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This faucet is still dripping after it is closed tightly. Today we are going to replace this faucet and share with you what you need to pay attention to. Remember to like, subscribe and share. You can find related videos on my homepage/playlist. You are also welcome to leave a comment area. Leave a message Hello friends, today this faucet will keep dripping after it is turned off, so we are going to replace this faucet today. First of all, because this faucet has no water switch, like some bathroom faucets, they have a valve similar to Ver There is a one-word switch on it that can turn off the water. If this is not available, we have to go to the top floor and turn off the water. The water has been turned off . The water has been turned off. Now, if we remove the faucet, we need to use this. Turn the tool counterclockwise like this and it will turn down. After turning it down , we first take this new faucet and then reverse it slightly to let it have the teeth. We first reverse it slightly to let it have the teeth. Because if there is no teeth, it will be turned hard. It will break. After it enters the teeth, we have to count it a little. For example, from here, it will be one , two, three, and maybe a little more than three. So when we count to almost three, we will We need to pay attention to it for about 2 and a half turns , so it is about 3-1/4 turns. Now because this thing does not have a rubber pad, a metal lock, and a metal lock, we have to wrap the anti-leak tape. The most important point today is to wrap it. Let's talk about the anti-leak tape now . When it comes to anti-leak tape, a friend may use it like a tape , and then he picks it up and then it goes in this direction . Then he starts to wrap it, but it's very difficult to do so. Did you find that the tape is loose? It is very difficult to wrap. So when you wrap the anti-leak tape, you have to pay special attention. If you look at the tape, it looks like this. We usually use stationery tape or electrical tape. It looks like this. It's glued on , but when using anti-leak tape, you have to be careful. You have to hold the tape backwards and it should come out from below. Hold the tape backwards so that it can be tightened. Otherwise, it will always be loose and very difficult to pull. Try again. Let me show you how to pull the tape tightly so that it does not become loose like this. Then if it looks like this, is it okay to wrap the tape like this? For example, if he wraps it outside and comes out like this It won't work. If you wrap the outermost circle, it's best not to wrap it all the way to the edge. Why? Because if you wrap it all, it will be very difficult for you to get into your teeth later . It will be very difficult to lock it to the wall. The inside of the thread is a bit fluffy because it has been wrapped with anti-leak tape, so it is very difficult to get into the teeth. It is best to leave about 1 or 1-2 threads and do not wrap them with the tape. You can use the one or two threads you have. These two points are to go into the teeth . You should pay attention to the direction in which the tape is put. Generally, we do this. Don't put it directly on it. If it is not tight, you must pull it in the opposite direction, just like using ordinary tape. It should be as tight as possible so as not to wrap it on the side. Then, you must pay attention to the direction of wrapping. Because our thing is turned clockwise, the direction of wrapping our tape must also be clockwise. You cannot wrap it in reverse. Three key points: When the first tape is put on the faucet , it should be in the opposite direction to the general tape so that it can be easily pulled and tightened. Then try not to wrap the front of the second tape to the front . Try not to wrap the first round of the tape to the front. Then wrap the third one for about 15-20 times . If the direction of the clockwise wrapping is the same as the direction of locking it in, you have to go clockwise. If you go backwards, wait until you keep locking the leakage tape and all the tape will fall off. If it is clockwise, When it is locked, the tape will get tighter and tighter so that it will not fall off. After wrapping it, we have to use our hands to twist it a little like this . I rub it to tighten it because the anti-leak tape sometimes does not pull when you wrap it. If it is very tight, it may look like this. The fluffy lotus is loose. Then we use our hands to tighten it slightly. Sometimes we have to pay a little attention, like leaving a little bit on the front here . Don't wrap it all to the front . Even if it is wrapped, If you want to wrap it in 1-2 layers, it’s better because the thickness of the 1-2 layers won’t be very thick. You don’t want to wrap it all. The front side is very thick and it will be difficult to insert into the teeth later. Really, the anti-leak tape we just used has already been used. Let's just reverse it and slightly feel that there is an intrusion of the tooth. If there is no intrusion of the tooth, don't turn it hard. Don't turn it hard. Otherwise, the head will be broken and you will be in trouble . If this head is exposed, it may be better. The head you have is in If you hard-turn the inside of the wall and it breaks, you will have to knock on the wall, which will be very troublesome. Let’s start from here and count it. It’s about 3 circles. Then we will do one circle and two circles . That’s almost enough for the ropeway. Just like this . Because if you lock it again, it may not be able to rotate to the right position , that is, it cannot rotate straight. Let's wait a moment and then boil the water to test it. It will be OK. Let's boil the water and start testing. OK, and then see if there is any leakage here. If there is any leakage here, If there is no leakage, it should be OK. I just wrapped the anti-leakage belt about 15 times , but when I turned it around, I found that it was a little loose , so the anti-leakage belt can be wrapped around 20 times. If there is no leakage , please suggest friends to stop the leakage. Generally speaking, the belt should be at least 15 times or more , about 15-20 times. Unless you have a very small gap, you only need 10 times. Otherwise, it usually takes about 15-25 times. I will share it with you here if you like mine. Video , please help me share the video. Bye.
Channel: ACL 阿寶頻道- 居家水電修繕及工具 Abao Channel
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Keywords: 止洩帶, 止水帶, 止水膠帶, 止洩膠帶, 止瀉帶, 止瀉膠帶, 水龍頭, 更換水龍頭, 陽台水龍頭, 室外水龍頭, 使用教學, ACL, Abao Channel, 阿寶頻道, 阿寶, 阿寶無私分享, 居家水電修繕, 電動工具, 手工具, diy, 居家, 修繕, 居家修繕, 水電, 水電工, 水電師傅, 裝潢, 設計, 水電行, electrician, 沐浴龍頭, 面盆龍頭, 廚房龍頭, 料理台龍頭, 凡爾, 反而, 三學凡爾, 止泄带, 止水带, 止水胶带, 止泄胶带, 止泻带, 止泻胶带, 水龙头, 更换水龙头, 阳台水龙头, 室外水龙头, 使用教学, 沐浴龙头, 面盆龙头, 厨房龙头, 料理台龙头, 凡尔, 三学凡尔, 阿宝频道, 阿宝, 阿宝无私分享, 居家水电修缮, 电动工具, 修缮, 居家修缮, 水电, 水电工, 水电师傅, 装潢, 设计, 水电行
Id: ebVyWbI1esM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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