江苏连云港灌南“小肉狗”,一年只卖一个月,几乎绝迹的地方特色美食 #麦总去哪吃

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Look at this net from 123, brothers Today we dunk in Jiangsu to show you Only it is said that only dunk food ah Little meat dog this way of fishing ah ah See you for the first time. Here, ha, ha, ha This only has a dunk garden. Yes This one only has this gate to another gate, which is very close. And none of the nearby towns Only the field snail has the field snail Yes, yes, Tian Tian snail small meat dog to Tian snail small meat dog Then I'll go and I'll take it down and show it to everyone. Hello The crocodile cage, I see all of them There are inside He has a lot of miscellaneous fish in it. But we have to pick, because very few I think this basin is right over there, yes over there, yes over there Come and have a look, brothers. Small snail dog What does this look like? It's a bit like a jumping fish. Come on There are still miscellaneous fish in this place for us to pick in. Because now, after all, very few oh Less and less, how many pick one, right Yes, this is right This is not ah Yes, yes, yes, yes. Come and have a look This is really normal Is to use this to entertain distinguished guests Oh, oh, how much does this cost? Now it is normal to weigh 45-11kg 45-11 jin, right, right, right Not even this season. Is it normal that it is the fattest ten days before April 5 Do you think that gate is the gate above The front gate to the back gate, a total of two miles Two miles, oh Two miles, oh Good luck with this cat. Then the old man also earned, earned this net Also earned for decades For decades, earned for decades There are 30, 30, 30 years. Actually dunk it I am also from Lianyungang, so I will speak Lianyungang dialect. Well, yes There are enough letters, aren't there? There are so few puppies and puppies. How thin ah Then wait a minute, we'll go to the store and make the process. Let's have a look Oh, ha ha ha Yes Yes Yes Novelty thing Brothers. Let's take a look at the small snail dog. Do you have any, uncle mention another net Let's take a look. It seems that there is no such net. This thing may be really difficult But this network is not. The little meat dog has grasped it. Local friends took us to dunk Tianlou Street. Find a 50-year-old restaurant to process and make it. Let me interject. There is only one blue brother in Jiangsu He is not Nanjing Dunk to see after changing the water alive oh Grab it with salt, eh Grab salt with salt and make a face Get rid of this mucus, right? Uh-huh This is soybean oil, right? Yes, soybean oil Pat the powder and fry it No Fear Inside Internet Fried little dog Re-pot Look at how the snail dog burns chili. Onion and ginger This is the garlic moss whose stool exceeds the water This is blanched garlic moss chili sauce It's really nice to add soup, oh soup Don't look at the powder stock soup stock Give me come96 salt soy sauce This is still a heavy taste burning method. For heavy taste, spicy and fragrant This is also our Lianyungang special mung bean jelly Here we come. out of the pot Small Meat Dog Burns Garlic Moss Beautiful color, today we went to Nange's territory. Dunk to make local wine Tanggou wine Tanggou wine, right Then I'll fill the wine You introduce the dishes, OK, OK Let's look at the first one. The most important dish is the little meat dog we took this afternoon. Then this one is also in our port area. More, one more Chinese cabbage to roast beef Hey. This is certainly not strange bean jelly Lianyungang mung bean jelly, right right Braised lobster in this loofah That's how we ate lobster when we were kids. Right, right. How can I get these 13 incense? How can I get them like this? How to drink this wine Well, what do we mean by drinking casually in Guannan? Just kill it in one bite. Do it well, welcome Mr. Mai. Ah. In the old full of this fish Don't spit No, you don't have to do that. There is another saying that we have returned the small meat pigeon to the field snail in Guannan. Eat a fish. We're gonna fuck We'll have a drink, come Brothers, count how many fish How much wine is enough to drink aha Don't play this joke The key to our south brother's territory Our South Brother's capacity for liquor Yes, yes, yes, no, no. It's amazing. Come and try it and swallow it directly. Uh-huh. Direct He's not descaled, he's not eviscerated. Then I'll tell you What's the best to eat Look at this. It has seeds in it The belly is bulging, just put some seeds. You can try his dish, eh There is a dish in Lianyungang monkey's mouth, which is also a seasonal dish. Most probably in March. This is in May, right in April So it's better to call the monkey's mouth little tigan. Is there a way we call it It's also where fresh water meets sea water. How's it going? Evaluate it. meat is particularly fragrant It's sweet, not fishy at all. If it's not fishy, it's not bitter Not bitter right The key is what he this He just saw the garlic. He's over the water I am afraid that the bitter taste of garlic moss will be brought into this dish. Ah. It's really delicious This dish is not eaten this season, oh Inspiration still has a lot of delicious food. Ready to do it again. Ha ha The second cup is still the same. You represent Nange. Yes Anyway, you and you are the same You even Hong Kong people are also my hometown Let's do it again Before, I said whether it was an advertisement or not. Well, it's up to you This is Lin Yungang's wine. Lianyungang Hubei wine In the past, when we talked about three ditches, one river and three ditches, what did they mean respectively? High ditch double groove Tanggou But now Tanggou is a bit declining When we were young, we watched advertisements. Yes, it didn't decline, did it Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, to be honest, it is a bit declining. When we were young, we watched Lianyungang TV advertisements at home. The most familiar sentence is the South Tom wine Open the altar Shilixiang, come on Hey, brothers Today we returned to our hometown in Lianyungang It is one on the bank of Xishuanghu Lake in the East China Sea. Empire Flower Face Look at this firewood burning, it feels very good. A wave of two-flower thunder Smoked eyes can't open Come on, come on. New and old, new and old How much is this for you? 22 22, get us the biggest Five or six of us. Almost this is OK This is also called fat fish, right Oh, this is beautiful Ah. That's it, that's it, okay, okay Is braised in soy sauce only braised in soy sauce I'm good to say hi Oh, it's raining hard It's raining hard. White lotus, he is white, right Hualien Hualien Big Head Flying Flower, Yes Yes, Suzhou 18 jin nine taels How many fish are there? Is it to burn in a pan Yes, the whole thing is braised in soy sauce. The whole braised pair How many years has it been in a house like this Hualien This is about 34 years. three-four pair Look at this empire. This firewood is very prosperous. The fire is getting stronger. Fried chicken stewed fish is delicious I remember when I was little We often cook wok at home Make this big silver carp Silver carp is much more delicious than silver carp Make it into big pieces. This block is really big Just put it in the water and cook it. Don't let me see garlic in the water. There's something else, and the Dragon King's stuff. Farm farm management material ah, exclusive secret material It's the rest of my exclusive cooking The surplus materials are available for all kinds of big materials and all kinds of materials. traditional burning method Oh. anise more than this oil, oh No need to go to the oil goose Storm, right? Goose, everything This simple is not simple or endure, endure more than two hours Is this taste important? good point This is a little simple, not simple. Exclusive dense material is good Just a little more coriander. And ah, and 18 jin six taels, right 292 bean paste good one Do you want to put soy sauce? Two shots This Dong Xu has just come out 2/3 And wait, add a little more when the soup is cooked. How long will this pot be stewed? One hour and 20 minutes, fish method with more water This kind of small kitchen for wood fires. In our Lianyungang dialect, it's called a valley, isn't it? Yeah, that's right. Ha ha ha Leng is a sound, right This director, this is definitely not a fish without fish. And it's definitely on the other side of the fruit reservoir. Only when it rains all the year round can the reservoir grow longer. It's not long This is because it grows too long. The breeding is a little smaller. How many kilos of silver carp meat have been farmed for a year in the wild. Three catties, three catties The cost of raising that fish to eighteen nine catties is too high. It's too high Like this is good water quality fish This fish is stewed by firewood in the hunting forest farm, ah, ah If you stick that pot sticker on the side of the pot. We talk about dead pot pie. Oops, it's better to eat A plate containing fish alone, you have to taste it for half a person. Have some soy sauce Wow, this soup has been gelled until it has been stewed. You look good on me, don't you It's too strong A thin sauce, so that the soup is thicker Sprinkle a little coriander Out of the pot, how much is the heaviest fish you have ever sold? 74kg screw green It looks delicious. In our Lingang dialect, it is called closed wheat. Better have some more tofu and cut some dead pot pancakes. It's more beautiful, huh That's enough to burst. Braised Dalinzi It's too hard to carry it alone. All right. This is the biggest silver carp I have ever eaten. Come on, you see you burn What words don't say ah To the first dragon even want to change, also set up a flash Hey. This fish is really exquisite in Liu Wenhua. Don't buy it Uh-huh. Don't be great, ha, ha, ha Cooking with rice in fish soup Fish soup soak rice, daughter don't change ah This is my own brother, does he look like it? Ha ha ha Good. Good-looking old, I see who eats incense Wow, it's absolutely fine Ah, the essence is in this soup. After eating the massage, it will taste full next time, won't it Hot mom's cooking is not as good as one grain, ha ha ha ha Pouting to eat a fish This fish chopsticks is quite big The master said, cut into segments Burn together. I thought that paragraph was so long His garlic is so big Not bad, not bad The star's brain must be cold. You can really try it. This hey hey, it's a little far from the city, huh Simpson came a little far, next to the Donghai, uh, Meteorological Bureau. Then the north end of Xishuanghu It's so beautiful Compared to that fish. We this jelly ah It's going to be inferior, quite a lot. I want to eat three bowls today, why do you want to bring them back? This thief is good. Fish gills and fish belly can give you fish maw Oh, shit. Oh, shit. If you can't do it, you have to do it. ha ha Don't scold, don't scold, don't scold, I am very painful Who pulled this piece You three, we two mix noodles one half It's so beautiful Who says there is no good food in dollar harbor? This is not Right? Guess what's in this jar? Oh, good food Today we eat Let's fight like this. Yes, let's see what this is good, good, good, good Oh, and this Hello, everyone. I'm Mr. Mai Today I am in Lianyungang East China Sea Pomegranate Town, this place is called Old 246 Provincial Highway. OG in Taian, Shandong Province, where the whole network exploded before. I guess most people have brushed it. Yesterday, I went back to Lianyungang to brush the same city. There is also an OG hotel in Donghai Township, Lianyungang. We got up early and ordered a chicken. Let's see how he does this place. This is a restaurant on the edge of a provincial highway. Oh, there's a small supermarket. Let's take a look. This should be the backcourt. Okay, I'm doing it. How many chickens did your aunt make today? Do 60 today. If business is good for today's holiday, do more. It's all chicken in the sun, right Isn't this OG from Shandong How did you do it My son went to buy one and came back to eat it. Because we're supposed to be that beggar well done And then you hid this thing Think about it yourself and make it. Simple ah, simple oh The yellow one behind you is, uh, the chicken. Right, yeah How many of these are there? This is about 70 or 80 This is also used today, right Today's holiday business is good, do more What kind of chicken is this? This is an old hen over 3 years old It's the off-season, oh yeah Withdraw from the off-season Now the old hen soup is basically made in this off-season. He's a chicken because it sticks a lot. Uh, it tastes good. Put the ginger Ginger Why is it called OG? You know what? Ha ha, our rural dialect fire started a small fire and then stayed up for a few hours. I can eat it. That's it. Shandong dialect is actually similar to this side O means simmering over low heat Oh oh OG right What else is there in this head There are goji berries in this head, uh Gastrodia elata and Danggui, what is this big block This large piece is our pickled radish pickle Yeah, hey, oh Then you show people this, not afraid of people to learn Oh, we have some bags here. There is a secret material bag, oh Ha ha This is a small bag. Yes Things are actually quite simple quite simple This is the pickle head that was just put in. Yes This should be put insideShould not put salt Ah, right No need to put salt Don't put chicken essence these things Let's look at it again. pure natural In fact, OG is equivalent to old hen soup. Yes, alas. My first contact with OG Oh, this one needs to be sealed in plastic wrap. Hey. This wind up, its taste it does not lose This will be stewed for several hours. Uh... Boil the fire and simmer for eight hours, eight hours. It's nine o'clock in the morning Then I have to wait for 17: 00 p.m. for my pot, it will be 5: 00 p.m. Right. It takes so long Yeah, that's how long it takes Oh, this takes a lot of time. Eat that European chicken. Is this all moving? This is all stewed, all ordered by the guests. Oh, this is a small honeycomb coal Oh, I just saw that this stove is constructed like this. It's a honeycomb coal This row is spectacular. Huo Mud is equivalent to pasting it up. Auntie, you're protecting the mud and making money. not bad How much money can this 120 make? About 40 or 50 dollars You see this winter hand frozen Gee, it's not easy Now you burn coal briquettes, coal prices have also increased. Coal has increased by half over the previous year. This one coal a briquette a few cents A coal ball costs more than eight cents. Eight cents, yeah To paste the color The paste is strict, don't give him leak air I have a dream since I was a child Protecting the mud makes money. This aunt is to help us to achieve Auntie, it's okay for me to learn this from you. Can you eat this bitter Can stand it, someone can always eat this bitter, ha ha Another shot. Oh, my God. I am Jiangbei Wanlida Su people are wind sand ah want to see the other side Green, I'm playing with mud basu's cell phone in the northeast. I don't want to do it on the other side. You guys are pretty good, too. Just buy a can and come back to taste it and make it. I dare not say anything else Anyway, we are sure of this chicken. Continue to paste Ah, yes, I 've had more than a dozen cans. Well, today's holiday will be more burnt. 60 pairs may not be enough to sell. Hu rotten pear It takes eight hours to stew. Is there any place you can go around in the East China Sea? We East China Sea Crystal is famous, Crystal City, right Yeah, Crystal City East China Sea Crystal is the best in the world, and outsiders can still buy it. Really, really a lot Let's have a look. Beehive briquettes are stewed for eight hours. I visited Crystal City. Oh, don't look at crystal city water city Ouch, my mother It really is. it smells too good Look at this soup. This color is good. Eight hours of chicken soup, have you ever eaten eggs stewed for so long? Can't put it down this little friend, ah, right, right, right Look at this chicken. And look at this soup, a layer of butter. On his side, they are basically brought home. Only we eat here So he doesn't have this pie. Too fragrant, too fragrant Too fragrant, too fragrant Can't wait to bring it home The condition is a little worse However, I think this soup is really quite good. Let's talk about it first. This woman is shopping The boss has a drink of soup in the back. The flavor of his seasoning is Codonopsis pilosula. The taste of halogen body is very light Can make layers taste so fresh In fact, this, I feel that this radish, salted radish head plays an important role together. Radish is already very bad, very bad The entrance is instant Hey. to get a chicken leg This chicken has been fed for eight hours and has already started to change. We come to taste the taste No talent He might be a little fire Then he slowly stuffed out, this is called o Southerners may not eat belly Our hometown, my hometown, Lianyungang, is very close to the East China Sea. Is a small fire slowly to feed fed for a long, long time Besides, it's not too expensive for him to sell 120. Well, chicken legs Oops. The chicken leg is right in front of you, ha ha All the leg meat fell off Delicious and delicious Hiss Lianyungang is very cold this season a bowl of soup Live Waiting for you several times tomorrow Look at that ear up there Not very bad, not very thorough Edge first The meat above and below is basically the third generation in my life. Use this set of windows to cover the windows Our special large intestine Large intestine covers small intestine, inside is small intestine Outside is the large intestine It's good to buy this Mid-Autumn Festival. Hey. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, they are all bought and given away. The gift is the Mid-Autumn Festival How much to cook in this pot There is almost oil in a pot, which can be boiled 40 times. 40 trotters, uh 40 pig ears 20 or so pig tongues, like this pot has cooled two pots You can marinate ten pots a day. Stone pot to that pigskin or something Even pigskin that day at least 100 more than pig head, understand Is at least more than 100 pig head At the very least, your pig head won't be too bad. Rotten and rotten It sucks when we marinate. What about it? Eat it hot It's just a little soft. Uh, what about Ryoko? It just tastes a little chewy. The companies on our side are all very cold and eat very cold. Make cold dishes Generally speaking, it is not to say that if you go abroad, you will sell it just like this. In my heart is wood It's the pot with sugar in it. And then sugar comes on a caramel And then there's it inside In it, there is the oil that can be used to remove oil. Grill the grease and then grill the oil. It tastes less greasy. Uh-huh. You can add a two-layer one. What about the meat cut on it? Go to the ice ocean white circle The smoked color of it will be different immediately, right Yes, the color looks good when it is smoked out. it is also delicious to eat Eating is actually a little less glue, right People are not bored with eating it. Is the white sugar sprinkled or is there white sugar below? Sprinkle it in. Sprinkle it in. There's temperature. Sprinkle sugar on it. Then immediately water the flowers and turn them into caramel. My eyes must be pretty, they are still pretty. It usually takes more than ten minutes for caramel to bring some fragrance. bring some incense So we'll get it for him later. This is just out of the pot Oh, it's Shaw It must be different from the cold one just out of the pot, right Yes, I just came out of the pot to teach you. Oh, yes, and the tendon How much can I sell this pig's trotter? A pig's trotter 30 yuan, 30 yuan This is the front foot, not the top. Pen before, yes This one is not so greasy. Well, this is a promotion. Eat this first. This is you. This is just out of the pot. It's just smoked. Let's try why it's called smoked roast. After smoking, right It's not so rotten Then there's the gum There's a little hint of that sugar scent. Mmm, this kind of pig's trotters is delicious Especially chewy This is a set of rope The hair rope is wrapped in the small intestine, isn't it? For the small intestine of the large intestine bubble, this is still troublesome to roll up. to trouble. the hot one is not very good, right This is a set of intestines The small intestine is rolled up in the large intestine. This set of intestines in northern Jiangsu is hissing The large intestine is wrapped in soft, waxy And then this small intestine inside is very chewy. He did that cold dish This is usually bought for eating, and the price of cold dishes is too high. This kind of people do a little cold dish The outside is full of the caramel smoked just now. Right. If you make a cold tea, how much is it? This is much 100 More 100, more 100, more expansion Now I have a 30-gray 100. I guess I'll give everyone more than a 100. Can't that dish be eighty or ninety? One dish, two dishes, almost the same Well, two This marinated dish tastes good while it's hot
Channel: 麦总去哪吃
Views: 61,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 麦总去哪吃, 探店, 美食, 户外美食, 特色, 生活, 发现美食, 记录, 生活记录, 美食Vlog
Id: KlilJ_cC2I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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