買 iPhone 15 相機不會用?設定介面拍攝全教學!
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Channel: 蘋果爹
Views: 301,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4k, UCt757ZhOr3vrvSxKT96b6vA, apple, iphone, apple watch, mac, 蘋果爹, apple dad, 3c, 蘋果妹, 果粉, 蘋果, iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 15 相機教學, iPhone 15 Pro 相機教學, iPhone 15 Pro Max 相機教學, iPhone 15 相機設定, iPhone 15 錄影設定, iPhone 15 4800, iPhone 15 Pro Max 相機設定, iPhone 15 Pro 相機設定
Id: 3BRicw4pfNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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