新手必看!最新iPhone相機教學📸介面一次上手 隱藏照片 錄影 裁切 原況 修圖編輯 iPhone15 iOS17 Apple ProRAW

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Hello everyone, I am an Apple girl. Today we are going to teach you how to use the iPhone camera. No matter which iPhone you pick up today or which version of iOS you are using , it is applicable to any newer version of iPhone or iOS . The more functions you have, the more functions you will have. In fact, if you find that there is something mentioned today that is not available on your phone, don’t worry . It may be because some functions are only available in the latest Pro series , but most of the functions are still the same. So let’s quickly take a look at how to use the iPhone’s camera . First of all, the first thing we want to talk about is that the iPhone’s camera has four ways to open it. The easiest one is of course to open it directly on the desktop. There is an iPhone icon. Then the second way is through the control center . Swipe down from the top right and you will see the camera icon. For example, if you are in some apps today and do not want to jump back to the desktop and enter As for the camera, you can directly enter the camera through this method. The third method is to have a camera icon on the lock screen . Press and hold to open the camera. The fourth method is also on the lock screen . Swipe left to open the camera. Then after opening the camera, let's take a look at its interface. First of all, when you take a photo today and find that it does not focus on the subject you want to shoot, you can directly click on it. There will be a yellow frame like this. There will be a sun on the right side of the yellow frame . This sun allows you to adjust the exposure. For example, if you feel it is too dark or too bright today, you can adjust it up or down . If you want To switch the focus object, you can just press somewhere else and it will automatically focus. In addition, the most commonly used button is of course the magnification adjustment button below . Depending on the model you are using, there will be a different number of buttons below. Choose the latest iPhone 15 Pro Max, which has four buttons below it . In addition, the latest Pro Max has twice the size and three different focal lengths to choose from . In addition to directly clicking on these focal lengths to switch You can also press and hold it, and this roulette will appear, and you can make more detailed adjustments . Next, let's take a look at what the buttons above are. First, there are many circle buttons on the far right. It is the original meaning of the original photo . The condition photo will automatically record 1.5 seconds before and after the photo is taken, which means that after it is taken, it will become a dynamic photo. Sometimes when we open the iPhone's photo album, you will find that the photo will move like this and that is the original photo. Because it records for a longer time , the file will be larger. What are the benefits of doing it this way? For example, if I find that it blinks after taking the photo, I can go to the editing in the upper right corner and there will be an original photo. To select different moments , for example, if I didn’t blink in this frame, I can click on the above to set it as the main photo, which means that you have more room for adjustment later. There is an original photo button in the upper left corner of the original photo. Click on it and there will be more special effects to choose from. For example, you can set this photo to play back and forth or repeatedly. If you want to post it on Instagram, etc., there will be different special effects . In addition, iOS 17 now also has one For the function of making stickers, you can use the original photos to create dynamic stickers . Next, we see the button on the left. This is the flash. Click it to turn off the flash. In addition, in darker places, you will find that it has an extra button. This It is the night shooting mode. The night shooting mode uses a long exposure to achieve more light intake . In fact, it can adjust its exposure time. Today, if we slide up from the bottom, another row of buttons will appear. There is a night shooting here. The exposure time of the mode can be adjusted. The current maximum is three seconds. If your phone is mounted on a tripod today , it can allow you to choose up to 30 seconds. For example, if you want to take pictures of stars and star trails today, You can use this method to achieve long exposure. I like taking pictures very much . I usually like to record travel or life . In addition to the above buttons, there are actually more options. Which side to hide is the row we just mentioned. Buttons , you have to call out this row of buttons, and you just slide up. No matter where you are on the camera, you can slide up . First, the two buttons on the left, which we just talked about, are the flash and the original mode. Then come to the third button. This button is a photography style. This photography style has different tones and color temperatures . For example, some people may think that the color of the iPhone is more yellow when shooting. You can come in here and set it to a cooler color temperature . This is a little different from the filter. The difference is that it is adjusted through the camera, which is a bit like Profile or Preset . In addition, the fourth button here is the shooting ratio. Here you can see that it has two options: square and 16:9 . In fact, no matter which option you choose, it will be cropped in 4:3, so you can also adjust it yourself after shooting in 4:3. Then the next option is the exposure plus or minus value , which is if you feel it is too dark today or If it is too bright , you can adjust it here . The option of this clock is timer . If you use a tripod today or you want to take a group photo, you can open it here. It has 3 seconds and 10 seconds options . Then click it. One is a real filter . This filter feels a bit post-processed. Personally, I think the iPhone filter is a bit dramatic, so not many people use it. And when it comes to the 15 Pro series , it is in the general photo mode. Portrait mode will also appear automatically now. When you take a portrait today, an f will appear in the lower left corner . After you click on it, it will turn on portrait mode. In portrait mode, it will highlight your protagonist and then it will Blurring the background creates the effect of depth of field. Next, let’s talk about the white photo button. It also has hidden secrets. The first one is that as long as you press and hold it, it will start recording , and then it will stop recording as soon as you release it. For example, let’s say I Now press and hold to start recording. At this time, you can pull up to zoom in and then pull down to zoom out . Now actually, as soon as I let go, it will stop recording. If you want it to keep recording, you can slide it to the right and it will keep recording. So if I pull it to the left today, it will take continuous shooting. For example, if I pull it like this and then pull it to the left, there will be no sound. So you can see that the numbers above are running. Next, we will talk about the video recording function . First switch to the recording side. In the recording interface , we see what the above buttons mean. First, press the HD in the upper right corner and it will become 4K . You can adjust the image quality like this . On the right is the adjustment. As for the frame rate, it can be switched between 60, 24 and 30. The higher the number, the sharper the picture will be. The situations it is used for are if you are moving very fast today, you should use 60. For example, if you want to shoot someone else running or If it is some stunt action, it may be more suitable to choose 60 frames. For example, if you just want to shoot a person talking today or the action is not so intense, you can use 24 or 30. The lower the number, the softer the picture will be. Of course, the picture will be softer. The higher the quality and the higher the frame rate, the larger the file will be. Then let's take a look at the two buttons on the left , which are flash and action mode. What is action mode ? If you want stronger anti-shake today. You can just turn it on , but in fact, iPhone recording itself is very good at anti-shake, so I actually don’t know how to use this option myself , and this mode will crop it in order to achieve better anti-shake, so it The picture will be smaller , so let's go to the next part of the movie level. The biggest feature of the movie level is that it can switch the focus point and create a shallow depth of field. In fact, it is a bit like the portrait mode , but you can control it in the movie level. There are more projects. For example, if I have two subjects on the screen , I can switch it and it will use this yellow frame to indicate which body the focus point of the shooting is on. Suppose I am shooting at a movie level and then I I can switch the object I want to focus on during the process. In fact, these things can be adjusted afterwards. You will see that it will create a very beautiful blur effect, which can highlight the subject you want to shoot. Then after I finish shooting today, I can go into editing. On the editing side, we see this long yellow bar with three dots on it. This is where you can edit the focus point switch. For example, at this moment, I want to switch focus. If the focus is on it , I can move it over and a circle will appear under it. So if you want to try to shoot a blockbuster at home today, you can use this method to create a very exquisite picture very easily , which is at the movie level. On the video recording screen , you can choose the image quality and frame rate . Basically, you can choose 4K or 24 or 30fps. Then the F on the left can adjust its depth of field. There will be this horizontal axis below, and you can adjust the depth of field. Over there, let's see the slow motion part. As you can see in the upper right corner, it currently only supports HD and 240 frames. At 240, you can switch to 120 by pressing it. After entering the album, you can see the slow motion part. You can also adjust the slowed-down clip. For example, if I press edit now, you will see a long strip here. If there is a dense area, it is the normal speed. In fact, the place with larger intervals is the slowed-down place. So you can just press and hold this bar to adjust where the place you want to slow down is. For example, if I want this section to be slowed down, I can adjust it like this, and then when I play it, it will be here. Slow it down for a period like this. The next step in slow motion is time-lapse photography . Time-lapse photography can be used to shoot, for example, sunsets, sunrises or city street scenes. It condenses time into a short period like this . For this part, your phone must be at a fixed point , such as installing a tripod or placing it in a fixed place. Next, we see that the two options on the far right are portrait and panoramic portrait. There will be differences in them. You can choose the lighting , but in fact it is rarely used because you will find that it is a bit too dramatic. The next panorama is if you want to capture all the beautiful scenery today, you can use this method . The shooting method is you After pressing it, there will be a line on it. You have to move your phone towards that line . You will find that its arrow is shaking up and down. You have to keep it on this line and then move your camera to take pictures of the scenery. So the next thing we are going to talk about is the very important options in the photo album. In the photo album, it is sorted by time. If you want to see the earliest photo, you first click on the area on the battery side . It will go to the top. In addition , you can also use two fingers to zoom in and out. If you click on the photo, click Edit in the upper right corner, and you will see many items that can be adjusted . In the lower row of buttons, you can also select automatic, and it will automatically help you retouch the pictures. Some of the more detailed parts can be adjusted according to your own preferences . There are also other buttons below. First of all, The first one is the original photo. As we just said, you can choose different moments to set as your main photo , or there are filters and cropping options here that can be adjusted. On the cropping side , you can control Dot method or flip over here in the upper left corner. There are more preset crop sizes on the right side. Below it will appear, for example, 9:16, or square, etc. , or you can also You can freely drag the size of its square . Then there is a pen on the right side. Here you can make marks. If you want to write or draw on it today, you can use this method . This drawing can also be automatically detected. Shape: For example, if you draw a heart today , if you hold down it, it will automatically turn into a heart , and then a square shape, hold down it. After you finish drawing, you have to stop there, and it will help you correct the shape. Then in the lower right corner, If you click on the section, there are more things you can add, such as text or signature files, etc. Next, we will talk about a function called copy and paste editing style. What is this ? For example, let’s say you finished editing a photo today. If you want to apply all the items you have modified to other photos, you can use this method. First, click the three dots in the upper right corner. There is a copy editing item here. Click on it. Then we go back to the photos and select the photo you want to paste the editing item . For example, these three photos , then click the three dots in the lower right corner. There is a paste editing item here, and it will automatically apply the content you just edited. For example, if you have adjusted the exposure and color, it will automatically apply it. The next one is the hidden part . For example, say you took some photos today. If you want to hide a relatively private photo from this album , you can select it first and then click this to hide it. Let's take a look at where it will go . Let's go back to this in the album. Then slide the album screen to the bottom and there will be a hidden one. Click on it and it will ask you to unlock it. In addition to this hidden album being locked, the recently deleted photos are also locked. Then come to the next one. When it comes to how to find the screenshots or videos you have taken before, first click on the option in the photo album and then scroll down. You will see the media type , which will classify it according to different forms. For example, screenshots will It has its own category , and the video will also have its own category , so you can click in and you can quickly find what you want. Then the next thing we are going to talk about is that pets now have their own personal files. What does this mean ? It's us. Under the option of the photo album, there will be a character and pet. It will distinguish which face has which photo and it will classify them all . Now the pet also has its own file. For example, for this cat , it will It automatically recognizes that these are all photos of the same cat , and here you can also name it. For example, if my cat is called CC, it will appear here. It is super cute , and different pets will have different profiles , which is it. You can tell it's a different face like this . Next, we're going to talk about the camera settings. Here we're going to talk about how to open 48 million pixels , open ProRes , open ProRAW . These are some more in-depth usages. First, let's Open the settings and scroll down to find the option of the camera. Then select this format. Next here we select the ProRAW and resolution control items . This preset professional format will appear here. Click in and you will see HEIF and ProRAW. What's the difference between the two formats ? First of all, HEIF's file size is one-tenth that of ProRAW, which is also a format that ordinary people can use better. So I suggest that if you want to shoot 48 million pixels, choose this HEIF. MAX 's ProRAW is reserved for some professionals. It will retain more photo details so that these people can adjust the light and color afterwards. After setting this side, we open the camera and you will find that there will be more details on this side. Press and hold a button and the items you just mentioned will appear and you can adjust them directly. Or if you often need to switch 48 million pixels on or off, you can just press it directly and it will turn off the HEIF. If you turn it off, it will become 2400. Then open it and it will be 48 million. Then the next thing we are going to talk about is the function of ProRes. ProRes is also for some more professional people to use in post-production. It will also retain more video details . Now ProRes also supports it. Log mode. As you can see below, click here and you can select Log. After setting it up here, we enter the camera's recording. There will be a ProRes button on it. You can choose when you want to shoot ProRes . ProRes Because its file is very, very large , this time they also added a function to the iPhone 15 , which allows you to connect an external hard drive to record ProRes. Another one is the Log mode. It will be completely gray when recording , which is normal. Because it needs to be adjusted through post-production to bring out its real light and color, our camera tutorial today is almost here. If you want to know other iPhone skills, you are welcome to leave a message below and make a wish with me for some other comparisons. I will post all the lifestyle content on Instagram. You are welcome to follow it. See you in the next video.
Channel: 蘋果妹
Views: 223,343
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Keywords: 蘋果妹, apple, UCIpZAGl9xHcuzmHW0AAJs7g, apple gal, 蘋果爹, 3c, iPhone, ios, 教學, 設定, 小技巧, camera, 相機, 人像, 景深, 原況, 照片, 裁切, 編輯, 修圖, 調色, Apple ProRAW, RAW, 錄影, 4k, hd, 幀率, 隱藏, 相簿, 相片, 自拍, 照相, tips, 電影級, Prores, 連拍, 最新, Google, Google pixel 6, Pixel6, log, iPhone 15, iphone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 15 plus, ios17, app, 推薦
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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