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hello M can you introduce yourself the name where we are from yeah my name is Julian KS I'm from Australia and I'm AMS also from Australia nice to meet you my name is D nice to meet you nice to meet you mate so when did you arrive in Japan uh 3 weeks ago 3 weeks ago 3 weeks ago okay so you already travel around Japan or you only stay in Tokyo uh we started in Osaka Osaka Saka for 5 days yeah Saka for 5 days and then we um took the bullet train down here and we've been in Tokyo exploring all over for the past 2 weeks oh wow yeah and when do you plan to go back uh today actually we fly out tonight yeah yeah in like uh last day uh 3 hours 3 hours yeah we go to the airport in 3 hours oh wow did you enjoy Japanese Foods here holy so good it was so good uh I've never had was it hery rice before until now it was it's the best thing I've ever had it's so good I love it or the guza or the ramen just to die for oh okay I already had sushi back home in Australia which is going to be very different here we never actually we've never had sushi here surprisingly we've had everything but sushi so I know like one good restaurant near here so I can take you there and you know hope to you enjoy it all right let's go okay so what I want to drink first they have like a beer or oh um I don't I don't drink before 5 I had a lot to drink last night I'm okay with that be okay there was there was a lot of drinking last night yeah tequila Meister um whiskey bourbon there was there was a lot toink a lot we had yeah yeah yeah so I order up like a course menu mm yeah that comes with like a temp and Sushi okay sounds good yeah I'm down for whatever yeah yeah I'm excited so what made you want to do um what is it uh just dining with foreigners like it's a cool YouTube concept but what made you want to do that specifically I had so much time after work and I have like a friends from all over the world and then their reaction to food is pretty like I I like to see it and then I just start making like videos and upload it on YouTube then like people start liking it and I just keep going for yeah like I said six seven years already see that's fascinating that it's been so long in so many different areas and people yeah yeah how about like you guys like why you decide to come to Japan um well I like anime you like anime I do like anime okay so what's your favorite anime Stein gate oh yeah how about it yeah um that's a good one or uh Cod Gas I like codas a lot okay see where I vary like I grew up watching Naruto shoan um so I love Attack on Titan I'm not ready for it to end though mix it varies like with darling and the Franks uh chainel man so Aries whatever news kind of coming out see how it goes I've been to Japan before though so in 2019 I came with three of my girlfriends so we spent 3 weeks just in Ary harra like venturing out but we stayed in Ary um and then one of our friends that was in that group as well we said you know we want to come back it worked out well for it being our just after our wedding so we're just like yeah we'll come back okay so honeymon honeymoon you just married we've been married almost year yeah oh wow thank you 6 months tomorrow okay it six months Tom yeah it is six months Tom yeah I'm GL you know you chose Japan for the fun moon and you know enjoy the yeah the the culture is amazing it's like always nice to see new places and just it's been wonderful okay I'm I'm actually going to be sad to leave but I miss my bed yeah the last meal in Japan is this right Sushi yeah yeah yeah the one thing we haven't had which is really cool hope you like K I'm excited very excited this is a towel before we eat we clean our hands yep y I have no idea what this is no idea and spinach some [Music] bamboo so do you use chopsticks in your country yeah they they're pretty um they're pretty common we've got a lot of um uh got quite a lot of different Asian cuisines in Australia and a lot of them do preach um using chopsticks okay oh it's tight together yeah tight together that's cool yeah and we have like a word to say before we eat oh you know all right oh damn that really good oh my god oh I didn't expect the Flav off yeah neither did I I got m m you fish that's very surprising very surprising yeah I wouldn't expected to hit me so good is it tro I have no idea some mushrooms and this one is to skin oh yeah it's very refreshing M it's not the flavor combo that I expected it's really not it's light yeah it's light so oh my God you can eat it I know oh my God what do you mean you can eat it the food here is like it's so much less greasy than it is in Australia so everything feels lighter to eat so we can so we feel like we can eat a lot more and we feel so much more fulfilled after each without feeling of like greasiness yeah it's not like much greas of course tempor they fried but still I think the oil they are using sesame oil which is healthier and yeah where I think we use like canola olive oil just vegetable oil all right cheers for your last day thank you thank you honestly the best thing in a heat wave oh yeah when we came over here we were like oh it's going to be it's going to be Autumn oh it's going to be nice and cool and we get here and we're like oh it's hot I feel I'm still in Australia with the heat oh okay Australia is right now like spring spring but they're having very cold weather at the moment so we go back and when we land our friends have said it's going to be about 11° C oh really oh is it yeah it's 11: tomorrow when we land oh so which city are you from Melbourne meour vict see Victoria okay okay have you been to Australia at all no I never been to like Australia all right what if you do don't go to Sydney Sydney's oh yeah it's it's a debate for versus syney essentially so mbans will always say you know Sydney's terrible they'll so they just got to plug that syney it's a lot it's a lot to do with the layout as well because in Melbourne it's a grid City so everything's obviously neatly uh lined out but in Sydney it's just they built it and they sort of just sort of built it as a go so it's very hilly it's very all over the place and everything but they do have nice sides there theer house the bridge it is beautiful there just like too oaka we always fighting the same it be the same yeah are you from tokyoa I'm from CH oh yeah so next Tokyo yeah to come from Australia which has so few states to to Japan that has so many different ones it's it's it's AE difference mindblowing it's so big yeah the thing is though is that with Australia we have so much dance population but it's all to the outer all of the coastline because Inland is just so desolate and dry and desert essentially that you can't do it there's a a town called Alice Springs in Australia it's one of the hottest places on the planet essentially the size of things for the country Japan is so much smaller than Australia but you've got such a bigger population than ours yes so and it runs so much better getting around has been so easy God small countries so you can take a train to the north yeah exactly well even with like just trains like working around like we've been in area for the past two weeks and if we wanted to go you know just AR we've got the options of going to ARA station but also UG dami and then you know if that train lines out you've got so many options to just get around it's it's wonderful so this is tempor MH it smells amazing yeah and shrim like a white fish cut and this is like a shrimp and veggie like beans it's called Ura okay yeah and this is like a mushroom like squeeze this one shrimp so you don't have to eat a tail oh than goodness you can maybe you can put a lemon and salt oh yeah I've never had shrimp before but if that's how it always tastes oh my God that's amazing my heaven this is better oh M they just deep fried in it's very fish that's good oh my God yeah oh hot yeah it's hot oh that's beautiful though that's wonderful let's try this I think I've heard of before yeah yeah he just told us about it yeah o that's really nice it's it's uh it's making me think a v back hor s veggies you having on zuc yeah it's like a zucchini back home it's really nice though more refreshing actually a lot more refreshing oh my God that's so nice m is this one chicken no it's fish fish that's fish oh it's like what like what my grandpa catch oh my god oh that's so fresh that is so fresh yeah you guys are good at Chopsticks I'm surprised it's not easy to pick it up um I um I made it a point to practice so that I could use it cuz um I really like eating with chopsticks it's fun it's so it's less messy oh my God I'm usually not a fish fan but that is beautiful yeah yeah that's Divine just fresh the B like the tempor is really light as well okay what's this what's this one a mushroom mushroom mushroom maybe a salt Frost y yig oh Dum oh my God it's better than the grilled ones I've had anywhere oh my God this is a huge M oh my goodness I've never thought a deep gr of mushroom why is that so good why is that so good oh my god oh yeah it's vegan it's juicy oh but it's not heavy either that's so juicy for a mushroom juicy and soft but the tempura outside it's just it's a Powerhouse combination that is so nice the salt with it as well that's beautiful going to be so she's coming so no all enjoying all this I see no this is wonderful yeah yeah so you're first time right and then you're the second time yes here okay what are the things you were surprised when you just came here for the oh um the wide variety of food that you get in your convenience stores and many there are convenience food is great like it's the quality that you have in your 7eleven your family Ms your new days and stuff it's so good it's so impressive oh you would the food that you get in your convenience stores you would get in like a really high-end Australian one that you pay like $140 for like one piece of it it's so impressive and so cool you guys also have like like we have 7-Eleven that's probably the only one that travels over but it's very different food and different quality the quality yeah it's it's hugely different and the fact that you can just get a f chicken I love that so much from family M I'm going to miss that chicken so good so good so juicy oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so we don't have that back home you know you you can have your packaged um pastas or even you may get tuna sushi and stuff and sandwiches but the quality is so different oh so different it's weird if you when we're walking down the street at night yeah feel completely safe I feel so safe I don't feel worried at all if I was walking down the streets in Melbourne or anywhere I would be I'd be a little on edge because I would expect someone to maybe jump me okay guys walking on the street at night you feel a bit kind of yeah a little bit Yeah because um here everyone's like respectful and nice and in Australia they're respectful but like nowhere near your your cultures level don't even close for me I'd find I know I had this the first time I came the lack of bins but that it's so clean like everything's so clean PR or shrimp yeah shrimp like egg soup kind of okay this is chaam Mushi that's what we call Okay and like it's made of like a egg broth and the shrimp on top Sal puding yeah salty pudding yeah okay it's hot M oh yum I was worried about the consistency but that is nice yeah I so like how a jig on I thought sweet but yeah still yeah I know n you mean it's like that it does taste like something I've had here but I can't think what yeah heeg no yeah just warm up before we eat sushi M it's like a soup pudding yeah like a soup pudding it's weird but really nice yeah good for your house my mom used to cook like this sick yeah it's like it's a real hoty meal yeah I could imagine this would be really nice when you're sick easy to eat tasty it's like a soup M yeah yeahum oh my God so where did you go for the siing like you went to Osaka Kyoto yes we did a trip out to Kyoto um I'm trying to remember where we actually been with Osaka we went to usj usj usj it was it was packed really yeah long line weights a lot of fun line we wanted to go to Nar okay but when we were heading to Kyoto the plan was to head there and then head to Nara but they were train delays so we were set back a bit so Nara will be for next time yeah you going set for the next that's it um sh sh Harajuku is that when you had the OT Cafe yeah that's right we found an uh an otter Cafe that was really cool what what Cafe like a little otter Cafe like the animal and we go you go in you would like a robe uh an apron you put mask on and everything and you sit in this little room and these OTS would crawl around and like you'd feed them and everything it was so funny it was CLE this oh okay okay a wow you didn't know that there's like a cafei yeah it was um it was it was tucked away it was really cool it was really fun as well as well as the cat CAF in Ary um you did a you did a Sheba Cafe as I did a Sheba Cafe when we're in oaka St and oh they're so cute they're so fluffy it's not something that we have back home yeah yeah we have cat cafes do we in the strip yeah but yeah we did a um a traditional samurai experience in Osaka that was really fun oh had a lot of fun with that you we traditional and yeah we had a we had a wooden training Katana which was really cool so the seven of usow wow that's great looks nice it was wonderful um the Tokyo Sky Tree Tokyo Sky Tree that was really cool oh my goodness got oh my god wow I don't want to swear wow yeah I have no idea what any of this is except I feel like that's tuna yeah all right and potentially that yes the rest of it no idea maybe fish right you correct I think you ate before I it's not this style but do you know scar oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this the one scar this is like a squid oh so we can use chopsticks or we can use our hands fingers I'm happy with chopsticks okay so s the only thing that I've remotely tried before yeah yeah M oh that's really nice I like it and like the chef actually put some soy sauce already so usually they just put the right amount of soy sauce beautiful amount that was wonderful oh that was that what's this that's Ginger oh okay yeah that's ref fish your MTH yeah yeah you want to Scara yeah sure they're so heavy yeah oh Wasabi yeah it's Wasabi I real it was wasabi a dumb question it's raw I've never had raw scalp oh that's very hot yeah inside it the Wasabi oh that was that was out inexp oh my goodness thought you were good with spice so did I until I hit Wasabi let's give it a shot that's it squ of course you have to Sure squid is texture good oh it just all my um my nostrils that's good yeah yeah yeahum I don't have raw squid very often but um I like it a lot the Wasabi was really nice with the squid I've never had squid before but that was really nice okay this is like a horse marar okay yeah this one yeah and green on onions on oh M it's like a nice refresh from going from hot to to cool yeah I like that yeah I like melt in my mouth I love that one a lot yeah it's it's a huge contrast going from the chewi of squid with the spiciness so it was horse Mac horse Mac yeah and the green on top was like onions green onions yes that was really nice yeah that was really nice right two more pieces okay white fish white fish yes that's good [Music] yeah that was beautiful that was actually really nice the last one the tuna mhm the best for the last it's like a fat tuna yeah ooh [Music] oh yeah oh my God yeah I love a good tuna but that's really nice delicious oh my God the texture was really nice yeah yeah it's smooth and beautiful very different tuna quality yeah yeah to here the back one it just it melts in your mouth that was wonderful do you have any chance to eat like a raw fish in your country of course like in Australia probably a lot of ours is like if you want fish it'll be from fish and chip shops unless you're cooking it at home raw fish though not if it's if you're going raw fish it's purely Sushi that's all your go from Australia and it's a very different kind of quality of tuner as well like ours is it's not exactly mint but it's like shredded oh I see I see yeah put into tins or yeah it's it's not like this this is wonderful but so this was fatty tuna yes I got to find that at home I have to find that that was wonderful good luck yeah I know yeah good that's warming that's good so soup after it nice e oh oh my God like get like a ginger taste to it as well all the Miso soup and the broth here is just divine it's so nice I'm not normally like a soup guy or anything but here it just it hits the spots so well it's so good that's just comforting that is so nice oh very full very full into it I'm just eat the whole thing raw [Music] mhm I'm a big fan of Mara okay so this is beautiful it's like jelly yeah oh i' I'm so full after all that beautiful food delicious yeah yeah so what's your favorite Sushi uh favorite Sushi yeah the the tuna tuna yeah that was just it was so soft and either that or the the squid both both were really good hard so much thank you so much yeah have a safe fly back to your home country thank you byebye see you guys
Channel: 日本食冒険記Tokyo Food Adventures
Views: 1,349,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 外国人 日本食, 外国人, 海外の反応, 外国人の反応, 日本食, 日本食が好き, 日本が好き, 日本に感動, 日本で驚いたこと, 日本しか住めない, 日本すごい, 人生初, 訪日外国人, 外国人観光客, 和食, 初来日
Id: nbSqMZfm1XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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