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hello hey hi welcome back nice to meet you again meet you perfect for the people who don't watch the last video can you please introduce yourself again what's your name BS bus and my name is hermin where you from uh Netherlands Netherlands we were first day akabar Tokyo and then you came up to us and asked us to eat sushi really good experience so we're glad to do that a second time oh yeah bet for the first time it was your first day in Japan first day in Japan yeah and now we're now two weeks in yeah you've been like spending two weeks for tring around Japan right after that yeah we spending a lot of time in uh Kyoto Nara Osaka it's really nice it was really great like Nara is really peaceful too I really loved it there yes it's really quiet I like it a lot of animals a lot of animals in it's perfect this time I want you to try cor beef with hi style yeah awesome really looking forward to that yeah so let's go yeah let's go let's go okay we got to the floor yeah well it's I think it's really peaceful it's so empty and it's so clean too it's very clean I'm really um curious about using this yeah yeah so this like kind of restaurant it's like a tanaki style chef we cook in front of here like the last time we ate sushi was Chef making sushi this time steak and some veggies and so on okay that's good okay nice nice so the first drink we order like uh champagne okay for cheers it's almost New Year so it's it's a good timing yeah restaurant looks fancy yeah you bring us to the best spots yeah yeah and I'm also exced to try yes oh I'm really excited you're making me excited yeah are you ready yeah of course really nice okay Cheers Cheers compai this is good really good SI and this is a towel game we play our hands really ni really nice I like to do this did you buy the uh the clothing somewhere yeah I've buy a lot of Japanese style clothing oh really yeah this is a brand that um I used to buying a lot of stuff from and they have a store here in Tokyo so I decided to go back and buy some more for myself oh I see and also you have like a big bag yeah yeah we had to buy another suitcase a lot of stuff this really big soig we have a lot of shopping in L wow how should we wear them I think with the see the first plate just came on a table lster and like a scop and the the pink one is grapefruit that's yeah red dots plum sauce okay plum sauce okay sour oh do you remember the word before we start eating it we have like a word to say you shall have to remind us yeah we Callas the beef looks really really good yes that's what I'm most excited about the lobster I did not expect to eat lobster yeah please go ahead to eat thank you the first time I've ever left hot Lobster it's really nice it's good it's really good try with the sauce M yes I like this a lot the sauce and the lobster is perfect com it's really nice and scallop like a white one yeah this one one that's one it's Fruity Fruity yeah it's soft is really I like this yes this really good so you spend like a two weeks after you yeah we have been two weeks just going around Japan seeing a lot of temples and uh nature also and also of course the big cities you can't miss the big cities like Tokyo Osaka was also really really big it like I thought like Osaka Kyoto they were big of course I would know I I knew they would be big but I did not expect them to be so huge just Skyline only buildings just really amazing to see really people everywhere have you tried Shabu Shabu which is I have heard of it yeah yeah it's like U the boiling of uh meat and that kind of stuff kind of stuff yeah so this is like a small version of sh with C beef and like veggies and so oh perfect so nice this is like a boiled water but uh bro from seaweed M yeah oh ponu which is kind of soy base with some vinegar you sour excited to try it looks good yeah it looks really good something I should be excited about at least I've seen a lot of videos that that's something you should high end steak and meat is like with a better marbling I don't have really much uh experience with it so I'm excited to try that yeah okay so pick up veggies and put it in the hot pot I I think your Chopstick K is being better like the first dat yeah I will show you how to eat first okay okay yeah since this beef is so fresh yeah I don't want to make it so boil so I think if the color change then it's a time to pick it up okay and it gets a little bit Browner yeah a little bit different color this is called sh sh sh the sounds of this one sh sh how named it yeah yeah okay I like this color okay so I will take this and put it here yeah yeah you try yeah okay let's go this color yeah I think yeah it's yeah yeah let's do it then here in yeah oh this is really nice so good it's really nice me oh this is so good this is so can I go in for a second oh my god really good so this is not disappointing at all this is perfect the best oh yeah you can tell you can tell really good [Music] yes I don't want this to end yeah I want more don't worry there are so many more com so so good two sizes it's not good enough I know but uh still I'm busy seeing mushrooms yeah if I can get them and also put it in the sauce also in the sauce in the sauce yes I can he the sounds when you buite it crun it's so good good this is so good very nice vegetables oh my God I like sa sa very much winter time I think we might eat this a few times more till we go back yes we have eat it more yeah you're really good the champagne it really compliments the meal yeah yeah yeah this seems like something people would do at home also yeah yeah my mom used to cook like sh sh a lot if I go back to my hometown mom cook like sh sh it's really good time so that would be really great yeah my mom cooks every Monday my favorite meal okay so that's also re it's like the same thing yeah the same thing I really hope that the next time come to Japan bring your parents and I'm bring I'm trying I'm going to try to bring everyone yeah bring [Music] everyone so it's the same thing as I think you at it in restaurant yeah the egg egg soup one but this is like a crab meat in it yes I see it she said it's also has some cheese in it oh I don't know how that does it taste like I have idea yeah yeah must be good taste M it's really creamy and you can taste the cheese it's really good it's really good yes and the lot the crap crap yeah the crap really nice oh this is so good yes yeah he also goes in with champagne of course cheesing egg so kind of resized oh really I finished real quick yeah very quick on without any words this is so good it's so good it's good and we eat fast it's so good how was the uh the food you tried it when you in Osaka or or to me it's like really different like U for me it was like oh this is like a bowl of ramen a bowl of RAM and it was like was so good there's nothing in Holland nothing in otherlands comes close to that but to you guys it's normal it's like so it's so good like we we went to the same place like four times to eat ramen to eat ramen was Osaka yeah was like so good he also in Tokyo was like um it's like I think a big chain yeah really good it's real so good like it has the meat and the eggs yeah it looks like straight out anime and it's so amazing I really led eating that everything here is so cheap we at the end of the day we look at our bank account and we think is that all we spend yeah so I can't complain I can't complain it's amazing yeah that's why you buying a lot of Sven yeah we had like we had to buy a third suitcase yeah just for souvenirs it's already packed it's already full with souvenirs in Kyoto I got this tattoo really the origami boat oh my goodness in Japanese style is like my personal souvenir this to remember the trip by and I really want to thank you for taking us and showing us the way of the Japanese food it was such a pleasant experience this is such a good trip like I wanted to go to Japan but I might want to go even back even more so like it's really it's really good yeah really nice place yes yes moving scary that means be fresh really fresh fresh you really take people out for experiences like lifetime experiences I will never forget this no this is cor beef sushi oh and like on the left one is sea archin I think that's why you ate in the sushi restaurant in the last looks like and the middle one is cavia cavia yes okay carer before no it's too [Music] fancy I can eat the chips this is so good the sea urgent is also really good this is compliments this is amazing it's not like a completely Ro they i b qu this is so good yeah yeah it's really good is so I might cry yeah this is just crazy man I don't know what to tell you this is just lost for words yeah yes like it time I just no words I have no words yeah I can tell from your face the expression of your facial just crazy good we have a me sushi as well did you notice did you know that we have like a beef sushi I I know now it now oh my God no sushi will ever be the same this is rast beef with cob beef oh oh and and uh the part is a little bit different from the sowing which is shovel shovel when you so this has less fats and the part is side oh the side side of the and you can use it cool yeah it's like a bey like salad first I'm going to try bear with sauce why don't we have this why don't we have this why you have it in Netherlands I wish I wish I'm going to try with the the greens yeah yeah that's a IDE here yes everyone's missing out everyone yes really good this is a natural Treasure of a national Nation treasure I'm sad that this all empty yes yeah really good I think there is more different kinds of yes yeah amazing yeah this is amazing [Music] comp comp compai happiest moment when I eat like a good food yeah good sake I mean good alcohol and good people oh yeah well I enjoyed so much as well yeah thank you so much really nice yeah nice oh it's yeah m a lot yeah oh the shell looks really beautiful also yeah it's really beautiful shell I'm not sure what our reaction to this will be I'm little bit scared of this do you really enjoy um like Shellfish a lot yeah we love shellfish yeah Japanese food is kind of related to the texture as well mhm and this is like a liver over the shellfish I know you're scared yeah this is really really really scary I have never seen this really no I don't think I've ever seen a shell like this no I have ever seen this before wow I really like T C because you can try not only beef but also vegies like shellfish all the all kind of Japanese come to on the table I can imagine also with the the brand new expression on her face you never know or they never know what they're going to get you never know the reaction of yeah but that's the reason why you came here right yeah of course try like a new thing we came here we came here to get shocked that's definitely happening definitely happening now it's really fun a second ago it's moving and now it's on the place like uh we grow up with muscles but that was like that's it's traditional for Dutch people to eat muscles but it's kind of watering away and not many people still eat muscles okay br oh fire fire always a show the presentation gets a 10 out of 10 yeah amazing wow there's definitely a lot of effort that goes into preparing just one of them yes and butter and like kind of garlic like smells like garlic butter the aoni itself is very unique it's a new experience new experience at first it looked scary and now it looks like a tree it smells really good it's the best jellfish I've ever had yeah it tastes nothing like muscles or anything I've had nothing like this I was a little bit scared of this but this is really yeah this is really good it's actually really good I saw it and I thought no this SC good it's really good it is really good it's really good yes I really did not expect this I really didn't expect this to be so good I almost want to ask the chef if I can keep the shell the Shell's beautiful oh you want to keep it I wish I'd ask you as a Sven maybe yeah it would be I don't know yeah I'm going to wait with the liver so we can try that one in uh together this is first last piece of um the shellfish yes okay let's do it yeah it's just as good it is softer yeah it's a little bit more U it crumbles a little bit more in your mouth it tastes amazing I did oh my God crazy this is really crazy it's a ler thanks oh this is so amazing I'm curious about this one yeah it looks nice yeah it's the first day of a lot of things a lot of different foods also cook not so much it's really nice to see this make yeah what you want to drink next um s sure sure the strongest the strongest one the strongest just the noral sake is this time beautiful really beautiful nice well start yeah yeah where to start we start with the tail this one it smells good too yeah first time Lobster great success and lobster good really good I've always wanted to try Lobster oh okay Lobster is really good yeah I didn't expect it that's so good those are the first time I've ever had held one I think it's such a beautiful sea creature yeah yeah yeah and tasteful and tasty too sucket this is a socket we have to finish all with three people this oh yeah okay let's do it really yeah yeah compai it's sweet a little bit Yeah again not really a taste of alcohol I think dangerous B of water but it is not water I thought you prank us again but no so this is the main dish for us St CPP beef steak and how do you want him to cook it like medium I want him to um treat us to what he knows most okay so I want the full experience yeah think the best it is yeah I want him to tell us medium rare medium rare sounds good let me do this you this this is Samurai yeah Samurai we went to the samurai Museum really in in Osaka inaka in Osaka Samurai Museum we really um a lot of beautiful uh armor and the swords the katanas I should say really beautiful too a lot of beautiful did you we Shri oh Shri yeah a lot a lot of different things really good experience to it's really funny to to it was a really good experience really nice people there I must say every all the Japanese people we came in contact with just really awesome to be around so so nice really nice friendly yeah so friendly always welcome really welcoming yeah I'm so curious yeah smell yeah it smell really good and like a salt Wasabi and soy sauce wasi and it looks gorgeous youed no so good it smells so good yeah it looks so good everything no way this is bad no way smell it's I almost I have to eat I have to try words we have I have to try you want to try that maybe H Salt Sal simple one okay so first salt really good it is dissolving in my mouth yeah yeah oh my God I have no words this is so amazing The Experience alone it's the experience the whole cook for you the chef in front of you and then the amazing food looks good and smells so good this is something else this is really something else Next Level this is really Next Level and yeah just why and then eat okay a really great gummy this so good this one was I don't even I don't I don't have to swallow it just dissolves yeah so you don't have to put so much maybe yeah yeah like this yeah I think yeah big piece I enjoy this this is really good I worse of this good my God this is crazy is best meat ever best meat ever really best meat ever think I'm very glad that this is now this is my favorite beef yes this is my favorite I've never had any food of any meat as good this is really I really like this yes I didn't expect it so tasty so so good even if you have like a same meat you can change the flavor with different ingredents yeah the meat by itself is also per all good I think you have no flavors it's also good I'm going for the soy sauce yes soy sauce is really good cuz I think the Miso yeah it's the best oh I like it yes it's like a dream yes really good I've always wanted to try this and I'm so happy to share this experience with you everyone should try this everyone should try this one time in your life it's so good if you have the chance if you have the chance to go with dauk son to go for dinner find me do it I'm somewhere in too do it it do it it makes me want to hug you so I'm so happy the eggplant this is weird because normally I don't like eggplant but now the taste it's softer yeah more watery okay so it makes it um a a whole different experience and now the last fish making rice making rice [Music] oh the last piece yes last I couldn't resist myself I already ate it all flavor yeah that's good so good don't cry oh this is It's just something else beautiful sick it's sick yeah s it's a red me it's strong flavor strong me it smells really rich yeah deep it's really hot this it's tast it's tasty it's really good oh this is really really good I'm okay I'm excited to try the rice rice rice it's really good what I have to watch this more it's really good rice this is normally I he don't like rice well it's not it's not that I don't like rice but you don't see my mother's rice is uh like a Dutch rice it's this white rice sometimes really thick and um no egg no nothing but this is like I really good I eat this it's good oh man it's really good I can tell it a lot of times this is I'm amazed yes like honestly surprised yeah yes so good so from the beginning to the end this amazing it's amazing I hope everybody that watches um had a exact a perfect New Year and and I really hope to be fishi again really thank you so much thank you so experience amazing I hope you are coming back to Tokyo Again drink again yeah maybe it's more family we will let you know we let you know thank you than you thank you so much thank you
Channel: 日本食冒険記Tokyo Food Adventures
Views: 917,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 日本食, 外国人, 外国人の反応, 和食, グルメ, カルチャーショック, 逆カルチャーショック, 日本食美味しい, 日本, 日本が好き, 日本が好きな外国人, 外国人が好き, 日本食冒険記, 日本しか住めない, 海外の反応, 鉄板焼き, 和牛, 神戸牛, 訪日外国人, 外国人観光客, 日本食が好き, 外国人が感動
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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