you are a tourist , you can eat like the old neighborhood. We continue to go forward and turn right. There are convenience stores in front of us and there are many Bank of Communications. It's just blocked by trees. Behind it is the Haizhu Square subway station. There are many beautiful restaurants in Xinghuan Plaza. There is a newly built shopping mall there . I have been there before and the food is really good. Even if you want to pass through the arcade in Haizhu District, Henan. Those who want to take a taxi here can cross the Jiefang Bridge instead of walking. You can also take a taxi here and get there without jumping the clock. As for the Daxin Road in front of you, you can see the road signs. Once you come to Daxin Road, you will see many arcade houses like the ones in front of you. There are all kinds of flavored rice rolls below. Let me tell you about what was used here in the past. It used to sell tea and was called Shancha Lane. In the late Ming Dynasty, it was called Daxin Street , which is the name Daxin Road that appeared here. The name Dade Road and Daxin Road appeared earlier than Dade Road. In the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty , from the Qing Dynasty onward, there were many rare and exotic goods on Daxin Street. There were all kinds of emeralds and pearls that are unimaginable to this day. I can't find the arcade streets in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. There were many arcades. I believe it was because there were no arcades in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. It shouldn't be like this . As mentioned at the beginning of the video, there were a lot of ivory carvings for sale nearby in Guangzhou. It is a treasure land and has always been a distribution center for many commodities in the provincial capital . It was not until today that there were many wholesale markets. It used to be the same, but it was not called a wholesale market before. It was just a Daxin Road, Dade Road. Daxin Road sold jewelry, gemstones, and ivory. In the later period, ivory was no longer sold. There will be a lot of places selling leather. If you go to the cowhide place on Haopan Street , or in the Ming Dynasty, they would sell tea. There will also be a lot of arcades. You can see some sudden protrusions on the opposite side. It is very It may be that originally it was all covered with arcades. This one has not been demolished, so it sticks out. The drainage pipe has been modified, but it seems that no one lives in this room inside. Many downstairs have become like this. Restaurant floor The arcade above is also very good for living. From this location in front, you can go to Yide Road. It should be called Baimi Lane. If I remember correctly, it is here. I don't remember whether it is Baimi Lane or Maima Lane. In short, I just walk out here. It is very convenient to go to Yide Road. As for this side, it is called Cuihua Lane. The names of the nearby roads are very beautiful. If you continue to go forward, you will see this one in front of you. It is the famous Guangzhou No. 3 Middle School. Keep going. Keep going . Return to the direction of Renmin Road. As mentioned just now, Daxin Road is further south and closer to Renmin South Road. What is Renmin South Road? It is in the direction of Xidi Pier. In addition to the ones I just mentioned, there are many musical instruments and lion head shops nearby . Of course, it’s not a Western store selling lion heads here. Except for the one we saw, there are many nearby. Or when you go to Zhuangyuanfang, there will also be those costumes. The costumes are very old, but to be honest, not many people buy them. Only very professional people will buy , so there is no way. They are gradually declining. Instead, those of Xingshitou may return to Nanhai, Foshan, and those may do more in factories. Even those who have been to Dongguan Shilong before, they are all in the old town of Guangzhou. It’s rare to buy it there. It’s the Guangzhou No. 3 Middle School I just mentioned. The last time I passed by here was after the Lunar New Year. I didn’t go to school at that time. Except for those senior high school classmates, they must have gone to school today. Today is Sunday. Come here, everyone, take a look. This is the second time that spring has returned to the south. Today, it is very humid. Everywhere is wet, especially in places under the shade of trees. The sun cannot shine directly and it is not very strong. If it is not very strong, the whole ground on the opposite side will be wet. The wet , sticky musty smell can be found in this season when you get wet , and it will suddenly be very cold because it is very cold and not as humid as in summer. The weather in Guangzhou is either very good or very humid, and many things are very wet. It's easy to get moldy and it's sunny, so everyone should seize the time to dry things. Let's continue walking and take a look at Daxin Road here. There are many arcade streets like the ones I just mentioned . Go a little further and go back... We made a circle there at the beginning of the video. Let’s take a look at the place in front of you. Why are there so many trucks parked here? Because there are many wholesale markets here, and their goods need to be shipped out , whether to other provinces or even foreign countries. I remember there is a shipping point nearby that specializes in shipping to Vietnam. I don’t know. I know if I remember correctly, there are a lot of people here , especially at night . I once tried to pass by at night. Although it didn't feel like it, it seemed that there were more people than in the morning. There are not many people in the morning, maybe because they are working on the road at night. Of course, there will be more people driving by in the morning , going to the Changdi or other places. If you like to see arcades on Renmin Road, you will not be disappointed here. You can see many, many, many all the way to Yide Road . Although Daxin The road is relatively narrow , but it is a two-way carriageway . Fortunately, it is relatively straight. There are not many twists and turns. You have to turn left and right. Keep going straight ahead to get to the direction of Renmin Road. As mentioned earlier, there are those lions that wake up. There is another store or musical instrument store opposite here . I remember this store has been in business for many years. It is called "Golden Star". Should it be gold or all-star? Sorry, "All Star" is right. All Star Musical Instruments is here . We are back to the junction with Haizhu Road. I will continue to go south. In front of me, Haizhu South Road will continue to pass us. The store we just ate at should be right there. As we have come before, it is very busy at this time because it is almost 10 o'clock and it is close to Yide Road . Maybe for this reason, there will be more customers... and there will be more passers-by . Huahui Laochang also passed by just now. If you want to have a quick meal, but you have food requirements. There are not too many . You can try this . There are also old towns nearby where property prices are not cheap. Some of them have three prefixes like those in front of you. They are the same as the ones we saw in the last episode when we went to Qiandeng Lake for more than 20,000 yuan, right? The difference is huge. If you continue walking, you will reach Yide Road. We go to Yide Road and take the subway. By the way, let me show you how to take the subway if you go to the restaurant just now and finish eating. It is just in front. There is also a lion dance shop opposite . This place in Lion Head is Shijia Lane, where Shijia Lane comes from. The store we ate at just now is diagonally opposite, which is very convenient . It is different from what we saw on Dade Road and Daxin Road. Apart from the entrance of the hospital, we have never seen so many. There are suddenly a lot of people here . First of all, it is close to the subway station. The subway station is in front. Secondly, it is close to Yide Road . But I don’t think these people are here... to buy dry goods and seafood. Maybe they are passing by or nearby neighbors have it. It has a more lively atmosphere. Isn’t the seafood street restaurant very close here? I walked over to the shop where we had breakfast just now. I don’t think I need to use it for five minutes . The soup here is delicious. Come back and play here. As I said after breakfast, go to the stone room to see it. After seeing it, if you want to have breakfast or finish your breakfast very early, you can go to the Stone Room right in front. And if you go straight ahead to the Stone Room, you can also go to Haizhu Square. The whole line is connected, which is the area around Line 6 that I mentioned before. What is there to do? This is one of them . Of course, it is a long way from Xiguan, but if you take the subway, it is not too difficult and very convenient. We came here to buy New Year gifts and red packets. There are them across the street . There is also a big market here . Originally, I I thought this market was very small. Before I went there with my wife, it turned out to be quite big, but it felt a little deserted. When I got to the subway station, it was time to finish the video. Please share this video with your friends or give me a like. I will continue to explore. Let me show you some traditional delicacies in Guangzhou. Please share this video with your friends or give me a like. See you next episode and take the subway.
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 22,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, busy street, dim sum, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, 点心, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 廣州, 老城區, 粥品店, 鹹豬脷粥, 鹹煎餅, 炸雲吞, 大德路, 大新路, 海珠中路, 海珠南路, 解放中路, 越秀區, vlog study, food tour china, food tourism, food tour vlog, vlog china, vlog bgm, china tourist, china tourism, vlog travel, 4k 60
Id: BUbHRRorgW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.