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hello hello hi so can you introduce yourself to name me where you're from my name is feat I am from Germany yeah and I'm Matthias my husband okay nice to meet you my name is Dice kid so when did you arrive in Japan yeah I think we arrived 12 14 days ago so maybe two weeks ah okay yes and today we arrive from Okinawa oh really yeah wow great summer vacation okay that's why you are wearing like uh exactly yeah reverse updates in Tokyo yeah already and moved in between for nine days to Okinawa Chima oh but a great Sunny Beach summer vacation and now we are back to Tokyo to see much more did you try many Japanese food since you came here tried different things yeah different things of course for families it's always a challenge because especially in our family everyone needs different food just a little bit and but I don't know remember the name I had the spicy Japanese oh yes it was great I like it very much all right so today we will try Japanese beef so I hope you will enjoy all right let's go let's go so okay style the chef will cook meats and like veggies and so on in front of you on the hot plate we heard already about it yeah it is quite famous in Japan and one really special Japanese food and I never did it before so I'm very curious yeah yeah quite interesting and I think this that's why we are in Japan to to learn such things and to experience such things yes yeah and so thanks for this chance for coming in so first what do you want to drink we are not drinking beer like every German it's it's famous for Japanese sake it's a kind of protein yeah there are many types of sake yeah and sometimes it's dry sometimes sweet and fruity so maybe you can try this is like a towel between your hands before we eat yeah yeah hot outside yeah but here in Tokyo it's just hot in Okinawa it was hot and humid more humid out here yeah more but you enjoy it like Okinawa Okinawa so fantastic great place and the people are wonderful they are relaxed they are living a relaxed life in the life and um it's called soccer yeah I tried it hot really yeah okay okay cool okay Cheers Cheers hmm but what do you think about like a Japanese cold sake and like hot sake I like the cold sockets sometimes more if something like hot wine on the Christmas Market in the winter time if there's probably snow outside it's cold then people like to to train the the hot wine eat it up wine [Music] with Coke QR code okay what is behind the QR code this this I like I think this is Japanese technology it shows drive.google.com the chorus this restaurant is more for Meats like Japanese eating vegetable in the beginning helps you to prepare for the meat it's like they gave us yeah okay yeah really nice prepared very nice prepared we have like Chopsticks knives and forks whatever you feel comfortable with you can use okay of course I I will try it yeah I hope no one will see it it's my salad so I think it's for me it's difficult I yeah all right [Music] it looks really really nice so this is made out of bamboo yeah salt and bamboo charcoal that's fantastic yeah this is also a special thing in Japan the baskets for the stuff we don't have that in Germany and I think this is very intelligent you can put everything inside and it's organized that's a great idea it's a good idea especially the women always have so much stuff with them and so everything is together right right in Japan it was beautiful beautiful we made many friends here many friends many friends so we're a little bit sad that we have to leave today Japanese yeah Japanese yeah is so much fun and the interesting thing is that if we send some pictures back to Germany about our vacation many people are surprised hey Japanese Japan is a location for Beach vacation because usually in Europe it's not as known then we planned year by year 2021 2022 yet and just this year everything started getting normal traveling where was possible but unfortunately we didn't met it in the Cherry blower time um because of the school preparation of our daughter yeah but then we said okay then let's just do it in the summer and combine Tokyo with Okinawa as in between I found out the nice place foreign so they smoke it with cherry blossoms tree yeah [Applause] [Laughter] wow this is fantastic I love the white spicy cream end of um sometimes he is doing my sermon that I get at home on the barbecue and that's it Japan is much more than Tokyo and Okinawa there are quite interesting cities which are famous yeah I feel there will be a time when we come back and we will spend time again and as of now this unbelievable experience already I have a good feeling that that all of us are interested to come back and spend more time learn more things to know make another cheap plan to Osaka water or even the people to the north it's pretty different you see it's snowing time oh maybe we can come here for skiing that's it [Music] that's why you're gonna get yeah we are here [Music] if it's still moving yeah so it is just very fresh it is so fresh like it's moving yeah wow do you know in French dish okay it's like raw meat I like the home with the fish home it tastes delicious it's not something you are used to eat in Germany no we are not supposed to eat rare eggs of course we have a different a lot of different egg based meals but never rare but this is fantastic not cool [Music] yeah it's nice to sit in front of a chair yeah yeah yes nice seeing how are you preparing it and I was thinking about how he how I can eat it but he is preparing it for me this is the sky yeah yeah this is kind of him that he is preparing it up for us I never saw it I mean this shellfish quite impressive wow [Music] I think I don't think that I had a lobster like this before it's not prepared like this before we have a special kind of shrimps from the North Sea they are a little bit smaller and they have another color they are like brown not that pink color they are brown and they are taste for me totally different this is um unbelievable so all right so this is and also this is like the shellfish is nice I mean for your experience yeah yeah this green stuff it's like a bigger and they mix it with soy sauce so what kind of sauce that looks amazing we will try it and everything [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Music] wow this is a great idea for our sauce this is not tasting like a muffin it's really really good [Music] great I love it really really good and it's not tasting like a typical muffin just a Court a special taste a special taste it's not the typical it's beautiful it's just a smooth taste perfect so how do you wanna cook the beef well done medium medium I'm quite sure I will not get it like this in Germany perhaps here it's the first time and I will not repeat this in Germany because this is Japanese food yeah Germany I will concentrate on others food and types and it's easy we just have to come back oh yeah exactly so this is easy easy solution it's not always the good solution to try reproducing everything oh I I tried something somewhere I would like to have it at home exactly like this usually it is not like this and for everything there is a place where it belongs to and where it's right to to eat it there and but yeah yeah now our sun is also get lightning eyes if it comes to the beef [Music] account for me yeah right okay it's not new to me but yeah I like to eat and cook food with some people I really enjoy it yeah it's fantastic I'm very impressed for the show cooking and for everything for the arrangements foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] boots the first ice cream I eat which is not sweet never had this idea the first ice cream yeah I like onions quite a lot but I like ice cream quite a lot as a Japanese just mix it why not this is just a cool down cool down for the stomach preparation great idea okay Tokyo my image of the sushi totally changed I Love Sushi and I got good sushi I thought I got very good sushi in Stuttgart in Germany but I tried here the sushi and I was totally in heaven it has so different so totally different the fresh seafood and packed Sushi is better here like my high-end sushi in Germany so I was totally impressed and I enjoyed it with my view from my hotel room on the crossing so that was this is a special moment for me this is what I promised her if we go here she will get her best sushi ever yeah and even me I usually I never eat sushi but I tried it yeah but I know there's so much more than just Sushi and ramen I see what is possible with that fantastic kitchen so this is really interesting yeah one of my friends she is a great cooker and this is an idea I have to share it with her at first you have to watch the video of course and then she can prepare it for me I thought it would be hotter sitting next to that kanyaki but it's okay it's okay yeah yeah it's quite cool experience to see it directly prepare the front door fuse or yeah to see how clean everything is and yeah so we have really a lot of trust in the restaurant they do it like this [Music] so now it's turning hot [Music] [Music] okay [Music] it's like a puzzle I like the small rooms in the restaurants yeah we have your private area right this is quite nice this is not common in Japanese so we have so many questions okay yeah [Music] together all right so Japanese beef first time perfect perfect prepared and yeah [Laughter] thank you so much I really like it so they already put some salt on the meat but if you want to add more salt elements over that brings more flavor yeah it's a trip well it's so soft um delicious unbelievable yeah this is falling apart on my tongue that's the reason to be in such a restaurant right it's great great yeah very tasty very soft I really love it it's soft like the sky yeah it's falling apart yes wow this is really really good Lenny already finished the meat [Laughter] yeah wow he likes meat to be honest he can eat a kilogram of meat oh yes so it's too small [Laughter] [Music] really yeah yeah oh this is so kind of you thank you oh thank you so much he loves meat everywhere and I think he needs it yeah for his uh for the growing and the muscles the protein and yeah yeah [Laughter] five years I can get used to having my beef like this I think it's the beef itself and the preparation I think yeah both of the combination makes it as good this is really really good thank you quite a lot for this recommendation of this restaurant maybe I need a new kitchen oh I told him since a long time I need a new kitchen miso soup and rice [Music] I love it already it's this is fantastic I like rice I like spicy I like garlic it's perfect combination [Music] what it is made of it it's very healthy yeah it's also is always with our Japanese Cuisine yeah oh my goodness welcome to Japan she could never resist something sweet like this okay [Music] this is great this is a dream [Music] I love the Japanese double cream it's it's sweet of it and it's more like a cream I know the double cream more fluffy but I like more creamy the food was fantastic and I'm totally impressed about this great place this great restaurant and I totally totally impressed about everything inside how they arranged the food so lovely and The Taste and the smell and and the The Sounds they are totally yeah amazing that was was really a pleasure to to learn this place to know and get the chance together with you to get such great Japanese food one of the highlights or I think one of the best highlights of our trip thank you thank you yeah thank you so much yeah thank you very much that was so kind of you to give us the chance to get this great experience here thank you bye
Channel: 日本食冒険記Tokyo Food Adventures
Views: 2,698,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 外国人, 外国人, 日本食, 外国人の反応, 日本食冒険記, 海外の反応, 和食, 訪日外国人, 外国人観光客, 鉄板焼き, カルチャーショック, 日本が好きな外国人, 日本すごい, 日本, 日本しか住めない, 初来日
Id: tKZNaXq-ZJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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