『新手必學』:別再只用一倍鏡拍照!iPhone拍照必學三大技巧(三倍鏡篇)《BPW Study #83》iPhone攝影 iPhone 15 潛望式鏡頭

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Hello, everyone, this is BPW Study. I don’t know if you have ever thought about one thing, is it possible to take pictures with an iPhone as professionally as a camera? Well, tell everyone the answer is yes, you just need to press triple The mirror will not only improve the texture of your photos, but also avoid taking pictures of your own shadows and surrounding debris. So today this video will show you how to use the triple mirror in detail . We will use three shots. The angle of view will tell you the difference between the 1X lens and the 3X lens. It is guaranteed that after watching this video, your entire photography skills will be upgraded to a higher level. Also , please remember to press the subscribe button and remember to turn on before the video starts. Little Bell will never miss the latest information related to BPW. The first shooting angle , which I think is the most useful place for the triple mirror, is to shoot from top to bottom . I believe everyone should go to restaurants or take pictures of some exhibits. Then we all want to take pictures of our meals from top to bottom , but one thing will happen at this time is that when we take pictures of meals, the shadows of our hands and mobile phones often cover our meals. The picture is really not very good-looking , so tell everyone that you don’t need to buy a fill light, in fact, you only need to turn on the triple mirror to solve this problem , because the imaging of the triple mirror and the single mirror are similar to each other, but Its presentation in the shadow is quite different, so let’s take a few examples as an example. You can first see the photo of this sundae. On the left, we used a 1x lens and on the right, we used a 3x lens . Everyone It is obvious that there is a shadow of my two hands and the mobile phone in the lower left corner of the 1X mirror, and it is directly stuck there. Then why the shadow does not appear when using the 3X mirror ? The reason is very simple, because we When shooting with a 1x mirror, the distance between our mobile phone and the table is very close, so the shadow will become larger and closer to the table when it is placed relatively , but when we turn on the 3x mirror, your hand will go to the table. Pull up 1.7 times the distance , after you pull up, your shadow will actually spread out , and the shadow of your hand can better avoid your dinner plate and make adjustments . You can also see a few other examples For example, in the second group of photos, we took photos of this milkshake. We can also clearly see that after shooting with a triple mirror, only the shadow of the cup itself is left. The third group of photos is a photo of big stewed soup. The only difference here is that you can see that there is still a little bit of my shadow in the lower right corner of the image of the triple mirror. Here I want to tell you that the triple mirror will still have a shadow when it is taken, but you can do it yourself. To adjust the position of your hand, for example, if you move your hand down a little, it can still be imaged with a triple mirror, but the shadow can be moved farther, so that it will not directly cover your food and in this way The picture is really good-looking. You can see that the luster of this big brine soup can be directly illuminated by the electric light on it, and it will not be covered by the hand like a double mirror. The overall picture is actually taken . For the second example, which is more professional and textured, we shoot our 3C or devices with screens from top to bottom . Because everyone knows that I have a reading account . In fact, many of my iPad pictures are taken directly like this . But everyone If you usually encounter a situation when shooting this kind of 3C product, there will be a lot of lights or shadows stuck on it because we usually have lights on the ceiling, and the screen is a reflective thing , how can we avoid this? Reflection, the method is the same as just now, you only need to turn on the triple mirror, and you can see the picture of the triple mirror on the right, which completely avoids these lights and our own shadow. I will not explain the part of its shadow. It ’s the same as before. The part of the lamp is also because our hands are higher, so the distance between the lamp and the lamp when viewed from the camera is relatively farther away, so we have a chance to capture repeated lamps. It will be lowered, like the ceiling of my house is just 6 round light bulbs. When you pull the lens up, the distance between the light bulb and the light bulb will actually become farther. The iPad can be easily accommodated between these two light bulbs , so you See if we shoot like this, we won’t get any lights. These two examples are just to show you some tips on how to shoot from top to bottom. Because this is just a demonstration picture, so it’s not particularly beautiful here. Let me show you some photos that I used to shoot from top to bottom and I am very satisfied at the same time. For example, you can see the rice bowl I ate, and some salad dessert hot pot . My favorite photo is this coffee. The cup is shot from top to bottom , because there is no shadow to block it, so I think its color tone is really well balanced. As long as it is the cover photo of notion, we can see the photos of these foods here. Because if I continue to look at it, I feel that the more I look at it, the more I feel hungry Of course, you can also use 30 degrees or 60 degrees to set a shooting angle according to the position of your object. If you use a triple mirror with a 45-degree angle to shoot, its biggest advantage is that you can To avoid taking photos of the surrounding debris , first of all, we can see this photo of dried fruit tea. On the left, it was shot with a 1x mirror. You can clearly see that there are actually a lot of charging cables at the back, and then or Some things on the walls are all stuck on it. The reason is that it is like the field of view seen by your eyes, and it will show everything right, but if everyone can see the picture of the triple mirror, we will It can be found that the whole scene behind it is pulled over, so we can find that the table seems to be less narrow and long, and the scene behind it will also be enlarged and the depth of field will be deeper , so you will not feel it. He has such a messy feeling. If we come again , we will return the example to the big bowl of stewed soup just now. We are now shooting with an oblique angle of 45 degrees . You can see that we can see it when we shoot with a double lens. There is a dining table for children in the back , and there are some tiles and other things that have been photographed , but when we use a triple lens to shoot We can see that hey, we only photographed the range of the table, but the size of the bowl is not so different, it is almost the same size as the double mirror just now, so we can actually see that we are like this The whole picture will become cleaner when shooting . In addition to avoiding the sundries in the back, shooting at an oblique angle of 45 degrees can make your things look more textured by creating a sense of compression . Let’s first see the picture on the left. The round shape of the cup in the photo of the fruit smoothie is more obvious. If the triple mirror is used , we can clearly see that its round shape has been squashed, just like our sundae. We can easily see the double mirror and triple mirror It is obvious that if you say a circle, it will be compressed and more like an ellipse. The difference is that your object will actually be wider than it looks when you shoot it , so you will look more textured and look like the cup just now. Everyone will find out about the shape. Hey, when shooting with a triple mirror, the cup will not have the feeling of distortion. It will not have such a feeling of being so wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. It is a very straight and flat feeling , so here we also give Let’s take a look at some of the pictures I took with an oblique angle of 45 degrees. For example, this one was shot in Jiufen for taro balls and sweet potato balls. We used the same shot for dried fruit tea , but this time we used a different angle to shoot and then I went to Linkou. The Outlet had a delicious meal , but since there is no business partner here, I will not specifically name the restaurant . The next third and last shooting angle is horizontal shooting , so I think horizontal shooting If you really want to become a professional photographer, I think you must learn it. It can really maximize the compression effect of the triple mirror. Whether you want to highlight the foreground, the background, or you want to Shooting those kind of very narrow pillars or suspension bridges is actually very suitable for horizontal shooting with a triple mirror . First of all, for the first example, let’s take a look at how to highlight the foreground. Here, I have given two examples. For the first example, we can see this photo of the golden waterfront. The one on the left was taken with a 1x lens, and the one on the right was taken with a 3x lens. The biggest difference is of course the one behind. The mountain view of Guanyin Mountain can be fully accommodated with a double lens , but with a triple lens, it will be enlarged because it is compressed, but here I want to show you the biggest difference . It's on the signboard with the words "Golden Water's Edge" , you can take a closer look and say, "Look, our Golden Water's Edge is on the right side of the double mirror, there are actually some sundries appearing , and it's golden, although in the hole in the lower left corner we have It can be seen that it seems to be shot at an oblique angle, so it will have a shadow feeling. It doesn’t have so many planes when it is shot, but we can see the picture of the golden waterfront after we see the picture with a triple mirror. It becomes very flat and it will not be on the right side like the double mirror on the left . It will have some railings or debris . This is because our distance is far enough and it is compressed enough so you just I don’t want to shoot some angles or different sundries , so I think this is a great advantage of the triple lens . Let’s take a look at the second example. If we usually want to shoot exhibits , for example, if I shoot For these two iPhones , we can clearly see that there are a lot of boxes and a lot of sundries in the back of the double mirror. But when we use the triple mirror, we can find that the box will become bigger after it is compressed. Well, there won’t be so many clutter when shooting , but the more important point here is that we can see the gap between the two iPhones . We can clearly see the two iPhones when we use a 1x lens to shoot. The distance between the front and back of the iPhone is very large, and the angle of the entire iPhone feels different, so it looks unsymmetrical. But when we turn on the triple mirror, you can find that the entire screen will become more parallel because of the triple mirror. After it compresses the picture, your oblique angle will not become so large. So we can see that the two iPhones can be cut on a parallel line, so we can see it from the shooting method. The difference in angles won’t be so big, and you’ll look more professional, right? It won’t feel like your things aren’t properly arranged. Next , let’s take a look at some narrow and long scenes for the second horizontal shooting range. The first one is this . I took pictures on a very inclined road in San Francisco. You can see that the pictures we took with the triple mirror are really beautiful . We can shoot the road very straight and you can directly see the back The landscape looks good with a 1x lens, of course, there is nothing wrong with it, but you can see that this line does not look so straight, it is a bit like this, and then it bends down and then slowly gathers , but it is 3x If you use a mirror, it can make the straight line very straight, so that your picture actually looks very symmetrical. For example, it is the same with the MRT Easy Card Machine I took. It can adjust the distance between each Easy Card Machine. It becomes closer and more clustered , so you can more easily capture the feeling of the entire distant view , and then it can also show the closer distance between the pillars like I shot this pillar in Wu's Ancestral Hall I feel that in the third part, in addition to highlighting the long and narrow foreground, the most important thing about our triple lens is that it can highlight the background , that is, the distant scenery . For example, you can see this photo of the MRT station . The buildings captured by the triple mirror become very obvious , so we can clearly see the subject behind, so we won’t just capture the feeling of a sky or the picture I took in Tamsui Old Street. You can. It is more obvious to see this gap because I captured the size of the tree on the left half and it is about the same size, but you can see the scene on the right half. The size of the building is different between the double mirror and the triple mirror. There are a lot of them , so if you want to take pictures that highlight the scenery behind, it is highly recommended to use a triple lens to shoot, and you will have a visual feeling that the coastline is very wide and the buildings behind are very large , then you can It can present the details in the back better or the imaging of some videos is the same For example, you can see this picture taken from Guanyin Mountain and then to the old street. Then you can see that because the triple mirror is very large , we can clearly take pictures of the shoreline of our Tamsui River in the distance. The whole feeling , or if we shoot on a flat road, we can shoot far away , and we can obviously see that there is a sense of compression on the picture, so these are the three skills about horizontal shooting. Of course, here Let me show you some of my pictures. For example, you can see the photo of the lampshade . Because it feels like a triple mirror, the window at the back is enlarged. For example, like the second picture , I deliberately combined it with the temple. He opened his hole and shot the scene because the scene is compressed and zoomed in. In fact, the whole scene looks very beautiful , because if you shoot with a double mirror, you can’t actually take such a big scene. For example, the second part in the back The fourth photo of the three is also a photo I took in the coffee shop. After we use the triple mirror, we can see the things in the middle and avoid the debris behind , so that the entire wall image can be compressed . Even more beautiful, the last word is this video taken at the head of the Tamsui Ferry. I really think that shooting a video with a triple mirror has a very healing feeling. You seem to be holding a telescope and looking at the distant scenery and paired with an iPhone. The anti-shake is also very good. I am really satisfied with the shooting. It is also my favorite shooting angle . Next, I will tell you three things to pay attention to when using the triple mirror. Although the triple mirror has many advantages Yes , but it still has some images that need to be paid attention to. The first point is that when you shoot with a triple mirror in some darker environments, it will actually be darker. You can actually see the translations I just made before. The picture taken by the triple mirror and the triple mirror is obviously brighter than the double mirror. Because of the relationship between the triple mirror and the lens itself, the amount of low light will also become smaller , unless you are going to open the long-term iPhone. Time exposure can make up for the difference in light. Otherwise, you need to use a triple lens in an environment with sufficient or supplementary light to give full play to its better image quality and effect . The second word is The distance between the foreground and the foreground must be far enough so that you can shoot the compression feeling of the triple mirror. You can see the picture of holding ice cream in your hand. We are too close to the wall behind, so in fact, you don’t need to use double. It’s three-times, he ’s taking fake pictures that look exactly the same, because you don’t have a gap between the front and the back, so the wall behind you won’t be stretched or compressed, so everyone remember that when you shoot horizontally with the three-times mirror, you try to be as close as possible. You need to pull out a far enough distance so that the picture will be different from the 1x lens when it is taken. The third point is that it is a 3x lens after all, so the distance is very far. You can see this photo. I just want to take it . I have to hold this cup so far away , so it is relatively inconvenient to shoot, especially when you want to take pictures of some food or meals from top to bottom. In fact, at my height, I need a pad Only the tiptoes can capture the entire table . Compared with some people who may be petite, there is actually no way to capture the entire table well , because its magnification is too high, and it may be necessary to prepare some very high tripods. You can shoot this kind of picture with a triple mirror , so these three points are some places that you may need to pay attention to . In fact, after you notice these three points, basically shooting with a triple mirror will not be too much. The big question is , have you seen the video here and found that the triple mirror is really powerful , but have you ever thought about why the triple mirror can become so professional in shooting ? The most fundamental reason is actually Because the picture taken by the triple mirror is very different from the picture we see with the naked eye. Because you don’t feel any compression when you look at it with the naked eye? Can you see a big picture with the naked eye ? The moon is a big plane , but you can use a triple lens or a high-powered lens to show it, so this is why we feel that the triple lens looks very powerful visually, because it is the same as our usual The world you will see is completely different. When you take pictures in the future, you might as well take out the triple mirror and try it out. It will really break through your field of vision . Today’s video is over here. If you If you have any questions about the triple lens or if you want to see the teaching of the double lens wide-angle lens and other lenses, please let me know in the comments. If you are interested, you can also follow my landscape account. I use iPhone to shoot If you like my video, please remember to press like and share and remember to subscribe to my channel. Finally, don’t forget to turn on the little bell to get more detailed information .
Channel: BPW 學習日誌
Views: 121,819
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Id: zhymOKbLmPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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